Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 83: Lure someone into a trap and then beat the dog behind closed doors!

"What? You entered the city without any resistance? Even the city gates have been lowered?"

"Hahahaha, it seems that the intelligence is true. The number of human troops is not large. They have now abandoned the city and fled."

After hearing the report from his men, the commander of the Centaur advance team, Deka Murila, did not suspect a fraud, but laughed happily.

In fact, under normal circumstances, a human noble with his guards of less than 100 people attacked the mountain fortress of the harpy witch. He could only gamble on luck that other forces in the wilderness would not find out in a short time.

Because it is not an easy task to organize those human slaves, not every human noble has enough political literacy and ability to do all this.

In the 21st century on Earth, any college student who travels to this world can basically become a scholar or even a polymath. He doesn't even need a college student, a high school student is enough. This is a dimensionality reduction attack caused by different views.

Of course, whether you can go further and become a general or even a military noble depends on the specific situation. After all, many people in the 21st century don't even dare to kill chickens.

Since it is highly likely that the other party will abandon the city and flee, there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, the walls of the mountain fortress are thick and the city is strong. Under normal circumstances, no military commander will directly abandon such a city defense advantage and use strategies recklessly.

In the real battlefield, most of the time it is a head-on battle of strength.

"The fortress that Xiaofeng tribe failed to take down after so many people died, now falls into our hands. With such military merits in hand, he may not be able to compete with me for the position of elder of the tribal alliance in the future."

Deka Murila, he brought his close guards and entered the town almost unprepared. This cannot be blamed on him. Not to mention among the barbarians who are relatively lacking in experience, even in the history of human military, this tactical play of directly abandoning the advantage of the outer fortress is extremely rare, and it can even be said that it has almost never appeared.

If Rhodes did not rely on extremely high morale and loyalty, it would be difficult for him to perfectly complete this tactical arrangement.

"If the main force of the Centaur coalition has arrived at the city, I certainly won't be crazy enough to give up the city defense. But since it's just an advance force, I will take these 500 people without hesitation, and teach our Centaur friends a lesson with the most brutal street fighting."

"Cresse, the military strategy says 'If you know all the information about the enemy and you, you will never fail'. While believing in this, you must also remember another sentence 'There is no general who doesn't make mistakes. Making fewer mistakes on the battlefield and correcting them quickly represents victory'."

In a room on a high tower, Rhodes and Cress watched all the enemy and our deployments below the tower through a brass telescope.

In the Centaur tribe, many people are excellent archers and have excellent eyesight, but no matter how good their eyesight is, they can't directly see through many temporary hidden buildings. And a large number of Rhodes' soldiers are hiding in these buildings.

"Master, aren't these two sentences you taught me contradictory? You asked us to do it well in advance, but you also asked us not to regret it if we didn't do it well, and we could just correct it immediately."

"Not contradictory, Cress, you just need to remember these concepts now, and you will naturally deepen your understanding as you apply them in the future. A good book is like food. After it passes through your body, even if you have forgotten it, it will actually change many things."

Nutritious food will create a strong body, and good books will shape a strong spirit. In fact, they will have a far-reaching impact, even if the person involved doesn't think so.

Rhode's plan was not perfectly executed after all.

Originally, he planned to put 500 auxiliary soldiers into the woods outside the city, leaving only 150 elite soldiers in the city, and complete the strangulation inside and outside, and eat all the Centaur advance troops in front of him, leaving no one behind.

However, in the process, some soldiers still had poor psychological quality, or were unlucky and were discovered by the Centaur warriors in advance.

So at this time, the plan could only be launched in advance.


A flaming arrow streaked across the silent night sky.

Seeing the signal, the 500-man auxiliary troops hidden in the forest outside the city immediately launched a full-scale attack under the orders of Moken and Mad, rushing towards the town.

On the other side, the elite soldiers in the city who had been exposed in advance had already fought with the Centaur troops.

The three-stage shooting angles specially set by Rhodes overlapped, making the dense crossbow arrows like a rainstorm cover all the Centaur warriors in the range, and they fell one after another in an instant.

Crossbow arrows are shot in a straight line. Although they are fast, fierce and lethal, they are not as good at projectiles as bows and arrows. In other words, if there are friendly troops standing in front, the crossbowman's attack will be greatly affected.

The ambush points in the city that Rhodes specially selected, the positions where the crossbowmen hid were at different heights and angles. Often the Centaur troops had to suffer continuous attacks from three teams of Rhodok crossbowmen on the upper, middle and oblique sides, and also had to withstand close combat attacks from the soldiers of Redwood Town.

In this complex street fighting environment, although the fighting is more close and brutal, if the long-range archer units are well deployed, they can often cause far more terrible casualties than in city defense battles.

The town is relatively small and cramped, which greatly limits the high mobility advantage of the Centaur warriors themselves. In addition, because all non-combatants were gathered and restricted in the underground mines before the war, even if they set fire to the houses, they could not cause any chaos in the city.

This place has just been burned once, and there is no combustible material to burn the city again.

It is impossible for all the 500 Centaur advance troops to be excellent archers. Even if they are, the productivity of the Centaur tribe in the wilderness is limited to the number of bows and arrows.

Therefore, after being attacked, only a few can effectively counterattack in the first time. Moreover, this time they were caught off guard, with no psychological and geographical advantages, and they were attacked by those elite and brave Redwood Town warriors in close combat.

For a while, a large number of help signals from various parts of the troops were piled up here at Commander Deka Murila.

And until this moment, the commander's brain was in a mess. He couldn't understand why he suddenly fell into such a terrible situation even though he had already taken over the town.

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