Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 64 Spiritual Beast

After leaving the black market, Er Gouzi did not return directly to Daqing Township, but rushed back to Shekou Mountain overnight.

He missed home after so many days.

Compared with the miserable conditions of the villages he had seen along the way, Shexi Village was relatively good.

Green crops could still be seen in many places.

Ah Hu's family had been busy for half a year, and the sesame and millet planted in the fields were growing well, and they had already begun to harvest.

"The boss is back!"

"The boss is back!"

Seeing Er Gouzi appear, a group of children at the foot of Shekou Mountain ran towards him happily.

These children did not understand the respect and inferiority of the secular world, nor did they understand the evil of secular people, and their faces were still filled with bright smiles.

After being sold by their parents, in their hearts, Er Gouzi was their parent and a piece of sky covering them.

Er Gouzi looked at the group of children laughing and talking in front of him, and he actually felt a little bit of love in his heart.

He took out a handful of red dates from his bag and gave them to the children in front of him.

"Thank you, Boss!"

"Wow! The dates are so sweet!"

A group of children ran away with laughter, Qiuyue came over and saluted Ergouzi respectfully.

"Hello, Boss!"

"How are you these days since you left?"

"A thief has been here."

Ergouzi's face changed when he heard this, and he jumped up and rushed to the top of the mountain.


A group of geese saw their master coming back, and they all gathered in front of him, spread their wings, stretched their necks, and sucked Ergouzi's clothes.

Ergouzi glanced at the top of the mountain and found that everything was normal. He breathed a sigh of relief and rode on the goose's back and flew away from the top of the mountain.

Qiuyue was still waiting for him at the foot of the mountain.

"What happened specifically?"

"A few days ago, a few kids found some dead rats and birds at the foot of the back mountain and wanted to bring them back to cook and eat."

"Huang Laocai saw it, and he said something was wrong..."

This is probably the whole story, and Huang Laocai felt something was wrong.

Then everyone found some scattered rice and other small animals that were poisoned to death in the back mountain.

After that, they added a group of people to watch the night.

In particular, there were more than a dozen people hiding near the back mountain.

It's a pity that they still couldn't catch anyone in the end.

"Okay, you've done a good job."

"In the future, when you're not here, arrange more people to watch at night."

"Absolutely no one can go up the mountain."

"Remember to burn those poisoned rice and poisoned bodies, so that they won't be picked up and eaten."

Now there are several people stationed at the foot of the mountain for a long time. The cliffs of Shekou Mountain are unusually smooth, and there are iron thorns and geese on the top of the mountain.

Under this heavy defense, even if a high-ranking official like the county magistrate or the registrar came in person, it would be difficult to break through the defense on Shekou Mountain.

Er Gouzi gave an order and flew up Shekou Mountain again.

A small part of the ginseng planted on the top of the mountain was eaten by the geese, but fortunately the loss was not particularly large.

Because the geese ate the meat dishes delivered to their door every day.

The locust corpses that could not be eaten were spread on the ground in a thick layer.

Er Gouzi swept up all the locust corpses, mixed some locusts stored in the gourd into them, and filled two large sacks.

All the locust corpses were handed over to Qiuyue as their rations.

Then he took the broken heavy sword and some newly bought silver refining essence on the black market and threw them to Huang Fugui, asking him to help connect them.

Seeing Huang Fugui grinning as he carried the half-broken sword, he stuffed him with a bottle of Peiyuan Guben Pills.

After Er Gouzi arranged the affairs at home, he was released and took the two geese to Daqing Township.

Zhao Xiu and the other two had arrived long ago. The six or so villagers who were left did not disperse. Instead, there were more people than before, and more than a thousand people gathered.

They were all people from nearby. When they heard that they had food to eat, they came to seek refuge in droves.

Er Gouzi called all the villagers together and re-explained the discipline to them. All those who escaped would be killed.

Seeing the vagrants laughing and twisting their heads, they probably didn't listen.

In the last battle, if the constable hadn't blocked the road and chopped off several heads in a row, these people would have escaped without a single one left.

They are all a mess, a group of rabble.

"Captain Zhang, what are the arrangements for us after we get here?"

"Rest for a day, and then head towards Heishan Town."

Er Gouzi had already made up his mind on the way here. He was going to sweep from here to Sanchazi Town.

He couldn't take care of other places, but he had to at least clear the area around Sanchazi Town, which was closer to his home, so that he could take care of anything if something happened.

If they killed their way through Heishan Town, they could return to Sanchazi Town.

There were more than a thousand people in their group, walking sparsely on the road, lazily and sparsely, stretching for a mile or two. The head of the team couldn't see the tail of the team, and the tail of the team couldn't see the head of the team.

Some people disappeared halfway, and some people joined in halfway.

Er Gouzi was also a little confused, not knowing how many people there were in his group and who they were.

Moreover, when passing through some villages and towns, some people took the opportunity to enter the village to rob, and then fought with each other after grabbing items.

In short, it was a mess, with no discipline at all.

