Master of Fist

Chapter 702: Terror on the Avenue of Time

Latest URL: "I never thought you could invite this one!"

Ancestor Tianshuang sighed and couldn't believe it.

Jian Wushen rose two to three hundred thousand years ago. It can be said that when his ancestor Tianshuang was at his peak, Jian Wushen was probably just a meager swordsman.

However, during the hundreds of thousands of years he was lingering on, the opponent first stepped into the domain master with his body, and then painstakingly stayed at the domain master level until near the end of his life, painstakingly studying the way of swordsmanship that he had practiced since he was a child.

Step into the demigod in one fell swoop by opening up the avenue of the sword!

Throughout the ages, Jian Wushen is the first person to open the way, enter the way with the sword and open the way with the sword!

Just for this point, this young junior has already surpassed countless seniors.

In the eyes of Tianshuang's ancestor, in fact, this junior's real talent is no worse than Martial God, or even worse.

After all, although the Martial God is strong, on the one hand, it is because of his fighting will and the development and use of many secret arts in martial arts;

In comparison, Jian Wushen's kendo is still very weak. He is a pioneer, but also because he is a pioneer, there is no reference for every breakthrough. There is no so-called avenue to swallow, only he takes one step at a time, moving forward with his comprehension, talent and perseverance.

Of course, the advantage is that as long as this person keeps going like this, becoming a **** in the future is inevitable, but this process may be extremely difficult.

Now it is only the eighth level, the ninth level is a threshold, the achievement of a false **** is another threshold, and the true **** after the false **** is an unimaginably huge threshold.

"It's just that this old man can't figure it out. It is said that Jian Wushen has devoted his whole life to studying the way of swordsmanship. If he wants to seek others' way, he doesn't need these things. How did you invite him?" Patriarch Tianshuang was still extremely confused.

"Hey, Jian Wushen certainly doesn't need other people's way of life, but the sword he needs needs to be fought with people. Only by fighting constantly can he deepen his understanding. Only in this way can he improve. Of course, even so, he has no reason to get involved. And He is the overlord who dominates one side, and he does not want to fight against the super overlord of one of the three major powers in the universe, such as the Temple of the Gods."

"Then how did you convince him?" Patriarch Tianshuang felt that the boy Lei Tian had changed over the years and became more and more annoying to people. Who did he learn this trick?

"It's just that when I visited him that day, he was worried about the speed of the sword. I asked what was the problem with the speed of the sword, and he said that my sword was so fast that the seventh level would be decapitated before it was noticed. But since he was promoted to the eighth level, he felt that the speed of killing swords with the same level could not keep up.

And I used this to give him an opinion! "


Fuck what's your opinion! I am so anxious!

Patriarch Tianshuang's old face turned red. Due to his injuries, he knew he couldn't beat Thunderstorm, so he thought that if he recovered from his injuries, he would beat him hard.

"Ahem!" Ancestor Tianshuang had no choice but to cough lightly to express his urging.

"I said that there is a way to quickly solve this problem. Since the world is talking about speed, it is actually time! Manipulating time also controls speed!

So I suggested, why not take a demigod for a while to sacrifice his natal sword? With the blessing of Time Dao Rules, why should his sword worry about speed? A sword flying out of his sword can even instantly kill a strong enemy! "

"That's it?" Ancestor Tianshuang was a little emotional, and he didn't know whether to admire this kid's good brains, or to admire Jian Wushen for being so easy to be fooled.

"!" Lei Feng nodded, and then said in embarrassment: "Now I don't know if Senior Jian Wushen can hold back that demigod of time."

Hearing this, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't help but fell silent.

Jian Wushen is indeed very strong, but it is strong on the physical level, but time...

"It's hard to say, tens of thousands of years ago, this old man dealt with a demigod of time. To be honest, it's a bit weird!" Patriarch Tianshuang thought for a while.

Thinking back carefully, although he was slightly better that time, it was very strange, because that person should have been seriously injured not long ago. He was just about to flee from the Tianshuang Empire, but he found out that he made a blow from the sky. .

It's just that he didn't even know when the other party sneaked into the empire, or even what he did.

That air-to-air confrontation was a bit weird.

