Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 800: unbelievable

"Senior, I can't believe your promise. I think senior should be honest and become a medicine soul!" Mr. Jin smiled lightly and didn't care about the vampire's promise.

"Medicine soul?!" Hearing this, the vampire's complexion changed drastically.

"What do you want to do? This old man is the suzerain of the vampire sect, and one of the members of the demigod aristocratic council of the hegemony. How dare you do that?!"

Medicine soul is not a nice word. What is called medicine soul often ends up being directly put into the alchemy furnace by some brilliant alchemists for refining. With some auxiliary medicinal materials and a kind of evil recipe, it can be refined into some alchemists. A drug of great benefit to the soul.

These medicines have great benefits for healing the soul and even strengthening the soul. They are some evil ways, and many people have done it, but most of them dare not disclose it to the public.

Once one becomes a medicine soul, the end is worse than death. Not only does one have to endure the pain of refining the soul, but even if he becomes a pill in the end, there is still a trace of remnants left, and he still has to endure the pain of being crushed and completely dissipated by the law of human devouring.

"So what, at least no one knows what's going on here. And no one knows that the majestic Vampire Sect Master is here!"

After saying that, Mr. Jin spewed out a mouthful of blood, and a ball of blood quickly circled around his fingertips. A tactic was pinched out, and an invisible force field around him began to tighten like a big net.


At the same time, just after the previous vampire abandoned his physical body, a special law fluctuation instantly appeared in the entire territory of the Sirk Empire. This special fluctuation directly radiated the entire super galaxy cluster, making every existence above the domain master level one of them. Leng.

Especially the demigod-level powerhouse who is very sensitive to the nearby avenues and rivers feels even more obvious.

"This is... a fellow demigod has fallen? Is it the fall of the body, or the fall of the body, spirit and soul?" The five demigods of the Hundred Nations Alliance in the southern area of ​​​​the headquarters of the Hundred Nations Alliance are looking up suspiciously, as if in Sensing something.

"There was an aura of demigod comrades falling before, and now there is another one. Could it be that the hegemonic side has violated the treaty and killed those comrades in the Eastern District?"

A glamorous young woman in court dress frowned slightly confused and puzzled.

This woman in palace costume is one of the five great empires in the southern area, the empress of the Xiaoyue Empire, a powerhouse with a median rank of fifth rank, and her cultivation level is indeed the best among the ten demigods of a hundred kingdoms in terms of realm alone.

But in actual combat, that is unknown.

Now that demigod powerhouses fall so frequently, these demigod powerhouses who were completely unaware all realized the cruelty of this battle.

Life and death are determined in more than a hundred years, and this frequency seems to be justified.

"There are still a few people under Xiaoyue Mian. I think we should contact the Eastern District. We have to find out what happened, so as not to bully the Hegemony too much!" The person who spoke was an old man. He was wearing a short-sleeved vest, and he was dressed like an old farmer, so he looked very out of place among the demigods.

"This statement is reasonable. Only the head teacher of Di Tingzong is good at communication. You might as well ask the head teacher of Di Ting to make a move." Empress Xiaoyue nodded slightly, and her beautiful eyes unconsciously looked at a person sitting in a corner A man with a strange appearance.

This person has eight ears and six pairs of compound eyes. He looks like an ape. He is furry and dressed in a monk's cassock like an old monk sitting aside and not conspicuous.

"I was investigating earlier. The first sign of the fall of the demigod was the result of a fight between a few allies in the eastern region and a few Taoist brothers in the northern region of the Bayu. , As for the second fall of the demigod, it seems to be..." At this point, the headmaster Di Ting paused slightly, as if hesitant and confused.

"Brother Di Ting, what is the reason?" Chen Sheng, a demigod, asked.

"This matter is a bit strange, because I can only trace the source of the outbreak after the fall, and I don't know what happened at that time. The person who fell is also the vampire venerable in the northern area of ​​the hegemony."

Listen to the words slowly.

"Then who killed this person? And who killed the previous Ba Niu Venerable?" Empress Xiaoyue was also confused. Why did the two demigods suddenly fall in succession? Do your best.

