Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 89 God-level talent, innate ancient god

In the battle that completely wiped out the centaur coalition's advance force, the Redwood Town elite army suffered zero casualties. Only two soldiers suffered serious injuries and needed to be temporarily separated from the army to wait for natural recovery and later recuperation results.

But among the ninety-four second-level Rodok crossbowmen, twelve were killed and injured in the battle. This was the result of Rhodes's holy light being fully activated, otherwise the casualties would have been even more disastrous.

Although they had a huge advantage in terms of tactical arrangements, the Centaur shooters were too elite. Under extremely unfavorable circumstances, they still caused an effective counterattack against the crossbowmen equipped with light iron armor that exceeded their own level.

Twelve people were killed and maimed in battle, basically this is how they came about.

Even among the eighty-two second-level Rodok crossbowmen, not all were upgraded after the war, as Rhodes expected. Instead, only seventy-nine were promoted, and three others failed to upgrade.

This abnormal acquisition of killing experience, as well as the early surrender of the undead wizard Caitlin, allowed Rhodes to vaguely confirm the answer he had speculated in his mind:

"The so-called system is probably just a hidden god-level talent of mine. During the process of traveling, the plane crystal wall strengthened the power of my soul. Just like the god-level hero Alan Dial can be consumed in the void with minimal magic power. It's the same as summoning a ghost dragon, so the system is inaccurate, and the conversion efficiency of killing experience is inaccurate: five hundred centaur warriors still cannot promote all the second-level crossbowmen, and the assigned tasks are inaccurate: one week's completion deadline, As a result, Caitlin herself surrendered early.”

"This is all because I am too weak, and the system's power is not strong enough. As I become stronger, this talent will gradually become more powerful."

People naturally think about themselves. Although Rhodes doesn't really mind the causes and consequences, he doesn't mind enjoying the process either.

Just like a person suddenly gains a special power, no one would just use it without asking why. Most of them would think about it and give themselves an answer.

"The ability of void creation is too powerful, but if it involves the plane crystal wall, the absorption and transformation of soul power, and the generation of divine power, then it is not unreasonable. After all, divine power is conceptually omnipotent. strength."

"So, my current state is that of a soul-level, alternative innate ancient god?" Time gradually passed while Rhodes was making deductions, writing notes, governing, training troops, and making preparations for war. .

Finally, nearly fifteen days after the Centaur advance force was destroyed, the main body of the Centaur coalition arrived in front of Gushan Castle.

In fact, this coalition army could have been faster and faster, but after learning that his centaur advance force was completely destroyed, the supreme commander of this wilderness coalition force, Sao Feng Raudare Mulilla, refused to do it. Anxious.

Because he has realized that the opponent in front of him is a powerful and terrifying opponent, not just a hairless monkey who was lucky enough to pick the fruit, so he is constantly accumulating strength and trying to be prepared in all aspects.

Finally, he succeeded.

In front of the castle, a large black military formation was lined up. As far as the eye could see, there was at least a large army of 6,000 people, and there were even red-winged harpies and jackal guards among them.

"Damn, why are they mixed up? Aren't they mortal enemies?" On the city wall, Raymond held up a monocular and looked around while cursing.

This guy is using this method to relieve his psychological pressure.

"Dead revenge? As long as the price is right, no matter how deep the revenge is, it can be resolved. After all, the dead are dead, but the living will continue to live. There is only one situation suitable for revenge, and that is when you can be sure that this One blow can completely kill the opponent and prevent future troubles." When Rhodes said this, he naturally thought of some people who had a good life. This was the instinctive reaction of the soul, even if he was no longer in that world. , the hatred still continues.

What is the meaning of hatred?

If a person is hurt and does not try to fight back, or at least remember the hatred, then the people around him will also hurt him, and finally eat him completely. Every human emotion exists to serve its own survival.

At this moment, in the enemy array below, a centaur archer suddenly ran out of the array, then raised his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow from a distance.

