"For a normal Skrull, if they want to perfectly copy a person, the most important thing is to have a mind extraction station technology to obtain a person's memory and even thinking. However, we can be sure that the captain's whereabouts are very clear and his mind has not been extracted. Therefore, this Skrull is most likely the super Skrull in the Skrull legend, and has mastered the superpowers of the mind."

"Super Skrull? What the hell is this?"

Tony Stark looked at the big-faced woman in front of him and felt that it was not good.

Super Skrull, it sounds better than ordinary Skrulls.

But he still didn't understand the limit of the ability of this super Skrull, what extent it could reach.

Judging from Carol's words, the super Skrull can copy superpowers, and this super Skrull is most likely to copy a superpower of the mind.

"According to the legend of the Skrulls, the Super Skrulls can also copy the abilities of the replicators. However, the Super Skrulls are very rare. Why..."

Carol's eyes were a little solemn. She didn't know much about the Super Skrulls. She only knew some basic things.

Through monitoring, the Captain America in the two rooms of the Supervisor, as the two people responsible for the intelligence and force of the Avengers, was somewhat silent for a while.

At this time, the fake Captain America, that is, the Super Skrull, actually really regarded himself as Captain America at this moment.

Among the Skrulls, the Super Skrulls are divided into two types. One is the natural Super Skrull, which can be said to be the most powerful Skrull. It can freely transform into all extraordinary people and master all the abilities of the replicators to play perfectly. The most important upper limit is very high, so it is also very rare.

The other is the Super Skrull transformed by scientific and technological means. The defect of this kind of Super Skrull is that it cannot be copied anytime and anywhere, and the upper limit of copying is also related to individual talents, and there will be ups and downs. The strong ones may not be weaker than the natural super Skrulls, and the weak ones may be slightly better than the ordinary Skrulls.

Of course, the power of the acquired super Skrulls cannot be popularized to every Skrull. In addition to limited resources, there is also the factor of talent.

For example, even if you get the perfect DNA of Captain Marvel and successfully copy the power of Captain Marvel, can you really burst out the same level of power as Captain Marvel?

There are naturally uncertain factors in this regard.

The natural super Skrulls from the Skrull headquarters are still on the way, but the research on the acquired super Skrulls is also in the battle with humans, and it has been basically completed.

This Skrull who became Captain America naturally has a lower upper limit, so he chose Captain America.

But it's not just Captain America. In order to perfectly replicate Captain America's abilities in all aspects, he also has an ability from mutants, personality mimicry, which can replicate a person almost perfectly.

The mutant gene of personality mimicry is not only for Captain America, but also for other super Skrulls who are preparing to join the Avengers. They will acquire this ability and strive to perfectly replicate the target.

However, personality mimicry also has certain defects. When the personal will of the mimicked target is strong enough, the personal will of the mimic may be directly covered, and it is possible that they will think that they are the real person.

However, the current situation of the Skrulls does not allow them to have any choice.

This is a life-and-death war. The Skrulls want to make the earth their new home, which means they are against the eight billion humans on the entire planet.

The history of mankind is a history of war.

Even among humans themselves, they will fight each other and compete for living space. It is not an ordinary difficulty for an alien race to have a place in this world.

The future Asgardians can settle on the earth because there is no difference between the Asgardians and humans in appearance, which is fundamentally different from the green-skinned Skrulls.

Humans are visual animals. Even if the Skrulls have the ability to transform, once they reveal their true form and show this ability to transform, it will be a life-or-death situation from the moment everything is exposed.

Because, just the ability to transform is too dangerous for humans.

However, no one expected that now there would be a Super Skrull among the Skrulls, which is simply a bit subversive.

"However, how about directly intercepting a" Carol was silent for a moment, and also looked at Tony Stark and said.

In an instant, Tony Stark was also silent.

When all means fail, if you want to verify whether it is a Skrull, then the simplest way is to remove a part of the limbs from the shapeshifter, such as fingers, flesh and blood.

After leaving the body, this part of the flesh and blood will also turn back to the original appearance of the Skrull, that is, the state of purple blood and green skin, and naturally the identity can be directly determined.

In fact, when Carol's appearance technology was not yet popular, the verification method used by various forces for suspected targets was naturally such a simple and primitive method.

Although it is cruel, it is very funny.

"Not now, he is the captain. "

After a moment of silence, looking at Carol, Tony Stark also directly refused.

Although this is very efficient, he does not think it is a good choice. At least, he does not want to do this before there is any solution.

As the spiritual leader of the Avengers, the importance of the captain is needless to say. The existence of the entire Avengers must have the captain as the core, and Nick Fury is not the most important part.

"We don't have much time, and no one knows how far they have invaded."

Looking at Tony Stark, Carol also spoke seriously.

Since the appearance of the Super Skrull, she also felt that everything was heading in an unknown direction.

However, looking at Tony Stark's firm expression, Carol shrugged, indicating that Tony Stark had the final say.

After determining the subsequent solution, Carol did not leave here. She was ready to see how Tony Stark would solve it this time.

Although the current technology cannot detect it, Carol is really not sure what kind of technology Tony Stark can come up with to solve the problem.

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