May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 509: :New Year's card for me to write with a brush!

One day in January, Yoshihara and Jiang Cheng were in the room.

"Ah, it's troublesome..." Jiang Cheng lay on the table with a look of lovelessness, "Why do humans have to spend the troublesome months like the first month? Can't it be changed to eleven months? It won't work directly from February. ?"

"No matter how you complain, you still have to read and write back to these New Year cards one by one." Qing Tai kindly reminded.

Looking at the four-high stacks of New Year cards on the table, Jiang Cheng held his head and shouted frantically, "Ah! Why do you have to send such troublesome things! It is so convenient to send text messages in groups now! Obviously, just casually. Just write a New Year greeting group and send it out! Why do you have to be obsessed with this troublesome way! Are you idiots?! Are all of you idiots?! What are you talking about Happy New Year, where is the New Year?! This work was originally a model of Miss Conch, and the age will never grow!"

"Hey--? Really?" Qingta deliberately dragged a long tone, narrowing Doudou's eyes and spitting out expressionlessly, "Obviously you will be the happiest in this year's New Year? With your sister's family. Earth reunion or something, go to karaoke or something on New Year’s Eve together, or go to shrines or something together, can you please recall your expressions in those few days, can you say something like that when you see that expression? ?"

"I just can't understand!" Jiang Cheng yelled, "Why do you have to be obsessed with sending New Year's cards? This kind of thing is not necessary at all! Just keep this blessing in my heart! I can feel it." Yes! Everyone can feel it too! Search! That’s right! That’s it, so there’s no need to read these greeting cards at all. I already understand everyone’s thoughts! I also believe that everyone will understand my thoughts too! !"

"You know how big you are!" Qingta yelled, raising his face and pulling his neck, "Anyway, don't complain, and write me back! You useless OTAKU! Obviously, I volunteered to help you in place of Yueyong sister. Why are you still complaining so much?"

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng propped his cheek with one hand, while turning his face to one side, he took a heavy sip.

"But then again, what's the matter with you and Yueyong?" Harita asked casually while lowering her head and writing a reply, "I always feel that something is wrong with you two since the New Year. Whether it's during dinner or other times The two of them didn't even say anything."

"The ghost knows," Jiang Cheng said casually, waving his hand, "It should be said that that woman will never be right for 365 days a year."

"I really don't understand you two~"

"Shut up the kid who doesn't understand anything!"

"Hey!" Qingtai sipped her face in a low voice, and then pushed a stack of New Year cards to Jiang Cheng, "Anyway, hurry up, you must finish writing today."

So, an hour later...

"Ha..." Jiang Cheng sighed heavily on the table with a brush in his hand, "I feel like I can't finish writing, it's so troublesome... Just simply write "Happy New Year" and feel like there is not enough time for a day. In... words, why do you write so hard? Why are you so happy? Is it because there are too few scenes so I want to write your current situation in it? "

"That's...not really!" Haruta quickly put away the New Year's card that looked like a diary in his hand.

"Where is the dojo?" Jiang Cheng asked again, "Don't you want to go to the dojo during the holiday?"

"Today, Sister A Miao and Brother Xin Bajia both said that they don't need to go," Qingta replied with a hastily waved hand, "because they have to write greeting cards at home."

"Really, after paying so much tuition fees, at least give me a little more serious teaching..." Jiang Cheng mumbled uncomfortably, "What's the matter? That kind of half-hearted dojo."

After just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye, and instantly took the New Year's card in front of Haruta.

"Hey, what's the matter? Are you going to return this kind of greeting card to him?" Jiang Cheng asked blankly.

"I want to at least express my congratulations politely." Qingta scratched the back of her head and smiled sly.

"It's definitely not showing off or anything else. It's just a notification by the way. This year's Dahe drama... the deputy head of the Shinsengumi Tsutogata Suizo appeared on the scene-Tsutogata Shiro."

"Congratulations, ghost! It's all about showing off! Drink a car of mayonnaise and explode calories to death!" Jiang Cheng screamed with eyes open and tore the New Year card in his hand to pieces.

(ps: In 2021 Dahe drama "Climbing to the Sky", Keita Machida plays the supporting role of Mukata Sui San.)

"Okita-san also sent it." Haruta said, holding the New Year's card.

"Sougo? I thought his character would not send such things." With that, Jiang Cheng took the New Year's card in Haruta's hand and turned to the back and glanced at it.

"Shinsengumi (Masengumi) also appeared on the earth-moving ride."

"Isn't it over yet?!" Jiang Cheng once again tore the greeting card in his hand to pieces, "Give me enough, bastards!"

"Well, Brother Jiang Cheng, it's useless." Harita said, pointing to dozens of greeting cards laid out on the table.

