Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 63: The elixir is found again (1/2)

As the sun sets, the battlefield is full of locust corpses. This battle lasted for a whole day.

At this time, the refugees were sweeping up the insect corpses with brooms. Among them, there were some larger mutant locusts, which had to be picked out separately.

After these experiences, everyone knows that the corpses of mutant locusts are extremely valuable. In addition to tasting better, they can also strengthen the body and increase strength.

The locust-killing team harvested at least more than 100 mutant locusts this time.

After this battle, the locust disaster in Daqing Township has been completely eliminated.

When the locusts were harvested, more than 100 people died in the locust-killing team, and more than 300 people escaped. Now there are only more than 700 people left, and everyone is injured.

Among the three martial arts scholars under his command, one died, and the other two were also injured. There were many cuts on their bodies, and blood and flesh turned outward.

At this moment, Er Gouzi was holding the corpse of the big locust king in his hand.

Two big geese were leaning against him, salivating at the corpse of the insect king in his hand.

But as big geese, they were proud and would never flatter Er Gouzi, let alone wag their tails like dogs. They just watched helplessly.

This insect king was more than one foot long, with a pair of hind legs like saw teeth, sharp and ferocious. It should be this thing that broke the Bairu heavy sword.

The sword was made of Bailian copper essence, and its quality was far superior to ordinary swords. It was broken by the locust king.

The locust king was cut open and his stomach was full of golden eggs. It looked delicious.

Er Gouzi's spiritual sense sensed a powerful force from its body, and it should have become the legendary locust monster.

"Do you want to eat?"

The two geese raised their noble heads and nodded when they heard the master's question.

"I'll give it to you in a few days. It's for your own good."

As Er Gouzi said this, he had already put away the locust corpses.

The two geese have made great contributions to you during this period, and they were even more wounded in the battle today, and their hair was bald.

It's no problem to give them to you, but such a good thing should at least be put into the gourd to improve its quality before eating.

The two geese didn't understand what the master meant, so they raised their heads and chests and turned their heads to one side, which meant that they didn't want to eat it at all.

"Captain Zhang, this time we harvested a total of 156 mutant locusts. How should we divide them?"

Zhao Xiucai looked at the pile of locust corpses and asked Er Gouzi.

We have already tasted the flavor. In addition to being delicious, this locust also contains some special properties that increase strength and strengthen the internal qi, which is of great help to warriors.

"Let's follow the old way. Divide the mutant locusts into seven equal parts, one for each person, and the rest for the locust-killing team as rations."

In every battle before, Er Gouzi divided the locusts into seven parts, and the five of us and the two geese each took one part.

As for why the geese also took two parts, we didn't have any complaints.

Because everyone saw that the two geese contributed more than anyone else.

"Sun Xiucai is dead, do you still need to divide it?"

"Of course you should divide it. No one should be deducted from anything if he dies in battle."

Er Gouzi said as a matter of course.

Since childhood, I only knew how to chop wood and feed pigs. Before I met Li Banxian, no one had ever taught me how to behave.

Since entering the library of Zhengwu Hall, it feels like discovering a new land. I have learned a lot from books that no one has ever taught me before.

I have read a lot of military books during this time. The books say that the most important thing in leading troops to fight is reward and punishment.

Those who have made contributions, even the most humble people, should be rewarded.

Those who have made mistakes, even those in high positions and powerful positions, must be punished.

Only in this way can we maintain prestige and enforce discipline.

I didn’t know anything before, and I had never had experience in leading a large army to fight. Naturally, I just copied the contents of the book honestly.

After a few days, I felt that what the book said was right, at least there was no big trouble.

Although Zhao Xiucai, Qian Xiucai and the constable coveted Sun Xiucai’s share, they had nothing to say about Er Gouzi’s division.

Although this method does not give you any extra benefits, it at least ensures that you will not suffer any loss.

That night, the locust-killing team celebrated their success on the spot, and everyone had a full meal.

After this battle, the mission of our locust-killing team has been completed.

These refugees have fought with Er Gouzi for several days, and they have gone from being starving to being full every meal, and they have tasted the sweetness.

Everyone is still looking forward to continuing to kill locusts with the team.

Er Gouzi left rations and asked the locust-killing team to stay in Daqing Township and wait for orders, while several of them had to return to the county government to report.

