Master of Fist

Chapter 749: pre-war mobilization

Whoever not only opened up the star gate in the central region but also reached the western and northern regions during this period, then the Hundred Nations Alliance side will have a great advantage during the war period.

Jiang Heng even thought that if he was the full-fledged commander of the Hundred Nations Alliance, and if he could build star gates next to the portals of the western and northern districts in advance, then he must lead all the demigods in the eastern and southern districts to guard the north in advance before the war. District or one of the gateways in the West District.

Just wait for the battle period, and then use the power of ten demigods to enter one of the regions of the Hegemony Star Alliance, and use ten demigods against five demigods to reduce the number of opponents in advance, and even let the five demigods of the opponent all be destroyed ,

Of course, Jiang Heng just thought about it. In fact, Jiang Heng knew that he was not a fool if he could think of other people.

"It seems that the first wave of troops who stepped into the teleportation array and arrived here should have hidden the advance troops of the royal family. The purpose of those people should be to go directly to the central area."

Jiang Heng thought about it. He reckoned that this group of people should all be domain masters who are good at escaping speed, and there may be some special weapons of certain speed types or a way to master certain speed blessings.

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Jiang Heng grinned, which reminded him of a strategy game played by a policeman in his previous life.

The first stage is that whoever controls the central area will have the initiative in the first stage.

As for the current stage, Jiang Heng is helpless and can only rely on the current speed to advance.

"By the way, red! Now we can split a small group to set up a teleportation anchor point here, and open up the channel here first!"

"This has already been ordered. As long as we reach galaxy 92, we will also open the stargate of galaxy 90." Hong responded quickly.

Everything fell into an orderly situation again, and the Milky Way Fleet spent this month in a stable state.

As time passed, during the passage of the Ninety-first galaxy, the Galactic Fleet also separated a small fleet to set up anchor points.

Until arriving at the destination galaxy No. 92, as the Galaxy Fleet stepped into this galaxy, in fact, a group of fleets had already appeared here, that is, they arrived a wave earlier than the Galaxy Fleet.

Jiang Heng sensed that the other party now occupies the core position of the ninety-two galaxies, and Jiang Heng couldn't help frowning.

"Could it be the power of the sixth prince's mother clan headquarters?"

This guess is not unreasonable, after all, the power of the two princes is divided here, followed by the scattered people headed by the elders.

With the situation of the scattered veterans, it is obvious that they will not compete with the two crown princes for the core territory. In addition, the eighth prince ranks lower among the crown princes, so it is only natural for the sixth prince to sit in the core area and control the right to speak.

Of course, we also need to confirm it now, Jiang Heng thought for a while and asked Hong to send a small team of messengers with a heavy gift as the lord of the Galaxy domain.

The feedback brought by the return of the fleet this time has also confirmed Jiang Heng's guess. The mother clan behind the Sixth Prince Le is indeed sitting in the core area now. The same message brought by the messenger said that the Sixth Prince Le is also there. He Le also ordered Jiang Heng's troops to garrison the eastern part of the galaxy.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also learned from Le that he had already made a division with the eighth prince and the elders.

The Sixth Prince will be in charge of the core area and the eastern region, the Eighth Prince will be in the west and north, and the scattered people headed by the elders will be in the south.

As for the ninety-two galaxies, a covenant of mutual advance and retreat will be agreed, because the eighth prince and the sixth prince have known in advance that they will be assigned here, so it is not surprising to see the eighth prince in the Yuefu mansion during Jiang Heng's visit last time .

At present, there are the Sixth Prince's Headquarters and the Eighth Prince's Other Department that have arrived in this galaxy. As for the Sanren's Department represented by the elders, none of them have arrived yet.

Jiang Heng thought for a while and called a meeting of senior generals above the upper rank.

He needs to hold a short internal meeting, which can be regarded as a briefing meeting for himself and the people below to pass on his ideas.

The meeting was held on the main ship.

The Galactic Fleet composed of 10 million starships in this galaxy expedition, the average size of almost every starship is in the 10,000-meter class, and only the main ship is in the 100,000-meter class.

In addition, there are 100,000 10,000-meter-class transport ships, because time is limited and only so many can be assembled in a short period of time.

It can be said that although the combat units of the Galaxy Fleet are below the average line in the entire Sky Frost Empire, they carry the most supply resources per capita.

Originally, tens of millions of starships carried a large amount of supplies, almost moving forward at full capacity. However, they still carry 100,000 transport ships full of supplies. This supply is not luxurious.

