Master of Fist

Chapter 701: flip table plan

Latest URL: Indeed, the Great Zhou Empire has an intelligence agency, and the intelligence acquisition capabilities of this kind of intelligence agency are absolutely terrifying.

This time, even though the actions of the Hegemony Star Alliance were extremely swift and covert, how could Da Zhou not have placed an eyeliner in a subsidiary force like the Hundred Nations Alliance.

No matter how small Ba Yu's actions were this time, dozens of demigods were killed at one time, such news would never be concealed.

The fall of even one demigod level can cause considerable fluctuations in an ordinary galaxy, but this time the fall of dozens of demigods, at least the place where the dozens of demigods fell before has affected more than half of the super galaxy cluster.

What's more, there is also a middle peak demigod who blew himself up, and the momentum caused by it is enough to cover a super galaxy cluster area.

At least Patriarch Tianshuang can be sure that the super galaxy cluster ruled by Gu Yang has caused a complete sensation, because that's where the meeting was held.

It is impossible to hide it, and the demigod powerhouse self-destructs so densely, it is conceivable that the distorted force spreading out will completely affect the entire super galaxy cluster living beings. This effect will completely change the bloodline of these creatures.

It is conceivable that more than 50% of the creatures will completely become deformed monsters that only know the killing instinct, and another 30% will become some beasts with chaotic consciousness. This may bring them unexpected gifts, but it also leaves them with a huge lack of rationality.

If you want to completely restore your rationality, there may only be less than half of the two percent. These people will open up their own path of cultivation. When they step into the upper level or even the level of the master of the galaxy, they may gradually regain their rationality .

Afterwards, the deformed offspring they reproduced became a new race, but the animal nature was still dominant when they were young, and they would only regain their sanity when they grew up.

Just like the orcs in the Jiangheng Milky Way Galaxy, it took tens of thousands of years to transform from the orcs with the majority of animal nature to the orcs with the majority of rationality today.

Even so, the bloodthirsty nature still remains as a whole, which is not critical, what is really critical is that their upper limit has been fixed.

In any case, even if this kind of group devours all the same kind, it is impossible to give birth to a median demigod, because Gu Yang is only a median demigod, and his upper limit determines the upper limit of the group he evolves after self-destructing.

Similarly, this kind of existence is difficult to improve through practice, the fastest way is only the same origin and the same race!

Moreover, the demigod avenues that fell this time were all swallowed up, and they couldn't pass through the one who fell in the Milky Way back then. At that time the one in the galaxy was the demigod of space, and the enemy was the demigod of time.

The two are no longer the same avenue at all, so the power of the avenue and the power of distortion after the death of the Milky Way have become the background of the orcs.

As for the fall of dozens of demigods this time, it stands to reason that even if the upper limit of the distorted ethnic group is dead, the overall potential is very high. After all, there are too many fallen demigods.

However, this is not the case. The avenue is devoured, and without the avenue, these deformed creatures will only be ordinary deformed beasts. Even a little bit of rationality is just a little rational beast. Completely useless.

According to the rules of the avenue, when demigods generally fall, most of the power of the avenue returns to the avenue of the universe, and a small part evolves into creatures with the power of distortion.

Of course, there are several types, and there are also demigods who will voluntarily integrate all the avenues into the universe. The advantage of this is that the power of distortion will return to heaven and earth together, and no deformed creatures will be left behind.

In addition, being killed by someone, Dao was forced to be swallowed, so that half of the power of distortion was also swallowed by the opponent, and half escaped from the nearby starry sky, which was equivalent to radiation affecting deformed creatures.

This time it belongs to that category.

"So you think the Great Zhou Empire has declined and you want to seek refuge in the temples?" Listening to Lei Tianshuang's narration, Patriarch Tianshuang frowned.

"Hey! Wait, your kid's body has been injured? The avatar seems to be unable to maintain it?"

At this time, Patriarch Tianshuang found that the avatar in front of him was a little illusory and unstable. He thought it was strange before, but now it seems that there is really something wrong.

"It's that guy Gu Yang. When he dies, he wants to hold this seat on his back, but it's also like my plan. I'm dead in the eyes of the Bayu group. Otherwise, I won't have a chance to meet senior!" Thunderstorm incarnate With a wry smile.

Hearing this, Tianshuang Patriarch's face was solemn, and at this moment he believed that the other party was not completely working for the Temple of Gods.

"What the **** are you trying to do?"

Thunderstorm pondered for a moment, and then a haughty look appeared on his face: "Stand on your own!"

"You're crazy!"

Patriarch Tianshuang's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. Now he doubted his ears.

If it is said that the Temple of the Gods has not settled in the Hegemony Star Alliance, he still feels that what the other party said is so possible. Now there is an eighth-rank high-ranking demigod secretly dispatched by the Temple of the Gods, and he dares to stand on his own. portal?

