Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 6 Walls's Ambition

The battle of Yinshuang Town is coming, and there should be no more attribute points and skill points left in the panel but not used.

Although Rhode now suspects that his efforts to exercise his body have also strengthened his strength and agility, he does not have the spare time now. If he dies in the battle, he will have nothing.

I think therefore I am. No matter what state he is in now, whether it is time travel, brain in a vat, virtual reality or The Matrix, Rhode does not want to lose his precious life again. In his opinion, it is hypocritical to give up his life voluntarily under any circumstances. Living is the most practical thing.

Add the remaining four attribute points in the panel to his own strength attribute, the remaining six skill points to four points on the iron bone, one point on the strong attack skill, and the remaining one point to tactics. Add ten weapon proficiency points to the crossbow, so that his proficiency in the use of crossbows is increased to 41 points.

After doing all this, Rhode can clearly feel that with the flow of warm currents in his body, his tendons and muscles are becoming more solid and firm in the process of the spread and consumption of the warm currents. Even the military tactics and knowledge of the use of bows and crossbows in his mind have become clearer.

For the first four days, everything was peaceful and nothing happened.

During this time, Rhodes and his Redwood Town militia were stationed in the forest near the quarry, not going anywhere. Rhodes himself practiced crossbow accuracy, and at the same time he arranged for Raymond to lead the Redwood Town militia to dig various hunting traps around the forest.

Although normally this kind of mountain hunter's skills have no great effect in the military formation, this time the opponent to be faced is the Wild Barbarians, maybe it is the right medicine for the disease.

In the middle of the night on the fourth day of the garrison, the town alarm of the bronze bell suddenly came from the direction of the Silver Frost Town in the distance, accompanied by a large area of ​​orange-red fire that gradually brightened, some of which were torches, and some of which were buildings burning.

The Wild Barbarians are more adapted to night raids than humans, but the Silver Frost Town is obviously well prepared for this. The barbarians are usually stronger than humans, and the human military tactics are better than the barbarians.

As the alarm bells continued to ring, the direction of Silver Frost Town soon became as bright as day, with torches used for lighting everywhere, reducing the night battle advantage of the Savages to a relatively low level.

"Silver Frost Town is really rich, and it is so well prepared. Sir, shall we go to the front line to support?" Because his lord seemed to be more and more serious during this period, Raymond's loyalty has also increased. At this moment, seeing that the battle in the distance has begun, his palms tightly holding the hunting bow are throbbing with veins, and the whole person is obviously excited.

"Guard the place we should guard. If Silver Frost Town loses, we will immediately drill into the deepest part of the mine here until we run out of water and food. Even if Silver Frost Town wins, remember, we will only defend on the spot and never take the initiative to attack."

"Ah? Why is that?" The spirited young man Raymond was a little disappointed when he heard this, but the redwood town militia around him all looked relieved.

Although they all believed that they had received the blessing of the "God's Blessing Ceremony", they were still ordinary militiamen who had not seen much blood. To put it bluntly, they were just relatively young farmers who had undergone some military training.

Let them be bloodthirsty and warlike? At least for the time being, it was impossible.

Therefore, Lord Rhodes's arrangement at this moment was undoubtedly more in line with their wishes. Even if Raymond had some prestige among the militia, he was still incomparable to Rhodes at this moment.

The fighting on the front line lasted for a whole night. Because the hills they chose to garrison were relatively high in terrain, Rhodes could see some vague battle situations in the distance from afar.

The lord of Silver Frost Town did not choose a safe and conservative defensive tactic at all. She did not defend Silver Frost Castle. In addition to requisitioning some houses in Silver Frost Town to set up fortifications and gain some geographical advantages at the beginning of the war, this lord was extremely aggressive. She sent an elite force of about 100 people to defeat the vanguard of the Wilderness Alliance head-on, and then the cavalry cut and killed them. Her tactical thinking was extremely sophisticated and brutal.

"That was... that was the musketeer team, right? Classic three-stage shooting?" Because the distance was too far, the information obtained from the distant view was not clear enough, but before Rhode could see clearly and figure it out, the large-scale rout caused by the collapse of the Wilderness Alliance had already rushed over.

There were goblins, gnolls, lizardmen, and even ogres in the Wilderness Alliance, and there was even a group of human thieves. Ogres eat everything, and their diet includes humans but is not limited to humans. Many upper-class nobles in the two orc empires are even happy to raise human advisers, so as long as their interests are consistent, it is not surprising that these guys are mixed together to form an alliance. Ogres kill people because they are hungry and for food, while many humans kill people just for fun.

From this perspective, beasts are more humane than many humans.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard!"

"What on earth are those iron pipes that can spit fire? They can even stop the frontal charge of the ogres. The horses were killed immediately after being sprayed. If I hadn't seized the opportunity and killed someone to take the horse, I would have been the one to die!"

Walls was originally a local gangster in the Styak Empire. He usually made a living by abducting children and selling them, until one day he kidnapped and sold a fat boy on the street who was as dirty as a ball of mud. Only then did they find out that the child was the only son of a local aristocratic family. Because of his grandmother's doting, he left his family and ran away to play... Walls, who was tricked by the naughty child, ran away overnight, because although the naughty child was quickly found , but the old lady who was already red-eyed took out her dowry and offered a reward for Walls's dog head. Seeing the amount of the bounty, even Walls himself wanted to receive the reward.

After finally escaping to the wilderness in the no-care zone, Walls quickly became a small leader among the human thieves in the wilderness with his relatively clever mind and almost no limits. He was in charge of more than twenty horse thieves, but... When he wanted to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory, the big boss made a wrong decision, but Walls' hard work and accumulation over the years was once again destroyed.

Seeing that there were no more than six or seven of his subordinates left around him at this time, Walls felt bitter in his heart and was so angry that his teeth were almost broken, but he could only comfort himself in his heart:

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as I'm still alive, there will be as many criminals and fugitives as there are in the wilderness. As long as I escape back to the wilderness and gather my defeated troops, maybe I can become stronger and even become the king of thieves of the new generation of mankind. In the end, maybe Maybe he can even become a noble. "There are a large number of refugees from various countries in the wilderness. They are either unable to bear the heavy taxes of their countries or they are evading punishment for illegal crimes.

Moreover, the two orc empires adjacent to the wilderness are both nomadic countries with relatively weak dominance. The weaker tribes among them are also targets for wilderness thieves to plunder. If the strength of the thieves group accumulates to a certain level, Whether in the Orc Empire or the Human Empire, there is a certain chance of becoming a new nobility.

Although this world has always flaunted morality, it worships power even more.

However, just when Walls was cheering himself up in his heart, the frightened whining sounds of his men suddenly came from around him. The unlucky guy fell into a concealed trap pit with both men and horses. It was at this moment that Walls raised his head suddenly, only to see a crossbar hanging from a rope slamming towards him.

"Charge the whole army!"

Seeing these horse-riding thieves entering the ambush area, Rhodes's eyes turned red. Killing them all did not count other results. Just these horses were a lot of money for him.

Shire militiamen hiding in all directions, holding shields in one hand and wooden poles and spears in one hand, surrounded them from their hiding places. They were all new to fighting, so they were timid and a little scared.

In fact, the same was true for Rhodes himself. Fortunately, he cleverly handed over the temporary command authority to Raymond, while he was breathing rapidly and shaking his hands, raising the crossbow, aiming, and shooting as fast as possible!


Although Rhodes just fired randomly at the enemy crowd, the crossbow bolt passed over the horse and shield and nailed the shoulder of the bandit leader Walls with incredible accuracy, causing blood to splatter.

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