Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 56 Holy Light, Creation and Destruction

Observing from a distance with a brass cylindrical mirror, after confirming that the opponent did not have the habit of driving ghosts for reconnaissance, Rhode decided to do this and ambush the opponent.

"I originally planned to go to Silent Hill to train troops. Since I met a demon worshiper here, I will just kill it. Speaking of which, demon worshipers seem to be a big gift package of experience and treasures in the early stage. The only problem is that if you kill too many, it is easy to attract the attention of some very terrifying beings."

In the game of the previous life, the strength of the demon worshipers in the early stage was not strong, but they often had magic items on them. After killing them, even if these dark magic items were not suitable for their own use, they could be sold for money to accelerate the development of the territory.

Therefore, at the beginning, many players took these guys as a big gift package and chased them all over the map. Rhode was also one of them at the beginning.

But gradually, when he found that the difficulty of killing these demon worshipers was too disproportionate to the benefits obtained, he subconsciously stopped actively searching and killing demon worshipers.

After all, the game was progressing smoothly at that time, and there were no such obvious loopholes in other aspects. Then, this monster design seems a bit abnormal.

Later, when another part of the players who didn't react, after killing a certain number of demon worshippers, they will find that demon hunters will frequently appear around their territory.

And the strength of these demon hunters is often not something that players in the early and middle stages of the game can resist, and many people are directly killed in the process.

When the plot reaches the middle and late stages, everyone realizes that if too many demon worshippers are killed, they will attract attacks from demon hunters, and if too many demon hunters are killed, they will really attract attacks from abyss demons.

That kind of existence was not something that most players in the early and middle stages could contend with or resist. Therefore, many players who took advantage in the early stages but suffered great losses in the later stages went to the official platform to complain. Rhode clearly remembered that it was the largest outbreak in the history of the Wind of War official website. In less than a week, hundreds of thousands of players almost flooded the official forum of the game. Many people claimed that this was a rape of the players' will:

"The production team is playing tricks on us!"

"Go to hell with the game company!"

"This rubbish game ruined my youth, I'm quitting the game!"

"I'm going to kill you XX!"

The result of the incident was that the players were directly counterattacked by the official platform, which had the leading virtual technology at the time:

"When players get abnormal rewards for destroying demon worshippers, they should have a certain sense of vigilance. And the logical clues of the revenge of the dark forces are very clear and there is no coercion of the players' will.

Please all players who were harmed in this event pay attention to improving their own anti-fraud awareness in real life."

Most players quickly stopped and went back to play the game properly, fearing that they would be caught as examples: Wouldn't that be a social death execution in front of the whole people? Would people laugh at their IQ?

Rhodes shook his head, dispelled the memories in his mind, and then predicted the direction of the undead witch. He began to detect the surrounding environment with Cress and choose the most suitable ambush location.

On the other side, the undead witch Mary Fiel was also walking forward with the army of the dead behind her. She was wearing a gray robe and riding a white bone warhorse, and carrying a huge bone sickle on her shoulder. Three years ago, she could not imagine that she would become what she is now.

Mary Fiel was originally a medical student at the Andes Union College. Later, she fell in love with her mentor and became his wife. Although she had to give up her studies for this, Mary did not regret it. On the contrary, she felt extremely happy.

However, an accidental miscarriage caused Mary to no longer have her own children, which made her gradually become mentally ill and suspicious. She suspected that her husband had cheated on her and even murdered her child with drugs.

Later, Mary's husband really cheated on her. It is hard to say whether Mary's mental disorder was caused by her husband's lack of care, or Mary's mental disorder caused her husband to be unable to hold on and could only get some comfort outside.

In short, Mary took advantage of the night to kill her husband and his lover with a sharp knife.

After completing this killing, Mary's contract with the devil was naturally concluded.

Under the guidance of the devil, she obtained the ancient dark magic handbook from the library of the Andes Union College.

This powerful dark power allowed Mary to play with the guards of the college at will and easily escape from the Andes Union College.

In the following days, Mary studied dark and undead magic, and accumulated her own strength and grace through killing. She could feel that she became stronger as time went by. At this time, she got the news of the wilderness, and under the guidance of the "god" behind her, she came to the wilderness to accumulate strength to further please the god.

However, what Mary Fiel didn't know was that the demon who was secretly watching her had hardly given her any power. The power she possessed now was entirely obtained through intense mental stimulation and various dark rituals. As for her feeling that she was becoming increasingly powerful, it was not an illusion, but because the concentration of magic power in the entire world continued to increase, making her, who already had talent, become more and more powerful, and it had nothing to do with the devil.

It is not impossible to become a demon worshiper, but it is best to have considerable power and knowledge. Otherwise, if you do not make accurate judgments, you may be fooled by the abyss demons that are weaker than you.

