Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 831: wake

Remember [New] in a second! Boom!

Just when the giant palm touched the three of them, an invisible force suddenly struck from the flanks, directly sending the giant palm and the dragon's entire obese body flying tens of thousands of meters away.


Sensing this level of power, Master Jiu was full of shock and a trace of fear. This power seemed to be...

Demi god!

"Haha! I didn't expect Ba Yu's group to keep such a tricky thing in the central area!" There was a hearty laugh, but a stalwart figure suddenly appeared above the crowd, followed by another one, Several figures emerged one after another, a total of five people.

Astonishingly, five demigods from the Eastern District came together!

Although the auras of the five demigods were restrained, they were all demigods and divine creatures, and everyone dared not look directly at them just by standing there.

The feeling that there are signs of distortion at a glance let everyone know that this is the arrival of their ancestors.

"No, such a guy who is comparable to a low-level demigod is here. I think these juniors can fight for so long?" The twin ancestors were talking, and he was a little puzzled by the current situation.

Not only him, but other people at this meeting also noticed the situation here, and everyone was a little suspicious.

This is not normal.

It's so abnormal!

"Let's not care about these, who will deal with this little bug?" Xing Yun's half-conscious eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of something, and said softly.

Listening to these people above saying this one by one, Master Jiu felt very aggrieved.

"Let me do it, just treat it as a warm-up!"

The irritable Siji demigod chuckled, his grinning appearance looked particularly ferocious.

"Why don't I come, I'm good at dealing with this guy!" Demigod Xi Ke also said quickly.

He has the lowest realm, and this is the time for him to perform, otherwise, once he enters the North District, he will have no chance to perform.

After some debate, the four poles and demigods still failed to compete against Sik demigods.

"You guys just watch it, I will definitely subdue this beast!"

Sik half-godly smiled, that smile was particularly weird.

At the same time, all the domain masters below were so excited that they were about to cry. Unexpectedly, their ancestors were all killed, and they were completely safe now.

For a while, most of the people below were rejoicing, but instead began to sit and watch the show.

"If you want to kill me, even a demigod can't do it, you know me..."

Seeing that there was really a demigod who wanted to fight him, Master Jiu opened his mouth to threaten him, but in the end he was slapped down halfway through his words.

Seeing Xi Ke's demigod Void press, he immediately pulled out the Dao Changhe, the surging Dao Changhe's power surged in, and the terrifying power turned into an invisible big hand and directly smashed on Jiuye's head.


Without the power to resist, Master Jiu's head burst like a watermelon under this force.

Seeing this scene, Tian Xingzi and the others couldn't help swallowing, they didn't expect that the guy who they thought was extremely difficult would be so vulnerable to the demigod.

They don't know that they are not at this level, so they can't see it. The reason why they can have such an effect in one blow is because the demigod Siq wants to show off among the same level, and show off to the younger generations by the way.

Bang bang bang!

I saw demigod Xi Ke constantly pressing his palms, and invisible forces continued to explode on the dragon, and the dragon's body surface continued to explode. In a short while, the whole dragon, which was originally intact, turned into a pile of blood and blood. bone shelf.

"Damn it!"

Master Jiu was annoyed, if he hadn't spent too much fighting with that kid before, how could he have no strength to fight back now?

"This guy Xi Ke can't tell, he likes to show off so much!" Siji demigod looked enviously, this kind of meat target is rare and can hit one by one.

"Okay, now that the star gate is set up, we'll rush in quickly, there's no time to delay!" The demigod Xingyun said in a deep voice.

He is not as optimistic as they are. On the contrary, he knows the truth that speed is the most important thing. The longer this situation is delayed, the more prepared the opponent is, and there may be some difficult problems.

At this time, Tian Xingzi, who heard the sound transmission of Xingyun's demigod, did not dare to be negligent and hastily directed everyone to start setting up star gates on the original site.

The star gates are all prepared long ago, and they can be used as long as they are assembled.

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, because Master Jiu didn't need them to worry about it at all, and demigod Xi Ke also deliberately moved away to fight in consideration of this side.

A domain master is like a brick mover at the moment, and they are very energetic and busy. This is a good opportunity to perform in front of the demigod ancestor. Can you not work hard?

Jiang Heng didn't know how long he had slept, he just felt that his whole body was tingling when he became conscious.

