Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 135: Benevolence, Righteousness, and Morality, Lord Luo

Due to the need to practice the sacred barrier of light combat skills, Rhodes directly delegated power to Fatis for the third round of conquest of the surrounding alien races, and he led the dark swordsmen and the Rhodok crossbowmen to complete this battle.

How confident was Rhodes about Fatis?

When Raymond, Resarit, and Cress were generals, Rhodes had to lead them personally and use his own ability to cover the bottom line, while Fatis was the general alone. Rhodes only told him one sentence: "The battle can fail, the army must be preserved, the army can be completely destroyed, but you must come back alive."

This is what Rhodes said from the bottom of his heart. When the demon tide rises in the future, the extraordinary era will completely come. Fatis will develop normally on the current basis and start as a legendary paladin.

With such an extraordinary person in the Lonely Mountain Castle, even if the abyss demons spy on it, they have to weigh and ponder.

Therefore, Fatis's value is of course much higher than an army of 100 people.

Fatis has the insight characteristic, he can fully feel the sincerity of Rhodes' words, and he was very moved at the time.

"My Lord, you have treated me, a wandering knight, so well. Unless Fatis dies and is torn into pieces, I will never lose the troops you have entrusted to me."

"Don't, don't be impulsive, don't get carried away, you must run back if there is any danger."

"My Lord, I am leaving."

"Calm down, you must be calm!"

"Before I die, the army you entrusted to me will never suffer any major losses, I will lead the charge."

"Don't you understand what I am saying?! I told you to make your own protection the first priority!"

When the two of them handed over the military power, they almost fought directly. This scene made Resarit, who was standing aside, look confused. He didn't know what was going on and whether he should go up to stop it.

Although Fatis was very worried, he had to let Fatis go. Heroes like this are not afraid of hardships, but they are afraid of being idle all the time, which is a real waste of their potential.

After sending Fatis away, Rhodes ordered Resarit to be responsible for the task of recruiting soldiers, recruiting, selecting and training new auxiliary troops.

Auxiliary soldiers are actually conscripts of the Lonely Mountain Castle. They are very cheap and have almost no salary. Once they are fully trained in wartime, they can quickly transfer to professional soldiers. The coach hero Resarit is used for this purpose.

After making some relevant arrangements for various affairs, Rhodes began to practice in seclusion in the City Lord's Mansion, practicing the Holy Light Qi Mentality and the newly acquired Light Combat Skills.

In addition to practicing, he thought about how to add points to Resarit.

The final decision is still to add attribute points to intelligence, and skill points to his Iron Bone and Strong Attack personal skills to improve his combat survivability.

The points added to these subordinates will determine their future hero characteristics. Take Cress as an example. She was originally the easiest to cultivate multiple powerful assassin talents. However, under Rhodes' training, the natural assassin hero Cress awakened the second tactical talent.

However, Resarit is an intelligence-specialized hero, so it is definitely right to add more intelligence attributes now.

Half a month later, Fatis led his troops to complete the third round of the alien crusade and returned with victory without loss. He also brought back a batch of slaves and supplies and was on his way back.

Rhodes had mastered the sacred barrier of light combat skills, and was more adept at the operation and control of the holy light energy, and ended his retreat.

However, this time, just after the retreat, Rhodes felt the atmosphere was different after he appeared. The whole town was in panic, and then there was an emergency meeting report:

"Lord, we just got the news that the nearby war lizards, bloodfang tribes, bear tribes, centaurs... all united to resist us. According to the reconnaissance of the scouts, these aliens have formed a coalition and are heading towards the Lonely Mountain Castle. At most, they will arrive at the city in three days."

"How many people are there in this coalition?"

Rhodes was not surprised by the alliance of the surrounding aliens. Surrender, death, joint resistance, abandoning home and moving tribes, leaving these aliens with few choices.

But they can't have too many troops, otherwise the living space in this area is so large, and they would have clashed with the witches in the mountain fortress and the centaurs in the centaur forest.