Although Mary Fiel has a high talent for magic, she has no military knowledge. Although she knows how to use ghosts for reconnaissance intermittently, she subconsciously ignores areas that should not be reconnaissance.

In other words, controlling a hundred-man undead army alone is too mentally exhausting for her, so she cannot do everything properly.

When passing through an area of ​​withered and dense reed-like plants, the undead witch who used ghosts to scout in the previous areas did not cast a spell again here.

Rhodes' previous judgment that she "did not have the habit of driving ghosts for reconnaissance" was correct. It was not that she did not know how to use it, but that she used it recklessly and had insufficient experience in using the army.

Therefore, when suddenly being hit by a rain of arrows from the reed-like plant area, although Mary Fiel's body suddenly lit up with a dark purple defense shield, she kept retreating in panic and failed to control the formation of the undead army in the first place.

"Fortunately, she was controlling an undead army with no morale. If it was a normal army, seeing the commander in this state, the morale would have been reduced by more than half before the battle."

Drawing out his long sword, Rhodes ordered in a deep voice:

"All troops, attack!"

"Infantry line up in the front row and attack, and archers follow the attack to cooperate..."

Today, the third-level soldiers, the senior spearmen of the Charles, have almost reached half of the Charles spearmen. They carry large shields and hold spears in both hands and walk at the front of the team, although it is the first time they face the terrifying undead army.

But because they have the commander they trust by their side, and they have successfully ambushed and gained the advantage. Therefore, in the hearts of most soldiers, the passion for fighting is far greater than fear.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Accompanied by the passionate roar, the three-consecutive thrusts of the senior spearmen of the Charles were first performed by the spearmen in the front row of the formation: the momentum was like a mountain, and the spears were like a forest!

This was originally a killing move that the spearmen used when they faced their old enemy, the heavy armored cavalry, with a violent and desperate momentum. However, at this moment, it was used to deal with a group of skeletons that had just crawled out of the mud not long ago. It was simply a one-sided crushing and unstoppable.

The undead witch Mary Fiel had more than sixty skeleton soldiers, more than twenty zombies, and more than ten ghosts that had just succeeded. At this moment, more than sixty skeleton soldiers faced the thrusts of less than twenty senior spearmen in Redwood Town. Although they moved forward mechanically and fearlessly, they could not stop it at all. Wherever the spear pointed, the broken skeletons and bones fell to the ground and shattered everywhere.

Because the human army succeeded in the surprise attack, they directly cut into the middle of the Undead Army. The slow-moving and thick-skinned zombies on the periphery could not get through for a while. Even if they could get through, they actually had no advantage in combat power. Level 3 soldiers could be regarded as the current elite regular army of the country. After all, the Styak Empire had been at peace for a long time and its armaments were relatively relaxed.

Led by the senior spearman of Char, the spearman troops almost directly penetrated more than 60 skeleton soldiers and wiped out half of them. However, the soldier skill 1, "Hold on", reduced the mobility for a certain period of time and gained the improvement of defense, while the soldier skill 2, "Three consecutive thrusts", reduced the defense for a certain period of time and gained the improvement of the soldier's attack power.

Therefore, after the spearman's thrust, Rhodes quickly pressed the 17 Haidam soldiers to take over the spearman to maintain the offensive and avoid the losses caused by the enemy's possible counterattack.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?"

"Women really never realize their mistakes. Why are they attacking you? Don't tell me that these skeleton zombies of yours were transformed with the consent of the deceased and their families." In the previous battle, Rhode did not draw his sword to train his troops. At this moment, after raising his long sword and swinging it down, commanding the heavy cavalry in the forest not far away to start charging, Rhode also started his own battle, and rushed towards the gray-robed round-faced witch riding a white-bone warhorse with his sword.

"Woo, it's me. My husband betrayed me first, so I became like this now."

"I'm not interested in listening to your wailing!"

In this world, people die every moment, and people suffer, feel bitter, wronged, and helpless every moment. Therefore, no one is responsible for paying for your personal emotions or misfortunes. Even Rhode only wants to take care of himself and the people around him.

Charging on horseback, the Haidam infantry on both sides of the horse fought desperately to assist. Whether it was the skeleton soldiers or the circling ghosts, they were all killed by the ancient cross sword in the hands of the young knight.

But at this moment, the witch with long hair riding on the white bone warhorse suddenly roared towards Rhode with a ferocious look:

"Do you know how painful I am!"

The witch's face suddenly became extremely distorted, and even her seven orifices began to bleed. Her messy hair was flying, and her eyes were filled with terrible green light.

The next moment, a terrifying scream soaked in pain and resentment, as if it came from the deepest part of hell, which could penetrate the brain, collapse the body, and blow out the soul, officially descended on the world!

Dark magic, the howl of the banshee.

