Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 14 Pharmacy

It was a long way from Snake Creek Village to the county seat. They set out in the morning, met a thief once on the road, and rested twice. It was not until evening that they arrived at the county seat.

Er Gouzi finally saw the legendary county town, and opened his eyes to look at Yi Jin curiously.

There is an earth wall outside the county town, which is at least more than one foot high, much higher than the courtyard wall of Huang Laocai's family.

It was more majestic than the county seat he had imagined.

Looking beyond the city wall, I saw several tall buildings in the city, at least five or six stories high.

Only then did Er Gouzi realize that the house could not be built so high and so exquisitely beautiful.

The city gate is at least two or three feet wide, and there are many people coming in and out of the gate.

There are many people like them who come to pay taxes with wheelbarrows.

After the group entered the city, they saw a group of ragged beggars rushing toward them after they had only taken a few steps, which frightened Ergouzi.


Laifu and Agui yelled and scolded them, and beat them with branches from their crotches before they drove the beggars away.

"These beggars bully the weak and shy away from the strong. They specialize in bullying country people who come here for the first time."

"Laifu, let's go to the old place and rest for a while, then go to the county government office tomorrow morning."

Huang Laocai asked Laifu to lead the way, and his family walked along a bluestone street.

There are some shops on both sides of the street, tailor shops, candy and pastry shops, sub shops, groceries...

It was the first time for Er Gouzi to see so many colorful shops. It felt so fresh that he would not even leave.

Passing by a half-open wooden door, he poked his head to see what was for sale inside.

But he saw a woman walking out of the door. She was about the same age as her aunt, but she was wearing a very fancy dress, and her mouth was painted red, as if she had just drank blood.

"Brother 께... come in and play!"

As the woman spoke, she stretched out her hand to pull Er Gouzi, who was so frightened that Er Gouzi hurriedly took a few steps.

"Thank you Auntie, see you next time!"

Ergouzi blushed and left without saying a word.

The aunt in the county town is so warm and inviting even though I don’t know her well.


Er Gouzi's embarrassment made all the tenants laugh.

"Ergou, why don't you go in!"

“It’s so fun inside!”

"I didn't expect you to be a ghost!"


In the roar of laughter from everyone, Ergouzi roughly understood that this was the secret door he had heard of before, which made his face turn red and he did not dare to raise his head.

"Don't worry, I will bring you to play in the evening. I only need 5 copper coins to eat meat."

Agui patted Ergouzi on the shoulder and winked, making the tenants next to him burst into laughter.

"Eat two less meals..."

“You’ve come so far, it’s not in vain…”

Judging from the way they were chatting, it seemed like they really planned to spend 5 copper coins here.

These people are as tired as dogs from working in the fields, and they are always digging for salt in the vegetables.

Now he is willing to spend 5 copper coins to do such a meaningless thing.

At 14 years old, he still cannot understand this behavior.

With these five copper coins, I might as well buy a meat dumpling to eat.

On the way down, we encountered several half-open doors. Some women were standing near the doors, greeting passers-by warmly.

The tenants were laughing and joking and making fun of others.

Ergouzi didn't dare to look out anymore, so he hurried past with a red face.

When he occasionally raised his eyes to take a look secretly, he saw a medicine shop on the street. He was moved in his heart and noted the location.

Some time ago, he thought about adding some medicinal materials to the 꺶Li Pills to make them taste medicinal.

And it must be a medicine that will not kill people. He will not do the business of making money and killing people.

It would be better if these medicinal materials also have some nourishing and strengthening effects.

To this end, he specifically asked Li Banxian for some knowledge on medicinal materials.

Master Li Banxian is a versatile man in both civil and military affairs, and he knows everything in heaven and earth.

He introduced some nourishing and strengthening medicinal materials to him.

For example, ginseng, polygonatum, ganoderma, etc., but these medicinal materials take a long time to grow and are expensive.

Ergouzi thought that it would be best to buy the seeds and plant them himself.

However, there is only one herbalist in the entire Sanchazi Town, and these medicinal materials and seeds are not available here.

I have long wanted to visit the county town, but I have never been so far away. I am not familiar with the road, and I heard that there are thieves on the road, so I have been putting it off until now.

