Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2532: flow

After finishing dinner comfortably, Wu Hao and Lin Wei came to the living room and sat down. As for the mess on the dinner table and the kitchen, the housekeeping robot is naturally in charge, Wu Hao and the others don't need to worry about these.

The intelligent robot uses the mechanical arm to put all the remaining food bowls on the dining table into the tray, and then brings them into the kitchen. Wash and sanitize in the dishwasher. As for the entire kitchen countertop, there are still some that cannot be cleaned by the dishwasher, and intelligent robots are responsible for cleaning them.

After cleaning, these fast food bowls will be stored neatly. Then the robot will clean and disinfect the kitchen, and the relevant kitchen and bathroom garbage will be cleaned up in time to ensure that the kitchen is clean and tidy no matter when Wu Hao and Lin Wei use it.

This is the meaning of the existence of smart home robots. It can help the family to complete a lot of housework that they don't want to complete, so that the family can be liberated and can rest and enjoy a better life.

When she came to the living room, Lin Wei picked up the fruit plate made by Wu Hao, and then sat on the sofa with slippers, leaning back and snuggling into Wu Hao's arms.

The 240-inch giant high-definition module TV at home automatically turns on. In fact, it is a smart TV. One hundred and forty inches is considered a normal size.

Many film and television enthusiasts use this high-definition borderless modular screen to stitch together a three- to four-hundred-inch, or even five-to-six-hundred-inch super-giant screen, and directly build a super movie theater at home.

We must know that the super screen spliced ​​out of this high-definition borderless modular screen, its brightness, resolution, refresh rate, color saturation, and degree of restoration are difficult to achieve with those projectors in the theater. No technology will work.

As for Wu Hao’s house, it is naturally a top-notch existence in this field. The screen modules used are all ultra-high-definition retina screens. Whether it is resolution, refresh rate, or brightness, color range, and saturation, they are all current The top existence in the world.

And this kind of super screen, or super TV is also very smart, it can automatically adjust the size of the screen according to the size of the viewing content. Because the modular screen is used, there is naturally no such thing as screen burn-in.

At this moment, the screen has turned on the drama mode, so the screen size is moderate, about 100 inches. The lights in the house started to dim. The ambient light turns on.

Holding a fork, Lin Wei ate fruit while reading this sentence, and would insert a piece of fruit to feed Wu Hao from time to time.

Feeling the softness of Lin Wei's body, Wu Hao enjoyed the warmth of the moment with some comfort. Of course, he also watched these soap operas with some helplessness.

To be honest, no matter what step the technological development takes, this soap opera is still a soap opera. Maybe most of the money was used to hire these so-called popular traffic niches, so there was very little cost left for the production of these dramas, which also led to the very rough production of these dramas, and the special effects were outrageous.

After watching for a while, Wu Hao felt his blood pressure rise a bit.

"I said, now these directors and film and television companies can't spend more money on the production of these film and television dramas. This is much better than hiring these popular niches. It's not that there are no good film and television special effects companies in our country. Hollywood and Netflix are doing post-production special effects, why can’t they do it in China, is it because the domestic directors and production companies are too demanding?” Wu Hao couldn’t help complaining.

Hearing Wu Hao's complaints, Lin Wei's towering chest rose and fell rapidly, and she giggled.

"That's why you don't understand. Don't other film and television companies know that domestic film and television special effects are not bad? Besides, don't we still have us, the special effects production technology of our film and television special effects production company is the world's top existence. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can't do any special effects.

However, these film and television companies will not spend this money to do these things. "

Why? Wu Hao couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple. No matter how good the special effects are, the profit is only for this drama. For these film and television companies, it is too cost-effective. You can just pass by. No one will invest money and experience in a work. Now these film and television companies are all about blooming everywhere. Based on the principle of the more the better, they will invest in many projects at the same time. In this way, even if most of the projects, or film and television dramas hit the market, but one or two become popular, then the film and television The company can not lose money, and even make a profit.”

"Another one, in fact, many of these idol dramas or film and television dramas are invested by these actors and the economic companies behind these actors, which is what the industry calls investment into the group.

Whether it's for those film and television companies or for these directors, they won't spend so much money to hire popular niches or idol stars who claim to be paid tens of millions of dollars. "

"In fact, there are fewer and fewer film and television dramas that spend tens of millions of dollars to invite superstars, movie stars, and actresses to be the protagonists. Now most of the film and television dramas use these popular stars as the protagonists, and the actors and actresses sent by the actors and actresses are the main characters. supporting role.

No way, who made these popular traffic stars have traffic and funds. "

"Of course, it's not ruled out that there are special investors who will spend a lot of money to hire a lot of actors. But this kind of purpose is generally impure, and many of them come for the purpose of laundering q or other aspects. How many billions have been paid, and the final payback is tens of millions, so it’s no wonder there is no problem.”

Hearing Lin Wei's explanation, Wu Hao thought for a moment and then asked: "Where do these traffic stars get their Or these film and television companies spend so much money investing in these dramas, how can they earn what."

"Earn traffic, traffic is king."

Lin Wei said with a smile: "Now is an era when traffic is dominant. As long as there is sufficient traffic, it can be realized. The short videos, micro videos, and even these TV series and movies we know are all models of traffic monetization.

Except for some traffic stars who bring their own funds or resources, many traffic stars rely on the registration and operation of economic companies. They will spend a lot of money to hire directors and editors, buy those popular IPs and come back to adapt them, and then put the traffic niches advertised by their own companies into the protagonists and heroines, or some important supporting roles.

Of course, this kind of pure traffic niche will definitely not be able to support the whole drama, so they will also invite some powerful actors and veteran actors to come to play supporting roles, and by the way, bring the "acting skills" of these traffic niches .

In this way, the play is considered complete. Then it is to spend money to hire sailors, public relations to promote this drama, what to buy hot searches, speculate on CP, etc., and then release this drama when it is about the same time. "

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