The internal owners of these 100,000 transport ships full of supplies are enough for all the high-level warriors of the Galaxy Fleet to heal dozens of times, enough to replace all warriors' weapons hundreds of times, and enough food for all members to eat for five years.

At this moment, inside this black lacquered and conical main ship, there is a giant stepped meeting room. Many real people have already arrived at this moment, and some of them are more troublesome to come on a starship that is far away. Remote projection to participate in meetings.

Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin stood on the main and secondary podiums in the center of the stepped meeting room, and both of them were real people attending the meeting.

Jiang Heng looked around for a week, because it was a meeting of senior generals and above, so it was very spectacular to see thousands of people densely packed at a glance.

Every aura emitted by Jiang Heng may not be strong, but the face is full of blood and the spirit of a warrior, which makes Jiang Heng nod in satisfaction.

"Master Domain Master! All the personnel have arrived, and the meeting can begin to enter the first formal agenda!" As the person in charge of the meeting's process, Hong sat in the first row of the stepped seats and made some necessary reminders.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded. The Lord of the Galaxy is what everyone calls him at this moment, because in this expedition, there are many allies. If you call the general again, sometimes there will be some situations that confuse the allies. Therefore, it is simple and clear, and they are collectively honored as the Lord of the Galaxy.

It can also be regarded as the first step to becoming famous in your hometown.

"There are a few things I need to talk about in calling everyone here today. The first point is to talk about the scale and mode of this war so that everyone can fully understand the general situation and process of this war!"

Jiang Heng's face was serious, and this seriousness also infected everyone. This is why Jiang Heng made everyone realize the importance of this meeting.

Many people have turned on the recording function of the smart bracelet to start the meeting record to avoid forgetting.

Jiang Heng nodded, and began to explain the three stages of the war and the situation of the entry period and the battle period one by one. These are the news that can only be known to the strong domain masters. It was also the Tianshuang royal family who asked them, the domain masters, to inform their subordinates.

After all, the Tianshuang royal family didn't have the time and effort to remind everyone.

Everyone nodded frequently, and at the same time, the expressions on their faces became more serious. Valley

"Okay! Now enter the short questioning stage. If you have any questions about the content of the first meeting, you can ask them, and I will answer them. If not, I will enter the next meeting process." Jiang Heng finished talking about the situation of the battle. Immediately looked at the people present.

Hearing this, many people looked around, and soon some people raised their hands. Obviously, many people had doubts.

Jiang Heng glanced casually, then pointed at a high-ranking warrior, "What questions do you have!"

The man immediately got up a little excitedly. He was very excited and nervous when facing Jiang Heng, but he still tried his best to calm down and let his words flow smoothly: "May I ask you, Mr. Territory Master, the three stages of the war you just mentioned, the first stage is The first stage of the warring period, this stage is the ten-nation melee for twenty years.

If the war ends within these twenty years, the second and third phases will not start again. Then, my lord, what is the situation of the second and third phases? You just did not elaborate! "

This question seems to be a question in the hearts of many people present, because after this person finished asking, many people who had raised their hands just now put down their hands one after another. They all looked at Jiang Heng at the same time, wanting to get an answer from Jiang Heng's mouth.

Being watched by so many eyes, Jiang Heng's surface was as calm as water, but he sighed secretly in his heart.

He did deliberately mention the content of the second and third stages just now, mainly because these two stages will reveal the ruthless truth of this war.

"Sorry, there is no answer to this question for the time being. We need to wait for the new instructions from the Sky Frost Empire. According to the process, this instruction will be notified to us before the end of the first stage. Alright, next question!"

After Jiang Heng finished speaking, without waiting for this person to continue asking questions, he pointed to another person who raised his hand.

Hearing this answer, the man was a little confused, but seeing that Jiang Heng didn't seem to continue to elaborate, he could only sit down frowning.

And another person who was pointed by Jiang Heng also stood up quickly.

"May I ask the Lord of the Galaxy, according to the rules of the entry period for this battle, can we go to the central area in advance, so that we can open up the channel to the central area in advance and obtain a large number of central area in a short time?" Unowned resources have even reached the sphere of influence of the Hegemony Star Alliance."

This person obviously had a bit of a strategic mind and immediately thought of what Jiang Heng had considered earlier.

"Well! That's right! But this is an issue that the command center will consider and is not within the scope of this meeting. Another thing I need to explain is that we are now under the command of the sixth prince, and we need to obey the dispatch of the sixth prince in terms of grand strategy!"

Said Jiang Heng pointed to another person.