At the end of this street, there was an open space where several groups of people were already resting.

Most of them are merchants or people from other places who come to pay taxes.

There were probably too many people, so it was not feasible to stay in a hotel, so we had to spend one night outside.

Laifu brought a bundle of firewood and lit a bonfire on the spot.

Huang Laocai took out a bag of dry food cakes and distributed them to everyone. He picked them up with sticks and put them on the fire to bake and eat.

"Tonight, the 꺶 family will take turns to stay on duty. Four people will be in groups, and each group will be on duty for an hour."

Laifu and Agui were Huang Laocai's cronies, and they often followed him to the county seat to keep everything organized.

After assigning tasks and having enough to eat and drink, several tenants put their arms around each other and discussed in a mysterious manner.

"Ergou, let's go! I'll take you to stun you!"

Laifu patted Er Gouzi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"놖Don't go!"

Er Gouzi's face was red. Although he was a little curious, how could he dare to do such a thing blatantly.

When several people saw Er Gouzi's embarrassed look, they burst into laughter, and then walked away arm in arm.

However, not long after Laifu and the others left, Ergouzi also said hello to Huang Laocai and left alone.

Of course he wasn't looking for a secret door. When he passed several such doors, people inside beckoned to him, and he hurried past with his head lowered.

I quickly found the previous pharmacy.

The layout of the store is extremely simple, with only one desk and not even a medicine cabinet.

An old man was sitting behind the desk, lowering his head and playing with the medicinal materials on the table. Hearing Er Gouzi's footsteps, he asked without raising his head:

"Are you going to have an abortion or to treat the disease?"

“놖I don’t want to have an abortion, I want to buy some medicine!”

Ergouzi explained quickly.

However, the old man seemed not to hear what he said and continued to ask:

"Are you going to have an abortion or to treat the disease?"

"놖No need to have an abortion, there is no disease!"

The old man then raised his head and found in front of him a young 께께뎃 who had not grown yet.

"You're not sick, what are you doing here? 께께뎃You don't learn discipline well, you contracted the disease, and you don't dare to admit it!"

"놖I'm not sick!"

Ergouzi blushed and wanted to explain stubbornly, but in the eyes of the old man, he was probably too shy to admit it.

The old man took out a dozen pieces of paper directly from under the table and threw them on the table.

"Two 늵 a day, taken internally and externally, 20 gram per 늵."

"놖I'm not sick, I just wanted to ask if you have any ginseng here?"

Ergouzi felt that this old man was very unreliable. How could he prescribe medicine without asking about the symptoms?


The old man looked at Ergouzi with surprised eyes, and then waved.

"No! Don't say it's not available here. All the ginseng in Anchang County is in the county magistrate's house. At least one or two more ginseng plants have been bought by Hongantang.

You should go to Hong'an Hall and have a look. "

Then Ergouzi asked about several kinds of medicinal materials that could be grown, but none of them were available here.

In the end, he only got one 께늵 seed that was said to be Cistanche deserticola, which cost him 100 Wen.

The old man mysteriously told him that this thing was born in the desert outside the Great Wall. It nourishes kidney yang. Whoever eats it will know.

However, Ergouzi was not sure of growing the species in the desert outside the Great Wall, so he could only give it a try first.

After some conversation, Ergouzi also figured it out.

This old man only knows a few tricks, specializing in abortion and treatment of skeletal disease, as well as some kidney-tonifying medicine that will not kill people. It feels too unreliable.

"There is a kind of 꺶 power pill. Taking it will increase your strength. Do you want it here?"

Ergouzi said, wanting to take out the pill.

"don't want!"

Although the old man was unreliable, he was very determined at the moment and even showed a hint of ridicule.

Ergouzi was a little disappointed, so he put away the Cistanche deserticola seeds, asked the old man about Hongantang, and then walked in the direction of Hongantang.

After walking out of this bluestone alley, there is a relatively wide street. It is just dark now, and the shops on both sides of the street are still lit.

When passing by a meat dumpling shop, Ergouzi couldn't resist the temptation, so he bought two meat dumplings, holding them on the 꿛 and eating them while walking.

