Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: eve of catastrophe

Isn't it just apprenticeship? Jiang Heng is familiar with this.

There are already two masters, and it seems nothing to add one more.

"It is reasonable to say that I need to be given a number to accept disciples, but now after so many years, the Wuji Dao Tianzong no longer exists, so let's keep everything simple."

"Don't feel bad about having a dead man like me as your teacher. Although being a teacher in ancient times was not invincible in the world, he was also one of the few top masters in the world."

Speaking of this, the Lord of Time and Space is quite proud.

Jiang Heng is really curious, what can these three masters do for him?

"My teacher has a supernatural power called Lanke Yimeng! This supernatural power can allow others to enter the Tao through dreams and experience countless reincarnations, either sinking in reincarnation or breaking free in reincarnation. Anyone who breaks free from my Lanke Yimeng will definitely be able to step on Entering a high position will also have great benefits for stepping into the true **** level in the future."

I have to say that if the supernatural power mentioned by the Lord of Time and Space really has such an effect, it is really an extremely rare opportunity in this world.

"I'm afraid this supernatural power is not a small risk. If you sink in the cycle of reincarnation, will it mean your body dies and your dao disappears?" Jiang Heng pondered.

"It's natural, everything has risks, if you can't even overcome this risk, how can you go further?

Don't think that you can sit back and relax if you become a true **** and have endless lifespan.

Little did they know that even the Primordial God, who always thought that he had the infinite lifespan of the universe and the strongest power in this world, had reached the end of the late ancient times.

During this period of time, if their lifespan had not experienced catastrophe, they might still have the same lifespan as the universe, but their combat power was not like that.

At the end of the later period, the strength of the original **** has been chased by many acquired gods, such as being a teacher is the best example.

Back then when he was still in his infancy as a teacher, the Primordial God had always been the most powerful existence in this world.

At that time, the original **** was the only god, which was why the ancient council was so arrogant.

It's just that there are still a few original gods who are as diligent and determined as the mother god, so there are only a few original gods such as the mother **** who have cultivated Neijingtian.

As a teacher, he has also cultivated Nei Jingtian, so he has the combat power to overwhelm the original god.

The original gods are indeed the darlings of this world, they are the first batch of gods born with consciousness in the world, and they are born at the level of true gods. The owner possesses unimaginable talent and extremely solid foundation for acquired cultivators.

But they wasted their talent and time in vain, so that after the Neijingtian powerhouse appeared, the council of the ancients even fell to the last place among the four major forces. "

The Lord of Time and Space was very earnest when he said these words, and it could be seen that he was sincerely reminding Jiang Heng.

"I know, martial art rewards hard work. Although these natural gods have powerful talents and endless lifespan, if they don't know how to make progress, they will still be lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the face of doom."

Jiang Heng nodded his head in agreement. Seeing that the Master of Time and Space was very satisfied, he thought that his apprentice must understand what he meant.

Just when he was about to continue his follow-up speech, Jiang Heng spoke again.

"But Master, even if you study hard and practice hard, won't you be powerless in the end in the face of calamity?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Time and Space was silent for a long time.

He found that he still underestimated this good apprentice.

"Ahem, what do you know? If it hadn't been for a strong Neijingtian like Ru Weishi to stand up back then, do you think there will be an era for you to survive in the future? I am afraid that the end of the ancient era will really end completely. The source of the world It has long been stolen by those damned outsiders, and by then this world will be completely reduced to a dead zone!"

The master of time and space was very annoyed, he really thought that the calamity of the year was just talk if he didn't show this apprentice.

"Hmph! What kind of powerful enemy do you think the ancient gods faced as a teacher? Do you think it's as simple as a group of outsiders and true gods entering this world?

Let me show you as a teacher today! "

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng felt that the field of vision in front of him quickly plunged into darkness. When the field of vision returned to light again, he found that he was already suspended above a sea of ​​clouds. Looking down, he suddenly found that he was floating above the Tianzong Sect of Wuji Dao place.

Below is the vast sea of ​​clouds and the top of the Zongmen mountain looming in the sea of ​​clouds, and from time to time you can see streaks of light moving between the tops of the mountain.

Occasionally, giant flying boats can be seen slowly rising into the sky.

