Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 001 [Awakening failed, selling one's body for 100 taels]

"Why are you so useless?"

"The old scholar in the village said you were the smartest one, but this is all?"

"You are not even as good as that fat pig from the Lu family!"

"Damn it!"

Qingfeng County, Yiyang County!

On a muddy road outside Qingniu Town, an oxcart was moving slowly.

Two people were sitting on the open-air flatbed at the back.

One was a woman in her thirties, and the other was a child of eight or nine years old.

The woman was wearing silk and satin, while the child was only wearing a few thin and dirty clothes.

The autumn wind blew!

The child was shivering with cold, and he huddled at the back of the oxcart with his arms around his shoulders.

And the woman cursed him with vicious words as always.

"You are a disaster star, that's one thousand taels of silver, and you just watched him slip away for nothing?"

The child sitting at the back of the car was named Xu Changan.

He lost his father when he was young, and his mother also died this spring!

Before his mother died, she did two things. One was to put a very strange card into his left arm.

The other was to entrust him to the vicious woman in front of him.

This vicious woman is Xu Changan's aunt, Liu!

Today is the most special day of Qingniu Town every year. Immortals flying between heaven and earth landed in Qingniu Town to help children over nine years old awaken their spiritual roots.

If the spiritual roots are awakened, the children can be taken away by those immortals to join the sect.

This is the case every year on this day in Qingniu Town.

And every child who successfully awakens and is taken away by the sect can also get a reward of one thousand taels of silver.

It happened that Xu Changan was exactly nine years old this year, and was taken to Qingniu Town by this vicious aunt for testing. Liu thought that after Xu Changan awakened his spiritual roots, he could be taken away by the immortals, and she got the silver note of one thousand taels of silver smoothly.

But things went wrong with her expectations.

Xu Changan did awaken his spiritual roots.

But it was a mixed spiritual root with all ten elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, ice, light and darkness.

A complete waste spiritual root!

The immortal who tested Xu Changan's spiritual root was stunned at that time.

He had only heard of the dragon and phoenix chicks with ten elements of waste spiritual roots from legends.

Although he had spiritual roots, his qualifications were no different from those of ordinary people. If he did not have a great opportunity, he would not be able to break through to the first level of Qi Refining in his lifetime, no matter how hard he tried.

To put it bluntly, apart from having a spiritual root that was so rubbish that it could not be more rubbish, Xu Changan was no different from ordinary people in the eyes of those immortal masters.

He was not selected.

Liu's wish to get a subsidy of 1,000 taels of silver was naturally unfulfilled.

So there were curses and abuses on the way back.

However, Xu Changan did not care at all.

He just lowered his head and shrank behind the ox cart, but he had already made up his mind: when he returned home, he would steal the silver from the house while the evil woman was away, and then never come back again.

It's not that he has a bad character.

But Xu Changan knew that when his mother entrusted him to this vicious woman, she gave her a large sum of silver notes, at least several thousand taels.

Otherwise, where did this vicious woman get all the silk and satin?

It was originally my mother's money, so I feel at ease taking it.

The ox cart slowly turned around a forest.

It was autumn, and the originally dense forest became bare, with branches and twigs growing everywhere.

Xu Changan raised his head and looked ahead. The vicious woman might have been tired of scolding and had fallen asleep unconsciously.

"After this forest, it's Xujia Village!"

"If she dares to go to bed immediately when we get home, I will steal the silver and leave, not waiting until night!"

Xu Changan felt that he couldn't stay in this house for a quarter of an hour.


"Sister in front, wait a minute..."

At this moment, a crisp female voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Changan turned his head and looked back. He saw a woman in purple clothes running towards him at a high speed on the muddy road behind him.

She was running very fast, with several ups and downs while running. In a moment, she landed next to the ox cart.

"Huh..." Liu pulled the reins of the ox to stop the cart. She looked at the girl who was only fifteen or sixteen years old with a sword hanging on her waist with some horror, and said: "I am not from a rich family. The clothes on my body are all borrowed. If you want to rob, I don't have money to give you!"

The woman smiled and said: "Auntie, I'm not robbing!"

"I am a cultivator from the Chen family, a family of immortal cultivators. Just now, I saw that this boy has spiritual roots, but he was not selected by the immortal masters of Wolongmen, so I wanted to come here to ask if I can let this child enter our Chen family with me!"

"What?" The poisonous woman was a little surprised.

There was also a glimmer of light in Xu Changan's eyes.

"Then... will you give me money?" The evil woman also reacted now. She got off the car and looked at the purple-clothed woman in front of her.

The purple-clothed woman was stunned: Give money?


She has taken in many children. Every parent of each child was overjoyed when they heard that their child could enter the immortal sect. They wanted to kneel down and kowtow to her to thank her.

But this woman alone actually wanted money?

"What money?" The purple-clothed woman's face darkened.

Liu said: "The Wolongmen gave 1,000 taels of silver. If you don't give me silver, I won't let you take it away!"

"Pah..." The woman waved her hand and dropped a silver ingot, saying, "This is one hundred taels!"

"No!" After seeing the one hundred taels, the greed in the eyes of the vicious woman increased, and she said, "One thousand taels, if you don't give me one thousand taels, I won't let you take it away!"

The woman's eyes turned cold!

The sword in her hand was half an inch out of the sheath.

Although it was only half an inch, there was an icy breath spreading around the exposed part of the sword, which frightened the vicious woman and trembled immediately. She lay on the ground and screamed for mercy.

"Let's go!" Seeing this situation, the woman stretched out her hand and grabbed Xu Changan's little hand. She didn't see how much force she put on her feet, but after a few ups and downs, she had already left the ox cart a hundred feet away.

Xu Changan was in a trance: Am I flying?

The sharp autumn wind rushed towards him.

He shivered fiercely.

"Is it cold?" The purple-clothed woman looked at Xu Changan with a frosty face and asked.

Xu Changan didn't know how to answer. He felt that asking the woman for clothes now would make him look too unmanly, so he made up his mind and said, "It's not cold!"

"Hehe..." The woman laughed and stopped asking him.

At this time, Xu Changan looked behind him again. The vicious woman and the ox cart had disappeared beyond the vast horizon.

All he could see was the withered and yellow mountains, and the grass and trees were dull.

The woman's speed was getting faster and faster, as if she was in a hurry to get on with her journey.

Because of the fast speed, Xu Changan felt colder and colder, but he still clenched his teeth and tried not to make any sound.

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