Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 376: City of Gold

Time is the fairest thing. Whether you feel you are going fast or slow, that is your subjective feeling, but time passes objectively.

The most powerful people in the world, the richest people in the world, the most charming people in the world, and the most ordinary people in the world spend the same objective time.

Whether you are happy or miserable, time is time.

As time passed, the two months set by the Hell Dragon Tras finally ran out.

Boom, boom, boom, accompanied by heavy and chaotic steps, under the Lonely Mountain Castle, it was dark. It was an army composed of the Hell Legion and the Ancient Orc Legion. They had all surrendered to the power of the dragon and were cast with powerful magic by Tras. Now they have become slave legions who want to serve the dragon for their whole life.


A deep breath was exhaled, accompanied by an order from the superior.

The huge steel door that had faced countless impacts and baptisms of war slowly opened inward this time.

Allowing about 20,000 units of the Warcraft Legion to enter, and at this time, a distant dragon roar resounded in the sky:

"Very good, you have made the most correct choice."

"I will give you power, glory, and a long life, as long as you are not as stupid as the fools I have met countless times."

At this time, Rhodes led the people behind him and walked out of the city wall. The man took the lead in kneeling on one knee, facing the huge figure in the depths of the dark sky.

"My Dragon Lord, your servants have prepared twelve palaces covered with gold for you, beautiful girls, and rich delicacies for you... Please allow your loyal servants to introduce them to you one by one."

At this moment, Rhodes had no iron tools. He was dressed in purple and black brocade clothes and knelt on one knee. Although he spoke calmly, sweat was faintly dripping from his forehead.

Because in Rhodes's estimation, this was the most dangerous step. As long as the Hell Dragon Trass was careful enough, it could spit out a breath of dragon flame at this moment and kill him. In this way, to test whether the Lonely Mountain Castle really chose to surrender.

If the other party chooses this, Rhodes can only activate the bone ring given to him by Arantir to protect himself. At that time, he can at most repel Trass, and he can't even think about killing him.

Above the sky, the terrifying beast lowered its head and stared at the bugs below with its dim yellow huge crystal-like dragon eyes. No one knew what it was thinking at this moment, but everyone could see the result. It slowly landed.

Extreme arrogance and conceit eventually affected its judgment. Trass really didn't think that these bugs could pose any threat to itself at the moment.

"Twelve golden palaces, beautiful girls, rich delicacies... Human, you have attracted my interest. If your offerings satisfy me, I can give you my bloodline, but if your offerings can't satisfy me, roar."

The terrifying high-temperature flames swept past Rhodes, even impacting the earth into a state of magma, spreading all over.

"Dragon Lord, you can rest assured that the feast in the palace will definitely meet your needs."

At this moment, with the blazing firelight shining on his face, Rhode lost all his nervousness, because he realized that he had aroused the desire of the Hell Dragon Trass, and desire makes people lose their minds, which is a common principle for all intelligent creatures.

The crowd slowly entered the town along with the dragon.

The ground was paved with melted gold foil, and the ancient trees in the city were covered with expensive silk. This extremely luxurious practice might cause some ancient nobles to despise it, but the dragons would not, most of them like this kind of luxury.

What's more, today is the day when the Lonely Mountain Castle surrenders to the Hell Dragon Trass. Such an exaggerated practice makes it easier for Trass to completely believe that the Lonely Mountain Castle has completely surrendered.

At this moment, Trass really hesitated.

Although it has made up its mind to kill Rod Hart to avoid the emergence of a power core among the dragon vein vassals, the current arrangement is really in line with its wishes, and it really makes Trass waver in its killing intention for a while.

"Perhaps, I should really give him dragon blood, so that this clever human will become my loyal servant from now on."

The so-called dragonization is due to the radiation effect of the powerful life of the dragon race. Like the Warcraft Legion in the city at this time, they did not obtain dragon blood, but simply chose to submit to the dragon and take the dragon as the center of their lives. In this area, whether it is people, fish, or plants, they have been "contaminated" by the dragon's cell consciousness. Although the physique will become twice as strong as this, it will also unconsciously form worship and obedience to the dragon.

The dragon vein is an enhancement of this effect, which can often make an intelligent creature completely submit to the dragon. However, this kind of submission is not irreversible. If the self-will of the polluted object is too strong, or the self-ambition is too strong, it can often only obtain the dragon blood gain, but will not be affected by the dragon blood.

These are all stored in the knowledge inheritance of the dragon, so the hell dragon Trass did not intend to keep Rod Hart from the beginning.

It's just that at this moment, because of Rod's submissive performance along the way, it feels that perhaps the other party's self-will is not so strong and can be controlled and tamed.

The City Lord's Mansion, located at the top of the Lonely Mountain Castle, has been completely covered with a large number of gold objects after the arrangement during this period of time, and has been arranged into twelve palace buildings. If it were not for the fact that the Lonely Mountain Castle had just made a fortune from grain trading some time ago, it would really not be able to produce so much wealth.

The Golden City, such a grand scale, even Trass had never seen or even imagined it. The dragon just liked to use a large amount of gold and gems as a bed, and he had never seen or even heard of any dragon paving a city with gold.

"Rod Hart, you did a good job, I admire you very much." Trass stopped and whispered with his huge head tilted, but he did not notice that because of his stop, the muscles on Rod's body suddenly tightened.

"Without restraining the flying ability of this dragon, there is absolutely no way to defeat it. Go in, go in, don't you like gold the most? Go in quickly!"

Although there was no change in his facial expression, in Rod's heart, he was roaring like this. It seemed as if God had heard such prayers, and the Hell Dragon Trass walked step by step into the golden city that the Lonely Mountain Castle had painstakingly built for it.

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