Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 96 The contradiction between combat power and tactics

The resurrection of the centaur general had a certain impact on the overall situation of the war.

At that time, there were only members of the Lonely Mountain Castle Security Patrol in the mine tunnel, and they could not stop the guy from escaping. Therefore, it is certain that he has brought the news back.

But this may not be a bad thing for their side.

On the contrary, it was a disaster for the centaur coalition commander Xiaofeng Murila, because the news that the elite troops were completely wiped out could no longer be concealed.

Since he could no longer hide it, Rhodes would no longer cover for him.

Rhodes ordered people to hang the bodies on the city wall one by one: the bodies of the gnoll guards, the bodies of the red-winged harpy, and the bodies of the black-armored heavy cavalry warriors of the Xiaofeng tribe.

The next day, early in the morning.

When the centaur coalition generals got up, they saw their own soldiers surrounding the front line, looking at something from afar.

Some generals frowned and yelled at them, but when they saw the dead bodies hanging on the city wall, their faces suddenly changed, and then they immediately dispersed the crowd, and then fled in a panic to the direction of the commander's tent.

These generals couldn't help but be afraid. The bodies of the Gnoll Guards Gnolls were twice as large as those of ordinary ones, and the Red Winged Harpy was also difficult to forge. There were also so many strong and sturdy Centaurs hanging on the city wall.

The reason why the coalition forces could withstand the huge casualties for so many days and still not retreat was largely because the most elite troops in the army disappeared.

Although no one said where they went, all the generals and even the soldiers had rumors that this would be a force that would suddenly rush out at the most critical moment and win the game.

The Gnoll Guards, the Red Winged Harpy, and the Black Armored Heavy Cavalry of the Howling Wind Tribe were all terrible and powerful armies that could stop children from crying at night in the wilderness, and they were qualified to be expected in this way.

Now, this army that everyone expected to win the game in one fell swoop appeared in a way that most people could not imagine, and everyone felt that it would be better if they did not appear again.

The morale of the Centaur coalition forces suffered a major blow.

When the panicked general ran into the commander's tent, he found that he was not the first one. Many colleagues had gathered in the tent. People were panicking and talking about it. No one could understand why such a powerful and elite army was almost silently destroyed.

Except for a few generals, most people were terrified and puzzled until the commander of the coalition forces, Xiaofeng Murila, walked in wearing steel armor.

However, he did not explain too much, but directly issued an order:

"After noon today, the whole army will attack the city. And I will be the vanguard of the whole army. In this battle, if I don't win, I will die!"

The commander of the coalition forces, as a vanguard attacking the city, if I don't win, I will die. This is already the most resolute statement.

Today, either the former Mountain Fortress, now the Lonely Mountain Castle, will be destroyed, or the hero of the Centaur tribe, Xiaofeng Murila, will die here.

Being able to become the commander of the coalition forces, Xiaofeng Murila undoubtedly still has great prestige in the army, so after he issued such a resolute statement, all doubts and confusions were temporarily suppressed.

The generals in the military tent looked at each other, then slowly half-knelt down to accept the marshal's military order.

Because they also noticed the faint trampling of horse hooves around the tent, and the obviously red eyes of Xiaofeng Murila in front of them: in this case, if they dared to raise doubts without receiving military orders, they would probably be executed immediately.

"It's just a little bit to capture the Mountain Fortress. Even if I die, I must capture it." At this moment, the Centaur commander has fallen into a semi-crazy state.

After the Centaur commander fled back, Xiaofeng Murila knew that he would soon lose control of the coalition forces. In this case, he might as well take a final gamble.

If you win, everything can be explained.

If you lose, there is no need to say anything more.

"What is this? The whole army is advancing, and they are going to fight to the death?"

At the front of the wall of Lonely Mountain Castle, Rhodes held up a brass telescope and looked at the advancing army below the city.

It seemed as if he saw a gambler who had lost all his chips and pushed them up, and he couldn't help but smile slightly.

The dealer likes such guests the most.

Such people in the casino have basically no chance of winning, but the dealer still has to beware of the opponent's tricks to prevent the opponent from overturning the table and attacking him directly.

"Move all the troops up, this war is about to end."

"My lord, do you want to leave some people to defend the underground secret passage?" Fatis asked on the side, and the suggestion he made was not unreasonable.

"No need, just ask Janice to lead the people there. Their commander is in the current state, and he should no longer use any tactics."

"...Yes." Although he hesitated a little, Fatis still left quickly as ordered.

Who are Janice's men?

They are not even as good as auxiliary soldiers. They are a group of volunteers/free people who have not received any military training and are completely organized spontaneously. The only meaning of letting them defend there is that the more people they have, the longer it will take for the enemy to chop them.

But if there is a high probability that no one will attack that secret passage, then the Lord's arrangement is reasonable and reasonable. Although it is not heavily guarded, there are fortifications.

