MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1343: Calculate

After all, for ordinary players, becoming a leader is a problem. As for making up for the source, it is estimated that knowing the method will not be completed, let alone becoming a race-level leader.

But the upgrade method and the secret realm are tangible. The key is, who is Edward and Li Yao, can it be easy for the two of them to appear in the secret realm. There must be a lot of benefits. Edward and the others ate meat, so how could they drink some soup.

Of course, the most important point is that Edward went up to three levels in three days, which really frightened everyone.

After all, there is no such slaughter in the face of Warcraft-class monsters. If you dare to face Warcraft-class monsters like this in the ground world, it is no different from looking for death. Normally, even the top players will take a month, but the result is three days.

They naturally overlooked a problem, that is, what Li Yao and Edward can rely on to upgrade here, Li Yao and Edward are not strong in themselves, the key is Li Yao’s pets, otherwise it is Li Yao. It is impossible to upgrade here. Not to mention other players, but this is no way. Many players are blindly confident and think that others can reach them.

In other words, more people are dazzled by benefits and will not be reconciled if they don't try.

The real master is concerned about Li Yao’s upgrading of his rank to make up for his origins, knowing that he has found a goal to become stronger, so although Li Yao is not the first in the ranking list, everyone knows that this ranking list no longer represents real strength. To cooperate with the ranking list, this is the most critical.

Li Yao directly posted on the Xinghuo Guild Forum, saying that Xinghuo should not participate in this secret exploration, and made some explanations.

It shows that it takes a long time to get here, and this upgrade method can't be copied, not to mention that it is now a wasteland, and no one is sure what it will become when it becomes a real secret.

Li Yao asked the people of Xinghuo to continue their steps. After all, their upgrade place was also recommended by Li Yao. It is better to prepare for the level 50 mainline copy.

Li Yao’s prestige is incomparable. Naturally, he knew that Li Yao would not harm them. Li Yao said that they had nothing to do, and Li Yao’s explanations also flowed out. Many people also wake up, but more want to try. a bit.

Because of the integration of planes, forums are not allowed to replace private chats and so on. Therefore, the forum also has regulations. Everyone has a time limit for posting and speaking. Only one post can be posted within a certain period of time.

This setting so as not to affect the gameplay of the ancient gods, on the contrary, the forum does not have so many posts and the speeches have a lot of quality.

Li Yao closed the forum and gained a new understanding of Edward's character. In fact, as long as Edward doesn't need to do anything, the prestige players can improve a lot, and Li Yao can't say anything.

Of course, Li Yao wouldn't care. At this stage, he would no longer compete with players, and he was not a level opponent at all.

She can crush Li Yao by doing nothing, of course this is in the hearts of ordinary players.

But she did not do so, and issued a post statement that Li Yao had a new understanding of her.

Li Yao fell into a deep sleep without thinking too much. Eight hours later, Li Yao woke up.

Li Yao glanced at the forum again and said to Edward: "You don't need to do this at all."

"I think it is necessary." Edward said seriously.

"Then you have lost a lot." Li Yao moved his body.

"Not necessarily, who can tell the difference between gains and losses. In my opinion, I can get more from the cooperation with Xinghuo. Maybe you don't care, but it's hard to say what other people at Xinghuo think. I don't want to let it The people of Xinghuo are hostile to me." Edward explained.

"It makes sense." Li Yao smiled: "If you solve the snake king, it's time to gain."

The black dragon dragon queen said: "No, that guy wanted to sneak attack and was pinched to death by me."

The black dragon dragon queen pointed to the corpse of a snake underground and said.

"That saves trouble, and the task is completed. Although these snakes are monsters, they are too fragile. The corpses are all scrapped. Let's look at the idols."

Several people came to the hall, and as they entered, a group of torches ignited, illuminating the entire hall.

Everyone looked at it, and Li Yao said, "Awesome. Fortunately, we are one team. You see, this round hall is connected to eight channels. Obviously, eight teams are competing. It seems that we were wrong. "

Edward's expression also changed: "This place is actually still a secret battlefield, so there must be a limit to the number of people entering the same guild. In the end, the eight teams will not only face the three gods, but also fight each other."

"It should be so right, but unfortunately, it's too remote here. We only open up wasteland, but it won't be easy to say after a while." Li Yao could imagine those players facing cruel battles after joining this secret realm.

In fact, the first two levels were not easy. Quicksand with temple dogs and ant colonies is not so fun.

"Forget it, don't think too much, there is no treasure chest here. It seems that the entrance is still on the idol." Edward Li Yao nodded and began to explore the idol, but after searching for a long time, he did not find the mechanism. .

"Something's wrong." Li Yao poured his spiritual power into the divine eyes, and the two beams of light continuously scanned the god-swallowing python.

"Why, no results?" Edward asked.

Li Yao closed his eyes and said, "It should be above this incense burner, but the incense burner is fixed and cannot be moved."

The Flying Snake Demon said: "Master, do you need to sacrifice to the statue to open the mechanism?"

"It makes sense." Li Yao took out three divine incense to light it, and then put a piece of sacrificial blood essence.

But there was still no response, the black dragon dragon queen stepped forward and performed a weird etiquette, and everyone felt a special spiritual energy ripple.

The two eyes of the **** swallowing python suddenly shot out two rays of light, and the two rays of light intersected and directly formed a light gate.

A few people quickly entered, it was still a round hall, but there were no gods in this hall, only a few treasure chests.

One of the colorful treasure chests and two dark golds are extremely gorgeous.

But several people did not rush to open the treasure chest, but fell into deep thought.

The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress first said: "This lion and scorpion goddess is really too cautious. I actually figured out this method to chain teleport. I'm afraid we have changed positions and don't know where."

"It's really amazing. The pyramid is a coordinate on a bright surface. It is difficult to find. Even if you find that you have to activate two idols to open the first portal and enter the first hall, if the people who come are Rose and the Queen of Rose It is bound to be impossible for the people to worship the **** of Tongtian python, and they won't find the last place." Li Yao also said.

"These main gods are so powerful, I doubt even more that we can kill the main **** projection."

"Forget it, opening the treasure chest is important."...

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