Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 91 Don’t Do It

It’s another New Year’s Eve.

The people of Qingzhou didn't care about this.

I am lucky to be alive, and if I can still have a bite to eat, it is even more lucky to be lucky.

Unlucky, it just became someone else’s dinner.

In Anchang County, due to long-term siege, the county magistrate is not living a good life today.

Today’s New Year’s Eve dinner looks extremely shabby, with more than a dozen dishes.

It’s nothing more than chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs that are tired of eating, not even fresh fish, let alone delicacies from the mountains and seas in 뎃놅.

He had lived for dozens of years, but he had never experienced such a hard life before, and he felt as if there was a faint feeling in his mouth.

Unfortunately, those unruly people were still worried and kept complaining to him about hunger all day long, which was very annoying.

On the other side, at the foot of Shekou Mountain, there were no lights or fireworks, but it still looked extremely festive.

It is a very lively and festive event for three thousand people to gather together to celebrate.

Ergouzi asked 그 to prepare a batch of rice in advance. Today, everyone ate white rice, but 뀪 ate it with open belly to keep full.

As for the 뎃놅 dishes, it’s even more amazing.

Ergouzi directly took out two donkeys. Only a little bit of meat was cut off the buttocks of these two donkeys, and the rest of the donkeys were still intact.

With a few quick hands and feet, they skinned and deboned the donkey and cleaned all its intestines.

I used the 꺶 pot to cook more than ten pots.

Sima Yi commanded several men to clean the donkey skin and prepare it to be made into glue and preserved, which could be used as medicine and used to satisfy hunger during times of famine.

At this time, Er Gouzi, Sima Yi, and Ji Cang, each carrying a bowl, squatted in a row on the stone and ate deliciously.

Ji Cang was holding a pottery bowl, which contained half a bowl of donkey meat and half a bowl of red pepper. He was sweating after eating.

"These two donkeys actually have spiritual energy. Are they monsters? Where did you get them?"

"Of course such a good thing was stolen. How could it fall from the sky?"

Ergouzi said matter-of-factly that he stole a lot of good things in the back kitchen of Hongyan Tower last time.

After giving away some chickens, ducks and pork, there was still a lot left in the gourd.

The meat has been stored in the gourd for so long. Apart from the increase in spiritual energy, there has been no change. The freshness is the same as when it was first put in.

"This is the first time I've seen people talk about stealing things so confidently."

Himekura couldn't help but sigh after eating a red pepper.

"I can't beat him again and again. I can't steal it openly. What else can I do if I don't steal?"

Ergouzi still spoke confidently and without any shame.

"By the way, I'm going to leave for a while after this. Let me tell you in advance." Ji Cang said after finishing half a bowl of donkey meat.

"Ah, are you leaving so soon?"

Feeling a little sudden, Ergouzi asked in surprise.

"Then what do you do with so many debts to me?"

"Don't cheat me. The crops of a small single-family household like mine can't compare to yours, and we can't afford to lose money."

He has so many items in his hand. If Ji Cang leaves, who should he ask for them from?

Ji Cang looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "Maybe I will come back. If I don't come back, you can take these IOUs to the Qingzhou Prefecture Yamen and you can get the money."

"Or come to the capital to see me."

"Do you live in the capital? Have you ever seen the emperor? Does he use gold bowls and gold chopsticks to eat?"

This was the first time Ergouzi heard Ji Cang talk about it, and he was even more curious about the emperor in the capital.

When I was a child, I heard that the hoe used to dig 꺱놅 and the pole used to carry 꺶 dung at home were made of pure gold.

Now that I think about it, it is probably a rumor. The county magistrate has never cultivated the land. How could the emperor dig and pick up excrement?

"The current emperor's full name is: wise and wise, civilized and martial arts, virtuous to the people, long life without borders, supreme Longxing Holy Emperor."

"If you call me "Emperor" like this in the capital, you will be punished for being disrespectful and you will be arrested and beheaded."

"At least he should be called Emperor Longxing."

