Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 82 Calling on everyone to subscribe to this book, updating 10,000 words a day is really tiri

At night, on the square of the Mountain Fortress.

The ninety-four soldiers trained by Rhodes himself and the more than five hundred reserve auxiliary soldiers trained by Fatis were all assembled.

After the "Burning Blood Day", the entire territory of Rhodes had about nine thousand human freemen, including lizardmen, jackal slaves, and some natives of the city, about ten thousand people.

So far, no account has been established for registration, so this is just an approximate number.

With ten thousand people, more than six hundred soldiers are supported. Although there are only more than one hundred and fifty full-time soldiers, most of them are reserve auxiliary soldiers, but given the current financial situation of the territory, it is still a bit overloaded.

However, these have little impact for the time being, because the majority of the freemen of the Mountain Fortress were originally transitioned from human slaves. Their psychological expectations of life are still very low. They are originally a group of people with nothing.

Now they have dignity, freedom, right to life, and right to entertainment. Although their lives are temporarily a little hard, they believe that their lords will lead them into a better and more glorious era in the future.

Today, Rhodes intends to add another flame to everyone's heart.

Rhodes, wearing a light iron armor, walked onto the high platform with an ancient cross sword.

Standing in front of him, the front row was the guards he had trained during this period. Originally, there were 100 people, but the training was too cruel during this period, and six people chose to withdraw due to psychological or physical discomfort.

Now, of course, they don't know what kind of opportunity they missed because of their momentary weakness, and the opportunity to change the trajectory of their life.

"The mountain fortress is full of enemies!" Rodhart said so as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Once the war fails, the loser will die and the city will be destroyed, and all my glory and everything you have will also perish!"

This is the second sentence he said, not to encourage or encourage, but to let everyone face the cruel, tragic, and bloody reality.

Because of what Rhodes said with full of fighting spirit, the people around the square, some of whom even began to recall the past days, couldn't help but sob sadly, but the people around him did not laugh at him, but were comforting and sad.

"Give me ten years, no, give me five years, I can turn the Mountain Fortress into the most prosperous and magnificent city in the world, the City of Glory, the City of Light, the City on the Mountain!"

"At that time, we will have the most mellow wine, the fastest horses, the most delicious food and the happiest people. I have the confidence to lead you to do all this."

"And at this moment, the enemies outside the castle want to conquer us and plunder everything from us. My people, I ask you here, can you agree?"

"No! My Lord, please lead us to fight them to the end."

"Your Majesty, please let me shed my last drop of blood for you."

A group of people who have received a long education and have been repeatedly bombarded by information storms will never be so easily bewitched by Rhodes, but at this moment, these people in the city have not received much education and few of them can read. Rhodes easily led them to the illusion of heaven and hell with his rich vocabulary, and then let them make a choice.

In fact, the words that many people are shouting and roaring at this moment are all wrong. Rhodes is now a pioneer lord, a knight of the lowest level, but they call him His Majesty. However, no one will correct this mistake in the mountain fortress at this moment in the wilderness.

At this moment, the man on the high platform who is bewitching people and playing with people's hearts is the uncrowned king of this town.

"Since you have chosen the path, let us bet on our lives. In this world where the weak are the prey of the strong, forge our souls into flawless and fearless holy spirits. No matter who or what the opponent is, I will lead you to the final victory of the war!"


At this moment, Rhodes spread all the holy light power around his body and merged with the spiritual beliefs of the ninety-four human miners under the high platform. At this moment, in the night, Rhodes and these ninety-four warriors shine brightly.

"Crack, crack."


In this light, many soldiers' bones and muscles changed and became stronger. This was because Rhodes used the system and the function of the "Incomplete Rhodok Crossbowman Training Manual" to strengthen ninety-four first-level human miners into ninety-four second-level Rhodok crossbowmen.

Although he still looked the same, with the same weapons and armor, his physique and spirit were actually different.

"God, is this a miracle?"

Raymond and Cress knelt down and prayed to Rhodes fanatically.

Even the knowledgeable Fatis felt that it was the gods in the sky who heard the words of this adult and thus sent down a great miracle.

"Fight with all your strength, and never give up. With the blood of the enemy, we will prove our immortal glory!" Rhodes ended this pre-war mobilization with this sentence.

Obviously, the effect was very good.

Rhodes knew without looking at the system that the morale was so high that it was about to burst.

This is also why he had to wait until all the soldiers were trained before upgrading them all at once, because one or two soldiers were not enough. Ninety-four soldiers connected to the holy light and the violent fluctuations of their hearts and spirits could form such an effect.

From this day on, the Mountain Fortress was completely renamed in the hearts of the locals: the City of God's Blessing, the City on the Mountain, the City of Light, and the Lonely Mountain Castle.

At the same time, a Centaur advance force of about 500 people was gradually approaching the town. Of course, the Centaur coalition at this time could not be compared with its most prosperous state.

The previous battle for the Mountain Fortress almost broke the bones of the Centaur coalition, but because the harpy witch Magna was injured, she did not slaughter and kill.

However, even so, this advance force alone still maintained considerable combat power.

It is impossible for a large army to move in a completely coordinated manner, not to mention that the multi-racial coalition on the wilderness has different racial characteristics and each has some thoughts.

When this reckless Centaur advance team arrived at the foot of the city, the city wall was empty, without even a single guard.

Relying on the thick wooden planks cut from the ancient tree, a Centaur stepped onto the top of the city wall and entered the town, but encountered no resistance at all. It seemed that this place was already an empty city.

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