Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 90 Brave, Hero Killer

As long as they are intelligent races, their wisdom and courage can only be maximized when they are used for killing and destruction. This seems to be a truth that applies to all metaverses.

Arrows rained down and shot back and forth from the Lonely Mountain Castle.

Commander Rhodes waited until the enemy had rushed to a relatively close distance before ordering the shooting.

Therefore, every crossbowman on the wall was very anxious. They were eager to shoot back the enemies that surged up like waves below, and the blood mist was floating.

A relatively closer distance, on the one hand, means it is easier to hit the opponent, and on the other hand, it also means that it is easier to withstand the enemy's counterattack.


Cress, who was lying on the arrow slit of the wall and shooting at the enemy below, suddenly heard such a sound.

She looked up a little dazedly, but saw that it was her teacher Fatis, waving a shield in the shape of a wrapped iron kite in his left hand to block an arrow shot from the bottom of the city.

"When attacking the enemy, you must also pay attention to protecting yourself. If you are hit by this arrow, the arrow will penetrate your left shoulder blade, and there is a considerable possibility that you will become a cripple for the rest of your life."

"Thank you, teacher."

"No need to thank me, protect yourself. I am afraid I will not have so much spare energy to take care of you in the next battle."

After Fatis whispered this, he walked to the front of the city wall with a calm expression.

However, Kress knew that Teacher Fatis did not have any opinions about him, but the war was imminent, and the teacher was gathering all unnecessary consumption of spirit and concentrating his mind to improve his combat effectiveness.

Since the number of crossbow arrows in the town was not very sufficient, Rhodes chose to use a more tragic battle to capture the city to intensify the consumption of enemy personnel morale and reduce unnecessary crossbow arrow losses.

Eighty-two level three skilled crossbowmen shot at the target close to them, and the chance of missing was very low. In a certain sense, they only needed to mechanically move and keep shooting at the crowd below. There was no need to aim, and there were few misses.

But in this way, the defense infantry troops had relatively greater pressure to defend the city.

"Compared to the past, I have indeed become stronger and stronger. Using the shield in my hand to protect others from stray arrows was an unimaginable ability in the past, but now I can do it so easily."

"Because I have found my own belief: to fight for the glory and happiness of most humans until death! Holy Light, please protect me!"

The next moment, Fatis held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, and silently rushed to the front of the city wall, fighting with the centaur warriors who stepped on the ramparts and charged up fiercely.

The centaur warriors have a racial value that exceeds that of ordinary human warriors, but they still feel powerless when facing Fatis, whose strength and agility are many times higher than ordinary people, and who also has the sacred fighting spirit to increase his combat power.

The powerful strength and speed, superb sword skills and shield skills in front of him make this man like a moving steel fortress, which is difficult to shake.

Although battlefield swordplay is often not complicated and exquisite, all the centaur warriors who fought with Fatis felt that they were inexplicably trapped in the enemy's rhythm. When the opponent slashed horizontally, they raised their shields, and when they held their shields horizontally, the opponent slashed and slashed. Time and time again, it was as if they were deliberately cooperating with the opponent, and they were quickly killed or crashed into the city wall.

Those fierce and sturdy centaur warriors who used two-handed weapons felt even more powerless. When they swung their weapons forward, they either couldn't touch the opponent or were bullied by the opponent. The wooden pole wheel hit the steel armor, and the opponent was unharmed, but they were stabbed.

Fatis, who was in full state in all aspects, was simply a killing weapon on the top of the city for a while. In just a moment, his steel armor was already blood red.

Rhodes glanced at this time, but he didn't open the system panel. He knew without opening it that he must be flooded with Fatis's continuous battle records at this moment:

The insight feature quickly sees through the opponent's flaws.

The iron will always keeps the mind focused, and its own energy is not consumed too much by the ups and downs of the mood, so it can be fully devoted to the battle.

Unparalleled fighting spirit improves all personal combat skills, and the actions are less likely to be interrupted during the battle.

"As expected, he is the one who is most likely to challenge the strength of the 'God-level general' among the famous heroes. He already had such an advantage when the extraordinary revival of the magic tide first started. It is hard to imagine how powerful he will be if he continues to walk to the end for decades."

The strongest legendary paladin in the world?

The eighth-level immortal demigod?

All of these are possible in the future.

Cress was shooting in the arrow slits at the highest point of the city wall, her brother Raymond led the crowd to shoot on the side of the city wall, and Rhodes was holding a heavy crossbow, but he would shoot and stop from time to time to observe the changes in the situation on the battlefield.

At this time, when Rhodes looked down at the city, his pupils suddenly expanded sharply, and then contracted violently.

Because Rhodes saw that there was a ball of golden red light slowly floating in the distance.