"Where am I?"

Jiang Heng frowned, and lifted his eyes with difficulty, but what caught his eyes was a blue sky and white clouds. He was lying in a pool, and there were precious medicinal materials in the pool, but the medicinal power in the pool seemed to be exhausted at the moment.

"The space is very thin. Is this a cave?"

Jiang Heng guessed what's going on here with a little perception, which can be seen at a glance for Space One.

Looking down at his arms, he saw that his arms still had no skin, and all he saw were bright red muscles.

In fact, not only his arms, but Jiang Heng didn't have a single intact epidermis all over his body, and there wasn't even a single hair on his head.


Jiang Heng took a deep breath, feeling the beating heart in his body, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Just stay alive!"

Jiang Heng was already very satisfied with being able to save his life after casting the magic phase heaven and earth.

Little did they know how many times they had tried to cast spells at the level of domain masters, the fall of heaven and earth, and the one life they could get away with was already invaluable.

But this is also the reason why Jiang Heng himself is tough enough.

"The foundation isn't damaged much, it's just that the burden on the physical body is too great once it is used, and after one time, let alone a hundred years, it will not be able to use all its strength!"

Jiang Heng feels that right now he is relying on the spiritual organs in his body, as well as the laws of Tao and space in his body to keep stabilizing his body, otherwise his body will face collapse if he relaxes a little.

Even so, Jiang Heng felt tingling all over his body as long as he moved a little, and every muscle cell was crying out overwhelmed, as if a slight movement would kill them.

As a last resort, Jiang Heng had no choice but to continue lying in the pool, but casually used the power of space to probe into the personal storage space and pour the massive amount of healing treasures he had accumulated in the past into the pool. Valley cloak

While the medicinal power was gradually volatilizing in the pool, Jiang Heng also quickly started to operate the astral body technique and began to frantically devour the medicinal power in the pool, trying his best to stabilize his injury.

It lasted for about a few minutes before Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body was no longer the horrible flesh and blood appearance before, and spots of skin began to grow gradually.

"Finally, I have enough energy to summon an avatar!"

Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief. After casting the method of heaven and earth, the avatars that had stayed on the Nebula Sovereign Star exploded by themselves one by one.

Spit out in one breath, this ray of blood gradually distorted in mid-air, and soon evolved into a human form.

It is the same as Jiang Heng, but this level is weaker than any previous incarnation of Jiang Heng, only the level of a medium warrior, looking at Jiang Heng's level now, it is almost no different from an ant.

The domain master level powerhouse can be blown to the point of death in one breath.

"Don't look down on me, the main body. I'm so weak now because the main body is too weak now, so you should recuperate here, the main body. I'll go out and show you the situation!"

The avatar shook his head slightly, with a look of hating iron but not steel.

Jiang Heng was speechless for a while, thinking that it was not good for his avatar to have the self-awareness of the ontology, and it was unambiguous that it hurt people.

Gently nodding his head, Jiang Heng originally wanted the avatar to go out to see the situation.

Whether he won or lost this battle is still unknown, but Jiang Heng's heart is inclined to win, otherwise he would not be able to still live in this strange cave.

The avatar also has the power of part of the space law of the body, and it is not difficult to enter and exit other people's caves at will. Unless the owner of this space secret realm is also a person of the law of space.

When the figure flashed again, Jiang Heng's avatar had already appeared in the vacuum.

Looking around, what came into view was a star gate that had been gradually built, hundreds of domain masters, and two terrifying auras that were erupting on the other side.

"This is the Allied Forces of the Eastern Region as allies and Tian Xingzi are also there, so now we have won! But what's going on over there?"

Speaking of which, Jiang Heng looked along the terrifying aura that was erupting from the two fighting, and hurriedly avoided with just one glance at Jiang Heng.

"Demigod? Why are five demigods gathered here? What happened when I fell asleep?"

Jiang Heng didn't know what was going on, how he rose to the level of a demigod after a battle.

"It's that giant dragon monster. Could it be that the beast is too difficult, and the demigod has to come to help, but how does the demigod know the situation here? Unless..."

Jiang Heng muttered silently, and the answer came out of his mouth: "Unless these demigods have a plan, what is the plan?"

With this doubt, Jiang Heng began to review the cause and effect of the war.

