May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 492: : No regrets are real regrets!

  In an instant, the looming tears from the corners of the woman's eyes disappeared, replaced by blue veins on her forehead.

   "Didn't you remember it? You even said nine..." The woman still seemed a little unwilling to give up, "I...just want to know your evaluation, how does the wine I pour for you taste..."

"I just remembered that I had to rush to Akihabara before nine o'clock, because at nine o'clock there is a game that I have been following for a long time to be released." Jiang Cheng explained with squinting peas, then waved his hand and said with disdain. "Who are you? Why do people you don't know can talk to people so familiarly."

   "Now, I already know for sure that I am a fool who expects a man like you..."

   The woman said with a smile without a smile, and then gently raised her hand to Jiang Cheng. Although the hand did not touch Jiang Cheng, it was only for a moment, and Jiang Cheng was directly blown away dozens of meters away.

   A huge boom was also mixed with Jiang Cheng's scream of "Woo!"

   A whole wall of the entire hall was smashed to pieces by the impact.

   "Uncle!" After Kagura yelled, he rushed to the direction where Jiang Chengfei went out.

   "Really, I'm such an idiot, I have a crush on this kind of man." The woman sighed somewhat self-deprecatingly, then raised her head slowly deep into the air, slowly disappearing in a golden light.

   But just when the golden light was about to disappear, the last voice of the woman came out.

   "Doing soft things with that man can ascend to the high heaven!"

   "Haruaki...that is...that is...that is...!!!" Dao looked at Haruaki incredulously.

"Ah, that's right," Seimei looked at the place where the woman just disappeared in the sky, and said softly, "That is... only exists in the illusory legend of... becoming a god. Tao is full, and then the family can prepare a new shrine. Up."

[Finally...Finally, I can go to Gao Tianyuan without burden, Nine Masters...] Seimei thought to himself, and then glanced at Jiang Cheng who was being pressed on his chest by Kagura doing cardiac resuscitation, and shook his head quite helplessly. Smiled.

"That shikigami... has really become a god!" Daoman's face seemed to be only shocked, "Is it really ascended to the high heaven?! God, this kind of thing happened in front of me! !"

"She... is not Shijin," Qingming shook her head. "If you insist on saying something, it should be a genius. The spirit bred by heaven and earth has nine tails and a pair of fox ears. No one knows how long she has lived. She is destined. Will become a god..."

"Master Qingming, is what the Ninth Master just said is true?" Wai Daomaru was holding a bedding, drooling and staring at Jiang Cheng who was still in a coma in the distance. "That method can really make Does Shikigami rise into Takatenhara to become the kind of **** who possesses a shrine that can be admired and worshipped by others?"

   "Master Qingming, did the Nine Masters rise to the high heavens because they did something like that with that man?" Ge Ye who was also holding a bedding and drooling at Jiang Cheng murmured.

   Qingming thought of something, raised the corners of his mouth gently, then cleared his throat, turned his back, and said: "Perhaps it is really possible, after all, it was said by the nine masters who ascended to Gao Tianyuan."

   After listening, Waidaomaru and Kuzuya rushed towards Jiang Cheng holding the mattress in their hands without any hesitation.

  【Nine Masters, I complained a little bit for you, so please don't be infatuated anymore. Qingming raised her head and looked into the air, whispered in her heart, then turned her head and looked at the Antianwan who had just stopped crying and seemed to have no resentment on her face.

   "Doman." Qingming shouted to the side of Doman, "Our mission is not over yet."

   "I understand, Seimei."

After    responded, Doman led a group of sirino people to the front of Antenmaru, and at the same time, Qingming also came to Antenmaru.

   Haruaki and Doman lowered their heads towards Antenmaru at the same time. A group of Siri and wild people knelt on one knee at the same time, and bowed their heads towards Antianmaru.

"It has nothing to do with you." Antian Maru gently shook his head, and sounded in an honest and honest voice, "Furthermore, when it comes to apology, I was wrong too. I was even dazzled by hatred. I can even do things like who I am. forget."

"Okay, I should go too. I was born to bring rain to the dry land, but after a thousand years have passed, I have forgotten my own mission. It is really, but there is mine. "As he said, Antianmaru smiled at Qingming and Daoman, "Finally, my name is Sujan, goodbye."

   After that, Antianwan disappeared in front of everyone, and the dark clouds in the sky also disappeared...

   "Michiman, it seems that there are only two shrines that need to be prepared," Seimei murmured.


   On the other side, Jiang Cheng, who had just awakened from the fainting, opened his eyes and saw his Waidaomaru and Kuzuya staring with excitement, panting and drooling.

   "Hey, the face is too close, it's disgusting, so get out of me quickly." Jiang Cheng said with a look of contempt.

