May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 491: : Actually, there is still a big gap between the truth and the story

   "But then the younger brother's son was deprived of his surname because of this incident and was driven out of Kyoto!" a Siri wild crowd shouted angrily.

"Um, classmate Daoman, expel this guy from his ancestral home," Jiang Cheng looked at Daoman and suggested, "Throw away people who have only paste in their heads, it's useless at all. Let him drink two liters of soy sauce and die soon."

   "You bastard!" The Siri wild crowd stood up and shouted angrily.

"Hey, listen to me while I'm talking well, and then I will send you to that world myself, bastard." Jiang Cheng glanced at the savage public, "Anyway, I will send you to that world myself, bastard." Throughout the whole incident, no one was wrong except for the younger brother and the Antenmaru who bewitched his younger brother into the darkness. As a result, the younger brother’s descendants also hated the older brother for the same reason as **** who was deprived of their status and surname. The family built by my son for a thousand years, are you idiots?"

"Indeed, looking at the whole incident, no one is wrong. The only one who is wrong is the younger brother. The younger brother who has fallen into the darkness because of jealousy." Daoman shook his head and sighed, "As a result, the brother's son established Si Li. The Yejia also only remembered the consequences of being deprived of his status and surname due to the behavior of his brother’s son, ignoring the right and wrong views of the whole incident. In the end, nothing changed, and only his younger brother’s inheritance was inherited by the Siri Yejia. Just jealous..."

As he said, Daoman turned his head to look at the crowds behind him, and sternly said: "Just admit it!, it's our jealousy! Jealousy that I am not my brother's son's jealousy! I hate that I am not. The twisted jealousy of the righteous side! You should understand in your own heart, right?! Why can't you face your own heart frankly at this time?"

   After listening, a group of sirens lowered their heads at the same time, and no one said anything.

   "How do you feel like you have suddenly opened up?" Jiang Cheng said silently.

"Qing Ming, it's been too long," Daoman looked to the side of Qing Ming, "A thousand years is really too long, maybe there is no better chance than now, Yuye and Shiriye are together again. Opportunity. Remember? Seimei, when we were young, we made an appointment, the era when Yuye and Shiliye turned enemies into friends..."

   "Difficult..." Qingming still seemed to disbelieve that these words came from Daoman's mouth, and unconsciously opened his eyes and looked at Daoman blankly.

   "Then..." Daoman suddenly looked at Jiang Cheng with a look of excitement, "Our two issues have been resolved, can you tell me now? The way to reconcile with Kriste and the way to get closer to the relationship!"

   "This person is terrible," Jiang Cheng pointed to Kagura and Wai Daomaru, who was looking aside at Doman. "What I said just now turned out to be all for women."

   "Ahem, classmate Daoman, don't worry about that," Jiang Cheng cleared his throat and looked at Daoman again, "I will find you two excellent teachers on love later."

   "Where?!" Daoman's face seemed to be only excited, "Where is the teacher?!"

   "Don't worry, I have already contacted, and I will come back in a while." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said, "Two teachers who are very persistent in love."

   "That..." A Siri wild crowd suddenly raised his hand and said weakly, "I still have a little objection."

   "Ah, you say it." Jiang Cheng nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"We admit that it's your brother's fault, but it's not just your younger brother?" He said, Kai Shilino pointed at Antenmaru, "there is also the mistake of Antenmaru who bewitched his brother? What if? It’s just pure jealousy, but if you haven’t been bewitched by Antenmaru, your brother wouldn’t fall into that kind of darkness, right?"

   "That's right! It's all Antenmaru's fault!"

   "Yuno Haruaki, now that the two have reconciled, let's kill Antenmaru together now! If you join hands with the leader, you will be able to do it!"

   A group of Siri and wild people instantly became motivated, and all of them geared up to look at Antian Maru.

"Well, the second half of the class has started. The big guy over there." Jiang Cheng reminded Antian Maru, who was still out of the sky, "Otherwise, if you are really killed by them, I won't care. Oh."

   "Just to my liking! Come on!" Antenmaru stood up and roared.

   "Sit down," Jiang Cheng said helplessly, holding his forehead.

   "Oh." After responding, Antenmaru sat down honestly.

"Looking at you, you should have forgotten your own story. No way, let me help you remember everything about you." After a sigh, Jiang Cheng slowly began to narrate to everyone. , "This is a story that is more than a thousand years old than yours. Listen to it. A long, long time ago..."