At this distance, it is difficult for arrows or crossbow bolts to actually cause damage.

Because he never received orders from Rhodes, the human archer behind the arrow tower on the city wall did not attack him, allowing the centaur archer to easily return to his own formation.

The arrow that was shot into the city carried a letter. The letter was quickly checked and delivered to Rhodes.

Rhodes took the letter, read it quickly, and then threw it away without caring.

"Lord, what does it say?"

"Someone among the centaurs on the opposite side recognized us, so Sao Feng Murila promised that for the sake of Yalos, if we choose to leave now, he will promise not to pursue us."

"Damn it, you really think we are Alos' subordinates!"

"Sir, how do we reply?" At this time, the Fatis Knight stood up and spoke.

"Let Raymond shoot back at them. Is this clear enough?" At this moment, all four core members of Redwood Town were on the city wall. Not to mention Rhode, Fatis and Raymond, even the little girl Cress was huddled in the arrow tower with a heavy crossbow.

Almost all the humans on and off the city wall thought that the city would survive and the people would die.


With the sound of feather arrows breaking through the air, the centaur Xiaofeng Murila standing in front of the formation reached out and easily caught the arrow shot by Raymond.

However, the other party's meaning was also expressed very clearly.

"Attack the city and let those hairless monkeys see what fear is!"


With the order of Xiaofeng Murila, a series of simple catapults were pushed over, and at the same time, the shamans prepared to cast spells and the siege troops prepared to rush the ladders.

After such a long delay, the Centaur Alliance did not do nothing. Even due to the slow march, even the shaman priests who were casters could be put into the battlefield on the first day of the siege.

Whoosh whoosh.

Stones were thrown one after another, but the former mountain fortress, the Lonely Mountain Castle today, was still easy to defend and difficult to attack with solid walls.

The entire mountain city was built by taking advantage of the mountain terrain. Any attackers had to be in a position to attack from above. In addition, the siege equipment of the orcs was relatively simple, so any stones thrown up could not really hurt the city walls, and could only provide a certain degree of cover.

The shaman priests from the Fireball School were in a similar situation. They had already made fire prevention preparations on the top of the wall. Even if it was a magical flame, it would not burn for long if it simply burned stones.

Therefore, compared with siege equipment and magic, the Centaur Alliance really relied on the siege troops and the Orcs' average racial value that was far higher than that of humans.

Although they could not use ladders, the Centaur Alliance had siege planks made by shaman priests consuming magic power. As long as they were placed diagonally and fixed as much as possible, the brave Centaur warriors would dare to rush directly to the top of the city along these siege planks and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

This kind of ladder seems to have no technical content, but in fact, it has a lot of magic content. It is resistant to being chopped by knives and axes, resistant to fire, and very resistant to slipping. However, due to the limitation of materials and the number of shamans, the number of this siege tool is limited. In the last siege, most of them were lost.

This time, many centaurs held up the ladders for siege, which were actually made temporarily. In terms of quality, they are of course far inferior to the original ones.

"Crossbowmen, attack!"

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

With the commander's order, the sound of the city defense crossbow arrows breaking through the air was closely connected. Rhodes avoided the sharp edge and waited for the centaurs under the city to rush to a certain distance before ordering to shoot.

Eighty-two third-level Rhodok skilled crossbowmen (the remaining three were trained in fifteen days). This number may not be a big deal in the human legion, but it is terrible in the scale of tribal wars such as the wilderness.

The Rhodok skilled crossbowmen who have experienced cruel bloody battles and upgraded their levels again, they shoot skillfully and steadily, retreat, reload crossbow arrows, and shoot again.

Although the number of eighty-two third-level skilled crossbowmen is less than that of ninety-four second-level crossbowmen, their attack output is actually enhanced by more than half. The density of the crossbow arrows is terrifying, as if one hundred and twenty or thirty crossbowmen are constantly attacking from all angles.

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