Museum of Demons

Chapter 221 The Sacrifice Will Be Opened

The one who predicted the whereabouts of Yoshiyuki Motegi was the senior priest of the Great Shrine in Kyoto District.

His father was a direct blood relative of the head of the great shrine.

His mother came from a famous Onmyoji family.

In the past years, this priest has cured many monsters and monsters by relying on his family's magic and divination ability, and has a great reputation, so the head of the Mogi family secretly invited him into the temple , wanting to know the whereabouts of his son.

You really care about your son.

I have seen Mogi Yoshiyuki-kun before. He is calm and calm, and his cultivation is superb. Even if he is in Shenzhou, nothing will happen.

The priest spoke broadly to comfort the middle-aged monk.

Then he asked for a quiet room, saying that he was going to carry out the divination that was secretly handed down in the past dynasties.

Sakurajima attached great importance to this kind of secret, and the monk was not surprised at all. He ordered the little novice next to him to prepare according to the priest's requirements. After a while, he bowed slightly and sent the priest into the secret room. After burning the incense, after a series of complicated preparations, Yoshiyuki Motegi's personal jadeware came again.

This is where the divination begins.


Wei Yuan who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a rush of getting up in his head.

It seemed that someone was staring at him secretly just now, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

No matter how much he lay down, he still couldn't fall asleep. Wei Yuan lay down with his eyes closed for a while, but still took out three copper coins, threw them up with his fingers, and figured out if someone was trying to predict him, the three copper coins fell into his hand , Twirling and spinning, and then falling down in unison, the last two are front and one is reverse.

Wei Yuan frowned.

This means that the direct object of the other party's divination is not him.

But it will indirectly implicate him.

Wei Yuan pondered for a while, then flipped his hands and took out the mountain god seal. Before that, Wei Yuan first used this seal to kill the fish monster in Dongting, and then gave Taoist Taiping a chance to survive, which consumed part of his divine power, but God Still alive, Wei Yuan held the seal of the mountain god, and elevated himself to the position of Mountain God of the ancestors of the Yin Shang Dynasty.

Then I did a complicated gossip algorithm seriously.

Then the eyes are slightly closed, the palms of the hands are folded, and the seal of the mountain god is hung on it, and the hexagram is interpreted in a dream.


In a daze, Wei Yuan saw it in a temple.

I saw a man in a white hunting uniform, muttering words, holding a simple magic weapon, and doing divination. There was a jade artifact in front of him, and the person who spoke was using the language of Sakurajima. In addition to the surrounding environment, Wei Wei Yuan easily figured out what happened.

It was the monk Sakurajima who was hacked to death.

Wei Yuan mused silently to himself thoughtfully:

It seems that this is because the people in the temple are starting to worry because they haven't contacted Dongying Kyoto for too long?

That's why we recruited monks like divination masters, and wanted to divination about their whereabouts.

Wei Yuan thought for a while, stretched out his palm, and clasped his five fingers together slightly. The Seal of the Mountain God emitted a stream of light. He seemed to hold a thread vaguely. As long as he cut it off, he could directly stop the opponent's divination. This is the seal of the Mountain God. The benefits that Xi obtained after being connected with Chaoge's ancestral veins, people of low status cannot count on his heels.

The action paused slightly.

Wei Yuan was also a little worried that if he interrupted the divination so roughly, he would startle the snake.

It would not be good to affect the final effect of Tianshi Mansion's plan.

Wei Yuan pondered for a while, then suddenly remembered that Qi had told himself before that divination is to communicate with the world through various means, to obtain vague and real symbols of the things he cares about, and the most important thing is to interpret them. Before writing the Book of Changes, these were all matters controlled by those high-ranking witches.

It is impossible to distort and tamper with the symbols directly obtained by divination.

That would directly lead to the complete failure of divination.

However, within a reasonable range, it is very simple to make changes to a certain extent and interfere with the correct interpretation of the sorcerers. After gaining some other insights, Wei Yuan pondered for a moment, clasped his palms together slightly, consumed divine power, and slightly changed the symbol that the priest had divination.

Well, that should be fine.



After completing a series of complicated procedures, the priest got the conclusion of divination. After taking a look, he let out a long breath, with a slight smile, opened the door of the quiet room, saw the Mogi people waiting outside the door, and clicked Nodding, smiling calmly:

Fortunately, I already know the current situation of Motegi Yoshiyuki-kun.

