Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2531: appetizer


After dealing with the company's affairs, Wu Hao immediately left the company and returned home when he saw that there was nothing else to do.

I passed by a flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses. This is also a little habit of his, and it is also a little bit of love between him and Lin Wei. When you are free, go to the flower shop to buy a bunch of flowers and make a little surprise.

Lin Wei likes roses, red roses, because red roses are strong and hot, which also corresponds to Lin Wei's personality.

When he got home, the air conditioner and fresh air system had been turned on by Ke Ke when he returned home, so the temperature was just right when he got home. The whole house is spotless, and these are the responsibility of robots. Their main job is to clean up when the two masters Wu Hao and Lin Wei are not at home, and stop working before they go home, so as not to affect Wu Hao and them to the greatest extent. normal life.

Of course, if Wu Hao and the others need it, they can call these robots to clean up at any time, but generally they don't need it.

Although he was picked up and sent back and forth by vehicles, and there were very few places where he actually walked, but in such hot weather, if he moved a little, his body would sweat.

So when Wu Hao returned home, he took a shower immediately, and changed into comfortable short-sleeved shorts and flip-flops. This is at home, how comfortable it is. Even if you are naked, it doesn't matter, there are no outsiders anyway.

After a short rest, Wu Hao came to the kitchen. He first peeled a fruit plate. Although the weather is hot in summer, there are a lot of fruits, so Wu Hao also put together a fruit plate with various fruits for himself and Lin Wei who came back to cool down. In addition, I squeezed a glass of mixed juice for Lin Wei and put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. In this way, when Lin Wei goes home to drink, the temperature is just right.

Often eat fresh fruit, juice must be right, because the fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and active substances, which is beneficial to human health. This is also a small habit of Wu Hao and the others, so there will never be a shortage of fruits at home.

After finishing all these tasks, Wu Hao started to make dinner for the evening.

It's still rice, it's still stir-fry.

But this time, Wu Hao chose soft fragrant rice, and put corn kernels and sweet potatoes in the rice, so that the steamed rice contains the fragrance of corn and the sweetness of sweet potatoes, and the taste is very rich. And both sweet potatoes and corn are whole grains and healthy foods.

As for cooking, Wu Hao rummaged through the refrigerator for a while, and found a lot of ingredients. These were delivered cold and fresh this morning, and they were very fresh.

The first is a fresh sea bass. In the past, sea bass was used for steaming, but today Wu Hao plans to eat it differently. This is mainly because the weather is relatively hot today, and it is difficult to have an appetite for this kind of steamed fish.

So Wu Hao intends to make a hot and sour sea bass. First clean the sea bass, then change it into a small flower knife, steam it, and then use sour cowpea and pickled pepper to fry the hot and sour sauce, and pour the hot and sour sauce on the sea bass. The hot and sour sea bass is ready. This dish not only retains the deliciousness of sea bass, but also has a hot and sour taste in it, which is very suitable for summer.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Hao made use of tender garlic sprouts to fry a shredded pork with garlic sprouts. The tenderloin pork with tender garlic sprouts was also a very good home-cooked dish.

Stir-fried yellow beef, this is a Hunan dish, and it is also a very appetizing side dish. The chili is made of screw pepper, and the beef is of course the best veal. It only needs to be stir-fried a few times in the pot, and it can be finished.

Then there is spicy chicken. There are many ways to make spicy chicken. Hunan cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Shandong cuisine all have spicy chicken. The spicy chicken that Wu Hao made this time is more Sichuan cuisine. But of course it is impossible to put too much pepper like in a restaurant, they eat it by themselves, as long as it is tasty enough, the key point is the chicken, he is not like himself and Lin Wei who are at the dinner table using fast seeds to find chicken pieces among the peppers.

Four dishes, plus a lotus root keel soup, this is their dinner today, simple, but warm and homey.

"It smells so good, what delicious food did you make?" As soon as she entered the house, Lin Wei sniffed it, the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily, then she put on her little slippers and ran to the kitchen.

"The meal will be ready in no time. There is juice in the refrigerator. Go and have a sip to relieve the heat." Wu Hao smiled at Lin Wei who ran into the kitchen.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei walked up to Wu Hao, pecked him on the face, and walked out with a smile: "Thank you for the flowers, I'm going to change clothes, I'll be down right away."

Today, Lin Wei is wearing a pair of white loose trousers and a lady's silk shirt, looking very capable and intellectual. Looking at the graceful back of the other party, Wu Hao seemed to think of something happy, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then continued to work.

After the food was served on the table, Lin Wei also came down from upstairs. She changed into a pair of denim shorts and put on a suspenders, revealing her clean white legs and her proud and proud breasts.

"Let's eat." Wu Hao greeted Lin Wei.

"Okay, I'll serve the rice!" Lin Wei walked quickly to the rice cooker, picked up the spoon and started to serve the rice.

"You added sweet potatoes in it!" Lin Wei showed a look of surprise.

Girls like to eat this kind of sweet and soft Nuo Nuo. After a good sweet potato is steamed, the inside is in the state of quicksand. It is not only sweet and fragrant, but also soft and glutinous, very delicious. The focus is still on health, because red is originally a crude fiber food, and it is interested in gastrointestinal health.

Wu Hao uncovered the dishes with a smile, then took out a bottle of ice wine from the wine cabinet, and smiled at Lin Wei: "Today, let's drink this for an appetizer."

Lin Wei nodded, but her attention was on these dishes, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up: "I'm still talking today, the weather is so hot, I don't have any appetite, I didn't expect you to think of it, I have fried so many appetizers, all of which I like to eat."

"Hehe, I made it specially for you, try it quickly, how about my craftsmanship." Wu Hao greeted with a smile.

Mmmm, Lin Wei nodded, and impatiently picked up the tauzi, then picked up a piece of fish, dipped it in the juice, then put it into her mouth with a bowl, the corners of her eyes couldn't help but turned up, and then she showed a look at Wu Hao. Look of enjoyment: "It's delicious, I like it!"

Right, I also saw it from the menu, saying it tastes good. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hmm, delicious, sour and spicy, and wrapped in the fresh fragrance of fish, this craft does not say anything. Lin Wei gave him a thumbs up, then put a piece of fish into Wu Hao's bowl and said with a smile, "Taste it quickly."

Okay, Wu Hao nodded, then picked up the fish and took a bite. Indeed, as Lin Wei said, the hot and sour fish meat has a delicious fragrance hidden in it, but it tastes good.

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