Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 817: 4D

Remember [New] in a second! "Damn! Damn!"

Within the long river of time, Shi Huan's staggering figure fell directly into it, and mouthfuls of blood spewed out from his mouth from time to time, each drop carrying a strong law of time.

"How could it be the Three Gods Mountain?! How could it be?"

Shi Huan felt so aggrieved, he thought that killing a seventh-rank Jian Wushen would be easy, but the opponent was near Sanshen Mountain's lair at that time.

It's no wonder that Shihuan didn't recognize the Sanshen Mountain's lair. It's true that the Sanshen Mountain has always been known for its mystery. Even the three major cosmic forces may only know the exact location of the Sanshen Mountain by those few true gods.

But Sanshen Mountain is not a fixed location, this kind of cave in another dimension can often be moved anywhere.

"I didn't expect that Hongkui, who has always been quiet, has already stepped into the high-ranking ninth-level realm, and he is still cultivating supernatural powers in the Five Elements Mountain! What a disaster!"

Shi Huan spat out blood, his face was extremely ugly, and the Five Elements Rules gathered together like a perfect mountain pressing down on his body.

A heavy force crushed his body all the time.

"No, it seems that my current body will not be able to use it for a short time, and I will only be able to pull out the past body or the future body in future fights! It is worthy of being the top-ranked supernatural power Five Elements Mountain, and its reputation is well-deserved!"

Sighing lightly, Shi Huan was surrounded by a vortex and disappeared, but soon another Shi Huan walked out of the vortex.

The appearance of this time ring is much younger than the previous time ring, but there is no scar on the body of the time ring in front of him, as if the previous injury has been healed at once.

At the same time, Jian Wushen's closed eyes opened, and a lot of memories appeared in his memory again, but this time, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Shibanshen, do you want to try again?" Jian Wushen whispered to the void.

"Let's give it up for today, and I will let you ask for advice in another day!"

The sound of the time ring sounded in the void, and then the emerald green cone that was constantly wrestling with the blade also disappeared.

Jian Wushen stood up and let out a sigh of relief until there was no sign of sensing the other party.

"Time is really terrifying. If it happens to be near the Sanshenshan mansion at that time, I'm afraid my life will be over!" Jian Wushen murmured softly, with a strong sense of dread appearing on his face.

Gently shaking his head, Jian Wushen no longer stayed in place, and flicked his fingers directly to draw a dimensional corridor in the void, and his figure flashed directly into another dimension.

At the same time, the Nebula Sect resident—

Knowing that he was about to be recruited to the front line of the central area again, Jiang Heng was quite eager to try.

"Master Uncle's visit this time is said to be very noisy. It seems that there are as many as three or four hundred domain lords in the coalition forces in the entire eastern region, and the number of fleets under his command is even more numerous."

At this time, in Tianxing Cong's mansion, Jiang Heng couldn't help nodding while listening to the other party's latest information.

"It seems that the ownership of the Central District will be decided before the war period!" Jiang Heng nodded and sighed softly.

"Oh, but there is still a long way to go to the front line. Before that, the armies of various galaxies will be assembled, and I heard that our Nebula Sect will hold an auction at the domain master level in the second galaxy. Want to see it?"


Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly. He was still a little interested in the auction. Right now, his own astral body has been cultivated to the sixth level, but the progress of the cultivation is getting slower and slower.

At this point, it is still necessary to rely on the treasure medicine of the physical body, such as the Tongshen Haohua Pill, to speed up the cultivation speed.

Jiang Heng still remembered that he still had a lot of battle exploits from the Tianshuang Empire that he had not redeemed.

These are all good things, but I don't know if they can be used to exchange them for the materials of the Tongshen Haohua Pill at the auction.

"I wonder if this auction can be used to exchange the military achievements of various forces?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Of course!" Hearing this, Tian Xing nodded as it should, "Military achievements are a kind of value embodied by every demigod ancestor to encourage us to fight bravely, and they can also be exchanged for each other. There is no hindrance to these. There are also some small private gatherings outside the auction, in which you can exchange war exploits for items."

"By the way, Master Jiang, what does Uncle Jiang want in exchange?"

Seeing Tian Xingcong mentioning it, Jiang Heng nodded without concealing it and said directly: "Now I want to strengthen my physical body, so I have a lot of demand for the God-bending Good Fortune Pill!"

