Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 830: The overall situation has been decided

Remember [New] in a second! There are more than 50 starry sky behemoths banned here, and even the worst ones are in the early stage. However, the initial state of the behemoths seems to be comparable to ordinary mid-stage warriors with physical bodies. What's more, there are many giant beasts in the middle and late stages, and they are unstoppable once they rush into the crowd.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, more than ten fireworks rose up, which meant that more than ten domain masters fell under the surprise attack of giant beasts in just one confrontation.

"The bastard, this brat from the Broken Gold Empire is really cruel, he doesn't even care about his own people!" Seeing this situation, Xuan Xingzi, who was originally a rough man, burst out foul language.

"Stop talking nonsense, block the most powerful ones first, and the third one, you lead people to destroy the star gate first and cut off the retreat of these little bastards!" Tian Xingzi said angrily.

The ghost knows that Kui Jin is still hiding such a trick. Now not only the Allied Forces of Hundred Nations are a little caught off guard, even the reinforcements of Hegemony are also panicked.

These behemoths were originally captured and collected by the resident in the northern district of the Ba Yu. Every time they were captured, dozens of domain masters took action together, and it took a lot of energy to catch these things one by one.

Right now, the whole thing exploded after being released at once, and a domain master was caught off guard and easily crushed by a huge beast.

Those who are weak in strength are almost defeated. These giant beasts are huge in size, and they carry terrifying power at the slightest touch. The body fell.


Xuan Xingzi doesn't care about it, his goal is only the star gate, and if he can only destroy this star gate, then no matter what, their eastern coalition forces will be invincible here.


One punch crushed the two late-stage domain masters who were blocking the front, and Xuan Xingzi's physical body at the peak stage was even comparable to a starry sky behemoth in the late-stage stage.

There was a wail along the way.

"Stop him! Block him!"

Seeing a small team headed by Xuan Xingzi coming straight in, Kui Jin's face turned cold, and a sense of crisis instantly came to mind.

"Those who stand in my way die!"

Three punches killed a martial artist of the temple system who was desperately blocking the road. Xuan Xingzi's face was fierce, and the terrifying peak martial arts will soared into the sky. Some weaker realms directly retreated and dared not go forward. rushed forward.

It's not that they can't escape, but they know that once they escape, their master will die afterwards. If they go back, they will definitely be severely sanctioned by the base camp. At that time, even the demigod ancestors behind them will not be able to protect them.


As soon as they gritted their teeth, one by one warriors rushed forward frantically, all of them directly bursting out their own hole cards, and using secret techniques regardless of the cost.

Blocked by more than a dozen domain masters, even if Xuan Xingzi's combat power is amazing, his progress is blocked at this moment, and he can only watch Kui Jin disappear into the star gate.

It took more than ten breaths for Xuan Xingzi to deal with these desperate guys one by one. The star gate was shattered.

"The star gate is destroyed! We are finished!"

With the earth-shattering sound erupting here, the Hegemony coalition forces who were unable to get away from the entanglement between the giant beast and the Eastern coalition forces woke up one after another, looking in the direction behind them in panic. Seeing the burst of fireworks one by one was even more desperate.

Originally, there were still more than 200 domain masters in their small group. If so many domain masters gathered, it would definitely be a huge force in normal times.

But among the three parties right now, their number is not even half that of the Allied Forces in the Eastern Region, and their overall combat power is even suppressed by the crazy starry sky behemoths. In this three-party melee, there is no doubt that they will be The first to be annexed.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

The domain master who stood the farthest out could no longer care about the fight. The reason for the fight before was because there were noble people here, and they had no choice but to perform under the watchful eyes of the noble people.

But now that the nobles have all run away, they have no intention of continuing to fight, and the only thing that matters is survival.

As the outer domain masters fled, the hegemony domain masters who were caught in the siege and couldn't escape became even more desperate. They couldn't escape at all right now. Once they left their backs to the enemy, they would die faster.

"Whoever is good at formations, arrange the formations quickly, so that no one can escape with a giant beast!" Tian Xingzi stared at the changes in the battle situation without blinking, and casually transmitted voices to all the coalition domain masters.

"Junior Brother, let's divide some of the elites of this sect and bring some fellow Taoists who are good at perception, and we must catch up with the group of deserters from the hegemony!"


