Master of Fist

Chapter 748: Sigg supercluster

"Set off!"

As Tianshuang's patriarch's message appeared in his mind, Jiang Heng also informed the entire senior generals of this order.

The next moment, the entire Milky Way galaxy, the Sanhua star system, and the Andromeda galaxy started like a clockwork war machine.

As soon as the war machines were activated, they all gathered into a group, forming a giant group, and gathered together with several other forces. The forces of all parties gathered into a group, even if they didn't say anything, they were arranged in a tacit order and converged towards the star gate.

When they gathered in a group, almost no one knew which side belonged to which side. At this moment, Jiang Heng only knew the situation of his own three parties. As for the power of the Sixth Prince's Headquarters and his mother's clan, Jiang Heng couldn't tell where it was.

On the contrary, Jiang Heng identified the location of the elder. He had dealt with him before. Jiang Heng had a deep memory of this middle-stage master-level powerhouse who practiced the physical body, so he also remembered the opponent's aura very firmly, so the neighbors were not very far away. case, it was identified.

But at this moment, no one was in the mood to deal with each other, and they all silently led the way in their respective headquarters.

As he approached the teleportation formation, Jiang Heng also heard clearly what Tianshuangwei ordered.

Generally speaking, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array has extremely high requirements on the physical body, and the pressure and pulling force generated during the teleportation process are enough to tear apart warriors below the upper class.

Even high-ranking fighters will be torn apart by relying on their physical bodies without relying on vehicles, and only the master of the galaxy can physically pass through this large formation.

After getting this news, Jiang Heng quickly opened his breath to envelop the whole of the galaxy, and ordered all starships to open their shields and maintain the gravity stability system in the cabin, and let all warriors below the upper level enter the dormancy cabin for a short period of dormancy. .

Entering the dormant state can minimize the mortal soul being pulled and severely injured.

With everything in place, the forces at the front of the team have already started teleporting, and the starships quickly sank into the stargate and turned into streamers of light into the depths of the vortex.

As time passed, and it was the turn of the Milky Way, Jiang Heng took a deep breath and entered the star gate together with the starship group.

With the rapid stretching of the physical body, Jiang Heng felt that even the soul was stretched a little bit and turned into a line and quickly penetrated into the depths of the vortex, and then most of the body, and even the entire soul of the whole body, turned into a line.

At this moment, Jiang Heng felt a little uncomfortable. It wasn't that he couldn't bear the force of teleportation and pulling, but that he felt powerless, as if his whole body was being forced to stretch by a force of rules. This kind of body and soul lost self-control. It made him feel very bad.

In this state, Jiang Heng can't feel time and space, and he doesn't know how long it has passed. When the end of the body and soul stretched to the limit touches the other end of the vortex, this perception of time and space gradually returns. .

When most of his body appeared in another temporarily new space, Jiang Heng could already clearly perceive the situation near this strange starry sky.

The ninety-second galaxy in the eastern sector of the Sick supercluster—

The moment Jiang Heng sat on the main ship of the Galaxy Fleet and passed through the star gate, a belt of stars came into view. And all the starships of the Galaxy Fleet behind him also gradually reorganized into stretched streamers and appeared in this brand new galaxy.

Unexpectedly, there seems to be some excitement here.

Jiang Heng looked outside through the porthole, and there were clusters of starlight everywhere in his field of vision.

I thought this place should be a barren area, and there should not be many signs of life except for the troops of the forces that stepped here before.

Surprisingly, there still seem to be some indigenous lives of the Sikh Empire in the star system here. Obviously, these life forms have not been taken away by the Sikh Empire and retreated into the 95th to 100th galaxy.

Of course, most of these life forms are mortals, and occasionally there are some low-level warriors, but none of the middle-level and upper-middle-level ones. Presumably those are the backbone of the Sikh Empire and have been taken away long ago.

This also makes this galaxy look a bit desolate, not the desolation without life, but the desolation without the breath of many powerful people.

In addition, Jiang Heng also saw that many starship groups that had been sent here before began to go in different directions.

Just when Jiang Heng was still wondering, a sound transmission sounded in his mind.

"May I ask which part of the Tianshuang Empire this is? Please also ask the person in charge to speak."

Obviously this is indiscriminate sound transmission.

Feeling the sound transmission, Jiang Heng quickly reached out with his mind, and quickly locked on to a direction, which was a breath about half a light-year away from his side, where there seemed to be a small fleet of about 1,000 people. There is only one breath of a domain master-level powerhouse among them, and it is obvious that this is the one who was speaking just now.