The monk with a calm and majestic face had a little joy in his eyes, and clasped his hands together.

I don't know where he is now?


The priest handed over the divination conclusion obtained.

Everyone looked up, their faces relaxed, and they smiled.

There is even surprise in it, as well as gratification and self-satisfaction.

The priest got up and smiled:

Mogi Yoshiyuki-kun is now in a famous mountain with a high status in China.

The strongest monk in the mountain told his disciples to treat Lord Yixing carefully, for fear that something might happen to his health.

And, soon, the masters of Taipingdao will come hand in hand with Lord Yixing.

So everyone in the temple let out a long breath.

Thank you very much.

A little care is not a respect, please accept it.

The middle-aged monk asked the little novice to bring up the previously agreed reward, and the priest accepted it with a smile. Under the instructions of the gods, everything was calm and peaceful, and even the sandalwood smell in this temple became more intoxicating and intoxicating. Some, if there are gods and Buddhas staggering in the sky, drunk with fragrance, giving everything a smooth ride.



Wei Yuan tapped on the table lightly with his fingers, and said to himself:

Come together.

Come here with your head.

He said: There is really no problem.

Wei Yuan, who had already graduated for a long time, expressed his sincere gratitude:

Thank you Chinese teacher.


Time passed slowly, but Wei Yuan never thought that he would be careless, he actually believed in the concept of time of the longevity species, and ten days passed, and Jue still hadn't come back. After making another phone call, knowing that the girl is safe now, she felt relieved.

During this period of time, Wei Yuan held the nine-section staff from time to time, responding to the prayers of the so-called Taoist master.

Talismans of the Daoist sect often need to open the altar, and only by obtaining the order of the ancestors can they ensure that the drawn ones are not ghost-painted talismans, but yellow talismans with real effects and mana. , the Taoist master of Taiping Dao is the first time he has won the approval of the patriarch.

Immediately, he was overjoyed, and only said that the last time he was disturbed by the Tianshi Mansion.

Draw many yellow scarf amulets in one breath.

Wei Yuan responded far beyond usual with a nine-stalk stick.

Let the Taoist feel in advance that he can use this talisman himself, and then break it for him at a critical moment.

This is probably, you actually want to ask for my edict, draw my talisman, and hit me?

After using the nine-jointed staff again to give a response, Wei Yuan put the Taiping Dao magic weapon back on the wooden cabinet, first put the gourd containing the relics on his waist, and then put the three ancient bronze vessels of Yin Shang They were all brought back to the quiet room, allowing them to resonate with each other.

In the end, the mountain god seal slowly emerged.

On the bronze plate with taotie patterns and sacrificial inscriptions, the picture of Chaoge City in the Mountain and Sea Realm reappeared.

Fei Yu and Wu Yu half-kneeled on the ground to salute, seeing the picture on the altar, their expressions were respectful.

...Lord Mountain God, the sacrifice is almost ready.

Wei Yuan hummed, then stretched out his hand, and relying on the connection between the seal of the mountain god and the ancestral line outside Chaoge City, he engulfed the relics one by one with his divine power, and it cost a lot of money to let these beads pass through the bronze plate and fall to the ground. In front of Fei Yu and Wu Yu.

Distribute this thing and give it to the group of people with the highest cultivation.

Wei Yuan's voice paused, thinking of the words written by Wu Yi on the rock wall, he asked:

Among the sacrifices, which kind of sacrifice requires children to hold white flowers and give them to ghosts and gods?

Wu Yu was puzzled, but still replied: It's a great sacrifice every three hundred years.

Wei Yuan said: Then this time, the rules and procedures, let's use this kind of sacrifice as the standard.

At least, there must be a ceremony for the child to send flowers.

The fresh air of the sky and the earth's air of the mountains converged and turned into the young Taoist priest on the altar, he swept his sleeves, seemed to think of something, raised his eyes and said: By the way, the main body of this sacrifice is not me.

Fei Yu and Wu Yu were puzzled.

Immediately, I heard the young Taoist's understatement:

It's Emperor God, Wu Yi.

You should all remember him, you should all know him.

Wei Yuan looked into the distance and said in a low voice, That is the person who has protected you for three thousand years.

PS: The third update today, 2,700 words~Thanks to Long loong for the reward of 20,000~

good night everyone~

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