Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 39 White Goose Mutation

Gouzi had been away for several days this time, but he was actually worried about the medicinal herbs on the mountain.

When he walked to the stone wall and was about to use the wind control technique to climb up, he found a pool of blood on the ground.

Around the blood, there were also some scattered blood drops.

Then he picked up a few ropes and a broken ladder among the rocks.

Has anyone been here?

The stone walls around Shekou Mountain had long been flattened by him with a heavy sword, and ordinary people could not climb up at all.

Unless you can use the wind control technique like him.

When Gouzi mobilized the true qi in his dantian and performed the wind control technique, a breeze rose around his body and supported his body.

With the support of this breeze, Gouzi kicked his legs and his body had already jumped up two or three feet high.

When the force of this kick was about to run out, he slightly touched the stone wall with his hands and feet, and his body jumped up several feet.

After a few breaths of exertion in this way, he had returned to the mountain.


Several white geese spread their wings and stretched their necks to surround him.

Seeing that the white geese were all intact, he was relieved.

In terms of guarding the house, geese are more reliable than dogs. Dogs may be bribed by outsiders with bones, but geese are not fooled.

This batch of white geese has been raised for so many years, and the old ones have been stewed and eaten by him. Now there are still about a hundred of them.

Maybe it's because the food he feeds is spiritual, this group of white geese is stronger than the previous generation.

Now the leading goose is almost as tall as an adult. When it sweeps its wings, it has a force of hundreds of kilograms. Ordinary people are really no match for this group of geese.

Don't worry, Gouzi still patrols the mountain. All the herbs are intact. Make sure there are no traces of outsiders.

I just left for a few days and didn't water the gourd with the spiritual water. The medicinal herbs on the mountain have hardly grown.

The loss is quite large after so many days of lack of growth.

Gouzi didn't even have time to eat. He first watered all the medicinal herbs on the mountain, and then poured some grass from the gourd to feed the geese.

After doing all this, he ate and rested.

However, he slept all night.

It was because he was too excited to pass the exam.

Instead, he was thinking about this mountain of medicinal herbs, which was equivalent to a treasure mountain.

This time, he didn't know who it was, and he probably failed to climb up successfully, and he might have fallen.

He would need to leave Shekou Mountain frequently when he entered Zhengwu Hall to study in the future.

Even if he went to Zhengwu Hall, he might stay on the mountain forever.

If someone took advantage of his absence to think of more ways, what if he climbed up?

He tossed and turned that night, and the next morning, he circled Shekou Mountain several times, thinking about ways.

He considered planting a circle of thorny thorns on the top of Shekou Mountain.

However, no more suitable varieties have been found so far, and ordinary thorns can be split with a few swords to block warriors.

In addition, the white goose should be able to be a helper. Ordinary people have beaten one of his geese.

It's just that his strength is still insufficient. It's okay when he meets a master. He should be stronger.

Thinking of this, Gouzi picked up a hoe and dug hundreds of ginsengs, all of which were more than ten years old.

If he took them to the county town to sell to Sima Yi, this guy would definitely be crazy with joy.

He put all these ginsengs into the gourd. After three days, the spiritual energy of the ginsengs increased several times.

Then he took a few ginsengs every day, ground them, mixed them with grass and fed them to the geese.

After eating the ginseng, these geese became vigorous and energetic, and they had all their energy used up every day.

Perhaps it was because ginseng was too nutritious. From the first day of feeding, several geese began to bleed from their pores and finally died of hemorrhage.

Then one or two geese died almost every day.

Although Gouzi was heartbroken, he still gritted his teeth and stewed these geese or made them into preserved geese and ate them slowly.

Then he continued to feed ginseng.

Seeing the number of geese decreasing day by day, the remaining geese became stronger and stronger, and the mortality rate was gradually decreasing.

Until three months later, the geese seemed to have stabilized, with 13 left, and there was no hemorrhage for half a month.

The remaining 13 geese were a bit taller, a neck taller than Gouzi.

A pair of wings spread out, with a wingspan of more than ten feet wide.

On the originally pure white feathers, a touch of blood red appeared, which looked even more gorgeous.

His flying ability was greatly enhanced, so he rode on the back of a goose to try it out.

The goose could carry him to the top of the mountain smoothly, but it was very strenuous to fly up from the mountain.

It was still a little short.

But it should be no problem to guard the house.

Geese have a strong sense of territory, and being besieged by these 13 geese at the same time, even if the warrior could resist.

The remaining 13 geese would probably die, so the dog continued to feed them with ginseng full of spiritual energy every day.

The size and strength of the geese continued to grow.

In his spare time, he would play with them and train them with some commands and fighting skills. Sometimes he would ride on the geese and fly around the mountain.

Let the dog satisfy his desire to fly freely.

The only thing that was a bit of a stunner was that these geese would help him farm in addition to eating and playing.

Even though his strength had increased, farming every day would take up a lot of time.

So far, he has only planted 15 mu of ginseng, plus Polygonatum sibiricum and Cistanche deserticola, a total of about 20 mu, which is already the limit of his personal ability.

These 20 mu of land need to be watered once a day, weeded, and replanted in time. These farm work can take up half a day, and the rest of the time is for cultivation.

Gouzi has been doing farm work since he was a child, but he has never felt tired.

Every day, he walks around the fields with a hoe, looking at the green crops that are all his own, he enjoys it and feels very at ease.

In addition to these 20 mu, there are still many wastelands on the mountain, and he can't plant them all by himself.

With Gouzi's careful budgeting, it is possible to let these lands go completely waste.

He planted some persimmon and jujube trees in these wastelands.

These tall fruit trees do not need to be managed on a regular basis, just water them, and you can harvest a batch of fruits every once in a while.

Red dates and persimmon cakes are also very durable in storage. They can be stored in gourds and eaten as snacks.

They can be eaten by yourself and can be used to feed geese.

In the open space between persimmon and jujube trees, he also sowed a lot of ginseng seeds and let them grow freely in the weeds.

Anyway, wild ginseng in the mountains grows like this, but the survival rate is a little worse, the growth speed is a little slower, and the size is a little bigger.

After all these years of cultivation, he now has more than 20 years of ginseng, nearly 1,000 plants, but he has never dug them.

There are tens of thousands of plants with a medicinal age of more than ten years.

All of them are growing well. As long as he keeps watering, they will grow very fast, equivalent to 10 times the growth rate.

I heard that the hundred-year-old ginseng has miraculous effects. In another few years, he will be able to cultivate hundred-year-old ginseng.

At present, the ten-year-old ginseng is more than enough to supply his own geese.

It’s a pity that he dared not take these extra ginseng to the city to sell.

In the past, Sima Yi was as happy as a child when he occasionally took out a ginseng of more than ten years to sell to Huichuntang, but in fact, it was not as good as the geese in his family.

Sometimes when I think about it, I feel that I am quite right to Sima Yi, after all, he is such a good friend.

I heard Sima Yi once said that in fact, their family grows some ginseng.

However, the survival rate of ginseng is too low, and it grows slowly. It takes more than ten years of careful care to harvest a small amount, which is not enough. It can only be supplied to the promising children in the tribe.

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