   "Master Jiang Cheng, I'm ready." Waidaomaru opened the mouth while laying the bedding and laying in the mattress.

   "I'm ready too!" Ge Ye, who was also lying on another bedding, shouted.

   "What's the situation?" Jiang Cheng asked Kagura on the side.

   "I don't know Aru," Kagura said casually with his little finger dug his nostril and squinted her peasy eyes, "Just now the woman seemed to say that you can go to Kushiro's shop to eat for nothing if you do soft things with you."

   "Huh?" Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and looked unclear.

   "Hurry up! Lord Jiang Cheng! I can't wait!" Wai Dao Maru shouted with his big red eyes.

   "Me too!" Ge Ye shouted excitedly, staring at his big bloodshot eyes.

"Here, Gao Tianyuan's coupons." As he said, Jiang Cheng took out a few Gao Tianyuan coupons from his arms and threw them at the two of them, and then turned away without looking back. "If you say it's my friend, you can get a discount. Oh, goodbye~"

"Master Jiang Cheng! In fact, although it sounds like I am a thousand years old, I am very young compared to the Ninth Adults! I am even better than the Ninth Adults!" In an instant, Wai Daomaru rolled up the bedding and rushed towards the river. to make.

   "Me too!" Ge Ye followed Jiang Cheng at the same time, "It's all foxes, I'm no worse than the Nine Masters!"

   "Hey, if you follow me again, I will really let you go to heaven with just one shot." Jiang Cheng stopped, pointing at the two of them with his umbrella without turning his head, and said this coldly.

   "Please do that!" Waidaomaru and Kuzuya shouted excitedly at the same time.

   "Sinai..." Without hesitation, Jiang Cheng fired a shot at the two of them.

   Boom! !

After    there was a loud noise, Waidaomaru and Kuzuya turned into explosive heads likewise. At the same time, the two found that Jiang Cheng, who was still in front of them... disappeared.

At this time, Yin Shi faintly woke up in the room. After feeling the two familiar and somewhat unfamiliar Jin **** in his stocks, Yin Shi patted his chest and said with some rejoicing, "It's great. Great, it's back. My egg...hey? Hold on, hey? Hey?!!!"

   Before I finished speaking, Yin Shi suddenly discovered something, stood up and held his head, and shouted, "...What are these two basketballs?!"

   "Dandan," Kagura replied blankly, digging his nostrils.

   "That's right, Dandan." Xin Baji squinted Doudou's eyes in agreement.

   "I don't remember that I had this kind of basketball! It's obviously the size of a table tennis ball!" Gin Shizuo shouted, "Is my tama 嚢 okay? It feels like it's going to burst!"

   "Isn't it good Aru? It doesn't make any difference between table tennis or basketball." Kagura said casually.

   "How can it be possible!!"


   At noon the next day, Yueno's house.

   Xin Ba Ji looked at the shikigami who was repairing the damaged house and the onmyojis of the two houses and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   "It's amazing, I have repaired the house to this level unknowingly."

"This is a big project that all the practitioners and Shikigami dispatched." Seimei, who was sitting at the door with a bandage, looked at the "tragic situation" in front of him and said, "After all, it was the Nine Masters who tried so hard. It’s a miracle that the two were leveled to the ground.

   "By the way...Who is the Ninth Master? It seems that he still has a connection with Jiang Chengsang." Xin Bajia asked suspiciously, "And yesterday, I heard you talk about God, Gao Tianyuan or something."

   "It is true Since yesterday, she should have been called a god." Seimei nodded, then looked up at the clear sky in the distance, "The new shrine is also ready."

   "I haven't told her story with Jiang Chengsang yet, Qing Mingsang."

"How could I know that kind of thing," Qingming shook his head slightly, "but all I know is that it took so many years for the Nine Masters to rise to Gao Tianyuan because of their nostalgia for that man. Who is it to be regretted? I don’t know, all I know is that even at the last moment, the Nine Masters still didn’t hear what they wanted to hear from the man. It was just a simple comment. However, thanks to this, the Nine Masters were able to Ascend to Gao Tianyuan without any nostalgia and become one of the gods. As far as this is concerned, the result is not bad."

   "Hey, let's go, you two." Yin Shi's voice came from the side.

   "Jin's mother has recovered, Yinsang." Xin Baji glanced at Yin Shi's crotch.

"Really, I can put that kind of thing on my own." Speaking of that, Yin Shi was a little bit resentful. "Not only did I have to take it off again, but I had to restore it again. It was a lot of toss me. Tonight. That bastard!"

   "Go away, sister control." Kagura stood up and walked towards Gintoki.

   "Qing Ming Sang, goodbye." Xin Ba Ji followed at the same time.


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