"Are you crazy? Not to mention that you have suffered a lot of injuries now, even if you recover from your injuries by swallowing Guyang Dao, you can break through to the seventh-order high-ranking demigod! Then do you know the gap between the seventh-order and eighth-order?"

You must know that there is a huge difference between the seventh and eighth ranks. An eighth rank demigod can't compete with it without four or five seventh rank demigods fighting to the death or even playing all their cards.

Of course, this is only because among these seventh-level demigods, there is an old seventh-level demigod who acts as a pioneer to undertake most of the eighth-level demigod methods.

"I'm not crazy!"

Thunderstorm roared, but his face was full of madness at the moment, making it hard to believe what he said at the moment.

The next moment he didn't wait for Tianshuang Patriarch to refute, he turned over a ball of white light and appeared in his hand.

Seeing this thing, Patriarch Tianshuang was slightly startled, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, gradually his eyes became dignified, and finally he was a little shocked.

"This...this is..." Patriarch Tianshuang's voice trembled.

"Not bad! This is a drop of life essence condensed by a high-ranking demigod of life!"


Hearing the thunderstorm's affirmative words, Patriarch Tianshuang only felt a roar in his brain.

"This... where did you come from for such a treasure?"

"Heh! It's just my reward for serving the Hegemony to destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance. At that time, they asked me what I wanted, and I only asked for this!" Thunderstorm grinned lightly.

"Since the temples of the gods have set their sights on the Hundred Nations Alliance, the Hundred Nations Alliance will inevitably be destroyed. If so, why not seek some benefits?"

At this time, Patriarch Tianshuang didn't refute Thunderstorm anymore, because he also thought clearly now.

Since the Temple of the Gods had a conspiracy this time, even if the Hundred Nations Alliance knew the inside story in advance and asked the Great Zhou Empire for help, everything was developing for the best, and the Great Zhou Empire sent heavy troops over.

After the incident becomes serious, there will either be a war between the two sides, or one side will calm down, but no matter what, the Hundred Nations Alliance, which is the main battlefield, will suffer heavy losses.

After all, such a contest between the three major forces in the universe will inevitably affect the whole body, and the scale cannot be small.

At that time, the fate of the gods of the Hundred Nations Alliance will definitely be the vanguard of the Great Zhou, and the casualties are estimated to be no less than the demigods who were destroyed this time.

After thinking about it, Patriarch Tianshuang sighed, "Perhaps you are right. This may be the best way!"

"Oh! Senior! We don't have a high-ranking demigod in the Hundred Nations Alliance. If there is a high-ranking demigod, the result will be different! Having a high-ranking demigod sitting in charge is a huge bargaining chip that no one will give up easily.

As for now, I think even if they ask Da Zhou for help in advance, maybe they won't pay too much attention to it, they dare not start a war with the temples now! "Thunderstorm shook his head with a sad look on his face.

This may be helpless, even if you cultivate to a demigod, if you are not a high-ranking demigod, you are just a discarded child.

"Then what are your plans now?" Tianshuanghuang said in a deep voice.

"Of course, let senior recover from his injuries first! Senior, you have always regarded yourself as a low-ranking demigod for so many years, hehe, it's ridiculous that Gu Yang and the group really treat you as a low-ranking demigod, and dare to let you play in the Ten Kingdoms War!"

"Are you recovering?"

Hearing this once extremely distant word, Patriarch Tianshuang felt as if it had been a lifetime away.

He never dared to think about it before, but now...

Looking at the ball of white light in Thunderstorm's hand, it exudes an extremely majestic life force, which is terrifying enough to drive a middle-level demigod crazy.

But even though his heart was extremely hot, Patriarch Tianshuang thought for a while and shook his head with a wry smile: "Forget it, so what if the old man recovers from his injuries, but he's just a sixth-rank demigod, and it's a waste if he doesn't recover from a high position. You should use it, Recover from the injury as soon as possible, and then step into a high position with the help of Gu Yang Dao."

Hearing this, Thunderstorm shook his head, "This thing was originally asked for by the master. Your mid-level demigod is not simple at all. I still want the master to block a few demigods of the same rank as the sixth rank!"

Thunderstorm is very clear about how terrible this person was back then. The extreme freezing under the Frost Avenue even made the avenue feel stagnant and frozen. This is not only the background, but also an extreme development and application of this avenue.

It's not that there will be no difference in strength after comprehending the Dao, in fact, the same level is also very different.

For example, today's mainstream physical avenue practitioners are even more polarized. Powerful physical body secret arts emerge in an endless stream. Once they make a move, they can connect the power of the entire galaxy and even the super galaxy cluster nearby. With the help of the power of the stars, they can perform far beyond their peers. combat power.