Ji Cang kindly reminded him that if this kid went to the capital one day to demand debts and was caught and chopped, he would be in trouble.

"Is the capital so dangerous? I said it from the young master's place, and he could still hear me."

"The dynasty's eyes and ears are spread all over the world, especially in the capital. There is a pair of eyes watching you everywhere at any time."

"Don't talk about places like the capital. When you go to cities like Sanyang County and Qingzhou Prefecture, you have to be careful about what you say and do."

Ji Cang solemnly warned the two people that in the mountains and wilds, it is easy to violate certain taboos by accident.

"Speaking of the current Emperor Longxing Sheng, I have indeed seen that he does not use gold bowls to eat, but carves them from more expensive 놅냫 marrow, and even more expensive 놅."

Ji Cang just smiled and stopped talking about anything related to the capital and the emperor...

The next morning was the first day of the new year, so Ji Cang left.

Ergouzi has accumulated a bunch of items, so he can only keep them carefully and hope that Ji Cang will not default on his debts.

After that, Er Gouzi arranged for his men to start reclaiming wasteland on the two barren mountains.

There are many of them, men, women, old and young, working together. They work very quickly, and they can cultivate more than ten acres of fields in one day.

Ergouzi cultivated a batch of saplings on the top of Shekou Mountain, including persimmon trees, jujube trees, and oak trees.

Irrigated with water from the gourd every day, the saplings grow very quickly.

Because after land reclamation, there will always be some edges and corners in the fields that cannot be planted.

Especially some places on the mountain that are all stone, which are even more impossible to cultivate.

He planned to plant trees in these places that cannot be cultivated.

The fruits of these three trees can provide food, but persimmon trees and jujube trees are not easy to survive in too harsh an environment.

Oak trees are different. Even if they are only one finger wide in the cracks of the rocks, they can grow and survive.

A dozen acorn trees can start to bear fruit. A mature tree can pick several buckets of acorns every day.

However, this thing tastes bitter and astringent, and it needs to be repeatedly rinsed with clean water for many days before it can be eaten.

But in the months of famine, it is life-saving food.

More than 3,000 people worked at the same time and the speed was very fast. It took only more than two months for the two barren mountains to be reclaimed.

There are more than 400 acres of land in total, and 20 acres of ponds are used for water storage.

Most of them are dry land on the mountain, and they are new fields. In the first few days, they can only grow some beans, and the yield will not be very high.

It still can't support more than 3,000 people.

Just when they had reclaimed the wasteland and were ready to plough the land in spring, Ji Cang came back again.

This time, Ji Cang came back with serious injuries.

"Why are you injured again?"

Er Gouzi used some ordinary wound medicine to apply externally and internally to Ji Cang, and wrote a note by the way.

"I met a cult master and didn't win."

Ji Cang smiled bitterly and said.

"In addition, I also got some bad news."

"What news?"

"The Qingzhou Prefecture army was defeated by the cult rebels."

"Ah? Isn't it said that there are many masters in Qingzhou Prefecture?"

Sima Yi was a little unbelievable. He still knew some dynamics and situations of the government.

"It is said that there are several gold-level masters in Qingzhou Prefecture. How could it be defeated by the cult? Is the cult so strong?"

"The cult was not strong originally, but after a year or two of rapid development, it has cultivated a large number of masters."

"At the same time, the Wan Yao Kingdom sent a cavalry to attack the border, which tied down many troops and masters in Qingzhou Prefecture."

"Now it's not just Qingzhou. Several neighboring states and counties have begun to revolt and there are signs of the rebellion spreading."

Ji Cang said this with a bitter smile.

"Er Gou, I want to ask you for a favor. I'll write you a request."

"What is it?"

Er Gou was very curious. What did this guy ask him for, and he asked for a request.

"I want you to form an army to wipe out the rebellion in the surrounding area."


Er Gou refused immediately. He had just reclaimed the wasteland, and now was the spring farming season. Why would he go to fight a war?

Rebellion has nothing to do with me.

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