Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 15 Youth

When Er Gouzi returned to the temporary station, Laifu and the others had already come back. When they saw him acting alone, they naturally couldn't stop teasing him.

Everyone mistakenly thought that he was thin-skinned and they were too embarrassed to go with him. In the end, he secretly went to the secret door to play alone.

There was no way to explain this in detail, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Er Gouzi sat next to Huang Laocai and thought about it for a long time before speaking.

"Boss, do you want to sell your land on Snake Mountain?"

"What? You want to buy it? The mountains are full of rocks and there is no water. Why do you want to buy it?"

Huang Laocai looked at Er Gouzi puzzledly.

This kid couldn't even afford to eat a few months ago and was wearing pants with his butt exposed. Now he has the idea of ​​buying land.

"My boss, that land is full of rocks anyway, and it's not a good farm. Why don't you sell it to me?"

"No, no! No matter how bad the land is, it can still be left as a family heirloom for future generations."

Huang Laocai waved and refused firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

Er Gouzi was rejected and felt a little disappointed, but he couldn't blame Huang Laocai.

If I had a piece of land, I wouldn't sell it casually as long as I didn't starve to death.

Ergouzi became more and more hesitant. He didn't know where to find a place to establish himself.

Even though many places are deserted, they actually have owners.

It's okay to leave it there to grow grass and waste, but if anyone goes to cultivate it without authorization, the owner will appear immediately.

I can't even find a piece of land that belongs to me. I have a treasure gourd but I can't use it.

From the current point of view, the only way is to train with the master and pass the Wuxiucai exam first, maybe there will be a turn for the better in the future.

At dawn the next day, Huang Laocai asked his family to push the cart to the county government office.

When they pushed the wheelbarrow and arrived at a side door outside the county government office, the county government office had not yet opened, and the master in the government office had not gotten up yet.

At this time, the door was already crowded with people paying taxes.

The family was noisy, and everyone wanted to squeeze in front to occupy a better position.

In previous years, people were squeezed until their bones were broken, and even to death.

"Why squeeze?"

"Everyone lines up for me."

At this time, a government servant finally appeared, carrying a knife at his waist and a whip, and whipped the tenants who did not line up honestly.

Huang Laocai and his group could only wait in line at the back of the queue.

They waited in line for half an hour. The Yamen gate finally opened, and the queue in front slowly moved forward.

After waiting in line for another three hours, Huang Laocai and his group finally reached the door. Laifu picked up a bag of rice and rushed through the door.


A kick flew towards him and kicked Laifu out of the door, causing him to fall onto his back.

"This is the end of the day, come back tomorrow!"

Then there was a "bang" sound, and the side door slammed shut again.

Laifu got up from the ground, rubbed his sore buttocks and grinned, but he dared not say anything in anger.

Look at the sky, the sun is still very high, at least there is still a few minutes of time before it gets dark.

There is no other way, the officials have rules and they can only abide by them.

After finally getting to the 놅 position, I had to wait at the door and rest for the night.

Ergouzi was quite happy about this, and took this opportunity to spend one more day in the county.

He is still alive and wants to promote 꺶꺆꼍 again.

After saying hello to Huang Laocai, he left alone.

The street where Hong'antang is located is not far from the county government office and is considered the most prosperous area in the county.

And there are three drug stores on this street.

There is a drug store at the end of the street called Huichun Tang, which is the smallest and sparsely populated.

During the day, a young man was sleeping on the desk.

Ergouzi walked into the pharmacy and coughed twice before waking up the young man.

The young man rubbed his eyes, "Do you want to see a doctor or buy medicine?"

"Are you the doctor here?"

Er Gouzi looked at the young man in front of him. He had fair skin and was no more than a few years older than himself. He didn't look like a doctor.

No wonder business is poor. Who dares to let a hairless boy treat him?

"Yes! I am the doctor of Huichun Hall. Even though I am young, I was literate at the age of three, learned medicine at the age of five, studied medicine at the age of seven, learned pulse art at the age of nine, and read the medical classics at the age of ten..."

The doctor probably knew that he was too young, so he tried to explain that he could actually see doctors.

"Can you please look at this for me?"

Ergouzi changed his strategy this time. Instead of talking about selling medicine 꼍놅, he handed a 꺶꺆꼍 to the young man.

The young man took the medicine and squinted his eyes to examine it carefully.

Probably in order to prove his professional level, the young man looked at it very carefully.

Later, I scraped a little powder from the medicine and tried to lick it with my tongue.

I squinted my eyes and tasted it carefully. First my brows were furrowed, and then my brows relaxed, and my eyes shone brightly, feeling happy.

