May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 510: : The real Shura field is terrible!

"Hey, give me a break, these **** are just playing with me." Jiang Chengchang sighed, and said rather unhappily, "If this is the case, I would rather go see OOO and OOO and OOO’s childbirth report."

"Well, Brother Jiang Cheng, who are OOO, OOO and OOO?"

"Hey? Don't you know?" Jiang Cheng asked with a puzzled look. "It's the friend of the writer. In reality, the writer attended four weddings in October last year, and three of them had children last month. "

" there a problem with timing? Why do you get married in October and have children in June of the next year..." Harita vomited blankly.

"Who knows~" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, and then showed a very disdainful expression, "Cut, no matter which one said, "Ah~ I really don’t feel it, I became a parent without knowing it~ I don’t know. Can you be a good father (mother)? Ah, I'm so nervous~" It's disgusting! If you're worried about being a bad parent, put on OOO for me! By the way, you were already pregnant when you got married! It's all about being a parent to get married! Why can you say such things in the chat group at this time? The fire is big! It's really hot! I don’t want to go to my child’s full moon wine at all! By the way, give me a refund! Give me the gift money from the wedding! "

"That..." Qing was too silent for a long time before she murmured silently, "Who are you...?"


"Well, Jiang Cheng, someone has sent a marriage report!" Qingta looked at the New Year card in her hand and said in surprise.

After listening, Jiang Cheng glanced at the greeting card in Haruta's hand casually, and saw that the sturdy Yin Shi in a suit and a small ape in a wedding dress holding a bouquet of roses hugged at the door of the church.

"I'm married, Ah Miao~ I'm sorry to be the first step~ Thank you for the blind date specified by the game OTAKU~"

"It seems that this one needs a good reply," Jiang Cheng said, lifting the pen and writing on the blank greeting card in front of him.

"I wish the two of you a hundred years of good harmony, and each other. I want to be natto-like lingering and smelly all my life.-Jiang Cheng.

"Um... Jiang Cheng, this is a marriage scam, right?" Harita muttered while looking at the greeting card in her hand, "Eunsang is totally another person under his neck, right? It was made by using unskilled PS software PS. Right?"

"Harita, you won't understand," Jiang Cheng held up his hand, shook his head and closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Girls, you will definitely edit pictures when you take photos, whether it's an ugly girl or a beautiful girl. I am retouching my own pictures without paying attention to others. The result is that she is the only one who looks outstanding, and the others look like they are living in other worlds. For example, this photo, Yin Shi looked at It looks like living in another world."

"That's it!" Qing nodded too wildly, and then picked up a greeting card again, "Then, does this Jiang Cheng brother also live in another world?"

"The three of them live happily together every day, and I feel that I will ascend to heaven after two more visits~ Master Jiang Cheng, please don't pity us!-Waidomaru, Kuzuha (ps: After attending the wedding, please go to Yuno's house to collect Our shrine)”

The picture is a cutout of Jiang Cheng's head, but below his neck is a certain girl in the costume of Onmyoji, with Wai Daomaru and Ge Ye next to him.

"Kill them! This time they will definitely be slaughtered!" Jiang Cheng grabbed the postcard in Qingta's hand and tore it to pieces. "What do you do without permission! This time, they will both ascend to heaven with one shot." !"

As soon as Jiang Cheng's voice fell, two unidentified objects wrapped in quilts with excitement flew in from outside the window.

"Master Jiang Cheng! Come on! Just wait for your words!" Ge Ye exclaimed excitedly, without clothes under his neck. "I have fox ears and fox tails! A man will definitely like it very much." Lord Jiang Cheng, don't pity me! Come on!"

"Hurry up! Can't wait! Gao Tianyuan...I'm here!" Wai Daomaru, who was also excited, shouted excitedly.

"Wash inside!!"

While yelling, Jiang Cheng directly violently kicked the two men out of the window with the bedding with their bedding.

"Well, Brother Jiang Cheng," Harita held a thick stack of New Year cards and reminded with a blank face, "It's useless, they sent a lot of them."

"Hey--! Just stop joking! It's too unnatural! Down with the head is the disgusting girl!"

"It seems that there are congratulatory cards sent." Haruta said blankly while holding up a few cards.

"Hey? When did the wedding come? Why didn't you notify me? Have you finished reading the last page of that jump? Remember to lend it to me after reading it.-Quanzang."

"As expected, Mr. Jiang Sung, happy newly married.——All the members of the Ghost Soldiers. (ps: Since I learned that Mr. Jiang Sung got married, Mr. Jinsuke seems to be a little bit down, and I have been depressed for several days-Wan Zhai

"Well, the beautiful officer of Opalstar seems to be very interested in Jiang Chengjun's wedding. He wants to bring the entire planetary fleet to the earth to congratulate you, so I will take them to the earth by the way. I'm worried, I'll be able to catch up with the wedding, hahahaha.-Sakamoto Tatsuma."