The whole army's attack on the city has begun. At this moment, looking down, they are all densely packed with human heads:

Centaurs, sheep-headed men, wild boar men, lizard men, fish men, many soldiers came up, which was too much, because the limited siege ladder was simply not enough to allow them all to board the entire siege, so their existence The meaning is to be a target for archers in the town.

At this moment, when every crossbowman looks down and shoots, there is no need to aim at all, because as long as he shoots at the place where the foreign warriors are gathered, there is almost no chance of missing, and there is still a high chance of a headshot with one arrow.

"Are these orcs crazy? Are they rushing up like this even though they know they are going to die? Are they rushing to die?" Raymond stood high on the arrow tower, wildly holding his bow and shooting arrows.

During this process, he himself did not notice that a warm current suddenly overflowed from his body, soothing the fatigue accumulated from long-term battles and increasing his potential.

The reason for this phenomenon is that Raymond was finally promoted from the fourth-level Leopard Spirit Hunter of the Shire to the fifth-level Son of the Forest. With Rhodes' confirmation and upgrade, his personal attributes were improved.

The improvement of elites also requires the consumption of dinars, and it consumes more than the upgrade of ordinary soldiers. However, Rhodes cannot control the direction of his attribute improvement, and even Raymond himself cannot control it. He can only say what he needs to practice more. Attributes, which attributes may be improved higher.

"This is the bloodthirsty thaumaturgy of the shaman priest group. It can greatly stimulate the potential of the recipients for a certain period of time, allowing them to increase their strength and move quickly. However, blessing so many people at the same time consumes a lot of magic power... …This is a good thing for us. It shows that the enemy’s morale is low and has to be maintained with this kind of magic. Moreover, the number of bloodthirsty thaumaturgy attack magics that can be used will be reduced.”

Fatis had traveled through the wilderness and gained a lot of experience, so he explained at this moment.

"For real warriors, this kind of spell blessing is actually a burden, but for orcs, this kind of spell is extremely useful."

The next moment, Fatis had already charged out.

After experiencing this week of bloody hell-like training, among the four of Fatis, Raymond, Kress, and Rhodes, Fatis' level has improved the most. He is now a level four holy knight.

Rhodes mainly added some strength and intelligence attributes to him, because agility does not mean speed, but more of agility and coordination. On the battlefield, power equals speed, and the higher the power burst, the faster the speed burst.

If this is a knight novel, then Fatis must be the real protagonist, and Rhodes may be the devil hiding behind the scenes to carry out some evil plot, because at least during this period, the growth rate of personal combat power is far faster than Rhodes. Far less than Fatis' improvement.

What Centaur Alliance leader Sao Feng Mulila said about leading the charge and being a vanguard was not just talk, he really did it.

When the white-haired veteran, covered in heavy black armor and holding a long crescent ax, charged up the city stairs, all the centaurs fell into a kind of madness, even if they were violently attacked by crossbow bolts diagonally overhead. , and can't beat this enthusiasm for a while.

In such a chaotic battlefield, Rhodes did not have the ability to immediately order all the crossbowmen to snipe the old guy, but Sao Feng Mulila's unruly posture naturally received the most violent siege at the first time.

When he was on the stairs to the city, the crossbow arrows from all directions almost formed a dense torrent visible to the naked eye and attacked him.

However, what the attack hit was a strong flame that suddenly erupted from the general's body. It was a blood-colored flame that was like steel armor, blocking the crossbow arrows fired from all directions, let alone killing the opponent. , even the armor on Sao Feng Mulila's body could not be touched.

Such a terrifying scene even caused a moment of stasis and silence on the battlefield, just like watching a war movie and pressing the pause button.

Not only is the super terrifying defense power, but also the strength, speed, instant explosive power, all the attributes of Sao Feng Mulila are terrifying!

Why can he become the commander-in-chief of the Centaur Alliance? That's because this centaur warrior was a hero who led the tribe to greatness when he was young.

When Sao Feng Mulila was young, the Sao Feng tribe was not very powerful. At that time, the young centaur warrior wanted to protect the tribe and his family, and all he could rely on was the bow and ax in his hand.

At that time, Sao Feng Mulila was so brave that all the men in Sao Feng's tribe regarded him as a hero, and all their daughters considered it an honor to marry him.

"Since when did I become obsessed with the sense of power that power brings? Was it when the Sao Feng tribe finally became the largest centaur tribe, or was it the day I found myself starting to age?"

"When did I start trusting authority more than the weapons in my hands, and trusting tactics more than trusting myself? It turns out... it was the day I grew old."

In fact, he has done a good job.

If he hadn't met someone with crazy intelligence attributes, Sao Feng Mulila might never have to look at himself like this again in his life.

Of course, there will never be such almost crazy self-combustion as now.

"Come back, my courage, my strength, even if only once, let me lead my tribe to victory again!"

"Warriors of the Howling Wind Tribe, charge!" The last sentence was shouted out by Howling Wind Murila.

The next moment, he rushed towards the enemy behind the city wall like a heavy cannonball, and the defending human soldiers flew up as if they were blown up by the axe.