If this spell has talent and is cultivated to the extreme, it really has the terrifying power to directly kill a considerable number of creatures in an instant.

And even this version, which is far from complete and extreme, suddenly reduced the morale of the soldiers in Redwood Town.

Rows of prompts kept popping up in the corners of Rhode's eyes:

[Under continuous attack by the dark magic Banshee's Howl, the army's morale -5. ]

[Under continuous attack by the dark magic Banshee's Howl, the army's morale -10. ]

It is self-evident what the difference in combat power is when an army is in high morale and low morale, especially when the morale of an army collapses to the extreme, it is very likely to collapse without fighting.

And not only that, this Banshee's Howl spell not only weakens the morale and combat power of the soldiers in Redwood Town, but also makes the ghosts that were originally flying slowly around them suddenly speed up. At this time, twenty-one slave traders and slave hunters' heavy armored cavalry had already rushed to the close formation. The so-called high defense of zombies was equal to nothing in front of these heavy cavalry.

But at this moment, under the cover of the Banshee's Howl, those flying ghosts were hit by a hammer, and the weapons penetrated through their bodies, but could not cause any damage. Instead, their attacks could pass through the iron armor and leave terrible blood marks on the soldiers. The mental impact and morale collapse brought by this effect were of course terrifying.

"No, stop screaming!"

A slave hunter who was already in low morale covered his ears and fell off his horse, kneeling on the ground and wailing.

He first knelt on one foot, and then couldn't help rolling to the ground, his whole body was covered with mud. The sudden gloomy and strange howl, although not very long, seemed to have been tortured by this terrible cry for a century in the ears of those whose hearts were broken.

However, at this moment, Rhodes, who faced the Banshee's Howl head-on, faced this dark magic impact.

But his expression did not change at all. He subconsciously pulled the reins, and the heavy packhorse stood up. Rhodes held the ancient cross sword in front of his forehead, and with his body as the center, a pure white light like the sun spread out.

Rhodes had not yet mastered the holy light energy, but at this moment, stimulated by the impact of dark magic, his whole body seemed to be burning with flames.

All the humans who were surrounded by it, whose hearts were originally filled with various negative emotions, were greatly relieved in an instant. On the contrary, the undead creatures around them naturally began to move slowly and weakened in this light.

Those ghost soldiers who were originally impossible to hit, at this moment, only need a light blow from an ordinary human soldier, and they will be burned to ashes in the pure white light flames.

"This, this is the real flame, this is the real light. It is not just about heat and burning, but also about the birth and death of all things. This is the power of Nirvana, and the work of creation!"

"The eternal years, the sun is eternal, the power of Nirvana, the work of creation, the birth and death of all things, all in it."

In the darkness and despair all around, Rhodes, as the source of light, looked around, looked directly at the eyes of the soldiers around him, and naturally came to such an understanding in his heart.

It was at this moment that the holy light and fighting spirit in Rhodes' body naturally surged, forming a holy light flame, covering the ancient cross sword, the sword of power.

"No, no!"

"I am not willing, I am not willing!"

Watching the spell that she relied on the most being broken by the young knight in front of her, Mary Fiel knew that her death was approaching, so she cried unwillingly, feeling extremely aggrieved and resentful.

Unfortunately, whether she was willing or not, Rhode, who was surrounded by holy light, rode up to her. None of the undead spirits that had gathered around her dared to approach. The next moment, the sword swung down, and Mary Fiel was cut open from head to jaw. The soul that was filled with the extremely filthy black oil was filled.

[Kill the devil worshiper, experience +2886]

[Kill the enemy general, and the morale of the enemy troops collapsed. The whole army is in disarray, the whole army is in disarray... You have obtained 448 dinars, high-quality bones, spiritual ashes, flesh of extraordinary creatures, blood of extraordinary creatures and other spoils. 】

"Compared to their true strength, the demon worshipers have given too much. Whether it is experience or other things, I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate to meet them so early."

After the death of this undead witch, the army she controlled during her lifetime was out of control. Some of them lost the supply of magic power and returned to dust. The other part, which had already formed its own magic circulation system, began to instinctively attack the living people around them. However, the soldiers and slave hunters of Redwood Town had just seen their commander attack the enemy formation and instantly killed the enemy leader, so their morale was greatly boosted. Of course, strangling the remaining undead was no problem.

Therefore, it was not only the people present who were cheering and cheering. Cress, who was left by Rhodes to guard the food truck, was standing on the food truck at this moment, holding a telescope and jumping non-stop.

"Miss Cress, please, please let me see that. I also want to see the master's majesty!"

Abby crawled to the side of the food truck and begged eagerly, but was kicked down by the overly excited Cress.

By the time Cress reacted and apologetically lent it the brass telescope temporarily, the battle on Rodhart's side had ended and the battlefield was being cleaned up.

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