Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 136 Dark Devouring Mist, Son of the Forest

Gushan Castle is a large commercial city that is undergoing rapid development.

Therefore, in a non-war state, this city will not prohibit humans and merchants from other wilderness races from passing, buying and selling, or engaging in all production and business-related activities.

In the long run, the advantages of this development direction certainly outweigh the disadvantages. It can bring a large amount of tax revenue, enhance the vitality of cities and towns, and enhance the overall strength of cities and towns.

But the disadvantage is that in peacetime, it is almost impossible to avoid being infiltrated by a large number of enemy spies. No intelligence agency can identify all enemy spies under this commercial policy.

Because many spies are not there now, they may not be after they leave.

Sometimes they even leak important military information unintentionally. They may just drink some wine and brag for a while with the sincere friends they met during the trip.

Fortunately, since the political power of Gushan Castle has not been established for a long time, Rhodes can at least be confident that the current town management is still clean, and the meeting here will not just be completed, and then the core information will be leaked.

When it comes to core decisions, the senior management of Gushan Castle still has Rhode's say. After he makes a decision, others, even if they think it is too radical and risky, can only check for the lord's omissions in other aspects and try their best to implement the decision.

Therefore, without much notice from the spies in the city, the defense change began. An auxiliary soldier began to wear the equipment of a full-time sergeant and a heavy crossbow, and stationed at the city gate under the strict requirements of the commander.

Full-time sergeants Rhodok and ordinary auxiliary soldiers are both human beings, and their changes are extremely subtle and difficult to detect in the eyes of most alien spies.

The night after Fatis Knight led his army back to the city in victory, the gate of Lonely Mountain Castle that had always been tightly closed in the middle of the night was opened.

Groups of well-trained soldiers ran out in formation, including one hundred and eighty Rhodok elites, forty-five Redwood Town elites, forty-eight Dark Awakeners elites, six slave traders, plus the commander-in-chief. Rhodes, General Fatis, Guards Commander Raymond, Personal Guard Kress, Infantry Commander Resalit, and six military mage Caitlin, a total of 284 people.

This time, Rhodes brought out almost all the military elites of Gushan Castle, leaving no one behind.

"Sir Rhodes, is it too dangerous for civilians to guard the city? Although Moken and Janice are thoughtful, they have never been in charge of military affairs."

In the dark night, Lesarit raised his head and glanced at the bright silver moon in the sky, and he said with some worry.

At this moment, around this team, there is a faint dark mist, swallowing up the light, making people can only see the scenery within a few meters in front of them. This is the dark magic of the military mage Caitlin:

Although the Dark Devouring Mist is far less advanced than the invisibility technique, it can be cast in a wide range. The more magic power it consumes, the larger the diffusion range will be. Although it only has a hiding effect in the dark, it can also reduce the sound.

This time Rhodes brought Caitlin out, and he didn't expect her to play a greater role. By marching by day and night, and relying on this magic to catch the alien coalition forces by surprise, the strategic purpose was achieved.

Because the alien coalition is less than three days away from Gushan Castle, and spies also need to confirm the accuracy of the intelligence, so even if all the senior generals of Gushan Castle suddenly disappear, there is a good chance that they will receive the news before the alien coalition. before, severely damaging it.

"Don't worry too much. You military attaches are always worried that civilian officials will take your jobs and question the military strength of civilian officials. In fact, civilian officials only do field battles. If it is to defend a city, they can often defend it better than you full-time soldiers. We must be rigorous and don’t leak any flaws.”

Military generals such as Lessarit and Raymond did not believe Lord Rhodes's words. However, it was difficult for them to refute the boss's words.

With the whole army moving forward while being shrouded in the Dark Devouring Fog, this magic is not difficult to crack. Even if you are close enough, you don't need any extraordinary abilities to crack it and detect the traces.

However, Gushan Castle has a curfew policy, not to mention that it is too difficult to require all parties to send spies with the ability to cast spells. Therefore, under the cover of night and black fog, the most elite regiments of Gushan Castle are almost silent. left the town.

"Fatis, be patient. I know you don't like this situation, but this is the objective need of this military operation."

"Sir, you are worrying too much. Although I don't like it, I can't say that I hate it. Soldiers can overcome difficult environments, but as a general, you should be able to overcome them even more."

It is completely conceivable to imagine the disgust and disgust in his heart when a paladin with firm faith is left in the shroud of dark magic. However, when Rhodes comforted Fatis, Fatis said this.

This first-generation Paladin of the Extraordinary Era was actually more tolerant of darkness and death than many of the Paladins of later generations.

This is also another level of interpretation: "A full bottle of water does not make any sound, but a half-full bottle of water sloshes."

During the march, all the fifth-level soldiers of the Forest under Rhodes were released. Of these former Shire shooters, there are only six left who are still alive or disabled.

As for these six people, all of whom are fifth-level sons of the forest, they feel their status improves once they enter the forest, and they are even more comfortable than most centaurs who have lived in the centaur forest since childhood. And as you become familiar with the environment, your combat power will increase.

They are the eyes and ears of Rhodes' army. It is not easy to train these elites. Rhodes requires them to just conduct reconnaissance and retreat when encountering danger.

But in fact, in most cases, these six sons of the forest can deal with most enemy spies and scouts without damage.

Therefore, although they are not many in number, they can be said to be a strategic weapon in Rhodes' hands. After guiding the residents of Redwood Town to migrate to Lonely Mountain Castle in large numbers, the latest batch of Charr Archers have begun to recruit and train. If it were not for their strong combat capabilities, even if it was just to gain the advantage of first-hand intelligence, Rhodes would not give up this powerful troop.

Of course, it is not denied that the Charr family paid a huge price for Rhodes' foundation. Of the 20 Charr Archers who followed Rhodes out of Redwood Town, only six are left now. Most of them died in battle, and a few retired with disabilities.

Therefore, although the Charr Archers are the most generously paid among the same-level troops in the army, they are the least recruited because the loss rate is too scary.

That is to say, the Shire farmers are loyal to Rhodes with a very high degree of loyalty. Rhodes's side is developing better and better, and he has never treated them badly. He has given them certain preferential treatment in various administrative and economic aspects. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the new Shire army to be established again.

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