"If you need the magic pill, why didn't your uncle go directly to the treasure house of the sect? I heard from my master that the treasure house of the sect has no restrictions on you, uncle, you can use all the things of the sect as you like!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, which made him somewhat unexpected.


Seeing that Jiang Heng was still hesitating, Tian Xingcong hurriedly said: "Master uncle doesn't know the location of the treasure house? Why don't disciples lead master uncle there!"

As he spoke, he dragged him to the treasure house without waiting for Jiang Heng to refuse.

"Master Uncle! To be honest, there are many treasures in our Nebula Sect, especially some things that we and other physical warriors need, and there are also many things that temple warriors need. Because we are all flesh, Therefore, there is no need for these seized loot of the temple system, and they will pile up in the treasure house over time.

Even if the Zongmen generously rewards some vassal forces and bestows various treasures of the temple system, there are still a lot of treasures of the temples that can be hoarded, so these treasures are often used to trade with other super galaxy clusters. . "

"Do we have many treasures of the temple system?" Jiang Heng couldn't help asking curiously.

"Many! There are almost all kinds of laws at various levels. Sometimes the seniors who manage the warehouse don't bother to sort them out. There are too many."

Tian Xingcong had a Versailles-like emotion on his face. If his words were heard by other warriors of the temple system, he wondered if they would want to strangle him to death.

But this was a wake-up call to Jiang Heng.

"I don't know if there are weapons for the top road?"

"The ones of the top avenue?" Wen Yantian Xing thought for a while, "These are quite rare, there may or may not be, but even if there is an estimate, only the elders can know. But if you want it, master uncle, you can do it too." can be called directly."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but look forward to the trip even more.

The treasure house of the Nebula Sect is not in the main universe plane, but in another dimension. It is difficult to go to other dimensions with the strength of a domain master.

But the entrance of the treasure house has already set up a formation, and you only need to hold an identity token to enter.

Came to the basement floor of the Sutra Pavilion, where Jiang Heng came here for the first time, and saw that it was very empty, and there was an extremely long corridor in front of his eyes.

At the end of the corridor is a huge carved stone door with a height of 100 meters. The stone door is very thick, and it seems to be engraved with dense inscriptions. If this stone door is destroyed, it may lead to no treasure house.

On both sides of the stone gate stood two burly warriors whose figures were almost completely covered by black robes, both of them exuded the peak strength of physical Dao domain masters.

"Stop whoever comes! If you don't have a token, you won't be able to enter the treasure house!"

One of them shouted in a very old and hoarse voice.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng quickly took out a small purple-golden token given to him by the demigod Xingyun some time ago.

The other party seemed to probe with their senses, and after getting confirmation, they all stepped aside, and at the same time, the two began to twist the two millstones next to the stone gate, rotating according to a specific trajectory.

As they turned to the right direction, the inscriptions on the entire stone gate shone with dazzling light. However, the stone gate was still closed, and the two were seen reciting some obscure ancient language.

After completing this series of procedures, the stone door opened to both sides with a bang.

The stone door was wide open, and everything was pitch black.

Seeing this, Tian Xingcong didn't take it seriously, and said softly: "Master Uncle, please follow me!"

After all, Tianxing had already stepped into the blackness like a pool of ink. Jiang Heng carefully sensed the darkness, and found that no matter how he probed inside, it seemed that something had sucked away his perception power, making everything sink into nothingness.

Seeing that nothing could be found, Jiang Hengxin simply stepped into it.

As the figure stepped into it, an unreal sense of displacement struck.

Jiang Heng, who has mastered the way of space and is extremely sensitive to space, quickly captured this special feeling.

"Different from ordinary space teleportation, if I want to teleport to a different dimension, simple space teleportation is not applicable. This place can directly block my space anchor in the main universe!"

Jiang Heng felt it carefully, and found that some space anchor points he had set arbitrarily in the main universe could not be perceived.

Different dimensions and planes are different!

This is Jiang Heng's feeling here, just like the plane of dark matter and the main universe plane, Jiang Heng can travel freely even without using the laws of space, but it is different here, it seems that there is no way to break through the laws before the understanding of the laws is so deep Analysis is like a threshold, you can't get in without a permit.

"Master's uncle may be in a special situation here, so if it is not necessary, don't use your naked eyes to see everything here, use your perception!"