It was already noon at this time, and the golden red light ball certainly could not be the sun.

"Fatis, be careful!"


Almost at the same time as Rhode's exclamation, a high-explosive bomb with powerful magical power arrived.

Almost in an instant, the active city head of Fatis was engulfed in flames.

Along with him, the armored soldiers around him and the centaur warriors who were attacking the city were also engulfed.

Fatis was so active that even though the holy fighting energy in his body was used very sparingly, the senior leaders of the Centaur coalition quickly judged:

Masters, first-class extraordinary masters, can control the power of fighting spirit so freely and meticulously, which is rare even among magic races whose extraordinary inheritance has never been cut off.

Therefore, the shaman priests, under the instructions of the higher-ups, tried their best to lower their own morale and directly kill the enemy general.

Don't worry about lowering your own morale, as long as it lowers the enemy's morale even more.

However, the result of the matter was that our own morale was indeed reduced, but the enemy general failed to successfully kill him.

Although the high-explosive flame bomb swallowed up all the life in the area almost instantly, Fatis suddenly broke away from his opponent and retreated quickly when a strong white light suddenly spread around him. Although he was enveloped by the fire for a moment, he was still surrounded by fire. Braving white smoke, he escaped from the absolute lethal range of the flaming bullets.

Of course, the soldiers wearing iron armor around him and the centaur warriors charging into the city were not so lucky.

For the first time, all the flesh within the range of the high-explosive flame bomb was ignited and turned into running torches. As time passed, the terrifying heat it carried gradually spread, causing the surrounding iron weapons and armor to glow red. Then it softened and flowed like clay, falling on the corpse that fell on the city wall and burning up bursts of green smoke.

Also on the other side of the city wall, Rhodes could clearly smell a suffocating stench lingering on the tip of his nose.

"Lord Fatis!"

"Lord Fatis!"

The surrounding auxiliary soldiers exclaimed and rushed to get water to pour it down.

"Thank you, I'm fine." As soon as he stepped back from the front of the city wall, with light smoke still rising all over his body, he was poured down by the auxiliary soldiers with buckets of clean water.

The holy fighting spirit has both enhanced physical strength and a certain anti-magic effect, but this is not the reason why Fatis can retreat with almost no damage.

The most important reason is that his behavior of attracting attention and attracting enemy magic attacks was originally planned.

The magic races in the wilderness have never stopped inheriting their extraordinary power. Although the spell-casting skills of these wilderness shamans may be relatively primitive and rough, the current Lonely Mountain Castle does not even have the methods to deal with such primitive and rough magic attacks. No, it can only be filled with human life.

Therefore, at this moment, on the city wall, except for the crossbowmen behind the cover of the arrow tower, not even one of the elite soldiers of Redwood Town could be seen.

Wearing iron armor and holding spears, standing in a dense crowd, they were all auxiliary soldiers and even civilians without military training.

This is not cold-blooded, but a choice that must be made in war: if someone must be bombed, then preserving more elite troops is the most rational choice for every commander.

Fatis was also prepared to withstand the bombardment of spells before going to the battlefield. Only with his quality could he be more confident that he could survive such a terrifying attack.

If it were the current Rhodes, Raymond, or Kress, no matter who was replaced, it would be a dead end.

As long as the magic power of those shamans is not exhausted, the threat will always exist objectively.

"Are you okay? Fatis?"

At this time, Rhodes walked over quickly and asked with concern.

The one just now is magic. It is an offensive magic that is known as the "hero killer" in the early stage. If it is smashed hard in the early stage, the hero unit will also die.

"It's okay. I was prepared and retreated quickly enough. Sir, I can still fight now."

"...Go ahead, but please remember to be careful." At this moment, Rhodes had no other option. One high-explosive fire bomb would consume all the magic reserves of the shaman priest group.

However, with the experience of being attacked once, everyone on the city wall roughly knew where the enemy shaman was hiding.

Rhodes ordered Kress to stop the attack, use the brass telescope, and observe the enemy shaman group with all his attention, and provide an early warning if he found that they were condensing flame bombs again.

"This is nothing. When Fatis and I were lurking here as slaves, it was on this city wall that we encountered the shaman priest group at the peak of the Centaur coalition. The flames they summoned seemed to It was like the entire city wall was burned down. At that time, I didn’t even think I could survive.”

"But that time was not considered the peak period of the Shaman Sacrifice Group. The peak period was when they just started to attack the mountain fortress. It was also at that time that the lizard guard and the jackal guard suffered a large number of casualties. Otherwise, Mountain Fortress will never consider giving weapons to slaves, just like we will never issue weapons to slaves now."

Raymond looked at the Centaur coalition below him, not knowing whether he was talking to someone or to himself.

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