Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 40 The Great Zhou Dynasty (1/2)

There is also a time to collect rent and pay taxes to the county government once a year.

But starting from this year, dogs don’t have to pay taxes.

He only has 5 acres of land, and Snake Mountain is registered as a barren mountain in the county government. He is exempted from taxes because of his reputation as a scholar.

There is no need to hand over a grain of grain, but not a single stone is missing in the land rent.

"My boss, this is 100 shi of rice. It has been prepared a long time ago. It's just that the Snake Mountain is too high and we can't deliver it."

괗In front of Gouzi, there was a pile of golden rice, piled up like a hill.

Finally realized the happiness of being a local landlord and a rich man.

According to a normal person's appetite, a meal of white rice would be enough for a year.

If you eat some meat, a dozen dan per year will be enough.

Anyway, these 100 shi will last for many years.

However, if I exchange it for Peiyuan Guben Pills, according to the current food prices, I can only exchange for a dozen pills.

"Master, can I think of a way to help you hoist these grains to the top of the mountain?"

Ahu thought Gouzi was worried about how to carry the grain, so he asked thoughtfully.

"No need."

"It's too troublesome to move it up and down. I'll keep it here with you for now. I'll just hire some craftsmen to build a big warehouse at the foot of the mountain."

Gouzi thought that it would be too troublesome to carry bags of food up the mountain, and he did not put the food in the gourd directly in front of others.

Now that I have food and land, I might as well build a big house at the foot of the mountain for temporary living and for storing items.

"Ahu, it's slack time for farming now. Please help me ask a craftsman to build a house. The money will come from these 100 shi of rice."

"Okay, no problem."

A Human agreed, which was because his boss trusted him.

Then, Ahu's wife brought over a basket of eggs, and the 눁year-old son brought over a hen and gave it to Gouzi.

괗The dog only accepts the basket of eggs.

"You can keep the eggs of this chicken and subsidize the household expenses. Don't worry, the 50 acres of land will be rented to you next year. The land rent will only be collected as commission and there will be no rent increase."

After receiving the boss's promise, Ahu and his family were relieved.

Zhang Youliang has already increased the land rent by 60%, and the tenants in the village can only swallow their anger.

I heard that some tenants are already thinking about this 50 acres of land and want to rent it from Gouzi.

괗Gouzi came out of 깊Ahu's house carrying a basket of eggs, and happened to meet 누 playing in the village, 놅little Ezi.

"Brother Gouzi."


Xiao'ezi is six years younger than Gouzi, and is now 10 years old. He has grown a lot in the past two years.

Gouzi lives in the mountains and often meets each other only once every few months. The two of them feel more cordial every time they meet.

"Xiao'ezi, let's find a place to bake eggs and eat them."

괗Gouzi looked at the eggs in the bamboo basket and suddenly thought of an idea.


It was now the autumn season. The two of them picked up some hay branches and lit a fire on a field stalk.

Get some wet mud, apply a thick layer of mud on the surface of the egg, then place it next to the fire and simmer over low heat.

"It's cooked. It should be cooked. Take it out quickly."


괗The dog moved slowly, little by little, an egg exploded in the fire, and the yolk flew everywhere.

The two of them hurriedly picked up the egg yolk from the ground and stuffed it into their mouths.

괗Gouzi knocks out some cracks in the egg shell of Yu떘놅, and then roasts it slowly over low heat so that it will not fry.

"It smells so good!"

Little Ezi ate several roasted eggs in succession.

"Brother Gouzi, you are so good at baking eggs. Have you often baked them before?"

Xiao'ezi was a little curious. In the past, only two brothers in their family occasionally ate eggs.

"There were no eggs before, there were bird eggs in the mountains."

When Gouzi was chopping firewood in the mountains, he would occasionally pick up bird eggs, which he would roast and eat.

"I'm telling you, there have been times when I've roasted bird eggs, and when I peel them off, there's a small, 깊-shaped bird with long 깊 feathers inside."

"Ah? Do you dare to eat like this?"

Xiao'ezi felt a little embarrassed when she thought about it.

"What's wrong with this? It's all meat. I don't even have half of my hair left."

괗Gouzi said 누 here, and even deliberately stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, as if he had endless aftertaste.

He remembered that most of the birds had no feathers, but in order to scare Xiao Ezi, he deliberately made them more disgusting.

"Do you know why your family used to raise pigs, but they never grew strong?"


"Because it's so delicious, I ate it all in secret."

괗Gouzi's expression is even a little proud.


"I remembered that my mother had a quarrel with the piglet seller, claiming that she was selling a weak and sick pig to my family."


The two of them sat in front of the fire, laughing and chatting, roasting and eating, and played like this for a long time.

Before leaving, Gouzi gave Xiao Ezi a large bag of sun-dried red dates. The red dates were sweet and just right for children to eat as snacks.

