Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1482: Shocking "Unreal"

  Chapter 1483 Shocking "Unreal"

Wu Hao led the crowd to the first row of the second floor auditorium, and then a staff member came to a tray. Inside the tray were neat rows of smart glasses, which seemed to be no different from smart AR glasses. .

  But this kind of smart glasses are thicker and not easily damaged. Compared with the lighter personal version of smart AR glasses, this kind of smart glasses appear to be medium, each of which is about one hundred and fifty grams, which is not much lighter than an ordinary mobile phone.

  But the design is quite reasonable and ergonomic, so you don’t feel pressure and weight when you wear it.

  The whole lens is transparent, and it looks like a flat transparent lens is no different.

  Wu Hao raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and gestured to the staff.

Immediately, with the exciting music room, the picture in the glasses lens in front of everyone turned to black like a small screen, and several logos were displayed in the black picture, including Haoyu Technology, Wei Media, and Tang The sign of the cultural pedestrian street scenic spot. Immediately, the picture quickly evaporated like ink particles, and everyone finally saw the scene again.

  However, the picture has changed drastically at this moment, it is not the internal environment of the venue at all.


  Everyone couldn't help but exclaim, even some very stubborn leaders couldn't help but sigh.

   Cheng Now everyone is in front of a new place. This new place seems to be in a large theater, but this theater belongs to the kind of large amphitheater, a bit like the Roman Colosseum. But the overall style is biased towards our ancient style.

  There are dougongs with angled cornices and decorated with carved beams and columns. It's as if you are really in this kind of real theater.

  And everyone's surroundings have also changed. What everyone is sitting on is no longer a blue plastic chair, but more like a wooden chair, which looks very realistic. Many people took off the glasses and compared them, and found that the real environment is completely different from the pictures in the glasses.

  The middle arena has also become a stone platform. Above the platform, there are several phoenixes slowly dancing, and it is finally magical.

  As everyone was surprised, the picture changed again. With a burst of crisp ringtones, the picture inside the glasses changed like a scroll.

  This time the stadium is no longer an antique building, but a stone building with a terrace, like the kind of arena in disrepair.

  This arena is made of stones and trees. The stones are covered with moss, and the ground is covered with various grass and wildflowers. The leaves of the trees behind are shaking, and among the branches, a few squirrels are jumping.

  Suddenly, flowers popped up in the grass in the scene, more and more flowers, and finally the whole scene became a sea of ​​flowers. All kinds of flowers are so beautiful that they are so beautiful.

  And colorful butterflies also emerged from the flowers, and then danced in the air.

  Wow, it’s so beautiful. An accompanying female leader could not help but exclaimed.

  Many people have already stretched out their hands to catch the butterflies dancing in front of them.

  At this moment, the picture changed again. This time, everyone sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the bottomless abyss and the floating clouds. Many people were even a little scared and leaned back.

  In the air in front of the cliff, there are many floating islands. There are many pavilions and pavilions on the floating island, ancient pine and cypress. There are cranes and blue birds frolicking around the floating island, which is a fairyland scene.

  Suddenly, there were two other people on the floating island. The two people were wearing black and white clothes, and the two were chasing and fighting each other. Moreover, the fighting became more intense, and even spells were used.

  One person pinched his finger and stamped a French seal, and the huge boulders in between fell like meteors from the air, smashing the floating island where the other person was on. And another person hurriedly presented a paper umbrella, which opened in the air, suddenly numerous opened paper umbrellas appeared in the air, forming a barrier.

  Those falling boulders hit this barrier made of paper umbrellas and shattered one after another.

  The sword is coming!

  I saw the man yell, and a sword flew from a distance. This person took the sword, wiped the blade with two fingers, and then slashed the opposite person floating in the air with a backhand sword.

  I saw this sword transform into a transparent sword energy and attack the opposite person floating in the air. This person dodges quickly, this sword energy still cut off a strand of hair and clothes. And this is not over yet, this sword qi continued to fall, and the huge floating island behind this person was cut into two like tofu.

  The floating island that was divided into two halves, there was no longer a support part, and it quickly collapsed and fell down. The spectators watching the broken stone statues that collapsed and splashed came, and everyone who was watching couldn't help but start to block them with their hands, and some even suddenly stood up and wanted to escape.

  But when I stood up, I realized that it turned out to be a virtual picture, not real, so it was a bit embarrassing, and I sat down slowly.

At this time, the picture changed again. The rocks that collapsed and splashed have changed. They are no longer real stones, but have become figures composed of numbers. The picture has also changed. The original good wonderland suddenly It became black and white, and then it became a digital white model,

  In the end, it becomes a pure 2D picture, and finally some lines. In the end, the entire slowness dissipated and became transparent, leaving only the empty and real interior images of the stadium.

  The leaders who responded with a long sigh of relief, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com then took off his glasses and applauded.

  Wu, it’s really wonderful, let’s open our eyes.

  Du Yonghui applauded while admiring: "This is more realistic and shocking than the 3D movies we have seen before, and even the unreal pictures."

  Yes, although it’s not the first time I watched it, watching it again still makes me feel excited. Kong Yuansheng said: "With this kind of technology and this kind of picture, I have full confidence in the future operation of our e-sports stadium.

  What I am worried about now is not that no one will come, but that too many people will cause confusion. "

  This is the trouble of happiness. Du Yonghui joked with a smile.


  Although he said so, Du Yonghui couldn’t help but exhorted: “If you can meet this kind of technology, what kind of hot scenes such a venue will be in the future. Therefore, we must do a good job in safety to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the venue.

  Not only the venue operators should pay attention to this aspect, but the scenic area should also strengthen management and correct guidance. "

  (End of this chapter)

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