Hearing that Di Xingzi, who was fighting a late-stage giant beast, nodded silently, and at the same time quickly contacted nearby disciples and some fellow Taoists who were good at perception.

Now that the war has been fought, domain master-level powerhouses are no different from ordinary mortals. They can be seen all the time when they fall, and there are lawful fireworks formed after the fall, rising one after another like fireworks cheering.

Only one minute passed, and there were no fewer than a hundred domain masters who had fallen from both sides, and there were many giant beasts among them. It's just that the life form of the giant beast is strong, and it is difficult to kill because of its huge size, rough skin and thick flesh. Even so, the giant beast was besieged by many Eastern Region coalition masters.

With almost all the domain masters in the middle and later stages of the eastern region coalition forces, it is only a matter of time before these giant beasts are subdued.

However, at the same time, on the other side, Kui Jin, who had just drilled out of the star gate, was blown out of the star gate because Xuan Xingzi followed closely behind him to destroy the star gate, and staggered and fell on the star gate on the platform at the other end.

"Isn't this my dear brother? What's wrong with you, why are you in such a mess?" A familiar cynicism sounded in my ears.

No need to look, Kui Jin knew it must be his nasty brother.

"Don't add insult to injury, I don't know what's going on with Brother Kui Jin, why the star gate has also been destroyed, could it be that the situation over there has become so rotten?"

The one who spoke was the elder of the Tiancang faction who was stationed in the western district, he frowned slightly and said in surprise.

"It's hard to say, hurry up! Ask for help! Tell you as soon as possible to send reinforcements to the rear of the western district as soon as possible. The garrison in the northern district is over. We must be ready to garrison here with all our strength, otherwise you will know the consequences of losing the garrisons in the two districts!"

Seeing the eagerness of Kui Jin's face, and hearing what the other party said, they did not dare to neglect each other, and rushed to send a message again.

"The situation has stabilized. Senior brother, how should we deal with the next situation? Can the suzerain explain it?" Xuan Xingzi, who had killed no less than forty domain masters, came to Tian Xingzi and said in a deep voice, shaking the blood stains from his hands.

Following a fierce battle, after the coalition forces in the eastern region paid the price of nearly fifty domain owners and injured more than a hundred of them, the current battle situation has initially stabilized.

There are less than 20 remaining members of the hegemony, and the starry sky behemoths have either been killed or trapped.

"Quickly rearrange the stargate at the first stargate position, and relink the stargate coordinates according to their previous coordinates!" Tian Xingzi said after a little thought. These were all handed down to him by the suzerain himself.

It can be said that this order is more important than the destruction of the entire North District garrison. This is the suzerain's special order.

"It's not difficult to rebuild the star gate and restore the coordinates, but do we have to counterattack and enter the western district?" Xuan Xingzi was secretly shocked when he heard his brother's description, and he was even more puzzled.

"I don't know whether to counterattack or not. This is the suzerain's order and must be carried out immediately!"

"Promise!" Seeing this, Xuan Xingzi didn't dare to neglect and quickly agreed.

Soon Xuan Xingzi followed Tian Xingzi and others and led a group of domain masters who drew their hands away towards the original star gate.

After the battle between Jiang Heng and Nine Masters, it was already a mess here. Everywhere you look, there are remnants of space fragmentation. Many spaces have begun to recover slowly under the will of the universe, but there are still many obvious spaces left. the presence of cracks.

"My God, what the **** has happened to this?"

A domain master of the Siji Empire looked at all this and was stunned. They had joined Xuan Xingzi outside to carry out the main attack and didn't know what happened here, so they were extremely shocked.

Also as shocked as him were the domain masters,

"Hey! Is this a corpse?"

"My good fellow, the aura emanating from this corpse is too terrifying, let alone a starry sky behemoth at the peak domain master level!"

At this time, everyone found a giant dragon floating in the very center of this space. The dragon's eyes widened and its mouth opened wide, as if it seemed unbelievable.

"Tsk tsk, this guy looks so fierce, I don't know which senior killed him!" Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

"Who else could it be? It must be the three elders of the Nebula Sect! Except for these three fierce gods, I don't think there are many people who can do it at the level of domain masters."

