Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 801: It's great to have a master

"The South District and the West District have handed over?"

Similarly, the group of people in the East District were also puzzled.

Xing Yun looked at everyone, and everyone also looked at him, all with dumbfounded faces.

"Ahem! At this time, we have to get in touch with the Southern District, otherwise we don't know the truth. Unfortunately, we don't have the laws of perception, but Brother Di Ting from the Southern District is good at this." Patriarch Tianshuang stroked his beard and shook his head. Sigh.

This sudden upheaval made them a little vigilant. After all, they had only fought against the group in the North District. If something happened to the South District, then this battle would not be able to achieve any results.

Several people exchanged quickly, and Xingyun half-consciously remembered that his old brother Jiutian was still in the central area.

"My brother Jiutian is still in the Central District and hasn't returned yet. Could it be that he was murdered by those guys in the North District?" Thinking of this, Xingyun thought for a while and bowed his hands to everyone, "Who would like to accompany me? Go again?"

Right now, the counterattack force of supernatural powers is impacting his physical body and internal organs in waves, constantly eroding the deified organs and physical body. But now my old brother has not yet escaped danger, so he can only take a trip by himself.

It is said that Tianshuang's twins, the two old demigods, narrowed their eyes slightly.

After a while, the four poles and half gods said: "Then I will accompany Brother Xingyun for a walk. Now that the North District of the Hegemony is eyeing, one more person is more of a guarantee."

He was not surprised by the choice of the four-pole demigod Nebula, he took a slight look at the other people, especially the demigod Sik.

"Ahem, then I'll accompany Brother Xingyun for a while too!" Seeing Xingyun's demigod gaze, Xi Ke hesitated and said.

Seeing this, Tianshuang and Shuangsheng smiled and said: "Since those guys in the northern district are ambitious, then I will go together."

A group of people crossed the border again to the central area, but this time the people who dominated the northern area did not have much movement. Two demigods have fallen one after another, and now that the strength of the North District of Hegemony has been greatly weakened, there is no time to come out for a stroll.

At the same time, Tian Xingcong still didn't recover, and was really shocked.

"Senior brother, has that senior demigod fallen?" a Nebula Sect disciple mumbled.

"It should be distorted!" Another Nebula Sect disciple echoed.

"And I also saw that my uncle made him deform, my uncle..." At this point, everyone looked at Jiang Heng.

I saw that Jiang Heng's body was exhausted and his body was skinny, and his overall aura was close to nothing. If it wasn't for the fluctuation of his soul, he might have thought he had fallen.

"Uncle Master is still alive, he will be fine!" Tian Xing said in a very firm and even convinced tone!

It was said that several disciples of the Xingyun Sect were also very focused. After Jiang Heng's series of divine manipulations just now, everyone had a feeling of trust and even admiration for this master uncle who had just joined the suzerain's command.

This master uncle looked young, but he was really fierce. He dared to fight against the demigod powerhouse for a few tricks in Dujie.

They have a deep understanding of the methods of the demigod powerhouse before. The sense of despair makes people feel hopeless. No matter what methods the domain master uses to face the extremely corrosive sea of ​​blood, there are only despair.

The ability of the six princes of the Tianshuang Empire to use such **** methods before was so terrifying, the limit was close to the realm of a pseudo-demigod, but even in this way, they could only retreat in defeat.

"Continue to stabilize the star gate first, and I will protect the master uncle!" Tian Xingcong said in a difficult tone, he was still trying to dissolve the filthy law in his body.

This is also him, as the true heir of the Nebula Sect, his physical strength is far superior to those of the same rank. If it was an ordinary temple or a martial artist in the physical body, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

"Brother, your injury..."

"It's okay, I can't die, you stay on guard, and check to see if there are any living comrades nearby!" Tian Xing ordered in a deep voice, and his words were beyond doubt.

Hearing this, the two Xingyun Sect disciples had no choice but to obey.

In fact, there are not many living people around here, even if this is just a random method of the demigod powerhouse, but with the spread of the law of spreading filth like a plague, there are almost no living people.

However, there are still four or five demigods alive, such as the veteran of Tianshuang Empire, and Lei Yuan who is good at escaping speed.

These two people are more vigilant, and they have seen the decisive method of the Sixth Prince Le Na once, so they know its advantages and disadvantages. They saw several of the Sixth Prince's subordinates holding small flags and fleeing without thinking, so they survived for a while Life.