Jiang Heng checked the standard style of the opponent's fleet again. It seems that it is not any style in the Tianshuang Empire. Is it the representative of the Sik Empire who is in charge of contacting?

Jiang Heng understood this point from the previous information. It seems that the Xike Empire, as the host, is in the eastern and western regions, and each teleportation point of the other nine countries has arranged a contact person.

Its main responsibility is to be responsible for some basic narration and guidance to allow the armies sent from various countries to quickly identify the locations of the various galaxies here so that the armies can quickly station in their respective regions.

This person also seemed to feel Jiang Heng's aura, and he quickly approached here without stopping, as if he had just sent away the forces sent by the previous one.

This person quickly came to Jiang Heng. This person's appearance was not the Tianshuang Empire style with four limbs, but a slimy tentacled octopus monster with a round eye protruding from his head, reflecting mirror luster all over his body. If you don't perceive it in the cosmic environment, it's actually hard to see it with the naked eye.

At this time, he looked at Jiang Heng with his protruding eyes, and his eyes showed a welcome emotion:

"Dear Master of the Tianshuang Empire, I am Fusak Hill, one of the former Eastern Region Lords of the Xik Empire, and currently the commander of the Thirty-Second Legion of the Xik Empire. Your Excellency, welcome to the ninth western region of the Eastern Region. Galaxy Ten."

"Legion Commander, hello!" Jiang Heng nodded in greeting.

As for the commander of the Thirty-Second Army of the Sikh Empire in front of him, Jiang Heng, as an allied army, was more polite to him.

After all, they are all friends in the same trench, and they are also brothers and sisters in the same difficulty, especially when the other party is still responsible for leading the work so conscientiously.

At the same time, I am also a little curious about the Sikh race in front of me. What kind of avenue does the other party master? If a Sikh who cultivates the Dao of the Body, can a tentacle be able to kill people?

"Time is limited, respected Master of the Domain, first of all, the Sky Frost Empire troops from the No. 92 Galaxy that you sent over a moment ago are already on their way to the No. 92 Galaxy.

Did you see it? The shortest distance on your left is to go to the last fleet that is heading to galaxy 92. Of course, as a necessary statement, I will re-update the star map for you and point out the location of galaxy 92 on the star map. "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, without wasting any time, he manipulated a nearby screen displaying a star map and flew towards him.


Although the star map issued by the Tianshuang Empire before is the star map of the Sikh Empire, the coordinates of the Tianshuang Empire show that it is difficult to locate on the side of the Sikh Empire without a local person or a label. It takes some time to explore .

Now it saves this time.

Fusakhill looked at the star map and quickly marked it, and Jiang Heng finally looked at the position of the 92nd galaxy marked by the other party and nodded.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Heng thanked the other party, but he didn't intend to talk to the other party. Although the two sides are allies, no one knows whether they will meet on the battlefield at that time. And even if they meet, they don't have much interaction, so naturally they don't have any intention of talking.

Of course, if the opponent is a member of Xingyun Sect, Jiang Heng is still very happy to make friends with him.

It's a pity that according to the situation, the areas where the teleportation arrays arrive in different countries are different. For example, the location of the Tianshuang Empire's teleportation will be the 90th galaxy between the 85th and 95th in the area where it is stationed.

As for Xingyunzong, it is estimated that it is the fifteenth galaxy between No. 1 and No. 30 in the Eastern District, and the teleportation to the middle position is also to facilitate the various departments to quickly reach their respective station areas.

As for the locations of these teleportation formations, Jiang Heng reckoned that they were the result of negotiations between the demigod leaders of the ten countries participating in the war, and the establishment of teleportation anchors in designated areas by the Sikh Empire.

Otherwise, there will be no cooperation here, and it will be impossible to build a directional transmission channel there.

Jiang Heng was a little curious about whether the anchor point on the Hegemony Star Alliance forced the Sikh Empire to set it up. If this is the case, then the Sik Empire is really aggrieved.

Not only was he forced to use his own empire as a battleground, but he was also forced to set up a teleportation anchor for the enemy. It was almost humiliating to lead the wolf into the house.

Seeing the position of the ninety-two galaxy, Jiang Heng also began to order the whole ship to set off.

With an order, the Milky Way fleet turned into a neat streamer, and after a burst of accelerated warm-up by the light-speed engine, it gradually began to enter the state of the light-year engine, and its speed soared.

