Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 90 Selling one's body for a penny

After Er Gouzi returned to the mountain, he looked around and found that everything was normal.

The medicinal herbs were growing vigorously, and a lot of persimmons and dates were harvested, which was just enough to feed the mountain's people.

Since he took Yushan, every time he went out and came back, the mountain was well taken care of.

Fortunately, he did not kill Yushan on impulse that day.

At first, when Yushan broke into the top of the snake mountain, he planned to kill him on the spot to avoid revealing his secret.

Later, he found that this person was actually quite cowardly, especially cowardly.

After being beaten, he was obedient and handed over everything.

Er Gouzi thought that he would keep him as a laborer for a while to see if he was useful. If he was not useful, it would not be too late to kill him.

Later, Yushan had several experiences of escaping, but he was successfully controlled by the goose and was beaten several times.

Now Yushan is becoming more and more sensible, and he should not be killed in the future.

"Yushan, I picked out a piece of clothing for you that's a bit old. You can roll up your sleeves and it should be wearable."

Er Gouzi stripped clothes from many corpses this time and picked out a relatively new one for Yushan.

"Thank you, Master!"

Yushan quickly took the clothes and was so moved that he almost cried.

"Master is so good to me."

"I don't know how to repay Master's kindness."

"It's okay. Just treat this place as your home and settle down to farm."

Er Gouzi comforted Yushan for a few more times before walking into the house.

There are indeed many good things he got out of this trip.

A magic weapon flying sword, he had only seen the county magistrate use it before, and he envied it very much at that time.

Now he picked up a magic weapon flying sword without spending a penny.

When he matures in the future, taking the head within three or five feet will be as easy as taking something out of a bag.

He also got the alchemy furnace he had always dreamed of.

He stretched out his hand and a five-foot-tall bronze tripod appeared in the room, with blood stains on its surface.

Although the style was much smaller than the normal alchemy furnace, and it felt a bit evil, it was still an alchemy furnace.

It was better to have it than not, otherwise he would be really worried about where to get the alchemy furnace.

Now that he had the alchemy furnace, he only needed spiritual medicine and spiritual charcoal to start making the elixir.

In addition to these two things, he also got a spiritual medicine.

Thinking of this, a green grass appeared in his hand.

This spiritual medicine is called the Herba Lithospermi, which is a spiritual medicine that can heal wounds. It needs to grow for 70 years and grow 7 leaves to be fully mature.

The one in front of him only has three leaves, which can only be regarded as a seedling. Obviously, the medicinal effect is far from enough.

Fortunately, this spiritual medicine still has vitality and can be replanted.

He immediately walked out of the room, cleared a small piece of land next to the ginseng field, and planted the ginseng leaf bone grass.

Then he poured the water in the gourd, and there should be no problem.

Later, he would add some medicinal materials, and maybe he could try to refine a healing pill.

Sometimes, immortal cultivators will inevitably get injured, and it is really unsafe without some healing medicine.

For example, this time, Sima Yi was seriously injured and almost died.

After planting the spiritual medicine, he returned to the room.

This time, he also got two wooden boxes in the cult cave.

One was stolen by him by himself.

The other was found by the pockmarked face in the secret room, and he died before he could open it.

Er Gouzi picked it up.

First, open the small wooden box that he stole by his own ability.

The lid was opened, and it was found that the whole box was full of yellow talisman paper.


So many!

He counted them with his spiritual sense, and there were more than 200 of them.

However, most of them were ordinary talismans such as golden light shield, force technique, and armor technique.

When he was in the third level of Qi training, he fought with Daoxuan Sect monks and broke through them with brute force, which was not helpful to him at this stage.

However, he also found a few talismans of better quality in them.

For example, he once bought the invisibility talisman and the breath-holding talisman at a high price. There were also a few of them in this wooden box.

That's good. He might not be interested in other talismans, but he liked these two talismans very much. He used them twice and accumulated a lot of experience and gains.

There are also some talismans such as ball talismans and water arrow talismans, which are also very good for fighting.