In addition, the two sides of Xike and Siji are completely dead, and at the same time, the domain master is almost dead, but there are some remnants, but there are not many left, and the personnel are still being integrated.

"Lean out, lean out, don't worry about energy shields, this kind of demigod means, such shields are useless at all, full power is loaded on top of the power." At this time, a surviving fleet of the Galaxy Fleet is carefully bypassing Cosmic dust travels outward.

Right now, these cosmic dusts are highly poisonous, and they all contain terrifying filthy laws, but if they touch the entire starship a little, they will melt instantly.

Both Lu Ya and Lu Yixin stood on the deck of the ship with somewhat ugly faces, turning pale looking at the devastated scene behind them.

"Father, can you really deal with such an enemy after practicing martial arts to the extreme?" Lu Ya hesitated.

Looking back on the natural disasters he had seen before, he felt that the end of the world was coming, and no one could resist the disaster of the end of the world.

Hearing this, Lu Yixin groaned for a while and nodded heavily: "Yes! It will definitely work!"

"It's like the way of swordsmanship. If I practice it to the extreme, I believe my sword can kill this person with one blow!"

Hearing Lu Ya's extremely confident voice, Lu Ya felt a little relieved, and his broken martial arts will recovered again.

However, there are many situations like his, but most of them may not make any progress in martial arts in this life, or even regress to a certain extent.

If you can endure this situation and pass this hurdle, you will enter the sea and soar into the sky.

But how can the impact brought about by the demigod's means be so easy to pass.

"Didn't your uncle just behead that guy, so everything is possible, now you see, let that guy be so powerful, and now he has finally turned into a mess of deformed things."

Hearing this, Lu Ya couldn't help looking at where Jiang Heng was, and then looked at the huge, distorted, **** thing in the distance. After just one glance, he felt something moving in his eyes, as if layers of compound eyes appeared in his eyes all of a sudden. stack.

This frightened Lu Ya to turn his head away.

"Martial arts are difficult, and it's really not easy for Brother Jiang to walk this step." Lu Yixin looked at Jiang Heng from a distance and was very moved.

He is different from Tian Xingcong and others, he has absolute trust in Jiang Heng deep in his heart, he is even certain that it is inevitable that Jiang Heng will survive this calamity.

"Maybe it's time for me to think about my own path." Lu Yixin looked away silently, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

"It's here!" At this moment, several figures quietly appeared above the crowd without any warning, including several demigods of the Eastern Region headed by Xing Yun.


"Demigod mutants?! How can there be demigod mutants here, could it be..." Xing Yun was stunned, and then he seemed to think of something, and he was startled in disbelief.

"It's the law of filth. It seems that the vampire fell here. But this is a bit strange. How could it be here? Then who killed him?" Ancestor Tianshuang was also a little surprised, looking at the mess His brows were furrowed.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter if you die. In this way, it wasn't a fight between the South District and the West District. It was the previous vampire who died. In this way, two people fell in succession in the Hegemony. Even if they can recover their physical strength in the future, their strength will definitely drop drastically!"

The four poles and demigods are happy, and of course they are happy to see such a situation.

"It's better to clean up the aberrations and the law of filth first, these are treasures!" Xingyun said lightly, his eyes had already found Jiang Heng who was in the center, and he felt relieved immediately.

"Well, these things can also refine some poison weapons, even this aberrant body may also be able to refine some distortion weapons." Patriarch Tianshuang stroked his beard and smiled, and he had already acted while talking.

Seeing this, a group of demigods took action to scrape and clean up these filthy laws and distortions. These are highly poisonous things for domain owners, and they are indeed good materials for them.

Xingyun's demigod figure flashed and came directly to Jiang Heng regardless of other people's eyes.

"Phew! Fortunately, the soul is still there." Seeing that his baby was protecting Jiang Hengqi's soul, Xing Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, even though I have survived the fifth calamity, my physical body is still exhausted, and there is no vitality in it. Anyway, I will help you!"

Seeing this situation, the demigod Xingyun took out a small bottle the size of a fingernail from the storage space with a little pain, and when the bottle cap was opened, an extremely astonishing breath of life escaped.

"The condensed essence of the law of life?!"

Feeling this astonishing vitality, all the demigods who were taking over the battlefield looked sideways.