"Commander Hong, please report the time it takes to rush to Galaxy No. 92!" Jiang Heng opened the communication link on the wristband to Red.

Hong's current identity is the commander of the Galaxy Fleet. During the battle, his power even surpassed that of Jiang Heng, and he was even able to command Jiang Heng to a certain extent. At the same time, it is also responsible for the control of various data of the fleet, the control of energy logistics, and the command work of building garrisons and defense lines afterwards. It is equivalent to the position of a commander in wartime and a logistics chief in peacetime.

Jiang Heng didn't have any objection to the other party's responsibilities, and even felt grateful for the existence of these mechanics.

Jiang Heng can be sure that the efficiency of the Galaxy Fleet will definitely far exceed that of other major forces during future wars, the utilization and exploitation of resources, and the supplementary utilization of various logistics.

These mechanics are like sophisticated supercomputers. Maybe their brains are not as powerful as domain master level powerhouses, but they are definitely far superior to warriors in this extremely precise deployment work.

It's not that the faster the brain works, the better it can cope with various things. In comparison, untrained warriors are far inferior to mechanics in this very precise calculation.

Similarly, mechanics are far inferior to fighters in battle. After all, the former is good at macro-control, while the latter is precise calculation of themselves. Warriors are very clear about their physical condition and strength, and they are often like a remote control machine in battle. The super mechanic's computer.

After all, it is better for a warrior to be a war machine.

"Back to the Lord of the Galaxy, the voyage to the target this time is nearly a month." Hong responded with a serious look.

"One month? It's too long! Can you speed up the sailing at full power? The sooner we get to the destination, we will have more time to deploy!" Jiang Hengjian said.

Now he can't wait to rush to Galaxy Ninety-two immediately.

"I'm sorry, Lord Master, it's already running at full power, and our route is still on the star arc road. With the acceleration of this naturally formed cosmic high-speed belt, we can cross the ninety-one in just one month. Galaxy No. 92 arrives at Galaxy No. 92!"

Saying that, Hong paused, pondered for a while and continued: "And the Lord of the Galaxy, I found that this place is consistent with the previous information, and the overall dimension is five times that of the Tianshuang Empire.

Under normal circumstances, there is no star arc acceleration zone. Depending on the current speed of navigation, it often takes three years or even more to reach another galaxy from one galaxy, because the distance of many galaxies is not average, and may be farther!

I have calculated that this is close to the farthest galaxy, and it will take twenty years for the two parties to go from here to the other side by sailing alone! "

What Hong said made Jiang Heng a little dumbfounded. He remembered that the first stage of the battle was only twenty years old, right?

In other words, the first stage may be over before the two sides fight?

After all, the stargates in the entire Sikh Empire have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt, and this will take a huge amount of time.

"No, if this is the case, there is no such thing as the first and second Maybe the third stage is already during the actual battle."

Jiang Heng frowned, and couldn't help but took out the information of the sixth prince to have a look.

He only looked at the deployment part and the general situation of the ten countries before, and there are still some later that he didn't look at in detail.

After half a stick of incense, Jiang Heng was relieved.

"No wonder Patriarch Tianshuang hastily opened the teleportation array to let us come over. It turns out that the real battle time will be fifty years later. Now it is considered as the entry period. It is a bit interesting. Isn't this a soldier who pays attention to speed during the entry period?" What!"

Jiang Heng carefully considered the terms of the entry period and the official battle period.

First, the entry period lasts for fifty years. During this period, the central area of ​​the Nesik Empire is a no-man's land, and any anchor points are deployed here in advance.

This also means that the maneuverability during the admission period is actually very strong. If you rush to the designated garrison area in advance during this period, the correct operation should be to divide the troops into two groups and leave a part to garrison the designated area.

These left-behind troops are mainly used to build a defensive circle and create a resource mining circle, and begin to quickly accumulate resources in the stationed area.

In addition, it is necessary to separate a part of the exploration force, rush directly to the central area, and start to deploy there in advance.

This deployment is mainly to open the star gate connecting the central area in advance during the admission period.

After all, the Central District is the gateway for the Eastern District and the Southern District to kill the Western District and the Northern District. This is the so-called battleground for military strategists! Whoever occupies this place in advance will occupy the dominance of the early stage of the war!

Clause 2. It is not completely forbidden to fight during the admission period. Wars can also occur, but only for the confrontation between the domain master and the domain master. The demigods are not allowed to set foot in the central area before the battle period.

This also means that the admission period is the gap period for the battle to determine whether you can quickly take the lead during the battle.

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