"Oh?" The thunderstorm on the side was a little curious. Not long ago, he had seen that high-level demigod of time use a big method to freeze time in an area in the air, almost restraining dozens of demigods on a large scale. This method has already been called It was terrifying, after all, restraining so many people at one time was also the main reason that directly led to the instant destruction of the gods of the Hundred Kingdoms.

But Thunderstorm doesn't think this method is so weird, it can only be said to be powerful.

However, Patriarch Tianshuang paused this time, which made Thunderstorm a little dumbfounded, thinking why do you stop talking halfway?

Ancestor Tianshuang on the side was secretly happy, and said to let you have a taste of what it's like to be forced to betray you.

"Ahem, it's strange to say that that day I confronted that person across the air, and you also know that my body has deteriorated day by day in the past hundreds of thousands of years, and I was just trying to frighten him.

In the end, I didn't expect that he was already injured, and he thought that I wanted to take the opportunity to seriously injure him, so I shot with all my strength. Now I feel that time is frozen, but it's okay and I can bear it, but then the other party completely disappeared from my perception.

right! Disappeared completely, as if disappeared from this world in an instant. "

Hearing this, Thunderstorm's expression froze.

Ancestor Tianshuang continued with a solemn expression: "I thought it was some kind of clever seclusion method of the other party, but suddenly a memory appeared in my mind. In my memory, this person suddenly appeared and attacked me three years ago. He narrowly blocked the opponent's blow, and then the opponent disappeared again.

I remember very clearly that this memory did not exist before the fight with this person, but during the time when the opponent disappeared during the fight with this person, this memory also appeared inexplicably.

If only that's the case. After this memory appeared, the other party appeared in front of me again, and his condition seemed to be even worse.

It's just that with this inexplicable memory, I hesitated to take action easily, but I didn't dare to let this person go easily.

I wanted to hold a stalemate for a while and then carefully ask why this person suddenly appeared in my Tianshuang territory, and ask the reason, since this person's methods are treacherous, I don't want to offend him to death.


Speaking of this, Patriarch Tianshuang sighed, flicking his sleeves, a set of tables and chairs appeared in front of him, and there was a cup of tea on it, and he stopped to drink tea slowly.

"What's going on next?" Thunderstorm was a little anxious. What the ancestor Tianshuang said was so mysterious, he was very curious. But why did it stop at a critical moment?

Hearing that the corners of Tianshuang's ancestors raised their lips, it turns out that it's so satisfying?

He found out that it was fun to play later.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Patriarch Tianshuang rubbed his brows and recalled that memory again, recalling that memory carefully, he really felt creepy.

If that person hadn't been seriously injured that day, maybe he would have fallen into that person's hands.

"It's just that I didn't expect that this person seemed to believe that I was going to take advantage of others. He directly burned his divine power and then I saw a strange scene..."


You said it!


Thunderbolt was dumb, this old boy was fine before, what happened now?

"I just watched him tear a tunnel into the void, and I know that it is not a space channel or opening other dimensions, but time!

I felt the power of time in that tunnel, but the time in the tunnel is different from the outside world. It is thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years later.

It doesn't make sense, it's just an inexplicable feeling.

Walking out of that tunnel, an identical him came out. The figure of that him was illusory, his face and body were exactly the same, but his aura was completely different. It seemed to be him in his heyday.

The phantom of him in that heyday merged with him at that time, and then he burst out with extremely strong strength in an instant, defeating me with just one blow.

It's just that after the blow, the phantom of the opponent who merged with him seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and was forced to separate, and then was forcibly sucked away by the tunnel and disappeared.

It can be seen that after realizing that move, I didn't dare to make another move, but the move just now made my injury worse again, so I had to watch him run away without even asking who his name was. Now that I think about it, if I meet the demigod of Time One again, I don't want to fight with him even if he is one level lower than me. "

Patriarch Tianshuang shook his head and smiled wryly, without him, there were too many means together, and they were extremely treacherous.

The thunderstorm on the side looked thoughtful after listening.

"So, senior, the person you met showed time stagnation just by means, and he traveled through time and space to attack you in the past. He even captured the future himself to temporarily increase his combat power?!"

Thunderstorm spoke in detail, and he felt a little horrified just by saying that.

From this point of view, time together is really scary!

"That's right! Time is worthy of being one of the most powerful ways in the universe, and I feel that if the person hadn't been injured too badly that day, I'm afraid the other party would have killed me with ease."

