Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 97 Chaos (Please subscribe, please bookmark)

From the perspective of the Wild Orcs, the black mass of crossbow arrows in front of them was like a black and gray wave that could not be avoided.

The defensive advantage of defending the city is not just the geographical advantage. What is more terrifying is the strong logistical support if the soldiers and civilians in the city are united.

The harpy witches who occupied the mountain fortress originally occupied the underground iron mines to do weapons business. In addition to the red-winged harpy, the middle and lower class harpies also used bows and arrows as weapons, so the arrow reserves in the warehouse were extremely sufficient.

Although arrows cannot be used directly as crossbow arrows, the process of modification is not complicated. If human intelligence is studied attentively, it can be quickly mastered with a little guidance from the dwarf craftsmen.

Therefore, after seven days of bloody battles, the number of crossbow troops in the city increased sharply, but the supply of crossbow arrows has never been cut off. It is not just that:

Modifying the underground waterway route and building the wooden arrow platform in the inner city, all these tasks were completed by the human people in the city in a nearly sleepless state. No need to mobilize, all the old people, children, women, all did their best, and rarely slacked off.

Just as Rhode thought before he decided to occupy the mountain fortress, after experiencing the desperate darkness, humans will cherish the hard-won light more. This state of diligence and hard work will last for three to five generations, and then it will be the so-called "the grace of a gentleman will be cut off after five generations."

Everyone in the society thinks that everything they have now is taken for granted and what they deserve. Then after one or two generations, the whole society will be devoured by the high welfare demand and gradually weaken again.

But that will be three to five generations later, about two hundred years or nearly three hundred years later.

It has nothing to do with the current Lonely Mountain Castle and the Mountaintop City. At this moment, this town is in a sense, the period when its vitality is the most vigorous.

The bravery and morale of the Wild Orcs Alliance is commendable. Even in such an extremely disadvantageous situation, they can still maintain high momentum and launch a fierce attack on the opponent, even if they are stepping on the corpses of their own people, they are not afraid at all.

But war is the most objective thing, and it will not be easily transferred by the kinetic energy of subjective will. When Rhode designed the wooden arrow platforms around the inner city, he had already calculated every entrance node in advance, and sent elite and heavy troops to guard these nodes.

To attack these places, on the one hand, you have to defeat these elite and heavy troops guarding them, and on the other hand, you have to withstand the attack of crossbow arrows from multiple directions at close range.

Therefore, in many cases, these orc warriors often just blocked the spears and long swords in front of them, but before they had time to fight back, they were shot and killed by a crossbow arrow flying from nowhere.

A warrior who had honed his martial arts since childhood was shot and killed by a crossbowman who had joined the army and trained for less than a month. This is an extremely unfair exchange, but the battlefield has never been fair, and here only the result is important.

"Charge! For the tribe!"

Some orc generals were trying their best to urge, and even led the crowd to charge. They may also understand that they were tricked by humans, but now that they have attacked the wall, it is really unreasonable not to fight.

After all, the team has a huge advantage in numbers, and even if they continue to fight, they may still have a chance to win the final victory.

"We are still charging at this time. We have fallen into the trap of humans. Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Another part of the orc generals shouted this. They thought more deeply and suspected that there were a large number of soldiers hidden in the castle, just to lure the coalition forces to attack and bleed continuously.

Just like the hunters in the jungle will drive the beast to run continuously after shooting an arrow, the beast that was originally difficult to deal with often loses the power of the final counterattack.

Both ideas are correct and there is nothing wrong with them. However, when these two ideas and orders appear on the battlefield at the same time, they become the most serious and wrong flaws.

Some orc generals shouted to charge, while others shouted to retreat. Many orc warriors were crowded together and became the favorite targets of the crossbowmen on the inner city arrow platform.

This is the most fatal weakness of the temporary coalition, the lack of internal control. This was covered up when Xiaofeng Murila was at his strongest, but when the coalition suffered a series of setbacks and Xiaofeng Murila's prestige dropped to a relatively low point, it was completely exposed in the most critical battle.

At this moment, Xiaofeng Murila was also desperate. The moment before, he had an almost terrifying bravery and might, but at this moment, when he faced the defensive battle formation led by Fatis, many senior long swordsmen of the Charles, and even the Charles Guards, his eyes were full of despair.

On the expanded wall, there is still space for everything to be done, but under the siege of crossbows and arrows, it is impossible to rush into the many defensive elite soldiers led by the human general in front of him.

Fatis, along with Charles' senior long-sword soldiers and Charles' Royal Guards, were stationed at the entrance of a stone arrow tower. The entire arrow tower was a two-story stone building, and the first-floor entrance was blocked by them. There were a large number of crossbowmen in the second-floor stone building, and there were also wooden arrow platforms extending to one side of the inner city, with several crossbowmen on them as well. These crossbowmen could not be attacked unless they rushed into the arrow tower, and if they attacked, they would have to confront Fatis and Charles' elite soldiers head-on.

The arrows that the Centaur coalition brought for this battle had long been consumed in the previous siege. They had no logistical advantage and could not transform the collected crossbow arrows into arrows.

This street fighting in the inner city after entering the city wall was far more tragic than the siege. Every moment, orc warriors were killed by several arrows. It was useless to hold up the shield. Although the lethality of the light crossbow was not high, the wooden shields in the hands of the orcs were more crude. The former could completely smash the latter and then shoot them to death.

"Ah! I am not willing."

Seeing all this, Xiaofeng Murila led the guards around him to charge with great reluctance. He still wanted to try again. If he retreated now, it would be equivalent to losing.

However, he still didn't think clearly. Now he attacked forcefully without retreating, which only meant that he would lose more miserably.

"Is this the gambler's mentality? Since you have already lost a price that you cannot afford to pay, you might as well continue to lose. Maybe you can still make a comeback."

"But most gamblers don't have the courage to die, and end up dragging down their entire family while they continue to live like a ghost."

If Xiaofeng Murila chose to retreat in time, then Rhode would still respect him a little, but the other party's current choice is to overdraw the future of the entire Centaur tribe.

This kind of stubbornness is actually stupid.

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