"According to the scouts, there are probably less than 2,000 people." Resarit stood up and replied.

"Hey, I thought it was a big coalition army. At the beginning, the centaur coalition army had more than 6,000 people, and they were all elite, but they couldn't take down the lonely mountain castle. Now they are attacking the lonely mountain castle with such a small number of people. Are they completely crazy?" After half a month of recuperation, Raymond has recovered his ability to move. At this moment, he didn't care at all when he heard the number of alien coalition forces.

"It's not calculated like this. Lord Raymond, we have been carrying out large-scale construction inside and outside the city for more than half a year. Now it takes a lot of manpower, financial resources, and materials to open up farmland outside the town. It's not like before. If this alien coalition army is allowed to fight to the city, it will not only be an economic loss, but our people's morale will also be greatly hit."

In the meeting room, Moken, the first civil servant, stood up and explained his own views. Clearly organized and well-reasoned.

"I'm worried that the aliens are also thinking the same way, surrounding us without attacking, or even simply destroying our construction and hindering our development. They will drag it out until we have to negotiate with them because of the heavy losses."

"..." Rhodes frowned slightly as he looked at the wilderness map in front of him.

Moken's worries are indeed reasonable. After more than half a year of development, the reputation of Lonely Mountain Castle has been thoroughly established. Now the tax revenue from the caravans is increasingly gratifying. At this time, the sudden closure of the city will seriously affect the development of Lonely Mountain Castle in all aspects, at least in the short term.

"This time the coalition may even be supported by the forces of the Orc Kingdom. As long as we pay a little bit of supplies, it is possible to pull out the biggest nail that the human forces have nailed in the wilderness. This deal really can't be more cost-effective."

"Since we will suffer great losses if we let them attack the city, then we should push the battlefield forward and defend the enemy outside the main city!"

As he spoke, Rhodes pushed his finger forward to a point on the map.

"My Lord, there are at least 2,000 of them, including powerful fighting races such as the bear people and the troglodytes. It would be too risky for us to fight a blocking battle outside the city with our troops." Moken frowned slightly and said with some concern.

"My Lord, the 200 newly recruited auxiliary soldiers have not yet been trained..." Resarit on the side also stood up and expressed implicit opposition.

Without these 200 auxiliary soldiers, minus the 50 Rhodok crossbowmen stationed in Redwood Town and the 40 Rhodok crossbowmen stationed in Whitestone Fortress, even if the Fatis Knights can return in time, the total number of full-time soldiers in the entire Lonely Mountain Castle will not exceed 300. Eight hundred against two thousand, of course, we must be cautious, after all, the Lonely Mountain Castle is the foundation of Rodhart.

"Five hundred auxiliary soldiers equipped with heavy crossbows and strong armor to defend the city will definitely be able to hold it. Do you think these foreign coalition forces will have very sophisticated magic suppression or very advanced siege equipment?"

"The two hundred auxiliary soldiers you trained, Resarit, even if they are not well trained, can go to the city wall to assist in transporting supplies and suppressing slaves in the mining area. There should be no problem, right?"

"Absolutely no problem. This batch of new soldiers is not lacking in blood and bravery." Resarit is conceited as an expert in training soldiers. He couldn't stand such words and immediately expressed his opinion.

"Very good. In this case, the remaining soldiers can be taken out, and I will lead them to snipe the enemy coalition. You can't imagine that the few troops I have dare to go out of the city to fight, and they can't imagine that the Rhodok heavy crossbow troops cooperate with suitable terrain and mountain warfare. Their combat capability is not much weaker than defending the city... I want half of them to die before they see the city wall!"

The reason why Rhodes has such confidence is that he can confirm the level of his soldiers through the system. Whether it is Moken or Resarit, they are limited by normal thinking. They can't keep up with the speed at which the soldiers under Rhodes' command become stronger.

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