"It seems that the problem this time is beyond our imagination, Captain."

Looking at the two Captain Americas, it is impossible to distinguish the real Captain America. At this time, Tony Stark's voice was also transmitted from the armor with some helplessness.

For a moment, the real Captain Steve also showed a bit of astonishment.

Although Tony Stark is a playboy and gives people a feeling of being unreliable.

But in fact, there are not many people that this old guy can trust. The most trusted person in the Avengers is Tony Stark.

Captain Steve also recognizes Tony Stark's ability, but now he heard something.

For a moment, some, a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

But what makes Tony Stark most headache is that the two Captain Americas show the same expression, solemn and other emotions, even through micro-expression analysis, nothing can be analyzed.

Just now, Tony Stark was ready to try to find the real Captain Steve from this aspect.

But now it seems that his idea is a bit naive.

Now this guy who copied Captain Steve not only has a nearly perfect copy, but also a nearly perfect copy of his memory. He can almost replicate his emotions.

This makes it impossible for him to really analyze who the real captain is.

"Forget it, the two captains, let's call them that for the time being. Since I can't tell who is real and who is fake, I will lock you up now. Later, I will find a solution, and I hope you can cooperate with me.

"Okay! "

It can be said that they said it in unison. The two American captains did not hesitate and answered immediately.

Seeing this situation, Tony Stark had a headache and summoned another armor. Then he indicated that the two American captains could directly enter the armor and be sent to the designated location. At the same time, these two armors would become their guards, just in case.

For Tony Stark, who has countless armors, this is just a drop in the bucket and does not affect his combat effectiveness.

In Tony Stark's armor, Steve experienced the flight of the iron armor wearer for the first time. The captain was somewhat surprised.

But after a moment, he began to think about the situation of the other Steve in the battle,

The physical fitness was exactly the same as his own, the fighting skills were the same as his own, and even the emotional expression was almost exactly the same.

Obviously, this fake Captain America had achieved perfection in disguise.

There was originally a scanning technology to detect Skrulls, but now it seems that this technology is useless.

Everything, in Captain Steve's opinion, was simply too bad.

If the other party can perfectly copy himself, he must be able to copy others. Maybe some members of the Avengers team have been secretly replaced.

When thinking of this, Captain Steve's mood was somewhat low.

As an upright person, Captain Steve did not want to look suspiciously at his teammates.

However, the current situation also told him that the Avengers, at this moment, might be facing the most dangerous moment since the establishment of the entire alliance.

At present, the only one who can be sure of normality should be Tony Stark.

Although Tony Stark's wisdom cannot be copied and replaced.

Now Tony Stark's wisdom has no way to play a role. When it was used, everything went in the wrong direction.

In the armor, all the performances of the two American captains could naturally appear on Tony Stark's side, and he also wanted to analyze which one was the real Captain America as soon as possible.

Although he always said that the captain was an old-fashioned old guy, perhaps because of Howard's constant nagging in the past, he also had a special respect for Captain America.

However, the most incredible situation for Tony Stark appeared. The two American captains expressed almost the same emotions in his armor, which was beyond his imagination.

"Maybe, there is also the power of the mind."

Looking at this, Tony Stark's face also showed a solemn look.

As the mutant group surfaced, he also had a certain understanding of mutants. The once iconic figure, Professor X, also had a certain understanding. The almost unsolvable mental power made people very afraid, almost unsolvable..

Perhaps, this Skrull not only has a near-perfect transformation, but also has some kind of power above the mind, which allows him to synchronize, feel the captain's state at any time, and perform certain performances.

But thinking about it, it feels a little wrong.

All of a sudden, Tony Stark was a little crazy. At this time, he couldn't find a clue to solve the problem of the two American captains.

After thinking about it, Tony Stark also sent a message directly to Captain Marvel. Now if there is still a way to solve the problem, it should be Captain Marvel.

However, although Captain Marvel has mastered some alien technology, Tony Stark, who basically took out most of the technology from Captain Marvel and made some innovations, does not think that Captain Marvel can solve this matter.

In terms of strength attributes, this Captain Marvel is just a reckless strongman.

However, he can only hope that this powerful woman who travels through the universe can give a little different surprise.

Otherwise, this woman who can only wave her fists and burst energy to destroy may have no effect on this matter.


Carol received Tony Stark's communication and learned about the situation, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

"No, wait, I'll go there right away, send me a coordinate."

Seeing that Captain Marvel was a little impatient, Tony didn't think much and sent the coordinates to Captain Marvel directly. This is a luxurious villa under his name, and he is going to place the captain. It is impossible to really put him in the prison above, so putting him in the villa under his name and restricting him is the best choice.

However, judging from Captain Marvel's appearance, perhaps this matter is more serious than he thought.

At this time, Tony Stark couldn't sit still, and he acted quickly, put on a suit of armor, and set off directly.

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