These giant airships are very large, not much worse than the medium-sized starships of later generations, and the surface is full of precious light, with countless inscriptions flashing. It can be seen that the surface of such an airship is engraved with dense and powerful patterns.

"This was three days before the catastrophe came. Now it seems that everything is calm, and my Wuji Dao Tianzong is still preparing for the next Shenting competition.

The Shenting Grand Competition is the biggest event organized by my Shenting every million years. Every walker, **** general, venerable and even **** emperor will send the most powerful and elite disciples of their respective sects of the kingdom of God to compete for the best side, and the winner will receive the huge cultivation resources bestowed by the entire **** court .

But none of the people below could have imagined that a disaster was brewing at this time. "

The voice of the Lord of Time and Space rang in Jiang Heng's mind, and Jiang Heng realized that he was sharing the perspective of the Lord of Time and Space back then.

The scene in front of him changed slightly, the Lord of Time and Space lightly touched the void in front of him, and his figure quickly escaped into it.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared in a magnificent and huge palace. This palace was extremely huge, like a giant's palace, with no walls around it, just a few extremely huge pillars reaching the sky. And outside the pillars are the sky full of stars and the brilliant galaxy, which seems to be a viewing point where you can perfectly enjoy the most wonderful scenery in the universe.

"This is where the Divine Court is located, and this is the last Divine Court Conference that I participated in that year as a teacher!"

The Lord of Time and Space said somewhat bleakly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was slightly solemn, and quickly glanced around, and found that many people were already standing here.

Some of these people are wearing armor, some are wearing robes, there are men and women, and each race seems to be different.

Just like Jiang Heng saw a **** with a dog's head and a human body. This person was as huge as a hundred meters. Standing beside the Lord of Time and Space who was only maintaining his normal state, it was like a giant spirit **** looking down on the Lord of Time and Space.

But this **** seems to be very respectful towards the Lord of Time and Space.

"This person is Tsunami Walker." The voice of the Lord of Time and Space sounded at the right time.

Jiang Heng knew that Xing Zhe represented the lower-level true **** in the divine court and belonged to the lower-level personnel.

Soon the picture changed again, and it could be seen that the Lord of Time and Space had not moved much, but the surrounding gods came over to say hello enthusiastically.

Such as the **** general walker, came over to say hello very politely. It is not surprising that the Master of Time and Space ranks among the four great generals in the Divine Court.

"Although my teacher was only a **** general back then, he can be called a venerable in terms of cultivation and strength, and is almost at the same level as the top powerhouses like the Mother Goddess."

Jiang Heng did not refute what the Lord of Time and Space said.

Mastering time and space, and cultivating Nei Jingtian is a super-first-line existence anyway.

According to the description of the Lord of Time and Space, if he is also the original god, then he is definitely the strongest **** at that time.

However, if he cultivated Neijingtian at the same time, he would still be a little behind the Primordial God of the same level.

It's not the difference in the law and cultivation, but in the foundation itself.

The body of the original **** is far superior to those of them who have been cultivated the day after tomorrow, and they are not afraid of most conventional methods of restraint, and are extremely favored by the universe. It is very troublesome to kill an original god, especially one who has cultivated Neijingtian.

It is also because of this that the Lord of Time and Space is the strongest among the Acquired True Gods, but second only to the few Primordial Gods who have cultivated Neijingtian.

The gods walked in front of Jiang Heng one by one in the field of vision, and after about a few minutes, a ray of light slowly emerged on the innermost seat, which gradually turned into a human figure, and finally the ray was introverted, revealing a whole body. There are stalwart men with volatile lights.

This person is tall and tall, wearing a platinum battle armor, with dozens of halos flashing behind him.

"Cultivate the power of dozens of laws at the same time?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng couldn't help exclaiming.

"That's right! This is His Majesty the God Emperor, the Lord of the Divine Court, the leader of one of the four major forces, and one of the top few powerhouses at that time."

The Lord of Time and Space said slowly, with a touch of respect in his words.

"Master, did you also practice multiple laws at the same time?" Jiang Heng was still shocked.

"That's right! I have also cultivated a thousand laws as a teacher, and I was lucky enough to open up the Neijingtian."

"Then the master should have more than the **** emperor, why..."

