Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 002 [Six people travel together to Chenjiabao]

Xu Changan didn't know how far he had traveled. About half an hour later, the woman in purple brought him to a hill.

There is a huge luxury carriage on the hill.

There were four or five children standing under the carriage, and next to them was a male disciple wearing black clothes.

This male disciple of the Chen family is about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a tall and straight figure and a stern face.

However, when he saw the woman in purple, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said, "Senior Sister Yuan, are you here?"

"Yes!" Senior Sister Yuan nodded and said, "Junior Brother Lu, there are six now. Our mission is considered completed. Let's go!"


Junior Brother Lu shouted loudly.

Everyone climbed into the carriage tremblingly.

The space inside the carriage is quite spacious.

Six children, including Xu Changan, sat at the rear of the carriage, while Senior Sister Yuan and Junior Brother Lu sat at the top.

Xu Changan's eyes turned around and glanced around.

With him, there were five children.

They are all in their teens.

Two girls, three boys.

One of the girls looks like a porcelain doll, very cute.

When Xu Changan looked at the girl, the girl also looked over. Her big eyes were shining and she asked curiously: "Are you cold? It's autumn, why are you still wearing summer clothes?"

Xu Changan's face suddenly turned red.

He didn't want people to know how shabby he was, so he pretended to be calm and said: "I was walking in a hurry and lost my clothes!"


The little girl smiled, then picked out a dark blue coat from her luggage, handed it over and said, "My mother prepared this for me. Let me lend it to you first. Although it is worn by a girl, this is One is dark blue, it doesn’t matter!”

The long-lost warmth filled Xu Changan's body again.

The nine-year-old boy's eyes suddenly filled with mist. He reached out unceremoniously to take the clothes, put them on quickly, lowered his head and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" the girl said, "My name is Ding Lan!"

Xu Changan said: "My name is Xu Changan!"

The remaining friends also introduced themselves a little bit.

There was another girl named Yang Erya, and the two boys in front of her were the tall one named Yang Xiaolong and the short one named Chen Tieniu.

The last boy huddled behind Xu Changan is named Zhou Yusheng!

They are all children from rural areas, and most of them have very simple names. For example, Xu Changan's name is already a classy and learned name.

The two disciples of the Chen family in the car seemed to be poor at talking.

Or maybe they didn't bother to say anything to Xu Changan and other brats, so they kept their mouths shut and their faces solemn all the way.


About a month later, the carriage finally entered a green mountain.

Xu Changan saw the scene outside through the gap in the curtain that shook when the carriage shook, and he was surprised in his heart: It's really strange, it's late autumn, shouldn't the plants on the mountain be withered and yellow, why are they still so lush? Like summer?

Although he was confused, Xu Changan did not dare to ask, for fear of offending the two Chen family disciples with solemn faces above him.

The car drove in the mountains for another six or seven days and finally stopped.


Senior Sister Yuan's voice came out again!

She got out of the car first, and then opened the curtains of the carriage piece by piece.

Xu Changan also climbed down from the carriage together with several other friends.

The mountain wind blew so hard that Xu Changan staggered.

Looking back, I saw that I was already on a cliff thousands of feet tall. The Cangshan Mountains in the distance were like beasts, lying thickly beneath my feet, and patches of white clouds stretched into the distance.

Looking forward, there is another mountain of unknown height lying in front of everyone.

"Chirp chirp..." Senior Sister Yuan took out a bone flute and blew it twice.

On top of the majestic mountain in front of you, there were several cranes flying down.

"Senior Sister Yuan is back..."

A disciple jumped down from the crane.

"Yes!" Senior Sister Yuan smiled slightly and said, "This time I completed the task and found six more children for the family. I also asked my junior brother to help bring these children back to the family!"

"Okay!" The disciple, also dressed in black, chuckled and said, "Congratulations to Senior Sister Yuan, have you got the 600 contribution points?"

After a few Chen family disciples exchanged polite words with each other, someone threw Xu Changan and six other children onto the crane's broad back, and then soared into the sky with one wing, heading towards the higher mountain.


The timid children grabbed the legs of the Chen disciples and screamed in fright.

Xu Changan was also scared, but he did not scream out. Instead, he endured the fear in his heart and looked at the surrounding scenery.

What a paradise for immortals.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

The crane climbed to the top of the mountain. From high in the sky, Xu Changan saw that there was a flat land on the top of the mountain, with pavilions and pavilions everywhere, densely packed and row upon row.

In just a quick glance, the crane landed in front of the mountain gate.

Xu Changan studied with his mother when he was a child, and he actually knew the characters. Looking up at the three powerful characters "Chenjiapu" on the lintel, he felt some inexplicable respect in his heart.

"Junior brothers and sisters, from now on you will be my disciples in Chenjiabao!" The person who introduced me was quite kind: "Please follow me in, there will be someone inside to arrange for you!"

Xu Changan followed the guide into Chenjiabao.

Not long after entering the gate, there was a small mountain peak.

At the foot of the mountain peak, there was a beautiful courtyard. Xu Changan and others followed to the courtyard.

In the square in the middle of the courtyard, there were many children about the same age as Xu Changan.

It seemed that they were all newcomers who had just entered Chenjiabao.

The next step was to allocate accommodation.

Fortunately, everyone had a separate room, which was something Xu Changan had not expected.

After the accommodation was allocated, someone from above came to distribute uniform clothing, a total of eight sets for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

At this point, Xu Changan's clothing problem was finally solved.

Xu Changan took a simple bath in the house, and then changed into the new Chen family disciple clothing.

It felt pretty good, at least it was much better than the clothes that the girl named Ding Lan lent him.

But this girl has a good heart, so I'll wash the clothes and return them to her later.

Just as he was thinking this, the door of Xu Changan's house rang: "Open the door, it's time to eat!"

Xu Changan opened the door, and a disciple who was responsible for delivering meals pushed a huge cart and stopped at his door.

"This is your lunch. The food will be delivered on time in the future. If it is not enough, you can take two portions!"

"Thank you!" Xu Changan took one portion.

The disciple who delivered the meal said: "After eating, wash the bowl and give it to me next time I come to deliver the meal!"

"By the way, don't run around, and don't go out of the wall of this courtyard!"

"You can rest for two days. Two days later, the elder who teaches you how to practice will come to teach you how to practice!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan agreed immediately, feeling indescribably happy.

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