Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 816: 3 Divine Mountain, Divine Generals and Divine Kings

Remember [New] in a second! A memory that didn't exist originally appeared in Jian Wushen's mind. In the memory, just a few breaths before, the time ring appeared from the vortex without warning and launched a sneak attack on him from behind.

Fortunately, even in that memory, Jian Wushen's reaction was extremely fast and barely avoided the vital point.

However, a wave of unrest followed another wave, and then a memory emerged, which was also a memory that suddenly emerged, similar to the situation just now, the same occurrence without warning, this time it directly opened a huge path to the area of ​​​​Jian Wushen's lower ribs mouth.

At the same time, what appeared on Jian Wushen's body was a sudden spurt of blood from his lower ribs.

"Jian Wushen, you won't be able to hide your past for long. If it wasn't for your swordsmanship that has been interfering with this seat, since you have only practiced martial arts for more than 200,000 years, this seat can easily go back to the past. You are still insignificant." I will kill you at this time!"

An abrupt voice sounded out of nowhere in Jian Wushen's mind.

"That's how it is! No wonder it is said that time is the most difficult thing, even if the true **** wants to handle you, it is not easy!"

Jian Wushen chuckled and didn't take it seriously, but the cold light in his eyes became more and more intense. He simply violently shook away the annoying green cone with one hand, and then swung the scabbard blade with one hand and leaped out instantly. Hovering around the body forms an impenetrable blade storm barrier.

Ping ping pong!

Ignoring the sound of the small green cone colliding with the blade of the sword, Jian Wushen crossed his legs and closed his eyes, as if he had settled down and handed over everything to his past.

A wave of invisible martial arts will is rising, accompanied by a wave of majestic sword intent.

Puff puff puff!

Time passed little by little, Jian Wushen's body surface was continuously splashed with blood, and the scars were getting more and more. However, Jian Wushen remained indifferent, just remained silent.

At the same time, in a strange space, here is like a river, where the future is ahead, and the past is behind, and the figure of the time ring slowly emerges here after a whirlpool twists.

The chest rises and falls slightly, and there is some haze on the face.

"What's the matter with this guy? The Dao is so stable, could it be that the pioneers have such a deep grasp of the Dao?" Shi Huan wondered.

"I don't believe that I can't trace your past!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Shi Huan turned over his hand and a small golden ring appeared in his hand.

He saw the ring shaking violently in his hand, and soon it was gradually distorted, turning into a special eight-character ring.

If Jiang Heng was here, he would definitely exclaim, isn't this thing a Mobius ring?

A special ring that can always form a closed loop, and at this moment, this Mobius ring seems to have some special power in Shi Huan's hands.

Below him, the ever-flowing river began to slow down gradually, and it was no longer so turbulent.

The point is that the fierce swordsmanship in this river has also become less fierce.

Here is the past and future that belong to Jian Wushen alone, and the long river of time that belongs to him.

The special feature of the Avenue of Time is that you can walk in the long river of time of the other party. Going forward is going to the future of the other party, and going back is going to the past of the other party.

Seeing that the sword intent dissipated a lot, the time ring maintained the stability of the Mobius ring, and strands of pure time law kept pouring into it. On the one hand, he began to wade through the water and continued to go deeper into the back of the river.

Looking down, you can see through the river. This river is composed of countless pictures of Jian Wushen's past, and each picture flashes before Shihuan like a horse watching a lantern.

Time went backwards rapidly, after about tens of breaths, Shi Huan had come to Jian Wushen's past 10,000 years ago, standing here Shi Huan paused slightly.

"This Sword Wushen really lives up to its reputation. He is the only one I have ever seen on the Dao of the same rank that is second only to the top Dao. Is the defense of the Sword Road more stringent as you go in? It seems that this is the limit!"

Sighing secretly in his heart, Shi Huan was also a little helpless, if it was an ordinary eighth level, Shi Huan would at least say that he could go to the other party's past hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Time travels through each other's past and future together, looking at not only the realm of laws, but also the mastery of laws and the level of laws.

If it is the seventh rank of ordinary high rank, Shi Huan is confident that he can go back to the opponent directly and wipe him out with one blow when he is still in his infancy.

"Forget it! You've only cultivated for 200,000 years, so your strength must have been much weaker 10,000 years ago than it is now!"

With this in mind, Shihuan's gaze quickly locked on a certain area 10,000 years ago, and in a flash, he rushed directly towards a certain place in the river.