"Hide these red dates and eat them. Don't let anyone know about it, not even your parents and your two brothers. Don't let them eat it."

"Yeah, good."

Xiao'ezi nodded obediently, seemed to remember something again, and gave instructions.

"Yes, Brother Gouzi, when you go out, remember to hide all your money and don't leave it on the mountain. What if a thief steals it away?"

"Don't worry, no one can climb up to my mountain."

The two chatted for a while before going back to their respective homes.

In Gouzi's heart, he only has one relative and one friend.

All other calls of relatives and brothers are all fake.


On this day, 괗Gouzi walked into 깊 county town carrying a large sack on his back.

There is a long row of farmers lined up at the city gate, carrying things on their shoulders and pushing wheelbarrows. They all come to the county government to pay taxes.

But paying taxes has nothing to do with Gouzi for the time being.

The first thing I did in the county town was, of course, to go to Huichun Hall and sell some Dali Pills to Sima Yi, all of whom asked to exchange them for Peiyuan Guben Pills.

Sometimes he was also a little curious, where did Sima Yi sell so many Dali Pills?

And where did he buy so many Peiyuan Guben Pills?

But Sima Yi never said anything, and he never asked.

Just like Sima Yi never asked him where the Dali Pill came from.

After completing the transaction, Gouzi took out another one from the sack and wrapped it in several layers of dried lotus leaves.

"Thanks for your help during the last exam. I don't have much that I can offer."

"I just want to give you some souvenirs."

When Sima Yi took it, it felt hard, like a large piece of stone. It was definitely not ginseng.

"I marinated the cured goose. It tastes quite good. I'll give it to you to try."

Er Gouzi seemed to have guessed Sima Yi's doubts and explained.

"It's easy, Brother Zhang, you're welcome!"

Sima Yi put away the wax goose, thinking that this brother is really a real person. Last time he gave him ginseng, and this time he would also give a goose.

"Yes, you are going to Zhengwu Hall to report this time. I happen to have something to do, so I can take you there by the way."

"Thank you very much then."

Sima Yi carried the wax goose behind him and led Er Gouzi all the way into the Zhengwu Hall.

Ergouzi has heard the name of Zhengwu Hall since he was a child and has been yearning for it. Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance. It was only today that he walked through this door for the first time.

Zhengwu Hall covers an area of ​​several acres and has several buildings surrounding the central school grounds.

At this moment, a group of apprentices are sweating profusely in the school grounds.

Many of them still look familiar. They should be the young masters who took the exam on the first day. They failed and can only continue to study here.

"The Zuo Hall Master of the Zhengwu Hall is a master of mid-level Qi training. He has won the martial arts competition. He is an aide to the county magistrate and is rarely seen."

The two of them walked and talked, but when Sima Yi talked about the Zuo Hall Master, a little disgust flashed across his face.

"You must know that in the entire Anchang County, there are no more than 굛그 in martial arts.

Every martial artist has a high status and can hold important positions in the army. Even if he is idle at home, he can still receive a salary and be exempted from all taxes. "

"However, the world is currently at peace. There are only a few troops in the entire Anchang County. Every position is already crowded with related households. There are more officials than soldiers."

Ergouzi heard this and thought that he was lucky that he did not go to the army.

There are only a few troops in total, and there are still many soldiers in it. He, a newbie, can only be summoned here and there, and he might as well be happy farming on the ground.

While they were talking, they walked to the door of a house.

At first glance, this room is taller and more refined than other houses, so it must be a more important place.

Ergouzi was still hesitant to rush in, but Sima Yi walked in casually.

"Brother 눁! Brother 눁!"

Following Sima Yi's shouting, a big man with a square face and full beard walked out, somewhat similar to the county captain.

"Hey! Come here, little 굛눁, and bring me some food and drinks!"

The square-faced man was laughing and joking, and was about to reach out to pick up the wax goose on Sima Yi's back, but Sima Yi slapped it away with one hand.

It seems that the two of them are very familiar with each other and they often joke around.

"Brother Zhang gave this to me."

Only then did the square-faced man notice Ergouzi behind Sima Yi. He stopped laughing and looked more serious.

"Is this this year's new martial arts scholar Zhang Ergou?"

"That's right!"

When Er Gouzi saw the other party bowing his hands in a salute, he quickly followed suit and did the same.

"Brother 눁, Brother Zhang is my friend, and he was recommended by his uncle to teach here. Please take care of him for me."


Hearing this, Sima Hong looked at Ergouzi curiously, as if he felt very strange.

"A guy like you actually has friends?"

Sima Yi ignored it and continued to introduce:

"Brother Zhang, this is Brother Zhang in our clan. He is Sima Hong and is the deputy hall leader here. If you have anything to do in the future, please contact him."

Sima Yi introduced the two to each other and left.

Deputy Hall Master Sima led Er Gouzi to complete the process of joining the Zhengwu Hall, and also used his power to allocate him a small house with a single door.