Fortunately, locusts have no wisdom. If they fight against a wise army, they only need to organize a few people and defeat the team with one or two surprise attacks.

Er Gouzi has been copying some methods from military books these days and has tasted the sweetness.

Anyway, he would have to go to the county black market in a few days to participate in the auction of the pill.

So he was not in a hurry to wipe out the locusts. He took two days to reorganize the team.

First, the personnel were divided into two categories, A and B.

Category A was the main combat personnel, more than 800 people.

Category B was the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant who wanted to make a living, the youngest was three or five years old, the oldest was sixty or seventy years old, more than 300 people.

Category B had no strength to fight locusts, and could only do some miscellaneous work such as picking firewood, making fire and cooking.

Then the two types of people were organized into teams of five, ten, and hundred, with the positions of squad leader, squad leader, and foreman respectively.

There were a total of 11 foreman, who directly listened to Er Gouzi's orders and then managed them layer by layer.

In this way, the team looked neat and easy to manage. Whatever happened, they only needed to find these 11 people.

He did all this according to the methods described in the military books and strategies. It turned out that he still needed to read more books, which were all experiences summarized by others.

He decided to borrow all the books in Zhengwu Hall and read them in the future.

However, there was still a military rule that made him a little embarrassed.

That was the question of whether soldiers could kill and rob villagers.

Many military books never mentioned this.

Some military books indicated that soldiers could be robbed as a reward, which could improve morale and replenish military supplies.

He also saw in the "History of the Great Zhou Dynasty" that many times, especially before and after the war, the generals would let the soldiers rob for a few days.

Sometimes, when there were not enough military supplies, they would directly rob along the way.

Er Gouzi, who had been copying military books and tasted the sweetness, struggled for a long time when faced with this choice.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided not to learn!

One more rule was added to the military regulations: no looting in the village, no killing or arson, and those who violated it would be beheaded.

Er Gouzi had been bullied and scolded since he was a child, and he felt the bullying very deeply.

Through his efforts, he was finally not bullied much, but he didn't want to inflict this pain on others.

He had heard his master say before: Don't give others what you don't want.

He couldn't remember some of these scholarly words, but it was probably this.

He had no right to manage those officials who oppressed civilians, but within the scope of his management, he would never allow soldiers to oppress and rob civilians.

This violated the military law, anyway, he was a farmer, not a general.

After the reorganization, several people entered the village to rob money, food, and virgin girls after a day.

These people were used to being casual and didn't take his rules into account at all.

Er Gouzi saw that the refugees who were tied up were all honest farmers. When they did evil, they were no different from the officials.

Even though these people cried and begged for mercy.

He still let the constables behead them in front of more than a thousand people.

From then on, these refugees finally behaved honestly, trembling with fear and acting according to the rules.

In just two or three days, the team changed a lot and became more serious and orderly.

No wonder he saw in the military book that some soldiers should be beheaded before the war to shock people and boost morale.

After the team was reorganized, it was calculated that the body of the locust king hidden in the gourd should be used to feed the geese.

The two geese saw the locust body in the owner's gourd and smelled it.

They wanted to eat it, but they wanted to maintain the dignity of the big goose and were unwilling to please the pity.

They stood beside Er Gouzi on the left and right, stretched their necks, and raised their proud heads.

But his eyes were always looking at the two pieces of the locust king's body, and his gaze never moved away.

"Hey! Come and eat!"

The two big geese were just suffering from the lack of culture. When they heard the owner say this with a smile, they thought it was a good thing.

They stretched their necks gracefully and swallowed the locust king one by one.

Not long after swallowing the locusts, the aura in the two geese suddenly increased, and became extremely violent, bumping around in their bodies.

"Ga~ ga~"

The two geese flew into the sky, flying and bumping around like they had a seizure, and the feathers on their bodies fell one by one.

After a long time, the two geese gradually calmed down, fell to the ground, and fell asleep.

Er Gouzi used his spiritual sense to observe them. The two geese were very weak now, but a stronger aura had formed in their bodies.

This aura was similar to that of the locust king, but not so violent.

I remember seeing a book in Zhengwu Hall saying that everything in the world can cultivate immortality.

Human practitioners are called immortals, animals and plants are called monsters, and the breath in monsters is called monster energy.

It seems that these two geese have just swallowed the locust king, and the energy has produced monster energy in their bodies.

It's just like a human warrior is promoted to a qi cultivator.

However, everyone is used to calling wild animals monsters, and domesticated animals are called spirit beasts.

The two geese have just finished their promotion, and they are a little weak. They should be fine after a few days of rest.

One big insect king can make two geese advance. In the future, we should get more insect king corpses.

After another day of rest, the two geese have recovered some strength.

Er Gouzi asked the constable to lead the team temporarily, and he sent the two geese back to Shekou Mountain for recuperation.

By the way, he took the reconnected broken sword and headed towards the county town.

The pill on the black market will be auctioned tonight, and he has already prepared the money, determined to get it.

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