Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2446: Wealth touches people's hearts

So to some extent, Chen Keren is the most popular person in the secretary's office, and also the most transparent person.

Everyone has reached a consensus in their hearts that people like Chen Keren are no threat to them, so there is no harm in building a good relationship with her.

Of course, this was also what Chen Keren did on purpose, in order to keep a distance from these people, so as not to be found out. It was also because of this that Chen Ke was able to stay in the secretary's office for such a long time safely.

After a while, everyone is used to it. They all know that Wu Hao's secretary office has a mysterious and beautiful girl. No one has found out her identity information, so there are more speculations.

Some said it was Wu Hao's little secretary, or Wu Hao's mistress, some said it was Wu Hao's younger sister, cousin, and some said it was the daughter of a big company leader, and they were sent to Wu Hao to practice and so on.

Also because she is very beautiful, she attracted the pursuit of countless people. For a while, countless people sent flowers and gifts, but she was unmoved by it, so she gradually gave up, which also made Chen Keren Known as the ice beauty.

Wu Hao, who was about to take a break after eating, unexpectedly received a call from Lin Wei, so he got down and answered the call.

A screen floated in mid-air not far from him, and Lin Wei's figure appeared on it. Lin Wei is dressed very beautifully today. She wears a blue silk shirt on her upper body, slim trousers on her lower body, a pair of pendant earrings on her ears, and combed her hair and shoes. She looks extraordinarily capable and beautiful. The style of a capable female president was immediately brought out.

Lin Wei on the screen was sitting on a chair with a cup of coffee and smiled, "Have you eaten yet?"

Not long after eating, I was about to go to rest, what's wrong? Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Lin Wei said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just heard that your park is very lively today, so I came here to ask. I watched your press conference this morning, and the answer was very sharp, and a lot of news broke out.

Right now, news about you is at the top of the most popular search lists on the Internet, and the entire Internet is almost swiping the screen. "

Isn't that bad? A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Hao's mouth, and he asked on purpose.

Do you think so? Lin Wei didn't answer, but asked back with a smile.

Seeing this, Wu Hao had no choice but to show a helpless expression: "It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, it happened. Sooner or later, there will be such a thing. It's better to make a big splash together. It's just good for the sales of our products. As for the others, first No matter what, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover it with soil."

Seeing what he said, Lin Wei also nodded, showing a look of understanding, and then said to him: "In addition to many people looking for you today, there are also many people who have come to us and want to seek cooperation. ,I would like to hear your views."

Isn't this normal? Why hesitate? Wu Hao smiled puzzled.

Lin Wei shook her head, then glanced at Wu Hao with a troubled expression, and said, "The commercial application market for naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology is too huge, and such a big piece of cake is hard to eat just by our words.

So it is definitely necessary to find some partners, and then jointly promote this technology and eat this cake together. However, I am a little bit unwilling to give up the benefits to these people for nothing.

And now many people have a big appetite, and they just want to swallow it all, and want to have the right to speak. It's fine if it's an ordinary enterprise, but there are some very complicated things mixed in, which is very troublesome. "

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao couldn't help laughing and said, "You guys are a bit overwhelmed now, think about us, Zhang Jun is dealing with it now.

Well, if you encounter these things, you can push them to our side, saying that the technology belongs to us, so the decision is up to us, so that you will have less pressure. "

But this will put a lot of pressure on you. Lin Wei couldn't help but shook her head and said, "No, in this situation, we can't do this. We have to share some of the pressure with you."

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "Don't worry, we are better at handling these things than you. It's okay, we'll be fine if we survive this gust of wind. Money touches people's hearts, and these people are jealous in front of such a big benefit.

But, we are not vegetarians, so how could we let them handle it easily. It's true that we are still the unknown people we were a few years ago. "

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Lin Wei couldn't help becoming nervous: "Don't say that, just give them what they want, don't force it. The big deal is to make less money, anyway, we will not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of our lives.

What do we need so much money for? Our safety is the most important thing. "

Don't worry, I know what I know. Wu Hao nodded with a smile and agreed. Although Lin Wei is a powerful and capable female president to the outside world, she is still a woman in her bones, so when encountering these things, it is inevitable that she will be a little flustered.

Um. Lin Wei nodded, then looked at Wu Hao in the video with a gentle smile and said, "I want to eat something tonight, I'll get off work early and go back to make it."

Don't be so troublesome, just make something casually, if it doesn't work, just order a meal. You are busy enough these days, don't get tired. Wu Hao opened his mouth to persuade.

It's okay, I'm okay here, and the vice presidents below will deal with it, but I'm a little more relaxed. Lin Wei shook her head lightly.

How about this, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "If you want to eat Hunan cuisine, then let's have fried pork with pepper and fish head with chopped pepper."

Bah, I really think I'm a chef. Lin Wei rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and then smiled angrily: "I'll try my best, don't blame me if it doesn't taste good."

It's okay, what you made must be delicious. Wu Hao smiled.

When Lin Wei saw what he said, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, you can rest, you will be busy in the afternoon."

Well, Wu Hao nodded and ended the call, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, revealing a cold expression.

After thinking about Wu Hao called Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun, who was dealing with customers over there, suddenly saw a call from Wu Hao, his expression tightened, he immediately greeted the customer, and went to a clean place to answer the call.

What's up, I'm dealing with a client.

Wu Hao didn't talk nonsense with Zhang Jun, and then said directly: "Lin Wei has encountered some troubles, please help to deal with it."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also understood what the words meant, and immediately said with murderous intent: "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will take care of it."

Hearing Zhang Jun's assurance, Wu Hao immediately hung up the phone.

As for Zhang Jun on the other side, after hanging up the phone, he immediately called his entourage and said, "Tell them that I have something to do, and ask them to come back another day."

Mr. Zhang, this... this entourage is a bit embarrassing.

Do as I say. Zhang Jun said with an unquestionable expression.

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