Hearing the words, he listened slightly and pondered: "It's easy to talk about the Venerable Tyrant Bull. After all, he died in the fight between the demigods on both sides. It was probably done by my allies in the Eastern District. But the Venerable Blood Ghost is quite strange. The Venerable Blood Ghost fell. I haven't detected any signs of other demigods in the land, and the most likely possibility is that someone attacked and killed them and then fled quickly."

Listening to Di Ting's analysis, everyone present nodded slightly.

This kind of hacking is very common in the universe.

"I think it's highly probable that this matter was also done by the allies in the Eastern District. It's just that they didn't want to **** Hegemony all at once. It's not necessarily that they want to shift part of the responsibility to us." Xiao Xiao Queen Moon said in a deep voice.

Her analysis is very reasonable, after all, the Eastern Region of the Hundred Kingdoms is already under public criticism, and beheading a hegemony demigod during a non-war period is already a violation of the treaty. Killing the second demigod now has to be a little more scruples, lest Hegemony completely point the finger at the Eastern District.

"Hmph! I'm familiar with these houses in the Eastern District. I thought Xingyun was an honest person. I didn't expect that he would play this kind of tricks when he was with those old foxes." He sighed, his body was strong and round, standing there like a round muscle ball.

"Heh! Brother Shan's words are very kind. From my point of view, they just want to drag me into the water. In fact, if the blame is all directed at them, maybe we will be a lot easier, and even those people in Ba Yu can spare my life. Not necessarily." This time the speaker was the old farmer in shorts who looked like an old farmer.

"Brother Beitian be careful!" Hearing this, Empress Xiaoyue frowned, "This is a critical moment. I mean that the Eastern District is an ally, so we should take care of each other. How can this be?"

Empress Xiaoyue, who had the highest cultivation level, spoke, but the old farmer named Beitian snorted and didn't dare to say more. Although Empress Xiaoyue was a female generation, her realm could not tolerate other people's presumptuousness.

Of course, I dare not say much on the surface, and no one knows what some people are thinking.

Several people looked at each other with some scruples and suspicions.

"But Master Di Ting, do you know which Taoist brother has such strength and can kill two demigods in such a quick succession?" Xiaoyue looked around and saw that everyone was quiet, then she looked at Di Ting and asked softly.

"I don't know. I can only rely on the fluctuations after the fall of the demigod to trace the past. As for what happened at that time, I don't know. But I think that with the strength of the few brothers in the East District, the most likely to do this is Xing Yun. the most possible!"

Listening to these words, the demigods present all agreed. Although the demigod Xingyun is only the fourth rank in the middle rank, it can barely pass the median threshold. Say you can beat him.

"In this way, we will send an envoy to ask the reason thoroughly. If the hegemony launches an attack, he can also represent our southern district to express our determination to fight to the death!"

As soon as Empress Xiaoyue said this, several demigods present had different expressions.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Empress Xiaoyue was silent in her heart. As the leader of the Southern District, she knew very well that her team might have some problems, at least compared to the Eastern District, the Southern District had bigger problems.

"Who do you think can take on this important task?" Empress Xiaoyue looked around as she said.

"Why don't Brother Beitian take a trip? Brother Beitian is also an old man from a hundred countries. His seniority can be compared with those old guys in the Eastern District. It is enough for him to go out." Seeing no one speak, there has been no How did the fifth demigod, Stream, demigod, smile and suggest.

"I don't think it's right!" Shan Wuji, a burly and demigod, directly refuted at the moment when the stream almost said it.

"I also think it's inappropriate!" Listening on the other side also nodded in response, "Senior Beitian is highly respected and should be in the headquarters of our southern district. It's best to change someone else."

"Then who should take this trip?" Xiaoyue just watched from the sidelines with a smile on everyone's reactions.

"If it's not possible, Brother Shan can go for a trip. Brother Shan is also a martial artist who happens to be on the same path as the demigod Xingyun, so there must be something in common when he goes there. Brother Shan's status is also quite special. As the former leader of the old alliance, Brother Shan Son-in-law, it's just right for you to come to express condolences!"

The speaker is to listen carefully, and when he said this, everyone also looked at Shan Wuji, who was as tall as a walking planet.

"It's a great move. Yes, Shan Wuji is the son-in-law of the late leader of the Alliance of Hundred Nations. Needless to say, his status and identity, how about taking a trip from Shan Wuji?"