A group of people were whispering there, while Tian Xingzi and his party's expressions changed slightly, a little surprised.

"Senior brother, is this beast dead or not?" Di Xingzi asked cautiously, listening to his tone, it seemed hard to believe that such a terrifying beast died here.

"It should be dead, right? The breath doesn't seem to be active, and it seems to be dead!" Xuan Xingzi was also a little unsure.

In fact, the scene of the battle between Master Jiu and his master uncle was no less powerful than that of ordinary demigods.

"No! He's not dead!"

Suddenly, Tian Xingzi's eyes narrowed and he said quickly.

As soon as the words fell, the giant dragon, which was originally motionless with its mouth wide open, jumped forward and bit like a crocodile preying on it. In an instant, more than a dozen domain masters were directly swallowed. Under the action of the law of devouring, these Before the domain master had time to let out a scream, all the vitality was swallowed up, turning into a pile of nourishment and swallowed into his stomach.

"Quick back!!"

Some people exclaimed, some people waited for the battle, and many domain owners present at the scene moved one after another.

Tian Xingzi and his group just became vigilant. They knew best that it was useless to run away from such a terrifying existence, and of course it was useless to launch a surprise attack first. Live a little longer.

"Damn guy doesn't even want to kill me!" The giant dragon roared, a voice full of anger came out of his mouth, and scalding heat waves continuously spewed out from his nostrils and swept across the four directions.

The vertical pupil scanned everyone, but all domain master-level powerhouses who were scanned by his vision couldn't help but stiffen. ,

"Where did you hide? Did you run away, little baby just now? If you escape, then I will eat up everyone here!" Master Jiu said in a serious tone.

He was furious to the extreme now, and the previous scene was simply a great shame to him.

He grew up so big, no one in the same level dared to hammer him like this, it was fine if he was hammered, and he ran away after being hammered, which made him unbearable, he had to eat him if he ate him.

"Senior brother, what should we do next? We are definitely no match for this beast!" Di Xingzi couldn't help but voice transmission.

This is an obvious thing, the three of them combined can at most take three moves head-on, as for the others who can't even handle one move, they will be eaten directly.

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? At worst, I will fight him desperately!" Xuan Xingzi said with a violent temper and scratched his neck.

"What else can I do, I can only fight!" Tian Xingzi could only nod helplessly, what else can he do now? Uncle Master is already in a coma, without Master Uncle showing his supernatural power, the three of them are really not enough to see.

For a moment, I couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, and had a new definition of the word genius.

Sometimes talent is really not something you can catch up with by working hard, because a genius may work harder than you.

At least Tian Xingzi and the three of them have a deep understanding. After all, it has only been a long time since they discussed the Dao with Jiang Heng. At that time, Jiang Heng could only say that they were even with them. Squeezing a few ants to death makes no difference.

"If that's the case, then you're all going to die!" Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Master Jiu snorted coldly and was impatient. To him, these were all different types, ants belonging to the low-dimensional level, and he had no responsibility for killing them. Guilt, and even a little fun.


Shouting loudly, Master Jiu slapped the area with the most crowds with that huge scaled The moment the giant palm was shot out, a terrifying pressure was overwhelming. With the palm as the core, everyone in that area was quickly enveloped. This kind of air lock directly made many domain masters unable to move at all. And under this pressure, they can't give birth to the slightest resistance. It's as if the entire galaxy is crushed with unimaginable power.


But seeing three figures approaching quickly one by one, the three of them, headed by Tian Xingzi, blasted out a palm first, and the surging palm force instantly impacted the giant palm like Tianwei.

The strength of the palm was quickly wiped out by the opponent's giant palm, just like a stone only splashing a wave.

Immediately afterwards, Di Xingzi also slapped out the Xingyun Palm, the unique skill of the Xingyun Sect, which was the same as before and did not cause much effect. The same is true for Xuan Xingzi.

"A group of ants!" Feeling the slight numbness in his palm, Master Jiu couldn't help but hum when he saw it slightly.

Now that he has transformed into such a state, and his strength is almost the same as that of a low-level demigod, he naturally looks down on this level of domain master.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other and there was no hope of luck anymore, they shouted and rushed forward with their bodies, trying to block the palm.

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