The county magistrate will decide where to go.

On the way back, passing through other villages, we found that there were still many locust swarms and they were not suppressed.

Those wandering villagers. After being sent back by the officers and soldiers, they no longer went out to farm at home.

There is no point in farming now. At the beginning of the year, we worked hard to carry water to irrigate the land, and the crops that were barely able to survive have all been eaten by locusts.

Digging some tree bark and grass roots, catching a few locusts, everyone has meat and vegetables, and can make a living.

When we passed a place called Xingwang Township, we happened to meet a locust extermination team fighting.

The battle scene was extremely fierce, and it was already one-sided.

The locust swarm vibrated its wings, making a rustling sound, and the locust extermination team was chased away and fled, making bursts of miserable howls.

A martial arts scholar was quite powerful. He performed Qinggong and his body was agile and vigorous. He kept changing directions while running, which seemed very smooth and natural.

However, a large group of locusts was chasing him closely, and their speed was not slow at all.


The martial arts scholar saw Er Gouzi and his group and shouted for help.

Er Gouzi had some impression of this man. He was one of the most active people in the county hall that day. In particular, he had a deep impression of him.

When the two geese saw the locust swarm, they rushed into the swarm without Er Gouzi's order.

The wings were waving in the air, sweeping the locusts down like raindrops.

These two geese have eaten more than ten mutant locusts every day recently, and their strength has increased very fast.

Now they are much stronger than those geese left behind.

Before Er Gouzi could make a move, the group of locusts chasing Wu Xiucai had been killed by two geese.

Then they continued to kill other locusts.

When Wu Xiucai, who had survived the disaster, came to his senses, he found that the group of locusts that had bitten him to tears had been killed by two geese.

After the battle, the goose picked up the mutant locusts on the ground with its mouth, but was not in a hurry to eat them, but sent them to Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi took these mutant locusts, took out more than a dozen mutant locusts from the bag, and gave them to the two geese.

"Thank you!"

Wu Xiucai, who was saved, was still in shock, and thanked Er Gouzi.

"What is your name, brother?"

He was a little regretful. He had made so many friends, but why didn't he make friends with this one earlier.

"Your surname is Zhang, these are Mr. Zhao and Mr. Qian, I guess you have known each other for a long time."

The few people chatted briefly here for a while.

It turned out that they were unlucky when they were assigned to the locust-clearing team in Xingwang Township. On the first day, the refugees they recruited died and fled, leaving only dozens of people.

Later, they continued to recruit people, and continued to suffer casualties and escape.

A few days later, they encountered a particularly large locust swarm, and two Wu Xiucai from the same team also died.

Because their locust-clearing team often died, it was difficult to recruit people now.

Those refugees just wanted to make a living, but they didn't think of helping him die.

When he heard that Er Gouzi and his team had completed their mission and were ready to report to the county government, he showed a look of surprise and envy, and could only sigh that he had a bad life.

When Er Gouzi returned to the outside of the county, he found that a large number of refugees had gathered here again, and the number was more than last time.

Some people from Anchang County, some of them wandered from other places, and they could not be stopped at all.

The porridge stalls at the city gate had been removed, and the guards were blocking the city gate with their hands to prevent the refugees from entering the city.

The four people entered the county government office. The county magistrate was surprised to hear that they had eliminated the locusts in Daqing Township and personally met with the four of them.

"I sent out a total of 20 locust-killing teams, and only you took the lead in eliminating the locust swarm."

"You did a great job! I will reward you heavily. I hope you can continue to work hard and make more achievements. In the future, I will also recommend you for merit."

The county magistrate was very kind and rewarded Er Gouzi with 10 Peiyuan Gu Pills, and Zhao Xiucai and others were rewarded with 5 pills each.

And the rations for their locust-killing team were also increased from two dou per day to four dou.

Then they were ordered to continue to lead the team from Daqing Township to help kill locusts in other towns and villages.

After Er Gouzi came out of the county government, he went to Sima Yi's Huichuntang.

Huichuntang was very deserted that day. Sima Yi sat behind the counter, looking haggard.

At a young age, there were many more white hairs on his head.

"You also escaped back?"

Sima Yi was a little surprised to see Er Gouzi appear.

"What do you mean by escaped back? I came back to report to the county magistrate."