The weak simply use the power of the physical body, at most use the ordinary martial arts of the law to make the physical body huge, seemingly crushing everything, but in fact they are extremely stupid,

"Then what are you going to do? And even if I recover from my injuries, an eighth-rank demigod..." The thought of having an eighth-rank high-ranking demigod gave Patriarch Tianshuang a headache.

That is simply a hopeless existence.

"My side is alright. I was prepared to feign death to get away, and the injury is not serious. I only take one-tenth of these life essences to recover from the injury. In addition, my Thunderbolt originally had the shadow of Gu Yang, devouring him I won’t reject the Dao too much, it doesn’t need thousands of years, it only needs one or two hundred years.” Lei Tian smiled confidently.

"But it's still not enough!" Patriarch Tianshuang sighed.

If everything is predicting in the best direction, even if no one in the Hegemony Star Alliance can fully digest this devouring avenue and give birth to a seventh-order high-ranking demigod within two hundred years. But an eighth-rank high-ranking demigod is still suffocating in despair.

"Heh! I've already found an opponent for that eighth-rank demigod!" Thunderstorm suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Adversary?" Hearing this, Tianshuang Patriarch was startled, and thought about it carefully, since all of this is within the opponent's calculation, maybe he really has a plan.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't help feeling a little interested.

"Who? Could it be that a certain prince from the Great Zhou Empire entered the arena secretly?"

"Lord Hou? Of course not. Now is the time for me to get rid of the Great Zhou Empire. Since the Great Zhou Empire has ignored this place, the Great Zhou Empire is no longer worth relying on!"

Thunderstorm shook his head, he felt a little bit resentful towards the Great Zhou Empire.

Although Martial God, the number one person in the world, is indeed worthy of admiration, he is very displeased with the other bureaucrats of the Great Zhou Empire, and this is even more so with the current decline of the Great Zhou Empire.

"Then who is it?" Patriarch Tianshuang thought carefully about some well-known medium-sized forces near the Hundred Nations Alliance.

"Could it be the beast **** Wanliji?"

Beast God Wan Liji is a medium-sized force that is two or three small forces away from the Hundred Nations Alliance, and belongs to the nearest high-ranking seventh-order peak demigod medium-sized force.

It is said that it is a medium-sized force that is not attached to any force. Its subordinates include nearly a thousand super galaxy clusters, and it belongs to a force that far surpasses the Alliance of Hundred Nations.

After Tianshuang's ancestor finished speaking, he still rambled on: "Although the Beast God is an old-fashioned seventh-level demigod, he is a fake eighth-level demigod with half a foot on the eighth level, but after all, he is still not an eighth-level demigod. How is this?" To be able to compete with an eighth-level demigod, it means that several seventh-level demigods will have to fill the vacancy.

What's more, I heard you say that the eighth-level statue of the Temple of the Gods is also one of the strongest avenues among the many avenues. The demigod of time is even more..."

The ancestor Tianshuang didn't say anything, but the facts are already very clear.

Beast God Wan Liji is an old neighbor, and he even had the honor to visit him in his early peak years. According to his heart, he is a barbarian with a brain full of muscles.

It is said that the strength is indeed very powerful. It was already terrifyingly strong hundreds of thousands of years ago. With his powerful physical talent, Wan Liji, the beast god, can be regarded as the seventh-level first-class level, but in the end it is still the seventh-level.

"Hey! I didn't say it was this one! Besides, this one has no benefit!" Thunderstorm shook his head.

"Then who is it?" Patriarch Tianshuang was almost driven crazy by this former apprentice, is he acting like this again?

Seeing that Tianshuang's ancestor had indeed reached the point where he could be caught and disturbed, Lei Tian smiled and no longer concealed his smile: "The one who is the master of the sword domain!"

"Sword Wushen!!!"

Patriarch Tianshuang's eyes widened, and he murmured, "Will all the gods fall under the sword?"

"It's this senior!"

Lei Tian laughed, the reason why his master was so shocked was because he was so famous.

Sword Wushen!

There is no **** under the sword!

One person monopolizes one The Dao of the Sword, although not a true god, is famous at the eighth level.

And according to the laws of the great way of the universe, one can become a true **** by monopolizing one, and even some great ways are generous, let alone occupying only a small half of it to become a god.

As for why this person is only at the eighth level, it is not that the avenue is missing, but that he is the first excavator and pioneer of this avenue.

Those who become gods are not because their talents are better than Jian Wushen, but because of the avenues opened up by those ancient gods in ancient times, and the latecomers are just following the roads opened up by them.

As for the Dao of the Sword, there were no ancient gods with this Dao in ancient times, only this one rose later, and he was not the first batch of creatures like the ancient gods.

Those ancient gods may have originally been part of a single avenue, and it was extremely easy to open up their own avenue.

Nowadays, it can be said that most of the known avenues in the world are like this, only the avenue of the sword, only he has no sword!


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