Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: "Xingshi Asks Crime"

  Chapter 1484 "Investigating the Teacher"


  Lin Wei and Kong Yuansheng quickly responded. Indeed, this is the top priority in the future operation of the venue and must not be taken lightly.

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui couldn't help but put forward his opinion: "The whole picture is too realistic, so it will give the audience a deep sense of substitution. Especially the stones just now make people afraid to get up and avoid it. This is likely to cause some safety hazards. You should pay attention to it."

Hearing this, Wu Hao said with a smile: "In this regard, you can rest assured that on the one hand, we will have an explanation and prompt before watching. On the other hand, each seat is actually equipped with a sensing device. When a person gets up, The virtual screen in the smart glasses will disappear immediately.

  In this way, the audience immersed in the screen can quickly return to reality and calm down. "

   "This design is good." Du Yonghui couldn't help but exclaimed. The other leaders also nodded in response. Indeed, such a design can also avoid some over-reactions of some viewers during watching, and prevent the viewers from being too immersed in it and making over-reactions.

   "If time is not limited, I really want to watch a real e-sports game here, and I want to see with my own eyes what kind of experience the e-sports scene is like." Du Yonghui said with a little regret.

  Hearing Du Yonghui’s words, Wu Hao quickly said: “If you like it, you can come here to watch it anytime after the e-sports event starts.”

  Du Yonghui shook his head: "Forget it, I'm here, everyone feels restrained."

  Hearing Du Yonghui's words, everyone nodded immediately, which was indeed a kind of helplessness. There are gains and losses, and leaders have their pain points. For example, it is more difficult for them to live an ordinary life. Even if he wanted to accompany his family out for a meal, he paid special attention, let alone coming to this kind of competition venue. If it is recognized by someone, it will be a big deal.

   "Well, let's stop here today." Du Yonghui immediately said to Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

"This venue is very good. I hope you can really make this venue a new business card for our Anxi cultural and creative field. Let more people know about Anxi through e-sports events, like Let's Anxi."

  Speaking of this, Du Yonghui said to Wu Hao: "This technology is very good, and I hope it can be used in more fields in the future to maximize its value."

  Lin Wei, Wu Hao and others quickly greeted us. Du Yonghui whispered to Wu Hao: “As the leading company in Anxi, Haoyu Technology should play a leading role and drive the development of various industries in Anxi.

  You don’t always pay attention to the grand plans in your heart, but also pay attention to the things around us all the time. No matter how good the space is, the moon and Mars are not as good as our own hometown, right?

  This project is not bad, I hope you will continue to work hard in this area in the future. "

  Wu Hao was a little bit dumbfounded, but still won: "Don't worry, as an Anxi person, I will do my best to build our own home."

   "Well, this is our Anxi's good boy." Du Yonghui praised.


  In the laughter of everyone, Wu Hao and Du Yonghui walked outside surrounded by others. Du Yonghui's visit today is not only to unveil the Qinglong E-sports Cultural Center, but also to inspect the work of the Tang Cultural Pedestrian Street scenic spot.

  Originally, there was nothing about Wu Hao in this, but Du Yonghui was unwilling to let him go, but took him and walked on the pedestrian street together.

"Compared to when I first came to Anxi, there have been too many changes here. I witnessed with my own eyes that this place has gradually changed from an ordinary antique street to a lively Internet celebrity pedestrian street." Du Yong looked at the happy tourists around. , Could not help but sigh.

  "This is the result of your hard work over the years. Without you, we would not have our scenic spot now." Kong Yuansheng said.

  Haha, Du Yonghui waved his hands again and again: "How can this be said to be the credit of me alone, this is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

  Although he said so, Du Yonghui was obviously in a good mood when he was shot by Kong Yuansheng.

  The surrounding tourists obviously spotted Wu Hao and Du Yonghui, and waved hello to him. Many people also raised various equipment and shot them at him.

  Some people still wanted to approach, but they were blocked by security and secret service personnel.

   "Xiao Wu, I heard that you are going to Shang Hai recently." Du Yonghui suddenly turned his head and asked Wu Hao.

   "Huh?" Wu Hao was taken aback, then nodded and said: "You are very well informed. That's right, I'm going to Shanghai next week to participate in an event there."

  "It's about the release ceremony of the new lithography machine technology." Du Yonghui said to him.

Wu Hao nodded. Although he was a little alert, he still smiled and said: "Yes, we have made breakthroughs in the new lithography machine technology we have cooperated with several companies. The first new lithography machine has been developed, so I will go there. Participate in the launch ceremony."

  Du Yonghui nodded and said: "At the beginning, you promised us that you would strive to build the chip manufacturing plant in our Anxi, and how did you settle down in the capital of Shu?"


  Wu Hao froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Co-author, you are here today to ask me for a crime."

"I didn't mean it, it's just that such an important factory has become cheaper in the capital city of Shu, and we all feel a little sad and can't figure it out. You Xiao Wu is from Anxi, why did you turn your elbow outside?" Du Yonghui smiled. Said to him. UU reading


  Wu Hao couldn't help showing a wry smile when he heard the words: "This project is not decided by our family. There are six other companies and one unit.

  Of course, we hope that this chip manufacturing plant will be built in Anxi, but considering many factors and the opinions of other partners, we finally selected the chip manufacturing plant in the capital of Shu.

  Compared with our Anxi, Shu Du is still very competitive in some aspects. "

"It's nothing more than policy. It can be given by Shu, and we can also give by Anxi, and we can give more and better. You, why don't you fight for it? How can such a tens of billions of projects slip away? Well." Du Yonghui said with distress and regret.

  Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said, “I’ve really tried my best in this regard, but this project is really not something we can decide on.”

  Du Yonghui glanced at him, then waved his hand and said, “Well, let’s not talk about this. We in Anxi have always paid great attention to the development of high-tech industries, especially the chip industry, which has always been our key support industry.

  How about, are you interested in investing in another chip manufacturing plant in Anzai? "

  (End of this chapter)

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