After hearing Di Ting's narration, Empress Xiaoyue finally made a decision.

This time the candidate is particularly important, after all, he must have the heart to fight to the death, and there is no possibility of collusion with the Hegemony. Otherwise, once there is a possibility that the messengers distort the meaning of their southern district, it will inevitably cause hostility and even unforeseen estrangement between the southern district and the eastern district.

Meanwhile, on the other side, West End—

As another force in the Hegemony, the Western District also has five Hegemony demigods. Originally, these demigods were quietly practicing in their respective galaxies, and the battle period began.

However, as the demigods fell and fluctuated again and again in this super galaxy cluster, several demigods could no longer sit still and rushed to the predetermined base camp.

With the personnel in place one after another, everyone began to exchange news about the incident.

"According to the news from the secret work we placed in the eastern and southern districts, the two demigods who fell this time were the blood ghost brother and the bully brother in the northern district of my hegemony. All of them fell physically, and the bully brother was He was killed by the thief Xingyun. The whereabouts of the blood ghost is unknown, and the perpetrator has not been identified.

However, according to the intelligence we sent back based on the details of the Eastern District and the Southern District, it seems that both of them were killed by people from the Eastern District of Baiguo! The East District is suspected of framing the South District. "

A tall man with an incomparably handsome appearance and a body as red as blood said in a deep voice.

As he explained what happened sentence by sentence, the faces of everyone present gradually became gloomy.

It is a great shame and shame that two of their hegemony comrades were killed one after another!

"They are blatantly violating the agreement. I will kill them directly and wash the fat meat waiting to be slaughtered!" Another demigod gnashed his teeth and slapped the table loudly.

"Yes! This group of remnants of a hundred countries really think that we are being merciful. If it wasn't for the lord's plan, I would have swallowed them directly!"

"I heard that they broke the contract first, and now they dare to kill me and my colleagues so arrogantly. This is a naked humiliation!"

Almost in an instant, all the demigods in the whole hall suddenly shouted, each of them was very hot-tempered, and had the attitude of wishing to eat their own flesh.

"I can only suppress this matter for the time being, otherwise, who can bear the lord's anger? What's more, if we want to survive, we have to see what the lord wants?" The red-skinned handsome man glanced at everyone coldly, and his words made everyone Sober up a lot.

"I have to remember that our life is given by the leader. He wants us to give birth to us. Otherwise, no matter where we flee, the old man will not let us go."

These words made several people tremble again, as if recalling the scene when they saw the lord's methods at the beginning, they were not only a little terrified.

On the other side, the North District and the East District were equally Especially the group in the North District, who had just returned to the North District from the Central District. in place.

"What's going on here? Could it be that besides us, the West District and the South District also fought against each other?" A demigod from the North District was a little confused and confused.

After all, they had just exchanged fire with the Eastern District, and they fell again.

"No, the soul line perception I gave to the vampire has disappeared! It's him! His soul breath is also gone." Ming Daozi suddenly said in a deep voice.

The soul line he gave to the vampire before, in addition to locating the vampire, he can also locate the vampire, but just now the induction of the soul line disappeared.

"How is it possible? The vampires attacked and killed only a group of dolls of domain masters. Even if there is the war beast of the Xingyun thief, after all, it is not at the peak level. It is impossible to kill a demigod so quickly!" Almost In an instant, someone retorted.

"Then tell me what's going on?" Wen Yanming gave the man a fierce look.

"Could it be that the death was caused by people from the Southern District of the Hundred Kingdoms? This time they rashly set foot in the Central District from the Eastern District, maybe they will cooperate with the powerful people from the Southern District of the Hundred Kingdoms." Someone mused.

"No, I just got the news from Xi Zuo that many of the five demigods in the southern area are still staying in the southern area. It can't be that they did it." Ming Daozi shook his head and vetoed.

"Then it can only be the work of that Xingyun war beast? Speaking of who is that guy, I see that he is just an ordinary peak-level giant beast, and he is not a royal family. What's more, even the royal family wants to use such a short It's impossible for time to make the vampire's body fall and soul fall!"

For this sudden news, there are different opinions among the demigods of the North District, but no one can say a reason, because there are too many doubts and incomprehensions.

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