To cast a spell by yourself, you need to prepare for a few breaths before you can cast the spell, and it consumes a lot of true Qi in your body.

But using talismans is different. As long as there is a trace of true qi, the talismans can be activated in an instant.

Ordinary people without true qi can barely activate them with their own blood essence.

Er Gouzi put the box of talismans back into the gourd and took out another wooden box.

This is what the pockmarked face found in the secret room.

Before the pockmarked face had time to open it, he was beaten to death by Duo, and died miserably!

Fortunately, Er Gouzi helped him report the crime, beat Duo to death, and then picked up his wooden box by the way.

When the wooden box was opened, there was only a piece of egg inside, light white, a bit like the shape of a goose egg, round, and cold to the touch.

"What is this?"

Holding this goose egg, looking left and right, but couldn't tell what it was and what effect it had?

I can't tell, so I'll put it aside for now. I'll ask Ji Cang later. He knows a little bit about everything.

He has developed a habit during this period of time to ask Ji Cang about everything.

In addition to these things, he also stole a jar of Peiyuan Guben Pills, which contained more than 2,000 pills.

These are all made with 50-year-old ginseng as the medicine. After being enhanced by the gourd, they still have a little effect on him.

After counting these items, there is still a pile of things that were taken from the corpse.

Most of these things are sundries, and there are some money pills and the like.

A total of 3,000 taels of silver, more than 1,000 Peiyuan Guben pills, and more than 200 Xuepo pills were cleaned out.

There are also more than 100 pieces of blood-stained clothes.

The clothes can be given to Qiuyue. They are good at handling these things. After washing and remaking them, they can make many more clothes.

After Er Gouzi cleaned up the spoils of this time, he picked some red peppers and gave them to Ji Cang, and gave the clothes to Qiuyue by the way.

"Brother Ji, can you help me see what this is?"

Er Gouzi took out the goose egg and gave it to Ji Cang to check.

Ji Cang took it in his hand, glanced at it casually, and returned it to Er Gouzi.

"This is a piece of Qing."

"It can clear the mind and keep calm, and prevent the mind from going into the devil during cultivation."

After Ji Cang said this, Er Gouzi probably understood that when the pockmarked face found this piece of stone, it was for Duo.

If he could give it to Duo earlier, Duo would not be so manic, and finally beat him to death, but it was a step too late.

This thing is useless to Er Gouzi, but it should be of some help to Sima Yi.

After giving the Qing to Sima Yi, he returned to the mountain and fell asleep.

These days in the cave of the cult, he never slept.

This sleep was really good, and he didn't wake up until three o'clock in the morning.

Yushan had prepared breakfast for him long ago. He ate a few bowls of spiritual rice and a fried fish and was half full.

At this time, he found that many people gathered at the bottom of the mountain. Could it be that the new people were making trouble?

Immediately, he rode a goose and flew up the mountain.

He found that it was indeed Sun Wangcai, who was guarding the bottom of the mountain with a group of people. He was about to scold them, but the group of people had already knelt down first.

"Boss, we want to sell ourselves!"

"Sell ourselves?"

Er Gouzi was a little confused. He thought he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, we want to sell ourselves to the boss."

He had been here for more than a day and had already found out that Qiuyue and the others were all bought by Er Gouzi.

"No, I don't want to buy or sell people now."

Er Gouzi refused decisively without any hesitation. Why did he buy so many people?

"Boss, we are very cheap, just one copper coin, and we are willing to sell ourselves as slaves."

"If you don't want to pay, it doesn't matter if you don't give a copper coin."

"We have written the contract of sale ourselves."

"As long as the boss can accept us, we can be slaves or servants, and we can work like cows and horses."

As they said, these people held up a piece of cloth with both hands and presented it to Er Gouzi.

On each piece of cloth, a contract of sale was written in blood. Many of the handwritings were crooked, but the content was the same.

"I voluntarily sell myself as a slave for one penny and never regret it."