In the dark corridor, the voice of Tianxing Cong resounded.

Jiang Heng was still surprised. After seeing the light in front of his eyes, Jiang Heng knew why there was such a reminder.

Everything here is very weird, full of grotesque feelings. Under the perception, this is a long corridor, and there are many compartments on both sides of the long corridor. However, to the naked eye, everything here seems to be a weird scene of countless things layered on top of each other.

It seems that you can see countless aggregates of unknown things at a glance.

"According to the master universe, the main universe here should belong to the four-dimensional dimension, while the main universe belongs to the three-dimensional dimension. Everything here becomes more colorful. We are not four-dimensional beings, so it is difficult for us to understand things here with the naked eye. "

Tian Xing said.

And Jiang Heng also heard the sound and looked at him, but saw that Tian Xingcong in front of him was not in human form at all, but a combination monster with countless compound eyes, hands and feet, and scales of various appearances.

Any part of the body can even see countless complicated messages, making Jiang Heng unable to help closing his eyes.

"According to the suzerain's description, the four-dimensional level contains extremely complicated information for our three-dimensional life. Generally, only when we step into the demigod level can we analyze these messages with the naked eye without any consequences. But I waited for the domain master to watch this for a long time The situation in the world is easily distorted, and even merged with this world."

It was obviously not the first time for Tianxing to come here, and he spoke clearly about the situation here.

"What's the situation outside here? Could it be that the treasure house is a small independent space in this four-dimensional layer?" Jiang Heng scanned around with his senses, and found that apart from being able to scan the inside of the treasure house, everything outside seemed to be isolated.

"I don't know what the landscape is outside. I heard from the suzerain that the treasure house is somewhere independent of the four-dimensional dimension, similar to a private cave opened in the main universe.

And the suzerain set up a formation, making it impossible to use perception to detect the outside situation. It seems to prevent the peeping of the four-dimensional life in order to avoid accidents. "

"Is there other life in the four-dimensional dimension?" Jiang Heng asked in surprise.

"Of course it exists!" Tian Xingcong nodded.

"I heard that the four-dimensional dimension is extremely vast, and its size is the same as that of the main universe, but the four-dimensional life forms are fundamentally different from our three-dimensional life forms. It is difficult for the two sides to go to each other's dimensions, except for the demigod level and the true god.

And the suzerain has warned us severely that if we accidentally escape from the loopholes in the formation of the treasury, we must not act rashly, and finally find a hidden place to wait for the suzerain to rescue. "

Tian Xing looked solemn.

"Why? If it is a strong domain master who strays into the outside world, it seems that there is no need to be careful!" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"It seems that the four-dimensional lifeforms are much more powerful than our three-dimensional lifeforms in essence, and their random methods can invalidate our methods.

This is like my three-dimensional life body, facing the two-dimensional life body, and the two-dimensional life body is just a flat paper man in our eyes, so why bother to deal with such a paper man? "Tianxing shrugged helplessly.

"Then these four-dimensional beings look like gods to us?" Jiang Heng asked in astonishment.

"Then it's not like This situation will be reversed after stepping into a demigod. Only demigod-level four-dimensional beings can compete with our demigods. After becoming a demigod, this dimensional restriction also cease to exist.

It is said that the theory of the main universe has now explored the nine-dimensional level, and the nine-dimensional is the sign that the true **** can explore. "

"Jiuwei?" Jiang Heng was speechless.

"I don't know how powerful this nine-dimensional life is. Does it mean that the higher the dimension, the more terrifying the life that exists there?"

"That's true, but it's a pity that life forms are almost extinct after the fifth dimension. It seems that from the sixth dimension, those are no longer presented in the form of life, but a special rule in each dimension.

This is why the demigods of our main universe can travel in multiple dimensions. "Tian Xing smiled faintly, with a hint of pride in his words.

"Oh, didn't you say that there are life forms in both the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension? Why do you say that the demigods in our dimension can gallop?" Jiang Heng's understanding of this aspect is really extremely lacking.

"This is a matter of quantity!" Tian Xingcong spread his hands, "It is said that the ancient demigods that once existed in the fourth dimension are extremely rare, and even less in the fifth dimension. In many cases, they can only watch the demigods of the main universe. The gods settled in their dimension and have no time for others."

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