"Then, Lord Master, what is the relationship between us and the Sixth Prince now? Is it a primary-secondary relationship or an ally relationship?" The person who was pointed to asked the question directly following Jiang Heng's words just now.

Similarly, this seems to be a point of concern to many generals. Everyone looked at Jiang Heng nervously. They were very concerned about this point. After all, if it was a primary and secondary relationship, it would make them a little bit aggrieved.

The ally relationship is relatively in a state of equality.

This touched the point, Jiang Heng pondered for a while.

Jiang Heng glanced around. Here are all his own people in the Milky Way, and there are no outsiders. There is no such thing as monitoring.

The scientific and technological means of the Milky Way are superior to the entire Tianshuang Empire, which can put an end to all monitoring equipment. As for the peeping of the strong, at least Jiang Heng feels that as long as there are no demigods and peak powers, he can still sense it to some extent.

And now it's absolutely safe here.

"Everyone here is my own, so I'll just say something straight!" Jiang Heng took a deep breath and said, and everyone also breathed a sigh of relief because of this sentence.

"Our relationship with the Sixth Prince's Department is on the surface. We are attached to the Sixth Prince and belong to the Sixth Prince's lineage. But in private, we are allies. In addition, I want to say something, especially to the commander. Level mechanics!"

At this time, many mechanics looked sideways and began to concentrate.

"You should also pay attention to your allies during the war!" Jiang Heng's words were transmitted directly to the minds of the mechanics present.

"Okay, are there any problems at this stage?" Jiang Heng immediately looked at the crowd again, but no one raised their hands at this time.

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng began to move on to the next agenda under Hong's guidance.

At this stage, Jiang Heng talked about the deployment of the garrison, and Jiang Heng described this process according to the planning book of the big steward Hong.

Hong is worthy of being the strongest mechanic in the galaxy, and he has achieved almost every aspect of macro-control, taking into account all aspects here.

The general direction first planned the division of the station in the Eastern District, because there are three parties stationed in the Eastern District, Jiang Heng, the Milky Way side, the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, and the Andromeda Galaxy side.

Among them, the Milky Way occupies the core area of ​​the Eastern District, and the territory of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce borders the core area of ​​the Eighth Prince. This is because the three sisters and the Sixth Prince have had a lot of contact in the past. They are all of scattered origin and share a common language. This consideration can also be regarded as dealing with the interpersonal relationships around them.

In addition to the core area of ​​the Eastern District, the Milky Way is also responsible for the outer defense line of the Eastern District of the Ninety-two Galaxy. Considering the scientific and technological capabilities of the Milky Way, it also provokes the work of building a preliminary defense line for the entire Eastern District. For this reason, the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce and the Andromeda Galaxy will provide a lot of labor force.

In addition to the macro, the details even take into account all It involves nearly a hundred years of economic, currency, life and entertainment in the three stages from the admission period to the combat period. . . . .

After all, if the spirit is tense all the year round, people will easily collapse, and a living circle must be created.

In addition, there are big moves in the military. In the early stage, warriors and ordinary soldiers will be trained separately, and the fighting environment of large-scale wars will be simulated for warriors, while training in joint battle formations.

In this kind of large-scale interstellar war, the role of personal bravery has been negligible. Even the strong at the level of the master of the galaxy will cooperate with each other to practice the combined attack method, and the simulated enemy of the combined attack method will be the strong domain master.

For this reason, Hong proposed to advise Jiang Heng that when the three domain masters of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce and the domain master Chen arrive, they will act as opponents of the imaginary enemy and serve as training targets for all the masters of the Galaxy in the Eastern District.

At the same time, the imaginary enemy of the superior powerhouse will also be the master of the galaxy, and so on.

As for fighting at higher ranks, such as arranging a large formation to encircle and kill domain master-level powerhouses is not considered, it is really unworkable, domain master-level powerhouses can kill a galaxy lord with a single blow.

However, it takes tens or hundreds of warriors to barely compete with a galaxy master. There is really no need to try to arrange a large array of superior fighters that can deal with domain masters.

Unless there are hundreds of thousands or millions of high-level fighters, it is possible to try, but it is not worthwhile to spend so much manpower just to deal with a domain master.

As for domain master-level powerhouses, Hong didn't have that many plans, and his computing power was not yet at that level. Just made a simple plan.

For example, the three sisters of Sanhua practice combined attack tactics, and Jiang Heng is responsible for the pressure training against Chen. In the end, Jiang Heng is allowed to compete with the four of them at the same time. Can know the basics and know how to assign opponents.

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