Below were the roaring centaurs and warriors of other races. A general is the courage of the soldiers, so the proverb says that it is easy to get a thousand troops, but it is difficult to get a general.

"Humph, with such crazy consumption and burning of fighting spirit, how long can you last with such an old body?" Standing on a high point at one end of the city wall, Rhodes looked down at the battlefield.

Although he thought so in his mind, he knew that he could not go down to resist Howling Wind Murila at this moment. It was not because of courage, but because he really couldn't beat him.

Based on the spirit of Howling Wind Murila at this moment, Rhodes estimated that if he went down at this time, he could only survive two axes at most. If he didn't die with the third axe, he would be crippled, and the fourth axe would definitely kill him.

"But even if I let you rush up, what can you do? If you had such courage and determination at the beginning, maybe I would have really lost the battle."

Xiaofeng Murila's bravery was the best among the three armies, which greatly inspired the morale of the orcs. Because it was the point opened up by his powerful personal force, it became a stronghold for subsequent orcs to climb the city wall, and it continued to expand and the number of people increased.

At this time, Rhodes noticed that Fatis, who was beheading the orcs who were rushing to the city at other locations, burst out of his fighting spirit, and seemed to rush up to fight Xiaofeng Murila.

Rhodes raised his hand and shot a crossbow. A crossbow arrow suddenly fell beside Fatis who was charging. Naturally, he was startled suddenly. He looked up and saw that it was the lord Rhodes, to whom he was loyal, who was slowly shaking his head at him.

Seeing this, although he was very unwilling, Fatis, who had extremely high knight ethics, could only stare at Xiaofeng Murila in the end, and then retreat step by step.

Of course, Rhode couldn't let Fatis fight Xiaofeng Murila to death. Fatis was only 24 years old this year. He just looked older. Xiaofeng Murila, the commander of the Centaur coalition, was already in his twilight years. If Fatis was to fight Xiaofeng Murila now, there was a high probability that Fatis would not be able to beat him. Even if he narrowly won by luck, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Rhode currently had the opportunity to attack the God General, and this was the only hero. In the full injury mode, if Fatis was to fight such a duel, he would be in danger unless his head was caught by the door or kicked by the Centaur.

Following Rhode's instructions, the troops on the city wall retreated in an orderly manner, with the front army resisting and the rear army crossbowmen covering.

With Fatis as the main general and the elite soldiers of Redwood Town, it might not be impossible to stop and catch up with the elite beastmen led by Xiaofeng Murila, but there was a high probability that he would suffer heavy losses. Fatis might also be seriously injured and his future development potential would be affected.

If there is really no other way, then it's fine, but Rhodes has a way to deal with it.

"During this period, I read the military books of this world that I could find, combined with my memories of my previous life, and found a problem."

"That is, compared with the Eastern military books of the previous life, the military books of this world lack a concept, that is, 'momentum'."

"The military books of this world all teach you step by step how to arrange troops, how to arrange formations, and what tactics to use to gain advantages in each situation. The Eastern military theory of the previous life may be based on chess or go thinking. There is a concept of 'momentum', which is that I form 'momentum' through specific behaviors to guide the opponent to do what I want. The military action to be obtained. "

"The people in this world are not stupider than the Orientals in the previous life. Why didn't they have this kind of thinking? I didn't understand it at first, but later I gradually reacted, because the extraordinary power was too strong. As the saying goes, 'If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can blow it up! 'If there is an extremely convenient and effective means, then more complex operations seem to have no necessary soil for breeding. "

"Roar, roar, roar!"

When the orc warriors, led by the commander, finally attacked the city wall, they couldn't help but roared with great pleasure.

Without a strong city defense, those weak humans seemed to have become cattle and sheep livestock to be slaughtered, and were only worthy of being harvested by the strong and brave orc warriors.

However, when their heads really passed the height of the city wall and really saw the existence behind the wall, although the smiles on their faces had not completely disappeared, the animal holes in their pupils had already expanded violently first, and then suddenly shrank into needle tips.

I saw that the height was only about half a blade lower than the city wall, and a large number of human warriors had already lined up on the wooden platform where densely packed crossbowmen gathered.

Looking at the orcs appearing in front of them, the corners of the crossbowmen's mouths curled slightly, which was the cruel smile that the god of death would show when harvesting lives.

The design of the high-rise building car is not complicated, especially the Lonely Mountain Castle is a temporary high platform that does not need to be moved when building in the inner city. As long as there are enough people, it can be built in a very short time.

What is really wrong and impossible is the dense number of human crossbowmen in front of them.

After these days of fighting, the top leaders of the coalition have long concluded that the human crossbowmen in the mountain fortress are at most about a hundred people, otherwise it would be impossible for the coalition forces to repeatedly attack the city wall.

However, there are at least two hundred or three hundred crossbowmen in all directions in front of them. The crossbow arrows they shot when they pulled the trigger at the same time are black and dense, which reminds people of the gathering and shrouding clouds before the heavy rain.

Suddenly I feel uncomfortable when I have nothing to do. Starting tomorrow, I will resume updating 10,000 words.

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