"It's you as expected, ah ha ha ha! But it can't compare to me! Not only did Kriste and I remarried, we also have children! It looks like Seimei!-Doman"

The picture on Doman’s greeting card shows a family of three holding their children, but the faces have been replaced by Doman, Yuno anchor, and Seimei.

"Hey! What did these guys do!" Jiang Cheng's whole person was not good, but then suddenly he discovered something, "Hey...wait, wait, wait! The sister on this greeting card is not on the head! Was it cut from that greeting card?! Say you stay together and write?! Is the relationship between the two families so good now?! Where is my body? My body Where is it?!"

"Here..." Harita said, pointing to a greeting card.

"You can give you the head, but can you keep it for me? Those who practice surgery can use it. ——A certain number one plastic surgeon in the universe."

The picture is Jiang Cheng's body.

"It seems that Yao Yan has spread everywhere," Harita looked at the countless greeting cards spread out on the table, "not only the earth, but the universe... things seem to be getting more and more troublesome..."

"Hehe..." Jiang Cheng twitched his mouth, with a playful expression, "The earth is over, let's die together...hehe...hehe..."

"Even "the orangutan among those guys" sent me. "Haruta muttered while looking at a greeting card on the table.

"Happy wedding! It would be great if our children can go to school together. Look, they look like the new Bahaojun? By the way, my apprentice, the method the master taught you seems to be able to be used fluently, Master's heart Very comforting."

The picture is also of a couple holding their children, but the three are replaced by Xin Ba Ha, A Miao, and Kondo.

"I wish you a family of three happy in **** forever..." Jiang Cheng mechanically lifted his pen and wrote on the greeting card, with only a broken smile left on his face, "No, everyone is in **** together forever. Happiness...hehe..."

"Calm down! Brother Jiang Cheng!" Harita shook Jiang Cheng's shoulder quickly, "This kind of misunderstanding is only a matter of course, and it can be solved! It is enough to solve the misunderstanding one by one! There is still time for the earth! !"

"Haha, yes, there is still time for the earth, but...I don't have time..." Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at the huge muzzle of the black hole that stuck out of the window at some unknown time and the shining operations that appeared on the side. Dao, "Haruta, run if you can stand up, they won't even hurt the children... Ha ha, goodbye, my life..."

Seeing the ill-fated Haruta turned his head, he stood up and ran out.


In a certain open space in Yoshihara, the tied-up Jiang Cheng was stuffed into a big gun muzzle, and directed at the sky at an angle of ninety degrees.

There were three women standing next to the cannon. One was a woman wearing a green military uniform, wearing a military cap, with an exploding figure, long drifting blue hair, a cold expression, and a woman holding a pipe in one hand.

The other is wearing a white coat, inside a white shirt with a bulging neck button that is not fastened, with long red hair, lighting a lady's cigarette, and a mole under his right eye, with the same expression Cold woman.

As for the last one, Yueyong with an indifferent expression holding a cigarette stick.

"Um... It's been a long time, you two." Jiang Cheng said to the two women in front of him with sweaty expression on his face.

The woman in uniform just glanced at Jiang Cheng coldly, and then raised her hand and hooked her finger to the man in charge of the cannon.

"Earth's New Year... Sure enough, you still need some fireworks, don't you? The scum owes debt to the ex-boyfriend..." The man in the white lab coat spit out a cigarette lightly, and said indifferently.

"That! Yueyue! Save me!" Jiang Cheng turned his head to Yueyue for help, leaving the two of them completely unwilling to stop, "Please! Save me——!!!"

"You better go to die soon..." Yue Yong's eyes were extremely cold.

"Hey! Sakamoto! What have you done?!" Jiang Cheng yelled at Sakamoto on the side with white, it has nothing to do with me, it's just business. "Sakamoto, who was standing in front of the members of the quick aid team, scratched his head and smiled. "

Looking at the ignited fuse, Jiang Cheng raised his head and shouted, "Don't--!!!"

However, no one took care of him.

After a loud noise, Jiang Cheng... ascended to heaven.

Watching the huge fireworks explode in the sky and listening to Jiang Cheng's screams from the sky, the faces of the three women showed a bit of pleasure at the same time.

"Receive the team!" The woman in military uniform turned around and yelled without looking back, very simply and neatly.

"Goodbye by destiny." The woman in the white coat glanced at Yue Yong, and after saying this casually, she turned around and left.


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