MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1342: explosion

Simply spawning monsters and upgrading is a monotonous process, but it is also the norm for most players in the ancient gods.

And this kind of upgrade method Li Yao hasn't used for a long time, but although he has a lot of experience, Li Yao has never been upgraded.

In three days, Li Yao and the others spent three full days. Li Yao is still far away from the fifty-fourth level. This is still a high level of experience in killing monsters like crazy. That's how Li Yao estimated that he could only upgrade after ten days.

Moreover, the experience will increase exponentially after the upgrade. This is the disadvantage of Li Yao becoming a race-level leader. Although he has strong strength, the upgrade has become much more difficult than ordinary players.

In simple comparison, Edward came from behind, surpassing Li Yao from Level 51 to Level 54.

"Your level has not yet risen, something is wrong, even if you become a race-level leader, it is impossible for you to need so much experience."

The group of snakes finally stopped appearing. Edward only noticed his level when several people returned to the door to rest. The energy consumed in three days was too much, and they were not allowed to relax at all, because a little carelessness might be possible. Was spiked.

Their upgrade process seems simple and smooth, but in fact it is thrilling. Except for Li Yao, who has the spiritual power of the main **** and the black dragon queen who is a world-class leader, the others have become very sluggish. If it were not for the support of experience, they would have long been Can't hold it anymore.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "It seems that you are really tired. Did you forget that I told you about the divine nature to make up for the origin? And when you reach the race level, you have entered the ranks of the real powerhouse, which is completely different from the leader level. The concept. The most intuitive experience for our players is that the experience required to upgrade is dozens of times more."

"That's too exaggerated, I have been promoted by more than three levels." Edward rubbed his brows and said.

"Inevitably, what I said dozens of times more is the experience relative to the senior leader, not the junior leader." Li Yao didn't care at all, and handed Edward a glass of refreshing wine: "You are really confused, you know I was number one on the original ranking list. You surpassed my level. You are now number one."

Edward was in a daze. She was really in a trance. She hadn't slept for three days and three nights, and she had to maintain high-intensity fighting all the time. In fact, on the last day, everyone had hardly said anything. Edward had only instinctively attacked. Actually I'm already confused.

Her mental power is almost reaching its limit. Of course, it is not comparable to Li Yao. As long as Li Yao possesses the spiritual power of the main **** level, he can continue to stand for a very long time. Of course, this is also a consumption. If it is not necessary, Li Yao would not do it.

Edward opened the ranking list, and it really became the first position: "You don't care at all?"

"I dominated for a few months, this list is useless to me, and I don't need a ranking list to increase my popularity." Li Yao smiled: "And I don't suffer, don't forget The ranking list was opened a few days ago."

The so-called rank list is the leader ranking of the players.

The first, Liaoyuan, the primary race leader (originally perfect)

The second place, very few, the intermediate leader (the origin is missing)

The second place, the ups and downs of Huanhai, the intermediate leader (the origin is missing)



In addition to Li Yao's first place, having a dozen second masters has reached the level of intermediate leader. Of course, the origin is still the missing player leader status.

In fact, the forum has already exploded. Li Yao, the number one in the ranking list, has occupied for too long. Almost from the beginning to the present, he has not changed people. Now he has finally changed. Can you not be excited?

Edward laughed self-deprecatingly: "My first name is really not worthy of my name, and I am ashamed of it."

She has always been arrogant and self-confident, and it is not that she does not want to compete for the top of the ranking list, but she has been suppressed, and then she didn't think about it. She did not expect to be the first in this way.

"Why think too much, the first is the first." Li Yao smiled carelessly, drank the wine in the glass, and said: "Just rest here, sleep for eight hours, and then solve the snake king inside. ."

"Well, thank you." Edward also took out a sleeping bag.

"Then trouble the Queen of Dragon to guard." Li Yao also lay down, and he also needed to recover his lost mental energy.

"This is nothing to me." The Black Dragon Queen fell directly over the passage.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet. In fact, Li Yao didn't feel much sleepiness, but went to the forum. Now the forum has exploded, basically discussing around the ranking list.

After watching Li Yao for a while, he felt boring and wanted to take a real break. Suddenly a post appeared and attracted Li Yao's attention because the poster was Edward.

Li Yao went in and looked at the post. There were three main points in the post. First, he explained that he became the first in rank. He said that he became the first in rank because of Liaoyuan. He also had a quarter of an hour long Li Yao. Weird video, and explained the Three Gods Snake Everyone was frightened and understood why the upgrade was so fast. After all, this is a monster.

However, another question arises, and upgrade together, why the level has surpassed the Liaoyuan.

Secondly, Edward explained and popularized the difference between the lack of origin and the completeness of the origin. The players then realized that Li Yao has become the real leader, and he is still a race-level leader, not their parallel leader with a lack of origin.

Regarding this, it caused a bigger storm, and they hoped that Li Yao would come out and explain how to make up for the source.

The third point is to break the news about the answer everyone hopes to get, and to upgrade the location, Edward said the specific location, and broke the news about the location of the large secret realm and some useful news.

Finally, he thanked Liaoyuan and expressed that he formed a true alliance with Xinghuo.

This post was like a nuclear bomb, and it shocked countless hearts.

Some people have condemned Li Yao as a liar. After all, Li Yao said he was in the territory. As a result, he went to the underground world and explored the secret realm with Edward. It was too ridiculous. This part of the people still have an idea for the **** bow. people. But the sane players have completely given up. After all, Li Yao has become a real race-level leader, and he is also a player. It is easier said than done to kill.

The other part is interested in making up for the source, but no matter how they discuss it, it will not help.

A small group of people was shocked by the alliance between the two guilds and felt a deep threat.

Of course, the mainstream of the players is still concerned with the problem of large-scale secrets. Large-scale secrets are too attractive, and there are good places to upgrade. Although it looks dangerous, you can't be willing to try it.

Therefore, players who can come to the underground world have gathered, and those who don’t know how to go to the underground world have inquired about how to enter the underground world...

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