"In a countryside near Kyoto, there is an honest man who lives on farming. He has a wife and three children. Although the family depends on farming, although they are not rich, they don’t have to worry about food and clothing, but... that year The drought was so hard. It was so hard that there was no harvest in the field. It was so hard that the surplus grains at home were eaten cleanly. The wife who was so hard to die at home starved to death. Three children starved to death and two...Finally, even the men. Also starved to death..."

"After that, a ghost and **** named Antenmaru was born. There was no other ability, just to be able to move clouds and rain. Several years passed by, and the child who survived by that man luckily survived. He has grown up and married and has three children. The family still depends on farming for a living. However, it may be God’s will. There was another drought in Kyoto that year, and there was no rain for a few months. ..."

"Just when I was feeling that I was going to endure the same fate as my father, the rain...falled, enough to save the crops in the ground. The rain fell continuously for many days, but one day, the rain stopped suddenly. Then came the continuous drought, and the crops that were finally rescued by the rain were once again..."

"The family may not know until they starve to death. In Kyoto, the two brothers who stopped the rain at this time got their status and surnames and cheered because they got rid of the raining ghost God Antenmaru. Now do you understand? This is the grudge between you and the dark and rainy Antenmaru in order to let your offspring live and not let them suffer the same fate as yourself. This is all the truth..."


   Antenmaru's body size shrank a little, and the black energy on his body dissipated a little bit at the same time, until it finally turned into an honest and straightforward flat-headed man with two small pointed horns on the man's head.

"I...remember..." Antian Maru held his head, and big tears continued to fall down his cheeks, "My grandson...all...all died...because Yu Yu Brothers, all are dead..."

   "Why... how could it be like this..." Qingming's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

"From the beginning, those brothers were just to have a chance to show their talents in front of the king. What are the passing travelers? If they are really travelers, then just leave after retiring..." Jiang Cheng said lightly, "Perhaps that The rain is troublesome for the nobles in Kyoto who don’t lack food and clothing to go shopping, but for the low-level people around, it is as important as their own lives. You want to know that after the rain stopped, around Kyoto Is the number of farmers starved to death? I can tell you if I want to know. But I think you who only care about status will not feel any heartache even if you hear the number of ordinary people."

"Nonsense! Impossible! Antenmaru is evil! The continuous rain and rain put the people of Kyoto in the deep water!" A sirino excitement defended, "He is evil! Our ancestors correct!"

"It's just that the next continuous rain will make the water deep and hot. Now I really doubt whether you want to commit suicide in pain during the rainy season every year?" Jiang Cheng added faintly, "In the end, this sentence may come from me. It's not appropriate, but the ability is not usually gods or the like?"

"Indeed, the ability to move clouds and spread rain is generally only a god." Qingming nodded and analyzed, and then looked at Antianmaru, "So, Antianmaru... could have become a god? Just like that existence. ..."

"Who knows," Jiang Cheng shrugged, "but all he knows is that after that, because of his hatred of your ancestors, he fell into the same darkness, and even forgot who he was, and only remembered... It's just hatred."

   "It turned out to be like this..." Xin Baji looked at Antianwan, who was holding his face and crying, with a look of disbelief.

   "So now, do you still think it was Antenmaru's fault?" Jiang Cheng glanced at a group of people.

   A group of people bowed their heads and said nothing.

   "Wait, there is one last point," Daoman pointed at Jiang Cheng with the fan in his hand, "Why do you know such things that even our two families don't know!"

   Jiang Cheng was taken aback suddenly, and he muttered: "Yes, why would I know...Why do I remember this kind of story...Who, who told me..."

   "Uncle?" Kagura tugged Jiang Cheng's clothes corner and shouted.

"Who...who is it?" Jiang Cheng held his chest with one hand, closed his eyes and bit his nails, drips of cold sweat on his face kept oozing out, "Who actually told me this story? Who? Obviously yes, he ...No, it's her, who is she, the name is..."

   suddenly! Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and knocked, "I...remember! Nine..."

   Before Jiang Cheng could finish speaking, a woman who was exuding golden light suddenly appeared in front of her. At this moment, she was watching Jiang Cheng silently with tears in her eyes.

   That's...Pandemonion's delivery person!

   "You... finally remembered me..."

   "Who...who are you?" Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and said blankly.


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