Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2447: Menacing expert delegation

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Hao brought Su He and Chen Ke'er to the Medical Research Center in Linghu Business District, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to Air Force Medical College.

When they came, the hospital leader was already waiting for him there. Still an old acquaintance, Dean Liao led Wu Jiuzhi and the others to stand at the door. When they saw him get off the car, they hurried up to greet him.

Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with several people to say hello, and then asked: "Is the expert inspection team here yet?"

When we called just now, the expert inspection team had already set off from the hotel where we stayed and should arrive soon. Dean Liao explained to him with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the door and said, "Then let's wait here for a while."

After all, they are well-known experts from major medical institutions in China, so they deserve the respect they deserve. Not because of their prestige, but because this group of people deserves respect.

Is it very lively over there? Waiting for nothing to do, Wu Hao looked at the area where the intelligent hospital system is located and said to Dean Liao and the others with a smile.

Dean Liao nodded and smiled at Wu Hao: "Since the press conference last night, we have received countless calls. This morning, people came to line up before dawn. There have been no fewer people since morning. There are still a lot of people queuing outside right now.”

With so many people, order must be maintained. Wu Hao couldn't help worrying when he heard the words. If they think that there is a problem because of you, it will be enough for them to have a headache.

Hearing his words, Dean Liao immediately replied: "Don't worry about this, we have organized personnel to the scene to maintain order. And the Anxi branch has also organized police to come to the scene, so there will be no major problems. "

Well, that's good.

Wu Hao nodded, and then joked to Dean Liao and the others with a smile: "This time, these experts are all here to criticize, Dean Liao, Director Wu, you can help me a lot later, Don't let me get off the stage."

Don't worry, we are here. Dean Liao gave him a reassuring expression, and then said with a smile: "Besides, the technical strength of our system is here, and I'm afraid they will fail to find fault."

Haha, I feel at ease with your words. Wu Hao showed a hearty laugh.

While chatting, I saw a convoy of several cars coming in from a distance, the two minibuses in the middle opened, and a group of middle-aged and elderly special planes in white coats came down. In addition to these experts, there are also many young doctors in their twenties and thirties, who seem to be the disciples and grandchildren of these experts and professors, and they should accompany them to make a big splash.

And the reporters who got off from several work cars quickly picked up the cameras and started shooting, for fear of missing any wonderful pictures.

Seeing the menacing group of experts and professors, Wu Hao twitched his mouth, then smiled and led Dean Liao Wu Jiuzhi and the others to meet them.

Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen, welcome to guide us. Let me introduce to you, this is Wu Hao, chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology. Dean Liao greeted him with a smile all over his face, and warmly introduced the two gray-haired old men who were the leader, and then introduced the two old men to Wu Hao: "Boss Wu, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Chen They are one of the best experts in the domestic medical field, and it is really not easy for them to come."

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen welcomes you to Anxi." Hearing this, Wu Hao hurriedly greeted with a smile and shook hands.

This gorgeous-haired, serious-faced Mr. Zhao looked at Wu Hao for a while, and this time he nodded and said to Wu Hao: "I've heard that Anxi has a great young talent, and today I saw him. That's right."

"Hehe, Mr. Wu's name has long been known to me. A series of advanced medical technologies have emerged one after another. While shocking us beyond imagination, they have also saved countless patients. It can be said that your name is really unheard of in the medical field. Everyone knows." Compared to Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen, who was a little fat, puffed out his stomach and praised Wu Hao with a kind smile on his face.

Hehe, both of you are overwhelmed, just call me Xiao Wu, we just achieved a little achievement. Wu Hao said modestly with a smile.

Haha, can you call this a small achievement? According to what you said, wouldn't we be busy all our lives and achieve nothing? Chen Lao smiled and joked at him.

As for Mr. Zhao, he looked at him with kindness and said, "Young man, you should be humble when you should be humble, but you should be proud when you should be proud. It should be that no one can cover up your achievements."

Yes, what you educated is. Wu Hao nodded his head when he heard the words.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Dean Liao hurriedly came over to smooth things over and said, "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen, let's not stand here and chat. Let's go in first. The tea is ready for you. Let's sit down and drink tea while chatting. "

Hearing Dean Liao's words, Mr. Zhao waved his hands and said, "No need, since we are here for inspection, let's go directly."

Mr. Chen also nodded and said: "That's right, we all watched the whole process of your press conference yesterday, and also read some live experience reports this morning. For this smart hospital system and your portable medical emergency system Very interested. So, let's not delay and go straight over."

Hearing what the two old people said, Dean Liao and Wu Hao looked at each other, showing a hint of helplessness. However, Dean Liao and the others did not say a word, but looked at him, apparently waiting for his decision.

Seeing this, Wu Hao agreed helplessly. UU Reading Can he still object at this time: "No problem, since you two are interested, let's invite you here."

Hearing Wu Hao's response, Dean Liao immediately began to personally lead a group of people headed by the two old people to the area where the smart hospital is located.

Under the leadership of Dean Liao, Wu Hao, the two old men and a group of white coats walked through the internal passage of the hospital to the area where the smart hospital is located.

Contrary to everyone's imagination, the number of people in the smart hospital area is not particularly large, and everyone is queuing up there in an orderly manner. Seeing Wu Hao and his group of doctors coming out, they couldn't help but stop and look around.

Mr. Zhao couldn't help but frowned looking at this hospital area with few people, and asked Dean Liao, "Why are there so few people? Did you drive them away because of our arrival? Parents of doctors, you How can we drive people out?"

Hearing Mr. Zhao's questioning and reprimand, the head of the hospital like Dean Liao didn't have any temper, but explained with a smile: "I didn't drive away the patients, but diverted a group of people to our outpatient clinic. , You can also see a doctor there. In addition, here we adopt the method of early registration to control the number of people in the entire hospital area, which is also to prevent chaos in the hospital area and possible cross-infection."

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