Ten thousand years ago, on a very primitive planet of life, there were primitive jungles everywhere, and on a lone peak and cliff, a majestic and heroic figure sat cross-legged on it. It was Jian Wushen with a blade on his back.

The appearance of Jian Wushen in this period has not changed from 10,000 years later. The only difference may be the realm, which is only the cultivation base of the seventh-order peak.

Feeling this, the eyes of Shihuan, who was hiding in the cracks of time not far away, suddenly burst into light.

"Jian Wushen suffers death!"

Before the words fell, Shi Huan's figure seemed to travel through time and came to the top of Jian Wushen in an instant. He stretched out his hand and swung a long whip containing strong time laws towards Jian Wushen's neck.

The sudden change was obviously unexpected for Jian Wushen, and his complexion sank even more as he sensed the terrifying high-ranking eighth-level aura.

"Sword Two!"

Too anxious to think about it, Jian Wushen let out a low cry, the blade came out of its sheath, and the way of the sword was like a rainbow. In an instant, a sword field seemed to fly out of the scabbard, like an endless forest of swords, mountains and seas.


The dense sword energy collapsed in an instant, and the sword sea formation composed of dense sword energy collapsed, and it lasted for less than half a breath.

Seeing this situation, Jian Wushen showed an unbelievable look on his face. He was very confused why a high-ranking eighth-rank senior suddenly came to find him, and why he attacked him without saying a word.

Jian Wushen hastily and continuously spewed out streams of sword energy containing surging kendo and collided with the overwhelming time whip, trying to block it in the slightest.

Seeing Jian Wushen's hasty and flustered expression, Shi Huan's face revealed a cheerful expression. The most enjoyable thing for him to master time is to kill demigods before they become famous.

Because this can see with one's own eyes the faces of disbelief and despair.

"Haha! Jian Wushen will definitely die!"

With a flick of the long whip, the dense sword energy was shaken to pieces and collapsed one after another.

"Sword Three!"

Hearing that Jian Wushen didn't respond, he just shouted again in a low voice. This time the scabbard was the same, but there was a sudden rumble in the sky, as if a huge gully had opened in the sky.

The fact is indeed the case, a hideous crack opened to reveal a straight river of swordsmanship inside.


Glancing at the phantom of the long river above his head, Shi Huan snorted softly: "Small tricks!"


At the next moment, Changhe Xuying suddenly shot out a gigantic sword of billions of feet. The blade was as big as a sword-wielding **** who suddenly pressed down on the blade.

However, when Shi Huan waved his big hand, phantoms of golden circles suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and strands of golden light burst out from the phantoms, and the light fell to the cracks.

The giant sword in the crack was about to fall like the sword of Damocus, but under the light, it started to retreat a little bit, just like pressing the reverse button, the blade returned to the long river of sword path, and the crack healed quickly at the same time until it disappears.

"how is this possible?!"

Jian Wushen was full of shock and disbelief, seeing that Huan Xiaodao became even more rampant at this moment.

"No one can save you today, die!"

The whistling of the long whip was like pressing the accelerator key, and it instantly hit the sword's godless and divine body. This twitch seemed light, but Jian Wushen staggered and half-kneeled on the ground after being hit, and his hair was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Three whips from this seat will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shihuan was about to whip away again.



But this time, he took a break, Shi Huan was in a state of surprise, looking at the area just now, Jian Wushen disappeared in just an instant, this sudden change was unexpected by Shi Huan.

"This friend came to my Sanshen Mountain and started attacking my friends in Sanshen Mountain without saying a word. Isn't it too disrespectful to my Sanshen Mountain?"

A flat voice suddenly resounded across the surface of the planet, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Shi Huan.

It was an old man in a dark yellow robe with a big "two" printed on his chest.

"Three God Mountain?!" Hearing this name, Shi Huan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were fixed on the old man in front of him.

"You are Huang Kong, the second **** general of Sanshen Mountain!"

"It's right here! Your Excellency looks familiar, like Your Excellency Shihuan in the Temple of the Gods?" Lan Kong looked at the gloomy Shihuan in front of him and smiled.

"I didn't expect His Excellency Shihuan to visit my Three Gods Mountain in person. As the owner of the mountain, I should meet Your Excellency!"

Just then another voice sounded, and a burly man in a dark red armor stepped out from another dimension.

