Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 57: Remarks on the launch

I was born in 1990 in Bei'an City, Northeast Province, a small border town in the north.

My grandfather was a teacher and my grandmother was a manager of a shopping mall.

The two old people supported their parents and raised their children. Except for the second child, my father, my uncle and my aunt were all college students, which was very rare and honorable in that era.

After graduation, my uncle and aunt were admitted to work in banks. Even my father, who was a deserter, was sent to work in the local power plant at that time by my grandfather through the back door. When I was five or six years old, my monthly income reached more than 2,000 yuan, and the water and electricity were free and the unit welfare was excellent.

At that time, our family was a first-class family in the entire Bei'an City. Four of them were in public institutions. What family could compare? Who wouldn't envy them?

Then, everything took a sharp turn for the worse.

My father smoked, drank, gambled, beat his wife, divorced, bought out his job, sold the house that his parents bought with money, and fled to another place alone because of debt collection by creditors.

But this had no effect on me. Because of my grandparents' love, I followed them since I was a child. This was my own choice at the time. Now I think about it, how smart and wise it was.

My uncle worked in a bank. He made a mistake because of his job and went to prison. I was too young at that time and couldn't tell whether he really abused his power or was harmed by his bad friends as my grandma said. Maybe it was both.

As a girl, my aunt was calm and stable. Later, she went to Nanjing to work with my uncle. At that time, my uncle was still studying and lived a tight life.

In any case, our family was completely ruined.

The first-class family that my grandparents worked hard to run has now become a ninth-class family. During that time, my grandparents were afraid of meeting acquaintances on the street. They didn't dare to look up and say hello to people, for fear of being asked about their recent situation.

Therefore, when I was in junior high school, my grandparents sold all their property and took me and my great-grandfather to Shandong. It was not that they couldn't make a living, but that they had no face to live.

If the two sons hadn't done those things, who would want to change to a new environment and start over in their fifties?

But! But!

The point is here:

From 1990 to 2020, although our family declined, China as a whole has become stronger and stronger, the economy has gradually developed, and the national strength has become stronger and stronger.

Although our family declined, I not only did not suffer any hardship, but I felt that life was getting better and better day by day. This is certainly due to the love and care of my grandparents, but ten years ago, our family couldn't have meat every meal at its best.

Today in 2021, our family is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, but I can still feel that the house is getting more spacious and brighter, and the material is getting richer and richer. This is certainly the result of technological development, but without a strong and stable country, does the further development of technology have anything to do with us?

So whether someone calls me a Huanghan or says that my brain has not evolved completely, ***? Racist?

I don't think you are scolding me or mocking me. In my opinion, everything in my motherland is the best, even if it is not the best now, it is acceptable.

Because I didn't enjoy much of the dividends of a strong family, but I grew up enjoying the dividends of a strong country.

It's not that this country can't do without me, but as a weak person, I can't lose this country.

If I die, at most my grandparents and sister will shed a few tears for me, but after the sadness is over, life will still go on as it should.

If the country has problems, then I really don't know how my grandparents and sister will live in the future.

So don't tell me about bourgeois ideas or social Darwinism. I am a typical Huang Han thought. I just think that everything in the same situation is the best in China:

I wrote a fantasy Mount and Blade article just because I like to play this game. There are many people who love to watch Japanese anime. Can you say that they all want to be Japanese?

There is no such thing as a label.

Finally, the new book is on the shelf for subscriptions, rewards, recommendations, monthly tickets, and support. I have been writing books for ten years, and I haven't even had a girlfriend. All the readers here have relevant responsibilities.

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