If they can live, there are probably few people who like to sell themselves as slaves. Who doesn't want to live with dignity?

But at that time, for them, selling themselves for one penny might be the best choice.

Especially after experiencing all kinds of hardships, and seeing Qiuyue and others' lives at the foot of Shemo Mountain.

Compared to the chaos of war in other places, being a slave to Er Gouzi is happier than being a general under those rebel kings.

At this time, Ji Cang and Sima Yi were also standing nearby.

Looking at this dark mass of people, each holding a contract of sale written in blood, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Ji Cang's former pride and confidence were gone, and his face even blushed to the root of his neck, looking up at the sky.

"This is a shame for the Zhou Dynasty, a shame for the royal family and all the civil and military officials of the Zhou Dynasty."

"The royal ministers eat the people's fat every day, but let the people of the world fall to this."

When Ji Cang said this, a tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

Sima Yi looked at Ji Cang curiously, and a sense of knowing rose in his heart.

"The Zhou Dynasty has long been in a state of terminal illness. It needs a good doctor who can use strong medicine and scrape the bone to cure the poison, only then there is a possibility of change."

"But good medicine is bitter, and the pain of scraping the bone to cure the poison, who can bear it, and where can such a good doctor be found!"

Ji Cang sighed. Everyone knows some truths, but how many people can do it?

"I want to be such a good doctor..."

The two chatted like this, and Er Gouzi had received two thousand blood-written indentures.

In fact, even if it was free, he didn't really want it.

He only had those two barren mountains, plus 50 acres of land in the Snake Mountain.

In the future, even if the land of the barren mountains was reclaimed into good fields, it would not be able to support so many people, there were too many people and too little land.

However, seeing those pairs of pleading eyes and those indentures written in blood, he softened again.

After all, he made bad friends and was influenced too much by Sima Yi. He always got excited and did some unprofitable business.

After he collected all the indentures, the two thousand people kowtowed to him again to thank him for his kindness.

"I have collected the indentures, but I don't have so many copper coins, so I will give you one liter of grain each as a debt repayment."

"Thank you for your kindness, boss!"

The two thousand people kowtowed again to thank him, this time they were full of joy.

One liter of grain, if you save it a little and mix it with some tree bark and grass roots, it can last for a long time.

These days, not to mention one penny, 100 pennies can't buy one liter of grain.

Er Gouzi asked Qiuyue to distribute grain to the family, one liter per person, and this time he used up 20.

There is not much grain in the warehouse, so much grain will be consumed every day.

It will be better only until the spring when weeds grow.

Er Gouzi returned to the mountain and moved all the persimmons and red dates in stock. There were several, which could last for a while.

Then, he wielded a heavy sword and reclaimed another five acres of land on the top of the mountain, all planted with ordinary rice.

Adding the two acres of ordinary rice planted originally, there are now a total of 10 acres, which can be harvested almost once every half a month.

Each acre can harvest about four per season, and in a month, this 10 acres of land can harvest more than 50 acres of rice.

However, Yushan was too busy to handle it all, and Ergouzi could only take time to help with farming, harvesting, and drying.

On average, there was more than one grain of rice per day, and 3,000 grains were still very difficult to eat, but at least they would not starve to death, and they did not need to eat corpses.

At the same time, in the area of ​​Sheshan, the wars between the various forces became more frequent, and the forces that could survive became stronger and stronger.

Ergouzi destroyed a nest of the cult, but it did not seem to affect the refining of the blood and soul pill.

A large number of immortal cultivators appeared in the rebel army, and many anti-kings had cultivated to the middle stage of Qi training by swallowing a large number of blood and soul pills.

But the resources of the people were getting less and less.

If there was no food, the people would be consumed, and cultivation would also consume the people.

Now many forces are fighting each other, and they no longer fight for territory or money, but only for the people.

Even the eight rebel kings who surrounded the county town are now reduced to two.

But the number of rebels has decreased, and the rebels are stronger than before.

This long winter is like a purgatory for all of Qingzhou.

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