"Before, Tian Xingzi said that this battle was a surprise attack on the hegemony forces in the central region initiated by the five demigods. However, he didn't even notify the southern region to prevent the news from leaking, and even strictly blocked the news before going out.

This shows that there may be a deeper reason hidden in this battle... These demigods want to break into the northern district at this time and start a war with the demigods in the northern district in advance? ! "

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's thoughts immediately became clear, everything can be connected.

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking here, a slightly confused voice sounded in his mind.

"Teacher, why is your breath so weak? Although it is an incarnation, but... Could it be your body..."

The voice is very familiar, it is my master Xingyun demigod.

"Master! I..."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng had no choice but to tell the story of himself fighting with Jiu Ye and forcibly casting the law of heaven and earth.

"Nonsense!" Hearing this, Xingyun demigod immediately scolded.

Demigod Xingyun was really astonished, he didn't expect his apprentice to be so courageous that he dared to use the method of heaven and earth at the domain master level.

This is the old birthday star who hanged himself and got tired of it.

As far as the demigod Xingyun knows, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are only a handful of people in the universe who can display the dharma at the domain master level.

At this moment, Xingyun's demigod was filled with horror, surprise and some lingering fears.

The shock and surprise are understandable, but the lingering fear is that the demigod Xingyun is really more and more satisfied with his apprentice, what else is he dissatisfied with.

Being able to display the law of heaven and earth at the level of the domain master, and it seems that the foundation has not been damaged, this alone surpasses the level of some royal highnesses of the empire.

How can such a talent not satisfy the demigod Xingyun?

"Although you are sure of this, this move is still too risky. Don't try it lightly in the future." Xingyun said with a demigod expression.

"Follow the master's order!" Jiang Heng nodded, he could still hear the care of the demigod Xingyun, and he felt a sense of belonging to the master in front of him.

"You take these elixir and give it to your body, recover from the injury as soon as possible, don't delay so as not to hurt the root!"

Demigod Xingyun has nothing to do with his apprentice, he is too good at escaping. I feel that as long as he learns some high-level martial arts, the opponent will not be happy if he doesn't need to come out.

This made Nebula demigod a little worried.

"When the time comes, let Tong Tianhou teach this kid the star picker, and I don't know if it's right or wrong!"

For a while, Xingyun demigod hesitated, thinking that this genius also needs time to grow, if he kills himself halfway through, it will be finished.

Jiang Heng didn't realize the worries of his master's old parents at all, but took the pill on his own, feeling very happy.

Now the level of this avatar is too low to see the depth of the pill, but judging from the strong medicinal power emitted from it, this thing must be the top-notch healing medicine at the domain master level or even at the demigod level.

At this time, the star gate is already in the stage of preliminary construction, but the demigod Sik has not finished yet.

Seeing that the star gate was almost set up, the demigods who watched the show became a little impatient.

"Brother Xike, are you okay? If you can't, replace me!" The demigod Siji said a little impatiently, why a peak domain master has been fighting for so long and still can't solve it, so he is just playing around here.

Hearing that the demigod Xi Ke and immediately stepped up his offensive, but what made him particularly depressed was that the thing in front of him was too resistant to beating.

Every time I look at it, I look like I can't do it, but the opponent can recover quickly after being beaten to death. This recovery ability made Xi Ke a little bit embarrassed for a while, because he wasted too much time on this guy.

Settling down on Jiang Heng's side, Xingyun demigod also returned to the ranks of demigods at this time. Everyone was a little surprised that he took care of a junior, but they didn't say much.

"Four poles for you! Solve it quickly!" Seeing that the battle situation was at a stalemate and he was about to enter the northern district, the demigod Xingyun directly issued an order.

Hearing this, Siji waved his hands excitedly and jumped towards Master Jiu.

The demigod Xi Ke stepped back with an ugly expression. This time, he was ashamed. A majestic demigod can't help but have a domain master. It's embarrassing to say it.

The end of the demigod of the four poles is to pull out an illusory long axe, and the long ax turns into an illusory giant axe and slashes down on the head.

A wave of endless anger turned into pieces of anger weaving flames on the surface of the axe blade. Once touched, he would be engulfed in anger and lose all reason in an instant, and eventually his emotions would be consumed quickly and his soul would be burned by anger.

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