This person has a burly figure, with exposed muscles like a horned dragon, a rough appearance and a beard. The key point is that this person has a pair of very exaggerated and ostentatious horns on the top of his head, and a scaled tail that emits a cold light behind him.

There is a big '1' printed on this person's dark red armor.

"Your Excellency must be the Lord of the Three Gods Mountain, God King Hongkui!" Seeing the person coming, Shi Huan's complexion became even more difficult, but he forced a smile and bowed his hands.

"Haha! The king of the gods just calls himself the Three Gods Mountain. I don't dare to boast so much in front of outsiders. What's more, you are also one of the twelve gods in the temple. You are qualified to be equal in front of me!"

Hong Kui laughed loudly, and waved slightly towards Shi Huan.

"So, that little brother also came to join in the fun. I heard that someone bullied me from the Three Gods Mountain, but I didn't expect that I was still a demigod!"

But I saw the same person stepping out from another dimension in another place. This person has a round body and looks like a round fat ball, with a smile on his face all the time.

The dark blue robe on this person was already bulging, and the word 'three' was printed on it!

"Blu-ray of the three gods of Sanshenshan! It seems that the three of you have a lot of opinions on me, but this time I said it was an accident, do you believe it or not?" Seeing the three of them appearing together, Shi Huan was extremely confident in his own abilities. I didn't dare to do anything, so I had to explain.

"Hehe! Brother Shi Huan was joking. We can see this kind of thing clearly. If we don't give an explanation today..." God Wang Hongkui narrowed his eyes, and then sneered: "Then it's you It's the twelve gods of the pantheon, and the three of us have to ask for advice!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

"Huh?! Brother, there is something wrong with this person, the aura of the law of time on him does not belong to this era!" At this moment, Sanshen raised Lan Guanghu's eyebrows and blurted out.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hearing the words, the **** Wang Hongkui and the second **** general Huang Kong were both puzzled.

However, Shi Huan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Seeing that several people were not paying attention to this place, the power of law around him was driven wildly, and in an instant a vortex dragged him back to the long river of time.

"It's not good, he wants to escape!"

Feeling strange, Hong Kui didn't bother to ask.

"Your Excellency, you really think that I, Sanshen Mountain, will leave as soon as I say it?"

Seeing Hongkui's figure suddenly skyrocketed, almost instantly a terrifying figure with hundreds of millions of palms appeared, the palm seemed to be raised slowly, and immediately slapped towards the place where Shihuan was escaping.

Five Elements Mountain! !

Feeling a strong aura of the Five Elements Law suddenly appearing in all directions, even time froze under the Five Elements.

Even if that terrifying heavy feeling hadn't been captured completely, Shi Huan could only feel an extreme sense of oppression in his heart and soul, as if it was about to explode.


The earth seemed to be directly flattened by an invisible rule. Under this force, the planet looked like it was directly shot into a two-dimensional picture by a slap from a distance. Even the space here was crumpled and squeezed like a piece of paper.

"I didn't find that guy's breath, and he escaped!"

The Ergod General Huang Kong, who is good at space, couldn't help frowning. He didn't feel the other party's breath in the surrounding space and dimension, so he really ran away.

At this time, Hong Kui's figure also shrunk greatly, and he returned to normal in the blink of an The youngest Lan Tian glanced at the side and said displeasedly: "Why didn't you stop this person from using time to escape?"

Being reprimanded by the boss, Lan Tian couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, it's not that you don't know that I'm only the seventh rank. This person can be the eighth rank and one of the twelve gods of the temple. How can the means of time stop him?"

"Forget it, although this person has not accepted my palm, even if it is only slightly affected, it is enough for him to eat a pot. But what do you mean by saying that this person is not of our era?" Hong Kui waved his hand and looked at Lan Tian was confused.

"This person has a strong breath of another time and space, so he probably comes from the future!" Lan Tian swallowed nervously and said with difficulty.

"From the future? Hmph! Those of you who play with time are free and easy, and you can go back and forth between the past and the future. You are really free and easy, which makes me very envious."

Hong Kui snorted dissatisfied.

"Oh, but our Sanshen Mountain has always kept a low profile and never provoked this Shihuan. Could it be that the other party came here because Jian Wushen provoked that guy in the future, so he chased after him and found us here? ?” Lan Kong thought of this possibility. ,

Hearing this, several people looked at Jian Wushen who had lingering fear.

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