"Hehe, what am I? The more laws I practice, the stronger I am, and the only time and space I have cultivated in a thousand laws is to step into the true **** level. This also means that I have only truly mastered two great ways. , and the others I just practiced part-time for the purpose of opening up the Inner Sedum.”

The Lord of Time and Space sneered, "Those who opened up the Inner Sedum are all like me. After all, no one has so much time and energy to truly and completely master a thousand avenues. If you want to truly master so many avenues To a certain extent, at least it will take countless years.

Even if the talent is as strong as the **** emperor, it is in vain.

The talent of His Majesty the God Emperor was definitely the strongest group at that time. He was originally the original god. He had a very high talent, coupled with extremely hard work and hard work, he mastered 23 complete avenues at the same time.

At the same time, it has also completed the Inner Sedum! With a cultivation level like the God Emperor's, even five masters combined would not be enough to kill him! "

The Lord of Time and Space said with emotion.

Jiang Heng couldn't help swallowing his mouth and spit, thinking that the power in ancient times was so terrifying?

At the same time mastering twenty-three complete avenues, if they are separated, it will be the combination of twenty-three true gods.

"Don't be surprised.

In our time, there were not a few people who mastered multiple laws at the same time. It is relatively rare for a teacher to master two complete avenues. But there is nothing to do, time and space are too profound, far from being comparable to ordinary laws, and it is even more difficult to comprehend.

For example, the Mother Goddess mastered eleven avenues at the same time. The other three venerables also mastered about five to eight avenues respectively, and they were all powerful gods.

Another example is the leader of the Temple of Stars, and the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars is the master of the inner Jingtian powerhouse who has mastered the twenty-two complete avenues. The leader of the Council of the Elders has mastered one hundred and three avenues. Although he is not a strong Neijingtian, his strength in mastering so many avenues is not inferior to the other leaders.

To say that the most unique ones are those guys from the All Things Return to the Source Society. These people only practice the way of the flesh body, so they only master the way of the flesh body.

But the strength is extremely powerful, mainly because the Tao of the physical body is the strongest and most important way in our universe.

All the avenues in this world come from the way of the flesh. It's not that all the laws come from the Tao of the flesh, it's just that the most powerful person who opened up this world at the beginning majored in the Tao of the flesh.

This also made me guess that it is not true that the more you cultivate the Dao of Laws, the better. In fact, even if it is a single Dao, there is still a long, long way to develop and advance in the future.

Opening up the Inner Sedum for the teacher with two avenues, and one avenue for the most powerful person is enough, which also shows that even a professional can walk out a road to reach the sky.

It's far away, in short, those guys from the Return of Everything are not weak at all. It is said that they had a crazy idea, that is to completely occupy the entire avenue.

Completely grasp the Dao that the strongest man left in this world.

They believed that as long as they mastered the complete avenue of that supreme being, they would have a chance to reach the sky-reaching cultivation level of that supreme Speaking of this, the Lord of Time and Space paused for a moment, then chuckled lightly and said: "To tell you the truth, sometimes even my teacher thinks their idea makes sense."

"But it's quite ridiculous when you think about it carefully. This is what the snake swallows the elephant with a lack of human heart. It's ridiculous for an ant to want to swallow a giant."

Listening to the Lord of Time and Space talking about his thoughts, Jiang Heng also noticed some changes in the situation in front of him.

With the appearance of the **** emperor, all the gods present stopped speaking and stood still in a very orderly manner.

"The catastrophe is approaching. I just went out with the three of them to have a look, and the situation is not optimistic. Three thousand auras descended, and a terrifying aura that even I couldn't see through was approaching. As expected, it was the group of The so-called detached person in the population."

It was the God Emperor who spoke, his voice was very ethereal, and there seemed to be some weakness in his voice.

As soon as this remark came out, the gods below became a little restless.

"Dijun, are you injured?" A soft and kind mother-like voice sounded in the hall.

Looking along the source of the sound, one could see a figure covered in soft and holy white light.

"This is Mother Goddess, one of the Four Great Masters." The Lord of Time and Space reminded.

A wisp of soft white smoke flew out of the white light and flew towards the emperor.

Dijun took a deep breath and directly inhaled the wisp of white smoke into his lungs.

"Thank you! I'm in a better state now." Dijun sighed, but his voice was still a little tired.

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