However, they just watched Xingyun draw a drop of the original liquid out of the bottle with his fingers, and then even flicked his fingers to the eyebrow of the little domain master Jiang Heng.

"Violence! Violence!" The twin ancestors couldn't help shaking their hands, this is a treasure! Even for demigods, it is a sacred material for refining demigod-level longevity pills!

However, just such a drop was directly given to a domain master doll by Xingyun, how could this not make everyone envious.

As the essence of the law of life dripped into the center of Jiang Heng's eyebrows, Jiang Heng felt an electric current suddenly touch the depths of his soul from the void, and Jiang Heng, who had been in a daze at this moment, instantly woke up.

The soul began to grow rapidly until it returned to its peak and was even stronger than before, and then the body began to quickly recover its vitality, and the surging heat flow in the body kept stirring the inside and outside of the body.

The meridians are constantly changing, and they are rapidly becoming completely divine. The same is true for the internal organs. Originally, only three organs were transformed, but now all four or five have been transformed. At the same time, the binoculars also began to transform into divinities, and this process was equally rapid.

"Teacher, this is a gift given to you by the will of the universe to survive the catastrophe. Accept it well. This is the best time to improve your strength!"

The words of the demigod Xingyun resounded in Jiang Heng's mind. Hearing the words, Jiang Heng didn't dare to neglect and quickly sat cross-legged while crazily running the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art.

"It's kind of interesting, this is the way of the Northern River King's cultivation method, my apprentice is very lucky!" Seeing this situation, Xing Yun was also very happy for it.

Being able to practice the exercises handed down by the King of Four Rivers shows that his aptitude and character are top choices. After all, this kind of exercises that only belong to the elite army of the Great Zhou Dynasty are extremely difficult and difficult to master, which is also sufficient. It shows how much the Great Zhou Empire attaches great importance to the selection of elites.

As for why Jiang Heng has this method, Xingyun Demigod is not surprised. After all, although this kind of exercise is the Four Kings' exercise, it is only a simplified version that the Four Kings allowed to pass on.

The real Four Kings Kung Fu is the collection handed down by the Martial God, and the requirements are even more stringent.

And it is not surprising that those simplified versions leaked out. Even if someone in the Chaowei Empire collected this exercise, he would not be surprised. After all, this is not a secret, and it is necessary to have this qualification to practice this method.

"Not bad! Not bad! My nebula wave skill is based on the evolution of the Nanhe Dazhou Tianxing magical skill handed down by His Royal Highness Nanhe King. Maybe I can pass on the skill handed down by the prince to my disciple. Even if it's just a simplified version, combine it It can also form a combination of exercises to be more powerful!"

Xing Yun thought to himself, he has the Nanhe Great Zhou Tianxing magic just because he was ordered to hide in the Hundred Nations Alliance to act as the eyes and ears of the empire.

Naturally, the traces of this skill had to be covered up, so he evolved it on the basis of the Nanhe Dazhou Tianxing magical skill. The effect of the naturally evolved nebula wave skill is not as good as the original version. Fortunately, it doesn't matter. Now that he has been exposed Will not hide.

Therefore, killing him before also revealed this kind of cultivation method, and even relying on this method to forcibly drive the supernatural power,

Time is passing by quickly, and I don't know how long it has passed. When Jiang Heng opened his eyes again, he was already on a strange planet.

Looking around, this place seems to be in a grand palace, and there are simple and simple oil lamps emitting faint light on the exquisite lighting decorations.

The style here is ancient and ancient. Looking back, you can see that there is a sea of ​​clouds floating outside the temple, just like the fairy palace on the top of the cloud.

"Uncle Master, are you awake?"

At this moment, a pretty woman in a slim dress came in with a plate, and when she saw Jiang Heng, she blushed and said respectfully.

"You are....."

With a random glance, Jiang Heng found that this woman was only of the upper class, but her physical strength was clearly the way of the physical body.

"Back to Master Uncle, my name is Su Xiaoxia, and I'm an outer disciple of Xingyun Sect. This time, I'm here to deliver food to Master Uncle."

The woman's voice was crisp, Jiang Heng heard, Xing Yunzong? How did I get here.

"Put it here!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand as a signal, and seeing the woman step back, he glanced at the food on the dinner plate and shook his head.

Why does he need any grains when he has cultivated to this level.

"You should eat some, these are specially prepared by my master for the young master."

At this moment, an extremely weak voice suddenly sounded in the empty hall.


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