The meat filling inside the 늵子 is so fragrant and oily. One bite will make your mouth full of oil.

After eating two 늵子, lick all the oil on 꿛's fingers cleanly.

Hong'antang is the largest medicinal shop in the entire Anchang County. The hall inside is five or six feet wide, with many medicine cabinets standing on it, and the floor is paved with a layer of bright marble.

Ergouzi stood at the door and wiped the mud on his straw shoes vigorously, wiped the oil stains on his clothes, and then walked in.

There were two doctors inside, and several apprentices were busy.

Not only do you see a doctor here, but you also sell a variety of medicinal materials.

There are also many pre-prepared pills and plasters in the store, so anyone can buy them and take them directly.

As soon as Er Gouzi entered Hong'an Hall, an apprentice came to entertain him.

"Are you seeing a doctor or buying medicine?"

"놖I want to buy some medicinal materials!"

As Er Gouzi spoke, he walked curiously towards the rows of medicine cabinets. The names of many medicinal materials were written on the drawers.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in Tsing Yi walking into the door of the pharmacy.

This person is Zhang Youliang.

We met Huang Laocai at Huang Laocai's house this morning. Why did he come to the county seat?

Er Gouzi didn't want to meet his cousin and turned around quickly.

“Is the Peiyuan Guben Pills that I wanted now in stock?”

My cousin Xianda was very familiar with Hongantang, so he asked directly when he entered the door.

"Just in time, we got a batch a few days ago, and there are only a dozen pills in total."

"Okay! I want two pills."

The cousin took out two ingots of silver from his sleeves and threw them to an apprentice, then took a porcelain bottle and stuffed it into his arms and left.

Er Gouzi kept pretending to read the words on the medicine cabinet. It wasn't until his cousin left that he asked the apprentice next to him.

"What kind of medicine is this Peiyuan Guben Pill?"

"This is a secret pill made by our store. It can strengthen the body and replenish vitality. It is especially helpful for those who practice martial arts."

"How do you sell it? How much does it cost per pill?"

"This medicine is a bit expensive, 10 taels of silver per pill."

He originally wanted to buy one to try, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive.

One pill costs 10 taels of silver, and his entire net worth is only 5 taels of silver.

In order to hide the embarrassment of not being able to afford it, I raised my eyes and looked randomly between the medicine cabinets.

Finally, he saw "ginseng", "ginseng flowers", "ginseng seeds," and "ginseng leaves" written on a drawer of the medicine cabinet.

"Can you show me that drawer?"

The apprentice stepped on the stool and pulled out all the drawers for Er Gou to check.

It turned out that the drawer was divided into four compartments, which contained ginseng leaves, ginseng flowers, ginseng seeds, and a ginseng plant.

"How much is a ginseng plant?"

"This one is a dozen wild ginsengs, sold for 20 taels of silver."

"Originally there were two plants, and one was just used up two days ago. Ginseng was added to the Pei Yuan Gu Ben Pill just now."

"The ginseng that came out of the wild ginseng has been bought by the county magistrate. It's just that our Hong'an Hall has a strong relationship, so we got one or two plants."

The apprentice said this with a smug look.

Er Gou's heart twitched. It was so expensive that he couldn't afford it.

However, he was more determined to grow ginseng.

Maybe, he only needs a little time to cultivate 10 ginsengs.

"How much is this ginseng seed?"

"It's not expensive, 60 wen per qian."

Er Gouzi asked his apprentice to pour out all the ginseng seeds in the grid and weighed them. There were three and a half qian, a total of 210 wen.

In addition to ginseng, he also bought some Polygonatum seeds, which cost 150 wen.

These seeds are originally medicinal materials. Buying one or two kinds will not arouse suspicion, but buying too many is not appropriate.

Finally, he successfully bought the medicinal seeds and fulfilled a wish, and he was happy.

By the way, he asked if Hong'an Hall would accept Rikimaru, but he was naturally rejected.

People thought he was a charlatan, just opening a business, and they valued harmony, so they didn't scold him in person.

Rikimaru, who was originally full of expectations and wanted to make a fortune, couldn't sell a single one.

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