Patriarch Tianshuang sipped his tea, he still had that inexplicable memory in his mind.

The other party just shuttled back and attacked him three years ago. Fortunately, the other party was still seriously injured when he shuttled past, so even if he sneaked up on him, he didn't get any benefits.

But what if he travels back to 800,000 years ago when he was just a fledgling superior or even the master of the galaxy?

Is it as easy for the other party to crush him to death as crushing an ant?

As for the method of catching the future body and integrating it into himself to improve his strength, Patriarch Tianshuang felt a headache. At that time, he could see clearly that if the opponent's injury was not serious, the opponent's body and the future body would never be separated easily, and the battle time would be extremely short many.

This is equivalent to being able to temporarily restore one's own strength with full blood at any time.

At this time, seeing the serious face of Tianshuang's ancestor, Lei Feng thought for a while and forced a smile to comfort him: "If you think about it, there is no need to be so afraid.

In my opinion, this way is strong, but it will not be strong without scruples. It's like he travels to attack you, but why can he only travel three years later?

Of course, this may be due to the other party's severe injuries, but can it really travel tens of thousands of years or even tens of millions of years ago in one breath? If this is the case, that low-level time demigod can easily slaughter the true god! "

This remark made Tianshuang Patriarch's eyes brighten, and he couldn't help nodding.

indeed so.

"You're right. Thinking about how long it takes to travel here, there are many things to do with it, such as the gap between the past strength of the shuttle opponent and your own strength, as well as the strength of the caster."

It's like a sixth-order time demigod trying to travel through the past of a seventh-order demigod of other avenues. The difficulty is extremely difficult, and the length of time that can be traveled through is not too long.

"Also, I don't think the so-called method of grabbing the future body and increasing one's own body is not so powerful. There must be many restrictions. Of course, I don't need to consider these. Since Senior Jian Wushen made the move, I can leave it to him with confidence. Although Jian Wushen has just stepped into the eighth stage, his combat power should not be underestimated, not to mention the time demigod who killed him, but it may not be easy for that time demigod to kill him instantly."

Thunderbolt waved his hand, and he brought all his helpers here. Naturally, this tough bone must be handed over to this person. Could it be that they still have to face a terrifying eighth-order time demigod? Courting death is not so dead.

"Well, that's the only way to go! Then can you tell me what you want to do next? Repel the powerhouses of Bayu and the temples and then seek refuge in Jianyu?"

"It's about being self-reliant. Besides, Jian Wushen is very arrogant, and I don't even bother to join him. But after I defeat Ba Yu and others, I can move to the side of Jian Yu, and use the Jian Yu Jian Wushen card. The tiger skin will protect you for a while."

"But after temporarily repelling Hegemony, what if those guys keep chasing after him?" Patriarch Tianshuang asked back. He had to ask all the key points for such a big matter, otherwise, if something happened in any small link, it would affect the whole body.

"Oh, there is no need to think about it. The one who should be troubled should be the beast **** Wanliji! Don't forget, we are going to move to the Sword Realm this time, and this is the biggest force between this place and the Sword Realm.

Since this Beast God is unwilling to make a move, let them watch the door for me! "Thunderstorm laughed straight, with a strong sense of conspiracy.

Ancestor Tianshuang nodded a little when he heard this, and secretly cursed in his heart, guessing that Wan Liji, the beast god, had thrown Thunderstorm's ancestral grave in his early years. Otherwise, what kind of enmity is this?

The two chatted for a and agreed that each of them would recover to their peak state in one or two hundred years, and the plan would start when the Ten Kingdoms War started two hundred years later!

After negotiating everything, Lei Feng left this ball of life essence, and he himself only took one-tenth of it as agreed and left.

Looking at the ball of light floating in mid-air exuding the surging breath of life, the ancestor Tianshuang's heart was surging.

At this moment, even before he touched this thing, he felt that the injuries in his body were being suppressed, and his old, haggard and pale face turned rosy visible to the naked eye.

And these dissipated tiny life essences also caused the vegetation in this cave to skyrocket continuously in a short period of time, and the grass seemed to be rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Restore strength? I didn't expect that I still have today..."

The tone was ethereal and a little trance, and the patriarch Tianshuang took a deep breath for a while, his eyes glowed unprecedentedly, he wanted to devour the essence of life as soon as possible, every second and every breath of this thing was wasting the essence of it.

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