"Um, Harita," Jiang Cheng's blue veins jumped straight on his forehead, but even then he managed to hold back his anger and narrowed his eyes with a smile. "That group of guys will use "that group of guys" and "that group of What do you think of "one of the guys" instead of you? Their names no longer need to appear in this work! There is no need at all! "

"The "member of that group of guys" sent me New Year cards that were a little different from those few. "Speaking, Haruta handed a greeting card to Jiang Cheng.

Looking at the greeting card with "Red Bean Bread" written in his hand while the line was still exuding a terrible black resentment, Jiang Cheng was silent for a long time before he crumpled it into a ball and threw it forcefully toward the window.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, it's useless, "one of those guys" also sent many copies of the same. "Haruta reminded him, pointing to dozens of New Year cards with the same content on the table.

"Then take it all away!" Jiang Chengbai shouted, "What's the matter with that virginity? Although I have heard that a thirty-year-old virgin can be a full-time magician, but this is no longer an ordinary magician. Right?! This is a dark magician, right! There is an incredible dark atmosphere between the lines!"

"Well, Brother Jiang Cheng..." Qing Tai reminded in a low voice, "You seem to have promoted "a member of those guys" again just now..."

"Ah! That's awful!" Jiang Cheng just reacted, covering his mouth hastily, and then mumbled, "I made a complaint if I accidentally..."

(The three-year-old Machida Keita, who played Tukata in this year’s Dahe drama, also starred in last year’s romantic comedy "A virgin at the age of 30, seems to become a magician", and won the 106th Japanese Drama Academy Award for Best Male by virtue of this drama. Supporting role award.)

"Well, Sakamoto-san also sent it." Haruta said, holding up a greeting card.

"Ha? Tatsuma?" Jiang Cheng accepted the greeting card from Haruta. "To be honest, it has been a long time since he appeared. His shots in the Christmas article have also been cut out. I still thank him for going. That planet took Sister Jiang Hua over, there is no way, let him play once this time."

"Supporting role? What is that? Ten years ago, the big river drama "Ryoma" was the protagonist! Your level is too low!"

(2010, Dahe drama "The Legend of Dragon Horse")

"Who are you sending this to?!" Jiang Cheng instantly tore the greeting card in his hand to pieces. "How many years ago was this all?! Is it really okay to take it out at this time? ??! As for the old account from ten years ago, as to take it out! Stop playing! From today on, you will be "the idiot captain of another group of guys"! The real name will never appear again! "

"That, Jiang Cheng, "the deputy captain of the other guys" also sent me. "

"Huh? That woman?"

"Even if you tear it, it's useless."

In an instant, the expression on Jiang Cheng's face stagnated.

""Another group of guys" have also been sent. "Harita said, pointing to dozens of cards spread out on the table.

Looking at the alternate greeting cards with the same content as the previous two, Jiang Cheng instantly felt an urge to lift the table, "Asshole! From now on, all of them will be "members of that group of guys"! Don't want to play with your real name anymore! It's absolutely impossible! "

"Brother Jiang Cheng!" Qingta suddenly noticed something, staring at the greeting card in her hand with wide eyes, "Ghost...Ghost team also sent it!"

"Gao Tsai? Gao Tsai and the others have more roles than "the other group of guys", right? "Jiang Cheng said casually, and at the same time took the New Year's card in Haruta's hand. That guy still cherishes his personal settings. "

"Ten years ago, the Dahe Qibing Team (Ghost Team) also appeared-all the Ghost Team."

"Are you nostalgic too?!" Jiang Cheng scolded angrily, "Or do these **** want to appear so much?! No way! I will never show you again! Talk about you guys Didn’t you just make a cameo appearance with Inosuke-kun next door?! That’s enough! Honestly, if all the staff are transferred to be parents and nurses, it’s okay!"

"Gui Sang also sent it!" Qing Tai exclaimed.

"Wigs? Just throw them away." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "You don't have to look at that kind of throw it in the trash can."

"Um... "Inosuke-kun is actually a good boy. I also appeared on Inosuke-kun's side. The two chapters of the personal special, hey~ Then, I have been waiting at the window...". "

"Hey, you are so big!" Jiang Cheng rushed to the window in an instant, opened the window and raised his foot to kick Gui, who was squatting outside the window, onto the street, "Go to death!"

"It's useless, he also sent a lot." Harita pointed to the pile of greeting cards sent by Gui on the table, or it should be said that Sui Sui Nian reminded.

"Sure enough, the stubborn character is Kyubei-sama?"

"Sure enough, you don't need me if you have Jiubei-san?"


"Who the **** is Nine Lords? Is my substitute?"

"Hey! The last sentence is really disgusting!"


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