Ergouzi's current identity is a nominal teacher at Zhengwu Hall. He currently has no teaching tasks and his annual salary is only one kilometer.

If he brings some disciples in the future, his income can be increased. If his disciples are admitted as martial arts scholars, there will be a lot of extra income.

Ergouzi has no interest in teaching students. If he has the energy, he might as well plant a few acres of land.

What matters most to him is that Zhengwu Hall has a lot of martial arts materials, which he can check for free as a teacher.

Moreover, you can also communicate and learn with other warriors, so that you will not be stuck behind closed doors or get stuck in a corner.

"This is your badge. With this badge, you can borrow books and receive your salary. If you have any questions in the future, come to me."

After Deputy Hall Master Sima left, Er Gouzi looked around the house he was assigned.

There were bedrooms, a living room, a practice room, and a kitchen, so he could live here for a long time.

However, Er Gouzi still cared about the crops in Shekou, so he only came to live here occasionally.

Anyway, he was just a nominal instructor now, only receiving a salary without having to work. Although it was not much, he was very satisfied.

That day, he went to the library of Zhengwu Hall.

There was an instructor stationed here for a long time. After Er Gouzi showed his badge, he entered the library smoothly.

The library was not big, only two feet square, and there were about a few hundred books.

This was the most books Er Gouzi had ever seen in his life.

Since ancient times, books have been very precious, paper is expensive, ink is expensive, and the cost of copying is also expensive.

Most of the books on the bookshelf are paper books with thread binding, and a few are made of animal skins.

He picked up a book at random, and the cover said "Geographical Atlas of the Great Zhou Dynasty". It turned out to be a book about geography.

After flipping through it, Er Gouzi was already attracted by the content inside.

Before he became Li Banxian's apprentice, he only had eyes for the Chazi Town, and had never been to the county town.

After becoming a disciple, he knew that Anchang County was just an insignificant county in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but he still didn't know much.

At this moment, through this book, I know that the Great Zhou Dynasty has a total of 9 continents, 36 prefectures, 186 counties, and thousands of counties under its jurisdiction.

To the east of the Great Zhou Dynasty is an endless ocean, and it is unknown how wide it is. There are countless monsters in the sea.

To the west is a Taobao country, and most of the people in the country are evil ghosts, zombies, etc.

To the north is a giant country, whose people are ten feet tall, rough and violent, aggressive, fearless of life and death, and like to eat raw brains.

To the south is the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, a kingdom of monsters composed of various monsters.

Five thousand years ago, the great Zhou sage pacified the world, pacified the people, and protected the people of the world from the invasion of monsters, enjoying thousands of years of peace.

Anchang County is located in Qingzhou, Yang County, in the southwest corner of the dynasty, and its borders are adjacent to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters and Tao Kingdom.

Er Gouzi closed the book, and the monsters were very close to him. Fortunately, there was no trouble for thousands of years.

Then he picked up a few books and browsed them casually. Most of them were martial arts.

Such as "Six Styles of Subduing Tiger Fist", "Dragon Subduing Stick", "Opening Five Knives", "Five Whips", "Chasing Souls and Killing Chain Knives"...

However, he could see from a casual browse that compared with the martial arts taught by Li Banxian, the martial arts here are much easier to understand and the requirements are not so high.

With his current physical condition, he should be able to practice these martial arts quickly without difficulty.

In addition to martial arts, there are also various knowledge and encyclopedic knowledge of crafts, such as farming, water conservancy, military tactics, iron smelting, etc.

These skills are not easily passed on in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Most of them are passed on by word of mouth and only to close friends.

Er Gouzi didn't expect that these precious contents had been sorted out in books long ago, and he didn't need to pay any price to learn them.

Especially in terms of military tactics, if he wants to take the military examination in the future, this is also a required subject.

Wu Xiucai can only be a hand, and it is enough to know a few words.

Wu Ju is not a big deal. Whether in the army or in the local counties, it is a very important thing. In addition to martial arts, you still have to have some ink and can't be too stupid.

Er Gouzi stood in front of the bookshelf, reading fascinatedly. He finished reading a book of agricultural classics without realizing it. He realized that there were so many details in farming.

He put down the book in his hand and took out another one. The cover said "Da Zhou Xian Dao Essays".

Er Gouzi was immediately attracted by the title of the book.

He had heard of immortals in the sky since he was a child, but among the people he had come into contact with since he was a child, only his master was the closest to immortals, but he was only a half-immortal.

There are also county magistrates, county lieutenants, and registrars, who are said to be very powerful immortal cultivators.

And the yellow talisman paper of Daoxuan Sect should also be made by immortal cultivators.

The immortal knowledge he received was all fragmentary, pieced together, and he had never really understood it systematically.

He opened the book and read it fascinatedly until he finished reading this book, and then he realized that the sky outside was dark.

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