This was a nonsense, which made Er Gouzi confused.


Sima Yi was also confused.

The two of them were talking at cross purposes, and it took a long time for them to understand what the other wanted to express.

From Sima Yi, I learned that some time ago, 20 locust-killing teams were sent out, and several teams were dispersed.

The rest were struggling and fighting hard.

Or they hid and lived in seclusion, and did not dare to provoke those large-scale insect swarms.

Some of them were well-off martial arts scholars, and simply fled back to the county town and quit.

So when Sima Yi saw Er Gouzi coming back, he subconsciously thought that he had also fled back.

Er Gouzi remembered the situation in his last battle, and most teams were indeed unable to resist.

"But besides you, there are several other teams that performed very well."

"But these teams are all supported by several big families in the county."

"This includes the team led by my cousin Sima Hong. The family fully supports it, providing people and food, and focusing on training family disciples."

Er Gouzi asked Sima Yi about the situation in the county again.

It turned out that last time they recruited a large number of refugees to the locust-killing team and took them away, the officers and soldiers repatriated all the refugees outside the city to their hometowns.

But the locust-killing team fought unfavorably, and a large number of refugees fled back in a few days.

In order to force these refugees to join the locust-killing team, the county government even stopped Sima Yi from setting up his porridge stall.

The refugees were hungry, so they were naturally willing to catch and kill locusts.

By the way, he also enriched himself, and the major families fought over the relief grain allocated by the court, dividing up seven or eight out of ten.

Sima Yi blushed when he said this, because his Sima family was also involved.

Last time, he tried hard to get some food from his uncle to give porridge, but then he was banned by the county government.

Now it seems that there is no food to eat in the entire county, but in fact many large families have been hoarding food for several years and cannot eat all the food.

Everyone has a tacit understanding to sell only a little bit of food at a time and raise the price of food very high in order to gain greater profits.

Ergouzi didn't find it strange when he heard these inside stories. Rich businessmen in Sanchazi Town had always done this, so he had long been accustomed to it.

After saying goodbye to Sima Yi, he went to the black market again.

The antidote pill he ordered finally arrived.

However, because the price of blood pills has dropped sharply now, the five blood pills he originally prepared can no longer be exchanged for one detoxification pill.

I could only get the detoxifying pill after paying another 100 or two hundred dollars for the silver alchemy essence.

The detoxifying elixir is turquoise in color and looks like jade, round and shiny.

After smelling it, I felt a scent of vegetation.

I don't know what it smells like, but the corpse poison in his body has been removed, so he can't smell it for the time being.

It's best not to have sex in this life.

Put the detoxifying pill into your arms.

I took a look at the rows of medicine cabinets in Hong Fook Hall.

"Are there any other elixirs here?"

"You're lucky, Hongfutang did get another pill."

When the shopkeeper heard this, he smiled slightly and said proudly.

"You may have heard that the county government rewarded you with a pill some time ago, but it was lost by the county magistrate's concubine.

The unlucky guy who lost his elixir could only exchange the elixir for two barren mountains from the county magistrate. "

Ergou heard the shopkeeper tell this familiar story and wanted to tell him that the unlucky guy was himself.

"놆No놆The pill was found again?"

"That's right, I found it at home when I was sweeping the floor two days ago. Do you think it's true?"

"Hey hey hey..."

The shopkeeper seemed extremely proud when he told this story.

Er Gouzi is honest and not stupid, so he naturally knows what's going on here.

"Then what's the price of this pill?"

If the price was not too expensive, he would also like to buy the elixir back.

"Many people are eyeing such a precious elixir, so it must not be sold directly."

"In five days, it will be auctioned at our Hongfu Building, and the highest bidder will win."

"If you are interested, you can participate in the auction after 5 days."


Er Gouzi walked out of Hongfu Tower with his head down, not knowing whether he should be optimistic or distressed.

Finally got another chance to buy back my pill.

In order to be able to pay the price five days later, he sold a sack of red dates on the black market and got 2,600 taels of silver.

I sold five buckets of 뇾cat tooth rice as fake 놅crescent rice and got 5,000 taels of silver.

I sold a batch of Peiyuan Gu녤 pills and got 1,000 taels of silver.

I also sold some mutated locust corpses and got 2,000 taels of silver...

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