Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 375: The Origin of the Legend: Seven Warriors Slay the Dragon 6

Underground mining area, the clan of the Bloodbeard dwarves.

At this moment, a Bloodbeard dwarf was equipping Rhodes with parts of the Wind King's armor. This armor seemed to be endowed with some kind of spirituality. The armor itself was constantly rippling with cyan ripples, until It was only after the complete equipment was completed that things calmed down slowly.

In the cave, in front of everyone, was the extremely weak Bloodbearded Dwarf Elder Nicolte, who was lying on the bed. At this moment, this old boy no longer had the vitality that he used to have that was not inferior to that of the young people, and his expression was Pale, no blood visible.

This armor contains a wind spirit of legendary rank. It was originally supposed to be restored through the overflow of Rhodes' spirituality. However, this process may take several years or even more than ten years. Rhodes did not want to wait any longer. Patience, the situation and the current situation did not allow him to wait any longer, so he asked Nicolte, whose forging level was close to that of the legendary blacksmith, to use a spell to awaken the wind spirit.

This kind of thing is extremely difficult to do, but Nicolet did it.

It's like a seriously ill patient. If he is allowed to suffer like this, there is a small chance that he will survive, but a high chance that he will survive or die.

But if there is a skilled doctor to adjust the life for him, the patient's chance of surviving becomes 50-50.

Nicolet used various secret techniques to regulate and guide the energy in the Wind King's armor, and finally succeeded in awakening the wind giant Longdeke in the armor. Longdeke himself fell into a trap because he was forcibly promoted and could not give up his power. Crazy, now that it has no power, it wakes up because of it.

However, after completing the awakening, Nicolette fell ill due to the large amount of hard work and energy consumed.

"Duke Rhodes, I am already old. From now on, the responsibility of protecting our homeland can only rest on your shoulders."

Nicolette, who was lying sick, stretched out his hand, holding Rhodes who was already wearing armor, and whispered like this.

"Elder Nicolte, please rest assured, I, Rhodes, swear here that the city will be with you!"

Hearing this, the dwarves on the side were somewhat dissatisfied with the Duke's oath, because they felt that the Duke did not need to swear by his full name at this time. However, how did they know that this was the most serious moment for Rhodes.

With the people around him risking their lives one after another, he has no way out.

"Ahem, Your Majesty the Duke, although the wind spirit Longdeke was briefly awakened, its power is far from restored, and the help it can provide may be limited. Our bloodbeard dwarf clan also has a golden armored guard, which can protect the town. And fight...cough cough cough."

Accompanied by violent coughing, there were also exclamations from Rhodes and the surrounding dwarves. Nicolette hit the bed heavily, his eyes widened and gradually lost their expression.

"Elder Nicolte, Elder Nicolte!"

Rhodes called out the great elder's name sadly, and the scenes between the two from the first time they met to the present flashed through his mind like a horse.

Over the years, no matter what difficulties he faced, this lovely old man stood firmly by his side.

Thinking of this, Rhodes stretched out his palm in grief, slowly caressed Elder Nicolte, unable to close his eyes, and swore in his heart:

"As long as Gushan Castle still exists in the future, it will treat the Bloodbeard dwarves kindly."

However, Nicolette didn't close his eyes when he touched them with his palms. Rhodes frowned and reached out to touch them again, but he still didn't close his eyes.

Then the red-bearded old man got up again. He looked at Rhodes strangely: "Why do you always press my eyes?"

"..." Rhodes.

"I just said I was tired and would take a breather. Where did I stop?"

It's hard for Rhodes to directly ask people why you didn't die.

It took a long time afterward to find out that although Nicolet was greatly depleted of mind and energy in the process of awakening the wind spirit, he also achieved a great breakthrough and had already stepped into the realm of the legendary blacksmith. Take risks and make money, buy the dips and rebound.

Not only will he not die, if he takes a few years to recover his mental state, he will have a great chance of entering the fifth level legendary realm at the end of his life.

Originally this was a difficult thing to do, but due to fate, Nicolte succeeded in doing it.

"Why do you think I am so determined to follow the human boy who was not a duke back then? It is because it is said among the dwarves that whenever there is a big change in the world, there will be some people who seem to have great luck. If you can choose to follow, even as a follower, you can get great benefits. Even if you follow the wrong one, as long as you exit in time, you can still make profits without suffering losses. There is no doubt that Duke Rhodes has huge power in this era. Lucky people.”

The Bloodbeard Golden Guard is a fourth-level and twelfth-level soldier. It is an elite soldier created by the Bloodbeard dwarves regardless of the cost. It is also the last trump card to protect the continuation of the race.

Wearing thick and heavy armor and holding an armor-piercing sledge hammer, he is almost immune to physical attacks and has amazing attack power. It's just that its mobility is weak, and even a small ax equipped with medium and long-range throwing can't make up for this weakness.

Soldier skill 1: Stone head. The racial culture of the dwarves and the stubbornness inherited in their blood allow them to ignore all mental pressure and fight to the death to protect their families and home.

Soldier Skill 2: Bloodthirsty. The unique racial ability of the Bloodbeard dwarf tribe, the Bloodbeard Golden Guards are completely immersed in the battle. The more they kill, the more their attack power increases.

The troops that the Bloodbeard Dwarf Elder Nicolte handed over to Rhodes at last were not weak, but very strong. If used well, they could compete with the fifth-tier troops, and even not be inferior to them.

Although there were only two hundred of them, Rhodes felt that it was completely understandable considering the total number of Bloodbeard Dwarves and the cost of this troop.

"A troop with both obvious advantages and disadvantages, if used well by the commander, can compete head-on with the fifth-tier troops without being inferior. If the commander is not good enough, the fourth-tier troops may be killed by the third-tier archer troops because of their poor mobility."

As a natural magic race, the dwarves have much stronger potential for development than most humans:

Fourth-tier 12th-level Bloodbeard Gold Armor Guards, Fourth-tier 13th-level Bloodbeard Gold Armor Heavy Guards, Fourth-tier 14th-level Bloodbeard Gold Armor Berserker Guards. Rhodes asked Resarit to come over to appreciate and evaluate this troop. In fact, he wanted to use Resarit's ability to see if Lonely Mountain Castle could have its first fifth-tier troop.

However, the reality disappointed Rhodes. Resarit's training expert ability was not enough to strengthen this elite dwarf force whose peak ability was level 4, stage 14.

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