"This product is sweet in taste and warm in nature. It can replenish qi and spleen, replenish qi, and strengthen the body... It can be classified as a top-quality product."

In order to show that he was professional, the young man talked a lot, but Ergouzi couldn't understand it, so he just said it casually.

"I have some medicine like this in my possession and I want to sell it to you. I wonder if you will accept it?"

Ergouzi took out another handful of medicine, placed it on the counter, and asked cautiously.


"Of course I'll accept it, as much as you want!"

Unexpectedly, the young man's answer was extremely bold and straightforward.

Ergouzi was overjoyed and quickly took off the baggage on his back.

He made a dou of medicine, but the bundle could only hold five liters, and the rest was in the gourd, which was not convenient to take out.

Untie the linen bundle, revealing hundreds of pills inside.

Er Gouzi took one from it and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly.

"Try one, the more you chew, the more delicious it is."

The young man didn't hesitate to take one and put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

As expected, the more you chew, the more delicious it is. Moreover, this taste reminded him of a rare spiritual object he had eaten before.

"It's really good. How much do you plan to sell it for?"

Er Gouzi was thinking about the price in his mind. He had thought of selling it for 10 yuan a pill before, which was indeed a bit crazy.

After hitting a wall one after another, his ideas became much more realistic.

One liter of grain costs twenty or thirty cents, and one liter can make about fifty pills.

Even if he sells it for one cent per pill, he will make a profit. Now that he sells it as a medicinal material, he should sell it for at least two cents per pill.

Thinking of this, he has already stretched out two fingers.

But seeing that the young man needs it urgently, he feels that he can sell it at a higher price.

So he carefully stretched out the third finger.

Three cents per pill, almost 150 cents per liter, is definitely a huge profit. Er Gouzi was a little nervous, afraid that the young man would scold him for being too greedy, so he refused directly.

"Okay! No problem!"

Unexpectedly, the young man saw Er Gouzi holding out three fingers, and without any hesitation, he agreed directly.

Er Gouzi didn't come to the land, and he felt a little regretful. He should have asked for four cents to try earlier.

However, people should not be too greedy, and take things slow and steady.

The young man opened his bag, and the two counted the medicines together. It took them a long time to count.

"A total of 285 pills, 30 yuan per pill..."

As the young man said this, his fingers clattered on the beads to calculate the total price.

"3...30 per pill?"

Er Gouzi was a little suspicious, wondering if he had heard wrong, and he offered three.

His heart was beating wildly at this moment, and his fingers were tied together, secretly calculating how much money this was?

He dared not even think about such a high price, but he still had more than 100 stones of grain in his gourd.

With this conversion, he might be able to surpass Huang Laocai and become the richest man in Shexi Village.

"Ah? Didn't you say it was 30 yuan a pill?"

The young man stopped fiddling with the abacus beads, looking a little embarrassed.

"300 yuan a pill is too expensive. Although your medicine is good, it's not worth the price."

He thought Er Gouzi wanted to sell it for 300 yuan a pill, and he regretted that he didn't ask clearly and promised too much.

"Now the most expensive medicine in Anchang County is Pei Yuan Gu Ben, which is sold for 10,000 yuan. Although your medicine is good, it is still far behind Pei Yuan Gu Ben."

"I can only give you 50 yuan a pill at most, is that okay?"

Er Gouzi was still surprised by the high price of 30 yuan, but he didn't expect that the young man had taken the initiative to raise the price to 50 yuan.

"Yes! Sure!"

"Okay, let's calculate it at 50 yuan."

Then the sound of abacus beads rang out again.

"A total of 285 grains, 50 yuan per grain, a total of 14,250 yuan."

After the young man calculated the bill, he weighed out 14 taels of silver and 250 copper coins with a scale and handed them to Er Gouzi.

He took the white silver, wrapped it carefully in a bundle, tied several knots, and then put it in his arms.

After walking a long way out of Huichun Hall, Er Gouzi was still a little confused. He was confused by this sudden wealth.

He kept calculating in his head how much money he could sell the remaining grain in the gourd.

How much money can he make every year in the future?

If all the wasteland in Shemo Mountain is reclaimed, how much more can he make?

Thinking of this, he was full of expectations for buying Sheji Mountain.

If he could marry the second daughter of Huang Laocai's family, he might be able to buy Sheji Mountain for the sake of his daughter.

But she is a village beauty and the daughter of the richest man. He is a small tenant and can't afford her. He can only dream.

Now he should work hard to farm and save money, and learn martial arts.

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