Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 7 A perfect victory!

Quarry at dawn.

Because they knew the news of the coming war in advance, the miners at the Yinshuang Town quarry had already left early.

At this moment, in the nearby beast road forest, a group of wilderness thieves who were forced into the forest by cavalry fell into a trap and were surrounded and strangled.

Although the leader of the thief was very skilled in martial arts, he ducked down on his horse to avoid the flying crossbar, but he was still shot off his horse by a crossbow arrow when he stood up. When his martial arts skills did not exceed a certain limit, luck was crucial on the battlefield. important attributes.

If you look at it from the perspective of a veteran who has fought a hundred battles, this battle between seven thieves and eight horses vs. twenty militiamen is simply an unsightly fight between rookies.

Even the battles between many villages and towns for water sources are more fierce and cruel than this.

The wilderness thieves were extremely stupid and plunged into the crudely arranged forest traps. They were completely controlled by traps, horse holes and other designs, and they completely lost their cavalry advantage. They were even injured because of it. However, the militiamen who clearly had an absolute tactical advantage They held their wooden shields and spears high, but they didn't dare to stab the thieves. They only dared to cower and surround them, but this was enough.

Everyone is a rookie, but in terms of tactical situation, they are crushed by the Redwood Town militia in all aspects.

What's more, among the Redwood Town militia, there is also an elite template of the third-level wild hunter Raymond. This red-haired spirited guy gets excited at the sight of blood, and there may be a bloodthirsty blood flowing in his veins. factor.

Raymond was holding a hunting bow. He was crouching through the forest like a human leopard, shooting with the bow from all angles. Although the wilderness thieves had much higher combat skills than the Redwood Town militiamen, they knew how to hold up a shield in all directions. But Rhodes bought two bags of steel arrows for Raymond before the war. Those extremely crude and thin wooden shields could only hold four or five arrows before they exploded with a loud bang. A total of There were only seven thieves, and one of them was knocked down by Rhodes with a crossbow attack at the beginning.

Soon, the defeated troops of the wilderness thieves were no longer able to resist.

"Raymond, save some arrows, you come back. The whole army attacks." Because he had enough time to calm down and had eased his nervousness from his first participation in the war, Rhodes faced Raymond and the nineteen Redwood Town militiamen. Two completely opposite orders were issued.

On the one hand, he wanted all his men to see blood, and on the other hand, he also wanted these militiamen to share some experience. Raymond could not kill everyone.

Nineteen VS Five, and the opponents were basically injured by arrows and their morale collapsed. Under such circumstances, under Rhodes's strict order, the militiamen of Redwood Town looked at each other, and then they closed their formation little by little, filling the inside Those wilderness thieves who kept shouting and howling stabbed the wooden spears in their hands into sieves soaked with blood.

[This is a perfect victory, troop morale +5. You received 10 dinars and some miscellaneous items. 】At this moment, a line of text appeared in the lower left corner of Rhodes' field of vision.

Of course it was a perfect victory, no one on the other side died or was even injured.

The first time they killed someone, both Rhodes and the militiamen in Redwood Town were a little silent, even Raymond, who was very excited just now, was the same. But fortunately, the people who killed were wilderness thieves, and the people of the Northern Province were very concerned about these people. The hatred was so intense that everyone gradually calmed down.

Raymond went over to retrieve the undamaged arrows, and the clever militiamen retrieved the injured horses and leaned over to collect the valuable belongings from the thieves.

Rhodes took advantage of this gap to open the system panel that only he could see to see if any warriors had been promoted. Unfortunately, the experience gained from this battle was too minimal, and no one was promoted as a result.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm very valuable, I'm worth two hundred gold coins, don't kill me!"

Suddenly, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered over there. Rhodes, who was calming down and summing up his gains and losses, looked for the sound and saw that among the dead people over there, there was actually a guy who was not dead. He had a nail on his shoulder. At this moment, Raymond pulled out a single sword and put it against his neck, screaming miserably.

"Just now when I was retrieving the arrow, this guy wanted to sneak attack me, but I kicked him down. Sir, let me kill him now! A wilderness thief said he was worth two hundred gold coins. He was just kidding. ”

"Wait a moment."

"Hey, you have heard what my subordinate said. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I will hand you over to him... He is very bloodthirsty, he is simply not human!"

Raymond: "..."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I say, I say anything."

"I used to sell children in Beckning County, and I had a grudge against the Oduff family in the county. If you hand me over to the Oduff family, they will give you two hundred gold coins. What I said is true. "After all, he was just a medieval man. Although Walls was a bit cunning, he was knocked unconscious by Rhodes with an arrow before the battle. He was beaten by Raymond just now. At this moment, the knife was placed on his neck and shoulders. The blood flowed non-stop, and even the brain was dull. In order to survive for a while, he poured out all his things like beans from a bamboo tube.

However, he did not notice that the eyes of the young noble in front of him became colder and colder.

"In other words, you are still a habitual child trafficker and have trafficked many other people's children?"



Wols vaguely sensed something was wrong, and just as he was about to say something to defend himself, he heard the sound of a long sword being unsheathed. The next moment, he felt a chill on his neck, and the world was spinning. Rhodes suddenly drew his sword and chopped off the human trafficker's head, almost completely chopping off the head.

"Sir, this is two hundred gold coins!?" Not only did Wals die in an unclear way, but even Raymond beside him was a little confused. Two hundred gold coins, this is not a small amount for Redwood Town.

"I don't do business with human traffickers. I'll just kill one of these bastards when I see one."

"As for this guy's head, soak it in lime and preserve it, and send it to the Odaf family in Becken County. If they are willing to pay, they will pay. If they don't admit it, I will treat it as a private collection." The sword just now failed to chop off Wals's head completely, and Rhodes took two steps forward and lifted his hair with his left hand to cut another sword.

In his previous life, he had an uncle who treated him very well. His child was abducted by human traffickers, and his happy family was destroyed in an instant.

He divorced, quit his job, sold his house and searched for his son all over the world. The elders in his family sighed every time they talked about this, which left a very deep impression on Rhodes.

Therefore, even if this Walls said that he was a thief or a robber, he still had a glimmer of hope. However, when he revealed his true identity, he was dead. In Rhodes's view, if you attack an adult, I was deceived or couldn't beat you, which was because I was not as skilled as you, and there was nothing to say, but you guys attacked a child, which was too despicable and too mean.

Rhodes didn't need the money, but this guy had to die.

Now the only thing he regretted was that he acted too quickly just now and forgot to give the other party the ten tortures in his memory one by one, which made this guy die too easily.

[Experience +20]

After beheading the enemy, Rhodes, covered in blood, went to the side to handle his own affairs. The Redwood Town militiamen, including Raymond, looked at each other in bewilderment. For some reason, they felt a strange sense of awe for their lord.

Lord, he really hated these guys from the bottom of his heart. In the future, if these people appeared in his town, he would kill one if he saw one!

So as not to affect his mood.

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